
the troopers that Jannah and her company saved wanted to stay, and other remained until they knew exactly where they wanted to go. Jannah, Finn, and Jace, as well as other former troopers who left the First Order made the transition into the Resistance quite well for them.

Although, as peaceful as it was when Poe and Finn spoke to the troopers about their stay with the Resistance base for temporary or for good, they knew that some of those kids knew Ben Solo was here.

Finn assured to them that he was no longer the evil man they knew, but Poe couldn't blame some of these kids for being nervous about the former Supreme Leader being here.

Poe had left the meeting with Finn and the former troopers, when he noticed Amara from afar. She was sitting on the dirt reading some of the text Luke had left behind, her brows furrowing as she read.

Poe placed a hand on Finn's shoulder, "I'll catch up with you in a second,"

Finn nods, "Want me to start the meeting with Senator Ara?"

Poe nods.

Finn parts ways with his co-general, as Poe walks over to his future wife.

Amara lifts her gaze up before Poe could even open his mouth to greet her. Amara is met with a goofy smile on the man she loves.

"Hi," She says.

"Hey," Poe says.

Amara closes the book and stands, "So how are the new recruits?"

"They're not all new recruits," Poe says, "Some want to find their place in this whole galaxy."

Amara held the book up on her chest as she clenched it tight, "That's completely understandable." She says.

Poe nods, "I wanted to check on you," Poe says, "After last night with that meeting and that vision you and Ben had-."

Amara gives a small smile, "I'm fine. I've been trying to do some research in maybe finding this individual faster." She says.

Poe looks at the text, "Those are ancient Jedi text? The ones Rey usually carries around?"

Amara nods, "She is letting me borrow them," She says, "I figured if I read it maybe I could find someway to find this new evil."

"As long as you don't push yourself," He says, "I want to figure out who this is too, but I don't want you to make yourself sick worrying."

Amara placed a hand on Poe's shoulder, "You lecturing me on pushing myself. That's kinda ironic, general." She grins.

Poe shakes his head with a small smile.

Amara's eyes drift where Poe and Finn came from. They were in a tent near the command center, and stepping out of said tent was the troopers accompanied by Company 77.

Amara looked at these kids.

And kids was exactly what they were. The youngest looked to be ten and the oldest looked to be eighteen. The ages were mixed as was their skin tone, but one thing was for certain they were all human.

Poe noticed where she was looking at and glanced over.

"I didn't realize how young they were," Amara frowns.

Poe nods, "The younger ones want to find their parents," Poe says, "And with the chain codes Ben gave us, we think we may be able to reunite those kids with their parents."

Amara frowns deeper.

"That is if they're still alive." Poe says, "I was reading over some of the chain codes, Amara."

Amara looks at Poe.

"Some of those villages that the First Order collected babies from, they no longer exist. The whole population destroyed." Poe says.


Amara looks at the kids, "I hope that isn't the case for the young ones." She says, "It would be a pity for them to grow up without knowing their parents."

Poe nods, "Yeah."

Poe knew that feeling, sorta. He doesn't know how it felt for Finn to never know his parents, the same goes for Rey, but he does know not having his mother around after he turned eight.

Amara may have had her parents around, but Poe knew the complication that was the Organa-Solo home. Leia was always off being well, Leia, trying to repair the damage done at the hands of the Empire. Maybe it was her way to make up what evil her father did, Poe could never know. And then there was Han, who was often found at the home but seemingly having a hard time connecting with his son but found it easier for his daughter. Poe always assumed it was because when Leia had Ben, Han wasn't ready to be a dad, but when Amara showed up, Han treated her like a princess.

"So there is something else you wanted to discuss," Amara says pulling Poe from his thoughts.

Poe glanced from the kids, the former troopers, and to Amara. She looked at him with a great deal of compassion on her face.

"It's about Ben," Poe says.

Amara frowns.

"I know we kept him a secret after Exegol, but he needs to be away from sight for a while." Poe says, "At least until the kids get adjusted."

Amara sighs and looks down.

"Just for a while," He says, "It wouldn't be good for them to see Ben now."

Amara looks at him, "I understand, Poe. And surely my brother already knows to stay clear." She says.

