
wondered more and more of this Freya person after her talk with Luke. She found herself inside the Falcon, it was late.

Everyone was resting.

She entered the cockpit of the Falcon, like she would to either get away from people or try to feel connected to her father.

Amara sat down in the pilot's seat, the seat her father use to take up. She looked out the window, seeing the starry night sky.

Amara leans her head back and looked up at the ceiling.

"I have many regrets Amara, one of those is letting Freya go. I wished I fought harder to keep her close, to help her overcome her fears. But, I know I can't change the past, all I know is I can try to help you." Luke had said.

That thought had stayed with her. She knew of back in that time that there weren't many Force users left after the Jedi purge that took place literally when the Republic fell and the Empire took over. Some Jedi who did survive went into hiding, like Obi-Wan Kenobi.

But Amara never considered there was more Force users. She had always knew her grandfather was one a powerful Jedi before he became evil. She knew her uncle was a strong Jedi. She knew a little of her own mother's training.

Amara sighs.

But she never knew of Freya Koda. She wonders why.

"After the war. Despite the victory, things still needed to be done." Luke's voice echoes, "I wanted to rebuild the Jedi Order, training the next generation of Jedi. Frey, she- she wanted nothing to do with the Force."

Amara doesn't understand what could cause someone who knows they are connected to the Force to be against it.

Amara then leaned forward, her elbows resting on her knees.

"I guess I would be a hypocrite," She sighs.

Amara has her own issues to fully work out. She hasn't completely accepted her own fear to her own power, and she knows how strong she possibly can be. She fears what she can do with this strength.

"Hypocrite," A voice got her attention, "What's going on?"

Amara turns to see her man.

Poe looked exhausted. He had been out late working with the other officers in the command center and Finn with their recent set up of attacks to hopefully finish the First Order for good.

Amara watches as the pilot sits in the co-pilot seat and look at her.

"I spoke to Luke through the Force tonight." Amara says.

Poe looks at her as he rubs the back of his neck, "Oh? How did it go?"

Amara looks up, "Fine, but I'm just left with some questions." She says.

Poe kept his eyes on her, "Oh no, what is it?" He asks.

Amara glanced at him, "What?" She asks.

"Nothing, its just- usually after you have those chats with the Force spirits you're related to, you- I don't know feel like you have a lot more unanswered questions." Poe says.

Amara frowns, "I guess,"

Poe leans over and held onto her hand, "So what it is? Does it have anything to do with Ronon?" HE asks.

Amara shakes her head, "No." She says, "Not exactly. Luke told about a woman he once loved."

"Okay?" Poe asks not quite sure where it was going.

"He told me that she was connected to the Force, well is, she is still alive. He mentioned how they split apart after five years since the defeat of the Empire. Luke wanted to rebuild the Jedi Order and she- she was too afraid of what she could do." Amara says.


Poe nods, "She was a Jedi."

"I don't think so," Amara says, "Force sensitive, completely, but I doubt she had any training then."

Poe nods, "Alright."

"Luke says how he had many regrets and he wished he could've helped her overcome her fear and doesn't want the same thing to happen to me." Amara says looking up at Poe.

Poe leans over and kisses the top of her head, "He isn't the only one who feels the same. I am here for you a hundred percent." He says, "Everyone is, and that includes your brother."

Amara gives him a small smile.

Poe pulls back and looks out the window of the Falcon.

The cockpit was silent for a moment and then Amara glanced over at Poe, he seemed to be trying to remember something.

"You okay?" She asks.

"Oh yeah," Poe says, "I was trying to uh- figure out if my parents knew of this girl Luke had a thing for. If she was around during the battle on Endor, my folks might've ran into her."

Amara nods, "That's right." She says, "If it helps, Luke told me her name was Freya Koda."

"Freya?" Poe repeats, "I- I don't know if I know the name, but- but it's been a while since I heard stories of the Alliance. My dad and mom use to tell me of it when I was a kid."

Amara nods, "Me too," She says, "But both parents seemed to neglect to add Freya into the story."

Poe glanced at her, "I wonder why?"

Amara shrugs, "No idea."

