
found by Amara a little while after the altercation with Gavin. Ben had sneaked away from base after his arm was looked at, telling Rey he needed space, but Amara knew Ben better.

"I wanted to be alone," Ben says without turning his head to look at her.

They stood in the dept of the jungles of Ajan Kloss. He stood overlooking a clearing, the clearing shows a cliff and more trees that seem to go on infinity.

"Ben, what happened-," Amara was cut off.

"You should've let him do what he wanted to do," Ben says, "Those troopers- no those kids have a right to be angry, to hate me."

Amara stepped over and stood next to him.

Amara shakes her head, "I said what I said before. I'll die before I let someone try to kill you." She says looking at his side profile.

Ben grimace at her comment.

"We're all that's left of mom and dad," Amara reaches out and held onto her brother's hand, "I just got you back. I'm not loosing you again."

Ben finally moves his gaze to his sister.

"I'm serious, Ben." Amara says frowning, "I can't loose you again. I don't think I could handle it."

Ben kept his gaze on her as he turns to open his arms for her, once his extends his arms to her, Amara just melted into his embraced.

Ben rested his head on top of Amara's head. His hand rested on the back of her head and the other one was rubbing her back to sooth her. Amara's arms were wrapped around his waist tightly.

"Oh, Mari." Ben says, "You have too big of a heart."

Amara mutters something.

"I know, you get it from mom." Ben says smirking slightly.


Gavin and the other kids in a large tent inside the cave. It was a large enough tent to house the amount of kids inside, which were eight of them.

From Jannah's report, there were more, but those had either refuse to leave or didn't want to come to the base, only these eight wanted to come.

Finn steps into the tent and it takes literal seconds before the kids notice him.

"Minister Finn," Orson says looking at Finn with a small smile.

Finn returns the smile to the boy and then his gaze moves through the tent. He finds Gavin sitting on his cot with two other boys huddled by him.

"Gavin," Finn says, "How are you doing?"

Gavin's eyes lift to Finn.

What Finn felt from the boy was pure fear and terror. Surely, at this point Gavin knew they didn't run things like the First Order, so he shouldn't worry.

"Did- Did I kill him?" Gavin asks.

Finn shakes his head, "No. He's fine." Finn answers.

There was some sort of relief that came over Gavin, the boy may be a young teen, but from what Finn understands, none of these kids had even seen combat. So Finn had to assume that was Gavin's first time firing a blaster at a live person.

Gavin stands up from his cot, "Am I in trouble?" He asks looking at Finn.

Finn shakes his head and walks into the area further. The other kids stare at Finn in awe. They sort of admire both Finn and Jannah, sure they also admire the rest of Company 77, but Finn and Jannah were leaders. They were just like them and look at them now, taking charge.

Finn sits on a cot across from where Gavin stood.


"We ask that you don't fire a blaster on base again," Finn says, "That was dangerous, someone could've gotten hurt."

Gavin looks at Finn and sits down, "But- But he- he is Kylo Ren."

Finn sighs and scratches his head, "I get this isn't going to be easy," His eyes drift to the others, "For any of you. What the First Order had done to all of us is unforgivable-."

"But you forgive him," A voice spoke from a teenage girl with red hair.

Finn looks at her and shakes his head, "Not completely. I- I trust him a little more and am civil with him."

"Is that because your co-general is in a relationship with his sister?" Gavin asks.

Finn shakes his head, "I trust him through the Force," Finn says, "These feelings are still so new to me but also quite familiar. I just- I just know he isn't evil."

"And you just accept that?" The redhead teen asks again.

"Maeve-," Another kid says.

Finn glanced at the kids and smiles, "No she can ask that question," He glanced at this Maeve, "I've learned to trust the Force. Rey has taught me that."

From outside of the tent, stood Poe. He watched the kids begin to open up a little more with Finn as Finn gives them insight to how he feels about Ben being here. Poe looks from that to a datapad in his hands and heads off to another meeting.


through base, nearly colliding with BB-8 and D-O under foot. The two droids seem to be playing some sort of game of tag.

A grin appears on Amara's face as she watches the droids roll off.

