
gathered around in the command center. The room had been cleared out of the usual workers and the only ones inside were those on the need to know; Rey, Poe, Finn, Rose, Lando, Chewie, Ben, and Amara.

"Another threat is coming?" Finn asks looking at Ben and Amara.

Amara looks down and nods.

Ben adds, "Yes."

Chewie growls.

Lando nods, "That's what I was thinking, Chewbacca. When the Empire fell it didn't mean the bad people stopped existing. I remember Luke used to say the galaxy cannot exist without the light and dark." He says.

Poe leans against the command table, "What exactly do you know from this new evil?" He asks.

Amara brushes her hair behind her hair, "From what Master Kenobi told me, it is someone close to the Skywalker line. Someone that we've interacted personally." She says.

Poe looks at her, "It could be anyone." He said.

Amara nods, "Exactly." She says.

Ben shakes his head, "I don't think so." He says, "I didn't speak to Master Kenobi like you did in my mediation, I- I felt something."

Rey looks at him, "Felt what, Ben?" She asks.

Ben glanced at Amara briefly before addressing everyone, "I felt the source beginning as one being and then another forming."

Poe furrows his brows, "Two? Two bad guys who wield the Force?" He asks.

Ben shakes his head, "No. At least not yet." He says.

Rose frowns, "Then what do you mean?" She asks.

Ben rubbed the bridge of his nose, "I mean-," He sighs, "I think- no, I believe this new dark evil is going to try and sway someone to join their cause."

Amara frowns and glanced at Ben, "Try to sway one of us?" She asks.

All eyes on the Solo siblings.

Ben glanced at Amara, "Yes."

There was a moment of silence. Poe leans his head down and closed his eyes shut. The worry of something bad happening to Amara just hurts him inside, but the thought of someone turning her into what Ben use to be, it makes him terrified.

Rey stepped over to Ben and once she stood next to him, she held onto his hand. Ben did not look at her, instead was looking at Amara, but Rey knew he appreciated the support.

Finn glanced from the siblings to Poe. This cannot be easy for him at all, well none of this has ever been easy. But Poe had always been in the middle of the Solo clan problems. He went from someone who was just learning under Leia to the general of the Resistance and about to marry the former general's daughter.

Amara sighs, "Alright."

Poe lifts his head, "Alright?" He asks.

Amara looks at him, "Alright." She repeats, "There- There isn't much we can do right now. We don't know where the Force is coming from."

Rose held onto a datapad, "I'll begin running scans of possible Force related sources nearby," She says, "Maybe we- we can get a jump on this."

Rose turns her gaze to Poe, she looked to him with a pleading look like what she had said was more than a statement but asking if she could. Poe looks at Rose and nods at her.

Rose nods at Poe.

Then Rose walked out of the room.

Eyes in the room slowly drifted to the Solo siblings again. Amara and Ben glanced at each other before turning to look at their respected companion.

Amara looks at Poe, "There is a lot going on than just new evil." She says, "The Resistance is freeing many planets still occupied by First Order. Jannah has taken a mission to find Stormtroopers and free them."


Poe rubs the back of his neck.

"Ben and I will be ready to fight anything, I promise." She says, "Until either of us know what comes next with this new threat, we'll aid the Resistance and New Republic like before."

Ben sees Amara turn her gaze to look at him. She gave him a look, but he had no idea what she wanted from him. She raised her eyebrows and tilt her head, but still he wasn't sure.

"Right, Ben?" She asks.

Ben nods, "Oh, right." He answers.

Poe walks over to Amara and stands in front of her. He grabs a hold of both of her hands and looks into her eyes softly.

"I just don't want anything bad to happen to you." Poe says.

Amara gives a small smile, "Don't worry, Poe, I'll be okay." She says.

Poe looks into her eyes, hoping what she was telling him was true. Hoping that there is nothing to worry, hoping that she'll be okay, hoping that they'll all be okay.


meeting, Amara had lingered behind with Ben. Finn and Rey were heading to train a little extra for the day, Poe had a meeting to get to, Rose had some work to do, and Chewie and Lando had decided to call it a night.

Amara looks at the starry night as she stood outside the cave of the base. Ben looks at his sister with a frown.