Poe nods and placed his hands on her shoulders before pulling her in for a hug. Amara held onto the man she loves tightly, she felt his hand hold onto the back of her head as she wraps her arms around his shoulders.

"I'm glad you aren't mad," Poe says.

"Poe, of course I wouldn't be mad." She says through the hug, "They're young and emotional. They need clarity."

Poe pulls her back from the hug and stares at her. She watches as he brushes some of her hair behind her ears.

"How have you become so wise?" Poe asks.

Amara grins, "Would you believe its from all the Force ghost I talk to?" She teases.

Poe smiles at that, "Yeah, I'd believe it."

He then leans forward and kisses his future bride to be on the lips. The kiss was a peck, because it had to be quick.

Poe pulls back, "I'll see you during dinner."

Amara nods, "Go." She says, "My cousin won't wait forever."

Poe furrows his brows, "How did you-?"

"I keep up to date on your schedule, general." She says, "Besides, Dorian called me asking if I was going to be in the meeting."

Poe nods, "Ah, I see."

Poe is then lightly pushed back by Amara with a grin on her face.

"Go, Dameron. Ara doesn't like to be waiting." Amara says.

Poe grins, "Well technically Finn is covering me," He says, "But I should probably go."

Amara nods.

Poe leans over one last time to give Amara another peck on the lips, before jogging off to the command center.

Amara stood there watching with a smile on her face as she watched Poe go off. Her eyes slowly drift to the text in her hands and the smiles fades.



down by a stream of water, she had two sticks in her hands and hanging from a branch was a log but it was tied to the branch, swinging.

Amara had pulled her hair back and stepped up near the log hanging near her. She used one of the sticks to hit it hard, causing it to swing back and coming back with the same amount of force she had delivered to it.

Amara used the stick in her right hand to hit the log, the hit cause the log to spin around her. Amara rotates her head watching where the log comes swinging back to, she spins and then strikes it with the stick in her left hand.

The log spins around Amara for what feels like moments really, before it comes swinging towards Amara's back, she rotates her body to hit it with the stick in her right hand. Amara watches at the log hits itself off the tree and then comes back at full force, Amara used the stick in her right hand again to strike.

"Are you a Jedi?" A quiet voice spoke out.

Amara was startled by that, she turns to see a young boy standing there looking at her. She was taken back by this. She had completely forgotten the log.

"Watch out-!" The boy yells.

Amara held her hand out and used the Force to stop the log.

When she did that the boy was grinning from ear to ear.

"You are a Jedi-!" The boy smiles.

The boy looked no older than eleven, but did appear to be small. He was wearing some clothes that seemed to be a little too big for him, but it seemed to be the only clothes the Resistance had that fit the little boy.

"Oh wow," The boy was still grinning.

Amara put down the two sticks and walks over to the boy who was standing at awe of Amara. He was looking up at her with a big smile on his face, it looked goofy but sweet.

"Did you just arrive here with the others?" Amara asks.

He nods, "Yeah, they said they might try and find my parents, but I don't mind being here until then." He says.

"Oh really?" Amara asks.

He nods, "It's so much nicer here than it was before," His smile vanishes in a second.

Amara sits down on a log near him, "The Resistance is different." She says calmly.

He looks at her and nods, "Yeah. Everyone is so nice." He says sitting down next to her.

Amara gives him a smile, "How rude of me," She says, "I never answered you question about being a Jedi."

He shakes his head, "No. I know Jedi, at least what I was told." He says, "I know they use the Force thingy and you used it." He says.

Amara kept the smile on her face.

"We didn't have names to be called back on the base, but Jannah and Finn gave us a list of names from a datapad to pick." He says, "So I am officially called Orson."

Amara smiles, "Well it's nice to meet you Orson," She says, "My name is Amara Solo."

Orson's eyes widen.

"You're- You're Amara Solo?" He seemed conflicted on how to feel, "Like Han Solo? Like the daughter of General Organa? The Supreme Leader's sister?"

Amara frowns, "Yes, but I don't claim the Supreme Leader as my brother. My brother is Ben Solo." She says.

Orson nods but looks away, "I heard from the others that he is on the base," He looks at her, "The Supreme Leader- uh your brother."

Amara nods, "He is."

