
listened to his father's message. Most of it was same old same old. Asking when Poe was coming back to Yavin IV to visit. Poe had been telling his old man that he'd visit when things settle down, but things only got busier since the last time he had called his dad.

Poe sat at his desk in his general's office. He was tapping the desk, thinking. He was considering on calling his dad or not.

He knew that Amara would get upset if he didn't call Kes.

Poe leans back in his chair and then shakes his head, he hasn't spoken to his dad in maybe a month, due to how busy he's been. And he and Kes have been leaving messages for the other to listen and then send another message.

Poe decided to call home.

He pulled up his holocomm and phoned his dad. It took a few moments but after what seemed to be a minute or so, Poe saw his father's face blue and as a hologram.

"Son," Kes smiles, "I see you got my message."

Poe gives his dad a smile, "Yeah, I just gave it a listen."

Kes observed his son, "You look tired, son."

"I just got back from Coruscant." Poe says, "Haven't had time to slow down."

Kes sighs, "You need to pace yourself son." He says, "Give some work to your co-general. Or even ask Amara, I'm certain she'd want to help."

Poe smiles, "I know she would," He says and shakes his head, "She has a lot to deal with at the moment with her Jedi training."

Kes nods, "I heard the news of Ben Solo." He says, "You trust him?"

Poe looks at his father, "I do. I know Leia would, not only that but both Amara and Rey trust him. That is enough for me." He says.

Kes nods.

There was a moment of silence between the father and son. Poe's gaze drifted to a photograph in a frame next to the hologram of hi father, it was a photograph of Amara and Poe. This photo was taken on Ajan Kloss by a new recruit who had a camera and decided to take a photo after the two announced their engagement.

"So," Kes says, "You finally propose?"

Poe glanced at his dad, "Huh?"

"You aren't wearing your mother's ring," Kes gives a smile, "I knew you'd only let it go if you found the right person."

Poe reached to where the ring would've rested on his chest, remembering the fact that it wasn't on him anymore. Poe lowers his hand and just nodded at his father.

"I'm happy for you son," Kes smiles, "You and Amara will have such a wonderful life together."

Poe grinned, "When we announced it on the base apparently there was a running bet on how long it would take us to get engaged." He chuckled, "Jess seemed to have won that bed."

Kes kept the smile on his face.

"I wanted to tell you sooner but things got too crazy here," Poe says, "After our trip to Naboo things just- just moved so fast."

Kes nods, "I understand, son. Remember I was there in the wake of the victory for the Rebels. I may not have stayed during all the complicated stuff like you are doing, but I get it." He says, "It isn't easy to rebuild after a war."

Poe agrees, "No. It isn't."



finished his call with his father and sought out to find Rose. Connix had told him that she needed to see him, so Poe decided to seek her out instead of sending someone to collect her.

As Poe walked through the base, he heard voices coming from the jungle. His gaze lifts and sees Finn and Rey returning from training. Based off the appearance alone, Finn got his butt handed to him, so it is probably best Finn still has his training solo.

Poe walked into the command center and it is there where he found Rose. Rose was fixing a computer in the command center as Poe walked over to her.

"You were looking for me, Rose?" Poe asks.

Rose lifts her gaze and sees Poe standing next to her. She stood up from the seat she was at, seeing as she had finished fixing the computer.

"Oh yeah," Rose says, "But in private."

Poe nods, "Alright."

The two walked out of the command center and seemingly moved away from the base. The two sat near the jungle but still close to see the base. Rose sat down on a log, but Poe stood.

"What is it, Rose?" Poe asks.

Rose looks at him, "I've been worrying about something."

Poe raised his eyebrow, "About what?"

Rose sighs, "From what I've been studying from Rey's texts on the Jedi, there always has to be the Jedi and the Sith in some manner. Light cannot exist without dark." She says.

Poe nods.

He understood that basic. It's like the sun and the moon, a planet needs the sun and the moon or in some planets cases multiple suns and multiple moons.