She had been a little worried about D-O when she was told of the possibility that the droid was abused by his past owner, Ochi.

As Amara continues through the base she is met by R2-D2. The small blue and white astromech began to beep at her, a sort of greeting.

Amara smiles and knelt down, "Hey, R2." She says as she pats the top of the droid.

R2 beeps again.

Amara kept the smile on her face, "Everything is okay."

R2 seemingly beeps a satisfied beep before rolling off in the direction of BB-8 and D-O. To Amara, she believed R2 was going to keep the smaller droids in check.

As Amara stands up, she is met by Gavin.

"Gavin," Amara says.

Gavin looks at her and then to the ground, "I'm sorry."

She looks beyond him and noticed Finn and a few other of the kids behind Gavin, and that includes Orson.

"It's okay," Amara says.

Gavin shakes his head, "I- I could've hurt you-!" He yells, "I- I messed up."

A small smile appeared on Amara's face. She reached out and patted the top of Gavin's head. He looked a little shocked by that action and looks up to see Amara, smiling softly.

"We all make mistakes, Gavin, and we learn for them." Amara says.

Gavin nods.

Amara pulls her hand back and begins to head off, but she doesn't make it far. Gavin turns around, now facing Amara's backside calls out.

"How did you know about her-?" Gavin yells.

Amara halts.

Amara turns her head around to get a peak of Gavin. He was shaking and looked upset, not because Amara knew of this person but the feelings it brought to him.

Amara turns to fully face him, "You know I am Jedi," Amara says, "I use the Force."


Gavin nods, "I noticed that when you stepped in front of Kylo- uh er Ben," Gavin says looking away, "I saw the sabers."

Amara glanced down at them and then to Gavin, "Yeah."

Gavin looks to her, awaiting the answer he had just asked her about how she knew something personal. Amara took a few steps forward towards Gavin. He didn't move, but just eyes still locked on Amara.

"I looked into your eyes, Gavin, I felt something. I sensed something inside." She says, "I could feel that you were hurting from a loss of a friend, a close one."

Gavin's eyes widen.

Behind Amara; Finn and the other kids stood watching. Finn glanced at the other kids, they seemed to know what it is that Amara was referencing to.

"You loved her?" Amara asks.

Gavin nods, "Yeah."

Amara gestures to a crate near them to sit down, sure she would rather do this private but since the others weren't saying anything, Amara didn't have an issue speaking to Gavin about this.

Gavin looks at her, "So you know about what happened?" He asks, "You used the Force and figured it out."

A sad smile escaped Amara's lips, "It doesn't necessarily work that way," She says, "I don't know how to fully express it. Just one look into someone's eyes and I just know."

Gavin kept his gaze on her before looking at his hands, "I wanted to go instead but- but they said I wasn't ready to be in the field." He says.

Amara looks down, "It's not your fault." Amara says.

Gavin nods, "I should've escaped with her." He says, "We all should've."

Amara glanced at him, "And they would've killed you all. Hindsight is 2020, kid." She says.

Gavin frowns.

Amara looks up at the sky, "If we keep playing the whole "what ifs" we get lost in the endless possibilities that could've happened but didn't." She says.

Gavin looks at Amara, "Do you believe that we can have a normal life after all this?" He asks.

Amara sighs, "I don't think people like us get the traditional normal after what we've endured, but maybe someday we'll create a new normal for us." She says smiling softly.

Amara kept the smile on her face as she stood up, and Gavin stared in awe. He watched as Amara walked onward, nodding at Finn before heading forward.

Gavin watched as Orson, the youngest one, ran after Amara. Gavin watched Amara when Orson announced himself to her. A bright big smile on her face.

Maeve stepped next to Gavin, "You okay?" She asks.

"She's different than him," Gavin says.

Maeve's eyes drift from Gavin to Amara. The female Jedi had stopped to speak to Orson. The boy seemed to be jumping around, big smiles on their faces. The woman seems to contain this energy that possessed light, hope.


Amara in the Falcon, but not alone. She was in her quarters holding a book in her hands, and also curled up against her was Orson.

Poe leans against the door, "Are you playing house?" He asks.

