
took place minutes after Amara had her vision. People were awaken from their slumbers and brought to the Falcon to handle this new found information that Amara was about to grace them with.

They all were in the lounge, waiting for Rose in order to begin the meeting.

Amara was standing with her back against the wall, arms cross. Poe stood next to her, but giving her some space, she still seemed a little jumpy after all that.

Finn was sitting in a chair across from Amara and Poe. Rey and Ben sat at the table in the room. Lando hanged by the wall on the other side with Chewie.

Rose steps in.

"Sorry," Rose says, "I didn't mean to keep you guys waiting."

Poe glanced at Rose, "You didn't." He turns to Amara, "The floor is yours."

Amara sighs and lowers her arms at her side, "I know who we're looking for."

"Who?" Rey asks.

Amara's eyes drift to Ben.

Ben tilt his head and then his eyebrows furrow.

Poe noticed the look the two siblings were giving each other, Poe glanced from Ben and then to Amara.

"Ronon Nexus." Amara says.

Poe kept his eyes on her, "Did you two have an idea it was him and failed to tell us last time?" He asks.

Ben stands, "In my defense, I had believed he was dead." Ben says, "I just assumed there was the possibility that it could be him. I sort of wish I was right and he was dead."

Amara nods.

Finn glanced from Ben and then to Amara, "Who is he?"

"He trained with Luke Skywalker at the temple back in the day with Ben," Amara says.

Rey glanced from Amara to Ben, "Before you became Kylo Ren?"

Ben nods.

Rose glanced around, she could feel the tension of the whole situation.

"The actions of my brother at that time are unforgivable. Him and followers destroying the temple and possibility to any threat opposing him." Amara says.

Ben frowns.

"What did you do to this guy?" Poe asks looking at Ben.

Ben grimaced, "I killed his friends. I destroyed his new home. I ruined his mentor." He sighs, "I slaughtered his brother."

Eyes widen in the room.

"Before anyone can say anything, I know what I did back then will always haunt me. The people I've affected to their core." Ben says, "If after this you want me to leave, so be it."

Amara shakes her head, "We need you to stay." She says without hesitation.

All eyes shift to her.

"I was on a planet, not Exegol, obviously. It looked familiar, but also not." Amara pinched the bridge of her nose as she closes her eyes, "I found what appeared to be Jedi ruins."

They listened as Amara went back to discussing her vision she had in regards to Ronon Nexus.

Rey perked up, "Jedi ruins? Like a temple?"

Amara nods.

Finn glanced from Amara to Rose, "I'm pretty sure we could locate that planet. We just need information about the surface the environment and we could pinpoint where the vision took place."

Rose nods, "Yeah. After the whole Exegol situation, I've been working nonstop to make sure our trackers can locate source much faster than before."

Amara opens her eyes, "At first-," She spoke bringing everyone back to her vision, "He claimed he didn't want to cause me harm. He also claimed how impressive the Skywalker bloodline really is."


Ben grits his teeth.

Rey reaches up to hold his hand.

"He wants revenge," Amara says firmly looking at them, "But not to kill Ben. He wants to do to Ben, what Ben did to him."

Poe's eyes widen, "He wants to take you out as a way to harm Ben."

Amara nods.

Poe shakes his head.

"Well he won't get to you," Finn says, "Not when we're here."

Chewie barks a growl in response.

Amara looks around at her dear friends, her family. Lando and Chewie nods at her, Lando having a grin on his face while Chewie seemed to growl a little. Rose gives Amara a nod with a small smile on her face. Finn gives a smile as well. Rey stands now next to Ben, holding his hand, and nodding at her. Ben kept his eyes on his sister.

Amara's eyes drift from her brother to Poe, but before she could look at him, she felt a hand hold onto here hand.

Amara looks over at Poe.

The man she loves. The man she'd travel across the stars for. The man she'd do anything to protect.

"This bastard wants to pick a war with you," Poe says, "Well he has to go through all of us first."

Amara allows a smile to finally escape her lips.

Poe kept his gaze on Amara but says, "Rose will start searching for that planet and we'll go from here." He says, "Until then we have children to return to their homes."

Amara held onto Poe's hand, "And I'm going with."

"It might be dangerous," Rey says.

Poe looks at her, "Amara, with Ronon out there-,"

Amara shakes her head, "I feel like I need to be there." She says looking at Poe, "Please."

Poe sighs, "Fine." He glanced over at Ben, "Stubborn, isn't she?"