Amara doesn't look at him, "I can feel you staring, Ben." She says.

"You can't just say it'll be okay, Amara. We don't know how serious this threat is." Ben says as he kept his eyes on his sister, "This could be beyond Palpatine."

Amara rubbed the bridge of her nose, "I get it. I get how serious this is." She says.

Ben took a step forward to stand a little closer to his sister. Amara had crossed her arms on her chest and finally met his gaze.

"I don't think you do. This new evil might try to sway us. I feel it, Mari." Ben says, "I'm worried, aren't you?"

Amara furrows her brows, "Of course I am."

"Then why were you acting all fine in there?" He asks as he gestures back into the cave.

Amara shakes her head, "Because I needed Poe to see that I am okay." She says.

Ben tilt his head in confusion, "What?"

Amara groans and ran her hands through her hair. She stomps her feet a little bit as she took a few steps away from Ben, before halting and turning around to face him.

"If he knew how scared I am, Ben, he'd never leave my side." Amara says, "And as heroic as that is, he needs to be here for the Resistance. He needs to finish what mom started."

Ben frowns.

"I know if he saw how I was really feeling, he'd step down. He'd do anything to protect me, and I have no issue with that, it's just- I don't want to be a burden to him." Amara says.

Ben steps forward, "You're not a burden to him. He loves you. He loves you so much." Ben says as he placed his hand on her shoulder, "Part of love is allowing others to share your feelings. I let Rey know when I feel lost."

Amara looks at her brother, "Ben?"

Ben shakes his head, "This isn't about me," He says giving her a grin, "This is about you."


Amara shakes her head, "No. This is about us." She says, "About which one of us this new threat is going to try to sway."

Ben sighs, "It'll probably be me."

Amara frowns, "Why?" She asks.

"Hello, former Supreme Leader Kylo Ren. Does that ring a bell?" He asks with a serious look on his face.

Amara looks into his eyes, "You know something that you didn't tell the others," She says, "Or me."

Ben looks away.

"Ben," She reaches for his chin to turn his head to look at her.

Ben shuts his eyes.

"Ben, stop messing around-." She says.

Ben still keeping his eyes shut, "I will not open my eyes if you're going to try and read into it." He says, "For your own good."

Amara lets go of her brother, "It's me."

Ben opens his eyes.

Amara had a tear slide down her face, "It is me," She says, "It would be too obvious to try and sway the child who danced with the devil, but the good one- that would be a challenge."

Ben frowns, "Mari,"

Amara shakes her head, "No," She says, "I don't want to be treated with kid gloves. Be honest with me."

Ben sighs, "I sensed- I sensed this new threat trying to sway you and- and it worked." He says, "You turn over."

Amara gasp and takes a step back.

"But it might not even be true," Ben says, "My visions are not like yours. Your visions are a hundred percent accurate."

Amara looks from the dirt to her brother.

"He said they were close to you before," Amara eyebrows furrow, "But- But we don't know anyone else who is Force sensitive."

Ben tilt his head.

"What?" She asks.

"It's a hunch but- but I doubt they even survived back then," Ben says.

She punches her brother's shoulder, "And why didn't you bring this up during the meeting?" She asks.

Ben sighs, "Because I wouldn't like to believe they are alive."

"And why is that?" Amara asks.

Ben frowns, "Because," He says, "Because I killed his brother along with our classmates that night at Luke's temple."

Amara's eyes widen.


in her bed thinking about her talk with Ben. What he suspected. The fact a sole survivor from the attack on Luke's temple by Ben, well at that time Kylo Ren, is possibly the new evil.

Amara frowns.

And she knew him. Not very well, but she had came into contact a few times. Amara rolled over on her bed and looked at the photograph of her and Poe together for their engagement. She grabbed the photo, looked at it before hugging it.

"You must be Amara," Spoke a young man.

Amara, being fourteen, turned to see a man a little older than her brother. Standing next to this mysterious man was her brother.

"Ben?" Amara grins, "Who is your friend?"

"Back off, Mari, he's too old for you." Ben says, "Anyways, he's one of Uncle Luke's students. He came to visit and educate me on the ways of the Force before I leave for the temple with Uncle Luke."

Amara nods at her brother before turning to the gentlemen again. He was tall, a little shorter than Ben, but Amara didn't really care.