Orson frowns, "He needs to be locked up," He says, "He's a dangerous man."

Amara sighs and looks at the sky, "Dangerous? I mean, the Force can be quite a dangerous weapon to some, but it's meant to connect us to our surroundings."

Orson looks at her.

"My brother was swayed to the darkness by Palpatine," Amara frowns, "He was a puppet to do his bidding."

Orson looks away, "But- But he also did a lot of bad things."

Amara nods, "And that will carry with him for the rest of his life," She says.

Orson looks back at Amara. He watches as Amara looks up at the sky with calm and ease. He mimics her and looks up at the sky through the tree branches above.

"He's changed?" Orson broke the silence.

Amara nods, "He's Ben." She says.

Orson glanced over at Amara and then looks up at the sky again.

"Okay," Orson says.

Amara blinks twice and glanced at Orson.

"If you say he's good, I trust you." Orson says smiling.

Amara watches as the boy look at her, smiling from ear to ear.

"You don't have to trust me," Amara says.

Orson nods, "I know, but- but you were honest with me. I trust honest people." He says.

Amara kept the smile on her face as her gaze moved to look up again, but felt Orson reach out to touch her arm. Amara looks at him, and noticed her was touching her arm to get her attention.

"Is that your lightsaber?" Orson asks.

Amara reaches on her belt and pulled both them of them out for Orson to see, but not touch. He looked at them in awe.

"Two of them?" He asks.

Amara nods, "Yeah. I built them myself." She says.

Orson was grinning, "That's so cool."

"I mean it's not that cool," She then goes, "Yeah it's pretty cool."

Amara was showing Orson the color of her sabers and at a proper distance away from the boy so she doesn't harm him, she did some spins with it. From afar, stood Ben and Rey. The two watched Amara interacted with the young boy.

Rey smiles, "She's great with kids."

Ben nods, "She's every bit our mother." He says.


Finn had spent all day in meetings, whether it had to do with the slow elimination of the remaining First Order or finding places for the kids they just brought to the base.

"A military base is no place for children," Poe says.

Finn glanced at his friend, "Weren't you born on one?"

Poe looks at Finn, "No." He says.

Finn shrugs, "Could've fooled me."

Poe jokingly shoves Finn back, causing the other individual to laugh a little at Poe's actions. The two generals walked from the command center towards the mess hall. It was in fact dinner time and Poe promised to see Amara for dinner.

When the two generals stepped in, they are greeted by Rey coming out with two treys.

"Rey?" Finn calls out.

Rey halts, "Ben and I will be eating in the Falcon, we don't want to have any fights to occur." She says.

Poe looks at Rey, "Just give them some time to understand."

Rey nods, "I get it." She says.

After that Rey hauled off with the treys.

Poe and Finn watch Rey wander off in the direction of where the Falcon is located. Poe and Finn glance at each other before fully entering the mess hall.

Poe and Finn started up at the line like everyone else, grabbing a trey and then reaching for whatever looking appealing for tonight.

Poe's eyes wondered around in the mess hall.

He spots Jess and the other pilots at a table. Jess looks at Poe and gives him a nod, he smiles back at her.

His eyes wonder to find Amara. She has Rose and Kaydel at her table, but also what appears to be a young boy.

Poe nudges Finn in line, "Isn't that one of the kids Jannah brought back?"

Finn reaches for his fork and knife before turning around.

"Uh yeah," Finn says, "Jannah and I allowed him and the others to pick a name from a datapad filled with names. I think he picked Orson."

"Orson," Poe repeats.

Finn nods, "Yeah yeah that sounds right." He says.

Poe and Finn moves from the line and begin to walk towards the table.

"I just wonder how they know each other," Poe says.

Finn grins, "Are you jealous of an eleven year old?" He asks.

Poe shakes his head, "No. I just didn't think that they'd branch out of their group." He says.

Finn shrugs, "It's different here than in the First Order," Finn says, "Here you feel like you have so much more freedom."

Poe looks at his friend.

Sometimes, Poe forgets who he is talking to. The fact that Finn was raised in the ways of the First Order, but challenged their ideals by leaving with Poe as his pilot. Poe always just pictures Finn as a good guy doing the right thing for the Resistance, but forgets he had a life before this.