Poe kept his gaze on her and watches as Amara looks away from him and toward the horizon through the window.

"But I plan to find out," Amara says.


with a startle. She was laying on the ground in the huts of the village. She sat up, next to her was a sleeping Jannah.

Jannah was completely asleep.

Rey, with her hair down, reaches for her lightsaber.

Rey stepped out of the hut, peering around to see that it was early. Really early. No one in the village had risen from their slumber.

Rey looks around for what she was sensing.

"Ben," Rey spoke softly.

But nothing.

She wasn't sensing him.


Something about it felt familiar. The energy felt familiar. The anger. The rage.

Rey turns around and ignites her yellow saber.

"Who's out there?" She spoke.

The sound of the familiar buzzing of another saber igniting can be heard in the direction she was looking at.


"My, my." A male voice spoke, "I was hoping this presence would've been Ben Solo, but instead I find the one who killed the Supreme Leader Snoke. The Jedi known as Rey."

Stepping out was none other than Ronon.

The man had a grin appear on his face.


going off on the base. Officers were rushing to the command center that early in the morning.

Amara and Poe ran through the mess to get to the control room. They got hailed by a comm link that something was happening on the planet Rey was on with Jannah and Torin.

As Amara and Poe stumbled into the command center, they are met by a distraught look on Finn's face.

"What happened?" Poe asks.

Finn doesn't look up, "They were attacked."

"What?" Poe asks, "The beings that inhabit the planet were the villagers and some animals but nothing that should be considered a threat."


Finn finally looks up, but this time at Amara.

"It was Ronon," Amara says.

Poe looks at Amara.

Finn looks away, "They got away." He frowns, "Some of the villagers they uh- they didn't make it."

Poe walks over to look over a datapad Connix hands him. Amara, meanwhile, hugs her arms around herself.

"They're currently on their way back," Connix says, "But chances are Ronon might know we're here."

Poe nods.

Amara frowns, "Did he send something directly to us? Through other frequencies?" She asks.

Eyes shift to her.

Rose, who was in the corner, nods.

Rose steps over and taps on the monitor in front of the table. After a few presses, before them was a hologram version of Ronon Nexus.

"Play it," Amara says.

Rose glanced at Poe.

Poe nods.

Rose plays the message.

"Hello Resistance, I mean you no harm. If I did, your Jedi friend and her friends would've been dead." He had a grin on his face, "No my business has nothing to do with you stopping the First Order. You mean nothing to my cause. My goal is on that planet you call home."

Eyes were shifting around in the room. Some were looking at each other with some worried faces, while others were turning to Amara.

Poe glanced at Amara.

Amara had since lowered her arms to her side. She changed her concerned expression to a more serious, maybe a little darker than usual.

"I want to pay a visit to the Solo's. They owe me that. After all, Ben Solo is actually the war criminal who caused a lot of suffering." Ronon says, "And his sister is no better for excusing it."

Amara took a step forward. Her eyes never leaving the message.

"I know where your base is. Ajan Kloss." Ronon had a big grin, "And I am giving you two full cycles to meet my demands or I'll come in and slaughter you all. Ben Solo and Amara Solo must travel to Vrogas Vas, alone."

Amara felt eyes drawn to her.

"Tick tock." Ronon grins, "I'll send another message out when your time is up, you better have an answer for me by then."

And the message ended there.

Poe glanced over at Amara, "Amara,"

Amara frowns, "We're going,"

She then stepped out of the command center.


after Amara. Behind Poe was Finn and Rose.

"Amara-!" Poe yells, "Amara, wait!"

Amara halted.

Amara turns around to face them.

"You can't just give into his demands," Poe says, "He might be lying for all we know."

Amara shakes her head, "He isn't lying."

Rose tilts her head, "You could tell that?"

"Ronon's endgame isn't to conquer the galaxy or become a Supreme Ruler. It's revenge. He wants to end things between the Solos. To his eyes, we've caused him pain." Amara says, "And I'm not going to allow my friends to be pawns and targets because of Ronon."

Finn frowns.

"Amara, we need to consider a-," Poe tries to get out.