"Still didn't get a name," Amara says.

"Ronon," The man says, "Ronon Nexus."

Amara smiles, "Nice to meet you, Ronon Nexus."

Amara remembered that Ronon visited during Amara's summer break of studies. She recalls following after her brother and Ronon. She had a small crush on him.

After all, this was the boy she came into contact with that wasn't Ben. Her education was done at home with tutors and the most social interaction she had with peers the same age was rare.

Amara looked at the ceiling and frowns.

"Because I wouldn't like to believe they are alive." Ben's voice echoed.

Amara closed her eyes.

"Because- Because I killed his brother along with our classmates that night at Luke's temple." Ben's voice echoed in Amara's head.

Ben was a different person then. He was pulled by Snoke, actually Palpatine to the darkness. He was seduced. He was lured.

Amara opened her eyes and sat up in her cot.

Could this whole thing be about revenge? After all, Ben took Ronon's brother as well as his classmates away from him after Ben turned to the dark side.

Amara rubbed her hands over her face.

"Mom," She says softly, "I need your guidance."


morning, things were as if everything was okay. Sure, there was some alertness in the core group with this possible new threat, but like Amara had said, they didn't know much and needed to go on with what they can handle at the moment.

Finn had greeted the Stormtroopers Jannah and her company had brought back from a base they had freed.

Poe was in the command center working out deals with the politicians. Connix at his hip handing him datapads and reminding him about the next meeting.

Rey had been mediating as she waited for Finn to become available for training, which sometimes she could wait most of the day to get a little bit of training in for the man.

Meanwhile, Ben and Amara had sneaked away from base towards Amara's usual hideaway. The siblings were sitting on top of the rock formation. Ben sat with his legs crossed and Amara had her feet dangling off the edge.

"Amara," Ben spoke, "You've been quiet. Is everything alright?"

Amara looks at the horizon.

Ben's gaze moved from the horizon to his sister.

"Do you think this is our family legacy, Ben?" Amara asks, "Always fighting."

Ben looks up at the sky with a sigh, "I don't know, maybe." He says, "It's the curse we pay for having Skywalker blood, I guess."

Amara frowns, "I'd hate if that was a future I'd give my own children." She says.

Ben glanced over at her, "Are you considering children with Poe?" He asks.

Amara glanced over at him, "Right now? No." She shakes her head, "He is too busy with the Resistance and this galaxy. Also there is this new threat and-,"

Ben reaches out and placed a hand on his sister's shoulder. She looked directly up at him, into his eyes. Ben gives her a small smile.

"Being a parents never comes at the right time," He grins, "I recall dad saying that mom was not overly thrilled when she had to be bed-rested when she was pregnant. She kept saying how she had far too much to do to be laying in bed."

Amara grins, "That sounds like mom."

Ben kept the grin on his face, "She was too stubborn for her own good."

Amara nods, "Yeah."

Ben pulls his sister close to him, his arm around her shoulder and he leans his head down a little to talk closer to her.

"Look, I don't know what the future holds, I cannot see the future, but what I know is what I see." Ben says, "You and Poe are unbreakable. I know it. I can see it in the way you two look at each other. I believe you two having kids would be the best thing you two could do for the future after we're all gone."

Amara gave a small smile.

But then she frowns.

"But what about the threat- what about Ronon?" She asks.

Ben shakes his head, "We don't know it's him, Mari. Plus, we will worry about it when we need to. Nothing beyond a presence as been sensed."

Amara nods.

"And like I said last night, I do not believe you'll turn, Mari. You are too pure and good to turn into what I became." Ben says, "What I felt must've been false."

Amara kept a small on her face.

Ben squeezes her in a hug and then says, "We'll take them down together." He says, "Me and you."

"Oh? No Rey?" Amara asks.

Ben shrugs, "I guess she can come with, but if my girlfriend comes then you'll be a third wheel." He says.

Amara grins, "Too bad, I'll invite my soon to be husband."

Ben laughs, "Oh is that so?"

Amara laughs.

And there the two Solo siblings sat on the rock formation laughing, laughing like regular siblings. Laughing like there isn't a care in the world, because at that moment there wasn't. It was only them.

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