"You're worried about the fact it's unbalance now?" Poe asks.

Rose nods, "Yes." She says, "I spoke to Rey about it and she seems to be a bit worried, but said since she doesn't sense anything dark that we shouldn't worry."

Poe crossed his arms on his chest, "True."

Rose fumbles with her fingers, "It's just- what if whatever dark Force that could follow after Palpatine be worst? Maybe stronger?"

Poe gives a small smile, "Then we'll fight them like we did with Palpatine and the First Order." He says.

Rose only nods.

"I understand being worried about it, Rose. The Force," He makes hand gestures, "I- I don't fully understand it like the others. Although, I do trust Rey's suggestion. We shouldn't overly worry about it now, but keeping a look out is also a good idea."

Rose looks at him and nods.

"Was that everything?" Poe asks.

Rose stands up, "Yeah." She says.

Poe gives her a smile, "Alright," He says, "Thank you for bringing it to my attention. Finn and I will talk more about it later."

Rose smiles, "Thank you for hearing me out." She says.

Poe nods.

He watches as Rose walks off. Poe stands there overlooking the base. He looks around seeing things move as normal as they've been before. Pilots doing flight exercises, mechanics fixing things, droids all over, recruits moving from point A to point B, and so on.

Poe's gaze move toward the right where he sees Amara.

Amara is smiling at something her brother says as they were meeting up with Finn and Rey. Behind Amara was R2-D2. The astromech that Amara seemingly adopted following the passing of her mother.

Poe couldn't help but smile softly when seeing her. He has known Amara for years, longer than Finn and Rey. They've always seemed to have known of each other throughout their lives but only becoming face to face when she joined the Resistance. It didn't take long for their relationship to blossom and for Poe to be certain of one fact, that he was going to marry her.



probably the most Ben socializes in, but to be fair, most of those who are still nervous about him kept their distance. And the only ones who sat with them were the core group; Rey, Finn, Amara, Chewie, Poe, and sometimes Lando and Rose.

Today was that night that everyone was attendance to. The group were sitting at a table inside the mess hall with their treys filled with their evening meal.

The conversation was usually split, sometimes it was work related because Poe can't seem to let things rest until after dinner. Poe would be talking to Finn, Rose, or Lando about next steps in the recovery of the galaxy, whereas Rey, Amara, and Ben would be taught teasing each other.

This evening was a little different.

"So Finn," Rose spoke, "How has your Jedi training been?"

Finn shrugs, "It's alright." He shakes his head, "I wouldn't call myself a Jedi."

Rey nearly smacked him from across the table, "Finn, you're technique has improved a lot since you first started." She says, "Don't sell yourself short."

Finn glanced at Rey, he looked at her sheepishly.

Lando pointed at the boy, "I'd listen to her if I were you, lad." He grins.

Chewie also growled.

Amara had a small smile on her face but then turns to Poe, "So did you call Kes?" She asks.

Poe nods after he took a sip of his drink, "Yes. He wanted to say congratulations to the both of us for the engagement, but he knew we're all over the place with business." He says.

Amara nods, "Yeah."

Her eyes drift to the ring he proposed to a month ago. Sometimes it felt unreal wearing it. Amara felt like no one should dare wear this ring. That the only true owner besides Poe was Shara Bey.

Amara lifts her gaze to Poe, "I'll be certain to give him a call," She says, "Thank him properly."

Poe shrugs it off, "Ah, you don't have to." He says.

Amara looks at him, "Poe, your father will become my father-in-law, of course I'm going to thank him properly. We're family." She says.

Poe looks at her and just nods.

Conversations fell into place like usual. Poe mentioning to Finn about some things he'd want to discuss after their meal. Ben mentioning how he wants to train a little after their meal with Rey and Rey completely okay with that. Rose talking to Lando and Chewie about the Falcon's upgrades.

Amara slowly seemed to slip out of the conversation.

She rested her head in the palm of her hand and she stared at her trey. She lifts her gaze and looks at her friends and family.