Amara lifts her gaze to him, "No."

"Oh really?" Poe asks.

Amara looks at Orson, "He wanted to hang around me today, Poe. I couldn't deny that. Besides, he's such a good kid." Amara says.

Poe watches as Amara closes the book and then lays it on the nightstand next to the bed. Amara shifts her position on the bed, and Orson curls up tighter on Amara.

Poe looks down and then at her, "We can't keep him, Amara."

Amara frowns, "I know."

She looks down at the boy, a sad smile escapes her lips, as he held onto Amara for comfort. Poe crosses his arms on his chest, he think it's sweet that these two are bonding, but the fact remains.

"We found the villages the kids are from," Poe says, "We are going to be sending them back, soon."

Amara looks at Poe.

"Thanks to your brother giving us the First Order chain codes of all the kids," He says, "Because they were taken so recently, finding their homes were proven to be easy."

Amara sighs, "Good." She says, "Like I said before, no child should not have their parents."

Poe nods.

Amara looks down at Orson, "I want to go with," She then looks at Poe, "Just in case something happens. I want to be able to protect them."

Poe shifts, "Jannah and her company were just going to take them back," He says.

Amara firmly looks at her soon to be husband, "Not without a Jedi escort." She says, "There is a new dark force out there, I do not want these kids to be ambushed and not have the proper protection."

Poe sighs, "Alright," He says, "Fine."

Amara nods.

"But he should be getting back to his tent." Poe says.

Amara nods, "I know."

Poe steps into the room.

"I'll take him," Amara says.

Poe halts in his steps. He watches as Amara worms her way out of Orson's grasp, he reached out, only to be picked up by Amara. She held him, his head was resting on her shoulder and his legs were wrapped around her waist as Amara held his bottom to keep him from falling.

"I'll be back in a little," Amara says.

Amara walks forward, stopping to kiss Poe on the lips, and then left the quarters.

Poe stood there for a moment, watching his girl leave. His eyes drift to the book on the nightstand.

It was a worn bedtime story.

Poe reaches out and held onto the book.

A small smile escaped the pilot's face.


Orson down in his cot in the tent that housed all the other kids. Amara looked at the other kids, a smile appeared on her face.

They should be returning to their families.

Then a frown appeared.

If their families were still alive.

Amara brushed some hair behind her ear and then looked over the kids, before glancing back down at Orson. She leaned forward and reached for his blanket, she pulled it up to cover him fully.

He looked so peaceful. So pure. And yet, he has been through a lot. All these kids have been through a lot at their age.

Amara kept her gaze on Orson with a small smile, before turning to head out of the tent. She makes it to the exit, before turning to look at them or rather Orson one last time before leaving.

As Amara stepped out, she was able to look up at the night sky. It was late, really late. Amara scratched the back of her neck and began to walk onward towards the Falcon to fall asleep.

However, as Amara reached the ramp of the Falcon, she sensed something. Her eyes drifted behind her, and yet nothing. She reached for her sabers, but then remembered she had a similar feeling like this before.

She closed her eyes and focused her breathing.

She opened her eyes and she was no longer on Ajan Kloss, instead she stood on a barren suface. The barren surface appeared to be inhospitable, judging by the fact Amara didn't see any form of life. There were arid flats, gorges, and dunes composed of its entire landscape and it was devoid of anything noteworthy life.

Amara looks around and then looked up to feel the sun's ray beat down on her. She used her hands to cover the sun from her eyes, and then she lowered her gaze to what seemed to be some sort of structure in the distance.

Amara walked forward towards this building.

It wasn't far from where she stood when she arrived on the planet, so the trip didn't take long. As Amara reached the stone structure.

It appeared to be ruins at this point, maybe destroyed over time or something else caused the destruction. Amara looks at what appears to be a broken part of a statue. A statue that appeared to look as if it was a Jedi.

"Hello, Amara."

Amara snapped around, igniting her sabers in both hands.

Standing behind her looked to be a figure dressed in all black, covered by a black cloak. He extended his hands out, appearing to show Amara he is not armed, but that didn't stop Amara. She kept her sabers ignited and ready in case.

"Ronon," Amara say.