Ben couldn't help but grin, "Just like our mother."

Lando chuckles, "I'll say."

Chewie growls in agreement.


arrived on Ajan Kloss, people on the base was lively like usual. People were doing their jobs as they usually do.

Meanwhile, Orson stepped out of the tent that morning.

He was rubbing his eyes, still a little sleepy.

The young boy wondered how he got into his bed last night. He remembered laying with Amara and her reading him a book. And then he woke up in the cot covered by the tent that shelters the other kids.

Orson decided that he was going to find Amara and ask how he ended up at the tent. Did she bring him to his cot? Did she order someone else to do so?

Orson passed a few officers, who barely noticed the boy.

Orson headed off in the jungle, remembering where Amara told him she liked to go to train. He followed a well walked trail. He hopped over a log and ducked under some branches.

He hears the sound of a blaster and the humming sound of lightsabers.

Orson made it to a clearing and saw the training exercise take place.

Amara had a blindfold on, both green sabers were ignited. In front of Amara was Finn, he held a blaster and was firing it at Amara, who had to rely on the Force and not her sights on how to block the attack.

Orson watched how Amara would use the blades to block each blast with swiftness and grace. It almost looked like a dance to him.

"Alright, Finn." Amara says holding a hand up, "We can take a break. We've been practicing for hours."


Orson hides behind a tree.

Amara turns off her sabers and then takes off the blindfold. She placed the sabers on her belt, as Finn placed the blaster in his holster.

"I don't know why you train so hard, Amara?" Finn asks.

Amara glanced over at Finn, "Because," She says, "Because before all of this, I was just a girl. A girl who had nothing to really fight for. Sure, I agreed with what mom said and did-."

Amara sat down on a log as Finn looks at her from where he stood.

"Mom was a leader, dad was a pilot, and Ben was a Jedi in training," Amara looks at Finn, "Until a year ago, I wasn't that. I just tagged along to the Resistance for my mom, for my family. I rose in the ranks of Captain to Commander."

Finn kept his eyes on her.

"I train so hard because I fear if I don't, something bad will happen to those I care about." Amara says.

"Didn't Rey say something about fear being something the Jedi tend to not approve of," Finn spoke, "Claiming if someone felt fear it would lead them to the dark side?"

Amara huffed out a small chuckle, "The old ways of the Jedi Council has long been dissolved after the end of the Clone Wars." She says, "Luke wasn't planning on following every single detail of the Order. He wanted to allow younglings to have a normal childhood, to allow Jedi to fall in love. He didn't want the future of the Jedi to suppress their feelings."

Finn then sits next to Amara.

Amara glanced over at him, "You know you don't have to be trained in the Force." She says, "You don't have to do it to please Rey."

Finn shakes his head, "It's not for her, actually. It's for me."

Amara kept her eyes on him.

"The First Order took a lot from me, but meeting Poe, Rey, and you- being here in the Resistance, it was something I decided for the first time. Learning the Force is something I feel I need to do." Finn says.

Amara couldn't help but give him a small smile.

Finn glanced at her, "But I don't know if I want the title of Jedi, I just became a general." He says following with a chuckle.

Amara also laughed at that.

From afar Orson stood there, peaking out, but watching the two.

"Orson," Amara called out turning around, "Come over here."

Finn slightly jumped at that and turned around.

Amara had a soft smile on her face when she saw the young boy.

Orson stepped out from behind the tree and walked over to them. He had his head lowered, sort of like he was in trouble. He stopped in front of Amara and Finn, head still lowered.

"Were you spying?" Amara asks with a small smile.

Orson shakes his head.

"Well what were you doing?" Amara asks.

Orson lifts his head, "I was looking for you." He says.

The way he said it in his voice, something made Amara reach out to the eleven boy and held onto his hands, swaying them back and forth with a gentle smile on her face.

"You found me," She says softly.

Orson kept his gaze on her.

He seemed a little shocked that Amara was not angry that he listened in on her and Finn. He has to remember this isn't the First Order.

Orson looks at Finn and then to Amara, "Were- Were you training?" He asks.

Amara glanced at Finn, "Yeah, but maybe it's time to train Minster Finn on his ability of the Force." She says grinning.

Orson had a big smile appear on his face.

Finn groans, "Really?"

"Rey is busy in a meeting," Amara grins, "I can throw rocks at you and see if you can keep them from hitting you."

Finn groans again, "Okay fine."