A small smile escaped her lips.

Seeing them all together brought something to her. Joy, maybe? Either way, she was just glad she had her brother back. She was glad she didn't have to fight him. She was happy the war was over, although she wished it didn't take so many lives in the process.

Amara lifts her head from resting in her palm and then turned her gaze behind her, when she did so, it seemed to gain the attention of Ben.

"Amara," Ben spoke.

Amara looks at her brother.

Now everyone was looking at the Solo siblings. Poe reached out and held onto Amara's hand, Rey held onto Ben's upper arm, Rose looked worried, Finn seemed confused, Lando and Chewie just stared at the Solo's with some concern.

"What is it?" Poe asks.

Ben glanced at Rey, "You don't sense it?" He asks as he turns to Finn, "Do you?"

Finn shakes his head, "No- No."

Rey also shakes her head, "No. What is it?" She asks.

Eyes drift between Ben and Amara.

Poe pulled himself closer to Amara, "What is it? What are you sensing?" He asks.

Poe knew, he knew with this relationship like many that there will be their share of issues and complications. The Force is one of those for him. He doesn't get it like Ben or Rey or Finn, heck Maz understands it more than him. But Poe knows that the Force connects with everything from being told by Leia, but also understands Amara's connection is something she cannot deny anymore.

Amara furrows her brows and lifts her gaze to her brother. Ben seemingly is only staring at Amara, as if everyone else wasn't there.

"Something is calling," Amara says looking at her brother in utter confusion, "But what?"

Amara moves her gaze from Ben and then looks around in the interior of the mess hall. Everything about this hall has been the same since before the Battle of Exegol, but suddenly being in the room felt off and strange.

Amara pushes herself out of Poe's embrace and stands up.

"I- I can't explain it," Amara says.

Poe stands up next to her, "It's okay."

Ben also stands up, "Maybe we should get some fresh air." He says, "Collect ourselves for a moment."

Amara nods at her brother.

Amara turns to Poe, she gives him a small smile. Amara leans over and kisses him on the lips before parting. Amara held onto his hand as she looked into his eyes.

"I just need a moment and I'll be fine." Amara says.

Poe nods, "Yeah, yeah. I get it."

But in reality he doesn't get it. Poe is wanting to give her the space to figure this out. He doesn't want to come across as smothering her. But he doesn't want to lead her to drift away from him either.

Amara gives him a small smile and squeezed his hand before letting go of it. She turns and follows Ben out.

Poe didn't miss the looks some of the members of the Resistance gave Ben as he passed their table. Some glaring and others appearing to be scared of him. Even though they gives these expressions directly at Ben, no one has wanted to try and harm him, yet.

Poe turns and sits back down.

Poe looks at Rose, "I guess this is a sign," He says, "We should investigate anything odd in the Force."

Poe looks at Rey and Finn.

Rey nods, "Of course," She says, "With Palpatine gone and the First Order defeated, all the bad is gone."

Lando shakes his head, "I wouldn't say gone, kid."

All eyes on the respected general.

"When Vader was defeated the Empire fell, sure, but that didn't stop people from during to the dark side." Lando says, "There has always been evil in the world. Evil has been around a lot longer than any of you, hell longer than me and the Wookiee."

Chewie growled in agreement.


Ben stood outside of the base, the temperature had lowered a little due to the sun had set beyond the horizon.

Ben placed his hand on his sister's shoulder, "Do you want to lay down or mediate?" He asks, "It might help collect yourself."

Amara looks at her brother, "Nah, I think I need a walk."

Ben tilt his head at her, "Want me to accompany you?" He asks.

Amara gives him a soft smile, "I'm not a little girl, Ben. I don't need you to protect me." She says.

Ben rolls his eyes, "I'm aware, Mari, but sometimes you get too lost in your head you might get yourself literally lost in the jungle." He says.

Amara lightly shoves him, "You underestimate me. I've spent a year in the jungle. I know it well." She says.