The man pulls the hood of the cloak down to reveal the man. The man she remembered meeting as a child. He looked a little different since then, he had a scar going across his left eye down his nose and over on the right side of his cheek.

"You remember," Ronon grins as he drops his cloak onto the ground, "I'm honored."

Ronon looks at Amara with a smirk as he takes a step forward, Amara took a step backwards but kept the blades ignited and ready to attack.

"I have to say, I was a little surprise to sense a Force presence inside of you." Ronon says, "Back then you were normal."

Amara tilts her head, "Everyone makes mistakes." She says.

"Apparently I have misjudged the strong Skywalker blood that runs deep in your veins." Ronon says.

Ronon takes another step forward, only for Amara to again take another step back. Ronon looks at her with a small smile upon his face.

"I do not want to harm you, Amara." Ronon says.

"Bullshit," Amara says.

Amara blinks and then Ronon is no longer standing in front of her and her sabers are no longer ignited. Now Ronon stood behind her.

"I mean it, Amara." Ronon says as he held onto a piece of her hair as he sniffs it, "I do not wish to cause you pain."

Amara jumps back, putting distance between her and Ronon. She looks upon him with a glare, whereas he has an indifference look upon his face.

"I don't believe you," Amara says.

"Believe me, don't believe me. That is your choice." Ronon says, "This isn't something you need to worry your pretty little head."

Amara reaches for her sabers, to find they aren't on her belt. She looks at Ronon, he gives her a small grin.

"This isn't real, Amara. I had to get rid of your sabers." He says, "Besides I am not going to hurt you."

"But you are going to hurt Ben." Amara says.

Ronon grins, "Ben- Kylo Ren, whatever he goes by. Yes." Ronon looks directly into her eyes, "Yes. I am going to hurt him. I am going to kill him."

Amara shakes her head, "No you're not." She says.

Ronon tilts his head, "Oh? You protect a murderer?" He asks.

Amara stood her ground, "I protect family."

Ronon gives a evil smirk upon his face.

"I did that too," Ronon says.

And then Ronon pulled out a handle for a saber, he ignited it to reveal a red saber. He looked up at Amara with a deadly look as he took a first step forward towards her.

"Did he ever tell you what happened at Skywalker's temple? What he did to me and the others?" Ronon asks.

"He told me he murdered your brother." Amara says.

Ronon stops and scoffs, "Honesty, an interesting change." He says.

Amara looks at him as he progressive got closer and closer to her. Her eyes glancing between the mad look of the madman and the saber in his hands.

"He left the temple only to come back with his minions to take us out. One by one, he slaughters all of the padawans learners." Ronon says, "My brother Talo was sliced down in front of me. I watched as that monster took away the only family I had left."

Amara made her hands into fists.

A grin appeared on Ronon's face, "Brilliant. I don't have to kill your brother. I'll just kill you and make him suffer." He says.

"And to think, a little while ago you claimed you weren't going to harm me." Amara says.

Ronon kept the grin, "Plans change."

Ronon went to slice his blade towards Amara, although, Amara held her hands up. Her eyes held up and she managed to use a surge of the Force racing through her. The blade seemed to be visibly shaking, sparking even.

Ronon's eyes go from the blade and then to Amara.

Her face was calm as she held her hands up, outward to protect her face but also to use the Force to stop the saber.

Amara's eyes meet Ronon's and then she moved her hands a little, and the sheer force alone sent Ronon back and into the remains of a statue. There was dust and smoke, it began to clear as Ronon stood up. He was laughing a little as he stood up.

"You are strong, Amara. I give you that." Ronon says.

Amara had a small smirk, "You have no idea." Amara says.

Ronon smirks, "Oh I'd love to know." He says beginning to walk forward.

Amara watches as Ronon comes charging closer to her again, only for the world all around Amara to go black.

Amara opens her eyes.

She is laying on the ground just outside of the Falcon. She sits up and rubs her head, she felt a little dizzy.

"Amara-?" Poe comes out of the Falcon, "Are you okay?"

Amara looks at him, "Yeah- Yeah."

Poe knelt down next to her, "What happened?" He asks.

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