Rey stepped out of a meeting with some of the senators of the New Republic, it was exhausting to say the least. Basically, Poe and Rey were trying to find any families who were affected by the First Order that may had fled their destroyed villages, but had barely any luck.

Rey rubbed her hand through her hair, "Most of the kids are from the same village," She says, "The planet still houses people, so maybe their parents are there."

Poe nods, "But given how the civilization is behind in technology, there is no real way of contacting them to find out." He says.

Rey nods.

"I mean, we could always send a small team down first, make contact and go from there." Poe says.

Rey nods agreeing with it, "You could always send Jannah, Torin, and myself there." She says.

"You?" Poe asks.

Rey raises her eyebrow, "What you have something wrong with me going?"

"No- No. It's just, you are never one to volunteer to go on missions." Poe says.

Rey sighs, "Well times change," She says.

Poe nods, "Yeah," His attention goes back to what she said, "Jannah as back up as well as Torin but also as a back up pilot."

Rey nods, "Torin is a descent pilot, but we can't always take the best pilot out in the field." She says, "Especially since he's the general now."

Poe couldn't help but grin at that comment.

"We could head out tomorrow if you want?" Rey asks, "I can go notify Jannah and Torin."

Poe nods, "Alright."

Before Rey could head out, both her and Poe saw Amara, Finn, and Orson coming back from the jungle. However, Amara was carrying Orson on her back. The young boy was laughing at something said by Finn. Both Amara and Finn had big smiles on their face.

Rey looks at Poe, "She's gotten attached to him,"

Poe nods, "I know,"

Rey glanced at Amara, "She knows he has to go home, right?" She asks.

Poe glanced at Rey, "Yes." He says.

Rey gives a somber smile, before heading off.

It was indeed sweet to see, the daughter of the woman who built the Resistance care for the boy. In many ways, Amara was like Leia, and this moment proved it. Leia was prone to taking in "strays". Leia would care for many people as if they were abandoned or were.

Poe was no exception. When his mom died, Leia was there. When he came back after running away to be a spice runner, Leia was there. When he joined the Resistance, Leia was there.

In many ways, the younger people of the Resistance saw Leia as a mother figure. And now that the mother figure is gone, people have been relying on Finn and Poe, as their generals, to be there for them more than just as generals.

Poe saw the motherly attitude with Amara more and more these days. She seemed to be smiling more with Orson and laughing a lot. It's not that she's unhappy here on the base or with Poe, maybe it feels like caring for someone younger makes her feel needed?

Poe ponders over that.

How could Amara not feel needed? She is a strong fighter. A strong Jedi. That possibly cannot be it.

Poe shakes his head.

His gaze moves back over to Amara and Orson. Finn is still standing next to them, but a little off to the side so he isn't hit. Amara is spinning Orson around on her back, the boy is laughing as is Amara.


Ben in the lounge of the Falcon a little later into the day, near sunset actually. She had finally gotten Orson off her hip, he was running off with the other kids.

"You okay?" Amara asks.

Ben was sitting at the table, his face hard to read, even for Amara. His hands clenched into fists. He looked frustrated, angry even.

"That's a dumb question to ask," Amara continues as she steps further into the room, "With Ronon being the master mind behind the new threat, of course you're not okay."

Ben finally looks at her.

"I'm going to be okay," Amara says.

Ben rose to his feet, "How can you be certain?" He asks.

Amara shakes her head, "I don't know." She says.

Ben shakes his head, actually his body is shaking.

It's been a while since Amara seen this from her brother. Seen him actually break down with the emotions he's bottled up. The last time this had happened Amara was a young child and got deadly ill from a fever, and Ben was terrified that she was going to die.

Amara took a step forward, "Ben," She says nearly in a whisper.

Ben is trembling.

He bites his bottom lip.

Amara reaches her hands out forward and touches his arms, and within a moment, he collapses into her for a hug. Amara almost fell over due to the new weight that was given to her.

"Ben, we've faced Palpatine." Amara says, "Ronon is going to be easy."

Ben shakes his head, "I- I wouldn't have cared if he threatened my life but- but he wishes to harm you- to kill you." Ben says.

Amara could hear his voice tremble as he spoke.

"I am the cause of so much pain, Mari. Our family, this damn galaxy-!" Ben sobs.

Amara held onto Ben tighter.

"You are good and pure. I don't think I could handle breathing if you were to die." Ben says.

Amara felt tears slide down her face.

"I love Rey, truly, but- but-," Ben says.

Amara rubs his back, "I know," She says, "I know."

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