"Glad you guys finally decided to make it," Rose says smiling.

Finn grins, "Sorry about that, the meeting went longer than expected." He says.

Finn sits on the right side of Rose, on Rose's left was Kaydel. Poe sits on Amara's left and to her right sat Orson.

"How is Ara?" Amara asks looking at Poe.

Poe glances at her, "Fine. She sends her regards." He says.

Amara gives a small grin.

Poe was honestly surprised with how Amara and Dorian had decided to speak to one an other, heck even Amara talking to Ara. They were family yes, but quite distant. But it seems to be good for Amara. He knows she wishes Ara and Dorian would allow themselves to talk to Ben, but its far too soon for either of them.

Orson lifts his gaze, "Hello, generals." He greets.

Kaydel shakes her head, "We're off duty, Orson, call them by their first names." She says, "Here in the Resistances were pretty relaxed about that."

Orson had a concerned look on his face.

Amara glanced over and gives him a small smile, "Or you can call them Mister Poe and Mister Finn if that's easier?"

Orson nods.

Amara had a big smile on her face and messes with Orson's hair as the boy went on to eating. Amara seems to have taken a liking to the young boy.

Poe noticed how close they seem to be, despite Orson only being on the base less than twenty-four hours.

"How did you two meet?" Finn asks with a mouthful of food in his mouth.

Rose nudges Finn with a napkin, "Please don't speak with your mouth full." She says.

Finn apologizes as he wipes his mouth with the napkin.

"Orson found me training," Amara says, "He was so impressed to have met a Jedi."

The girls were grinning.

Amara nudges Orson as she leans close to him, "You know Finn is also Force sensitive. He's getting training from Rey."

Orson's eyes widen, "Wha- What! That is so cool!"

Everyone was taken back by the childish excitement in the eyes of the boy. He was so stunned and amazed at the same time.

"General- oops, Uh Minister Finn, do you have a lightsaber?" Orson asks.

Finn shakes his head, "I'm still at the beginner level, buddy." He says.

Poe glanced at Orson, "You like Jedi?"

Orson nods, "My mom told me stories of them when I was five," He says, "I remembered them well into my conditioning in the First Order. I always told myself I'd love to meet a Jedi. And I have." He is smiling.

Amara gives a bigger smile.

Although, the smile quickly fades, when Amara turns her gaze.

"Amara?" Poe spoke.

After Poe said Amara by name, there was a commotion outside of the mess hall. Amara bolted after the sound of the commotion, both the generals headed after her, Rose, Kaydel, and even Orson ran out to see what was going on.

Upon reaching the outside, it appears a former trooper former Jannah had recused had shot a blaster at Ben. Ben had a wound on his arm and was on the ground, and Rey was knelt down next to him.

"How could you even breathe!" The teenage former trooper yelled, "You killed my parents! You kidnapped me to become your solider! You deserve death!"

Amara was swift.

She moved in front of the blaster now pointed at her chest.



Voices were shouting from all over the area. Some of the voices were of the former troopers company, and others were from fellow Resistances members.

"Put down your blaster!" Poe yells.

The teen looks to Poe, "He should be tortured for everything he's done! Begging for mercy!" He screams.

"Put down the weapon, Gavin!" Jannah yells.

The boy, Gavin, looks to Jannah and then to his company. His eyes lock on Orson for a moment before looking at Finn.

"He took us! He took us from our families!" Gavin screams, "Aren't you angry!"

Finn steps forward, "Of course I am angry!" He yells at the boy.

Finn's stern scream caused the boy to jump a little. Finn stepped a little forward, no longer on the side line but stepping closer towards Amara.

"Kylo Ren took my family from me and from all of the other troopers." Finn says, "But I am not going to the level the First Order conditions us."

Gavin looks at Finn and then back at Ben.

"Kylo Ren has died." Finn says, "As awful as this, you need to put that anger aside. It's not going to fix everything."

Gavin held the blaster pointed at Amara.

"It won't bring her back," Amara says calmly.

Everyone looks to Amara.

Amara's hands were raised, it was raised to prove a point, she was not a threat. But Amara had been studying the boy, reading him. His thoughts were loud, loud like Poe's when he gets frustrated.

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