Ben sighs and shrugs, "Fine, be that way." He says, "I'll go mediate in the Falcon."

Amara nods, "See you in a little bit."

Ben nod and walks off.

Amara heads into the jungle, alone.

She only hears the sounds of the insects and other creatures that live in the jungle of Ajan Kloss. She hears branches moving a little as the wind blew.

Amara looks upward as she is fully hidden by trees. She stops in the middle, surrounded by trees all around her. She looks down to the dirt and then sits down.

She knew she told Ben she was going for a walk, but maybe he had a good point with mediating. She didn't want to do it around Ben, because she doesn't like mediating with others around. She preferred doing it alone.

She crossed her legs, rested her hands in a relaxed way on her knees, and closed her eyes. She was controlling her breathing and trying to relax but also focus.

Focus on the Force that is trying to call her. Trying to gain her attention. She was trying to focus to figure out some answers.

She felt something during her mediation, a cold sudden chill that went up her spine. She felt as if she was somewhere twenty degrees colder. She reached her hands up to hug herself, in order to keep herself warm, but did not stray from loosing focus.


Amara turns her head, eyes still shut, in the direction she heard the voice.

Amara opens her eyes and let out a deep exhale, she looks around and isn't on Ajan Kloss anymore. Instead she is standing in a hut in a sandy surface. She looks around and noticed the hut wasn't very large, nor did it feel familiar.

"What the hell is this?" Amara asks.

"I've kept something here," Spoke an old man, "For Luke all these years, but he, he never needed it."

Amara tilts her head, "Ben? Ben Kenobi?"

Old Ben Kenobi looks at Amara with a small smile on his face. The old Jedi fully faces her and gestures for her to sit in one of the couches.

Amara stands, but Ben sits.

"What is this, Master Kenobi?" Amara asks.

Ben doesn't look to her, "The Skywalker line is a strong one, no one can deny it. It is not surprising at all that you two were the ones who sensed it."

"Sensed what?" Amara asks.

"What did it feel like?" Ben asks her.

Amara frowns, "Cold. Dark." She looks away, "A bad feeling."

Old Ben stands up and walks over towards the young woman. Amara lifts her gaze from the sandy ground to the old Jedi.

"A new evil has awaken," Old Ben says, "And it's calling to you and Ben."

"Why us?" Amara asks, "Rey was the one to defeat Palpatine."

Ben gives a smirk, "That may be, but with the help of all of the Jedi. Past and present." He says, "This isn't about Rey. This isn't about the Resistance. This is about you and Ben, as Skywalkers."

"This is personal." Amara states.

Old Ben nods, "Yes."

"Who? Who is calling to us that doesn't seem to like us?" Amara asks.

Ben does not answer.

Amara nods, "Great, just as useful as Anakin is with answers." Amara says.

Old Ben gives her a small smile, "Impatient, like your grandfather." He says and then looks directly at her, "And no, I do not know who this evil is, but I know they were close to you before."

"Me? Personally?" Amara asks.

Ben shakes his head.

"Okay, we're back to vague answers." Amara says, "So this person could either know me, Ben, mom, dad, or my grandfather?"

Ben just nods.

Amara sighs, "Wonderful, that'll make finding them a lot harder."

"This is a mission you and Ben must see through," Old Ben says, "If you sense what I sense about this new evil presence, then you know how serious this could be."

Amara frowns, "Another Vader or another Ren."

Old Ben nods.

Amara opens her eyes.

She is back on Ajan Kloss. She looks around and the senses someone coming, she stands up and goes to reach for her sabers, only to see Ben approaching her.

"Ben," Amara says.

"Amara," Ben looks at her.

Amara looks from her brother and then up at the sky.

"Looks like we're still cleaning up for whatever mess the Skywalkers left in our wake." Amara says.

Ben walks next to her, "It could be because of me, Amara."

Amara looks at him, "I know." She says, "It's the burden we both must share as the last living members of the bloodline."

Ben looks at her and nods.

"Whatever is coming," She says, "We'll handle it."

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