But then they hear people shouting towards the hangar. The ship Rey had taken on the mission had returned. Pilots, mechanics, technicians, and other Resistance officers were running towards the ship.

That included the four of them.

When Finn, Rose, Amara, and Poe all reached the ship, they were met with an agonizing scream. Coming down from the ship was Jannah carrying Torin, who was missing an arm, his right arm.

Torin's Lasat friend, Janan, ran to his friend's aid.

There was blood all over the young man. He screamed in agony as he was dragged towards the medical tent.

Jannah, who appeared to be in better condition than Torin, suffered from some minor injury. Behind her was the villagers who survived coming down. They had some injuries but not like Torin.

Last coming down the ramp was Rey. She looked as if she had another brawl with Palpatine. She had blood on her forehead from a scratch, some scratches on her arms. She seemed to be covered in dust and blood, but some of the blood might not even be hers.

"Rey-!" Finn yells.

Finn ran over and quickly embraced the young woman.

Rose was right behind Finn.

Rey looks up through her hug with Finn, and noticed Amara and Poe a little further away from them.

Rey pulls back from the hug and then gives Finn and Rose a small smile before stepping over to Amara.

Amara sees the tears that were there in Rey's eyes more clearly as she approaches Amara. When Rey was standing in front of Amara, Rey embraced Amara in a tight hug.

Amara held onto Rey tight, "I'm so sorry, Rey."

Rey shakes her head, "It's not your fault."


been given some strong medication to knock him out fully thanks to some medical droids. The medical tent was filled.

Doctor Kalonia was treating the injured villagers as well as giving Jannah some bandages to stop the bleeding. Rey and the others; Finn, Poe, Amara, Rose, and Ben, were sitting away and weren't seen.

Rey had her wounds taken care of, but it didn't stop Ben from looking at her with worry in his eyes.

"It just happened so fast," Rey spoke, "One second I sensed a presence and the next moment we were fighting."

They listened to Rey retell the events.

"It might've been a few more seconds before anyone else knew something was up. Torin and Jannah came to my aid." Rey says frowning, "They tried to help, but Ronon was too strong."

Ben placed a hand on Rey's shoulder.

"He Force shoved Jannah into a hut, and Torin charged in. He was determined to take him down, but I should've stopped him before Ronon could-," Rey is cut off.

"Rey," Finn spoke firmly, "What happened isn't your fault."

Rey looks at Finn.

And then hears, "He's right," Ben says.

Rey looks at Ben.

Rey gives Ben a small smile in the warmth of his hand comforting her. But as quick as the smile appeared it vanished quickly.

"After Torin was down, Jannah and a few of the villagers tried to get away- but- but Ronon-," Rey sighs, "He was- no, he is-,"

"A monster," Amara finishes.

All eyes shift to Amara.

"I felt the same thing in my vision." Amara says, "He is clouded by hate and revenge. There is literally nothing stopping him."

Poe looks at her.

"Well, there is one thing." Ben says, "Us."

Poe shakes his head, "I don't like the idea of handing Amara over to Ronon." He says.

Rey looks at him, "But you don't mind doing the same thing to Ben?" She asks

Poe shakes his head again, "I didn't say it."

"But you implied it." Rey says, "And just because of what he did then, doesn't mean Ben deserves to die."

Amara frowns, "And it doesn't mean I have to as well." She says.

Finn glanced them, "From Rey's accounts he seems strong," He says, "Like very strong. Are we even sure you two alone can handle him?"

Ben glanced at Amara.

Amara glanced at Ben.

"Okay," Rose says, "Do you two know something that we don't?"

"It's not that we know something- or maybe we do," Amara says breaking her gaze from her brother, "I believe I am strong enough to stop him."

"And you're certain?" Rey asks, "I barely made a dent in him."

Amara glanced at Rey, "I'm certain." She says, "During my vision, I was stronger there and that wasn't real. It was all in here," She gestures to her head.

"Her powers are even stronger than Luke's," Ben says, "Surpassing Anakin's."

Eyes shift from Ben to Amara.

"I think it's time I stop being afraid of my burden." Amara says, "It's time to kick ass and stop this son of a bitch before he hurts another soul."

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