
has gone by since the defeat of Palpatine and the victory on the Resistance's part in the galactic war. Many things have remind the same, such being that the Resistance still operated on Ajan Kloss, still sending out missions to liberate occupations still enslaved by First Order survivors.

Although, some things have changed. That being the small acceptance of Ben Solo on the base, the three; Poe, Finn, and Amara had stood in front of the Resistance and fed them their lie. They knew the backlash of the truth being out there and many angry people would rather have Ben Solo die than accept him turning to the light, so continuing to blame Ben's turning on being controlled in some manner by Palpatine seemed to allow the Resistance's to empathize with him.

That being said, Poe ended up telling the truth to a few closer officers that he trusted the most. Larma D'Arcy, Kaydel Connix, and even told Rose. He knew these three women would've understood the truth better, and even get it from the sense of Leia would've accepted Ben back no questions if he had prior. So only ten people knew the absolute truth about Ben. And for now it'll stay that way.

Ben would stay on the base as Poe and Finn began to feed the narrative that Ben was a weak minded individual who was swayed to the dark side without the self control he has now. But now, it meant Ben didn't have to stay on the Falcon all the time.

Instead the older Solo has been practicing his training along side Rey. Most of his time alone was spent with Rey, but it wasn't much of a shocker. The Dyads have a connection. Many people besides the ten who know the truth tend to stay away from Ben, probably because they are uneasy around the former Sith, but Ben does not hold it against him.

Finn and Poe have had their work cut out for them. Poe has been traveling between Coruscant and Ajan Kloss often. Even though Poe dislikes politics, he would be offered to attend meetings with senators, and since Senator Ara supports the Resistances and seems to support Ben being on the base, it helped them greatly. With Senator Ara support, the senate has been able to give more muscle and resources to the Resistance in their final mission before the entire First Order either surrendered or captured.

As for Finn, he has been between going on missions with Company 77 or in the command center. He and Jannah were mainly focused on using the chain codes Ben gave Finn after the Battle of Exegol in finding where they came from in hopes of finding their family. Also, Finn had wanted to save those troopers who wanted to deflect and give them a new chance at life, like he and Jannah had done for themselves.

Meanwhile, Amara.

Well, Amara, she was Amara.


of the Falcon opened up and stepping down from the ship was none other than General Poe Dameron. He had just returned from a long and exhausting mission on Coruscant.

"Welcome back, buddy." Finn stands at the bottom of the ramp with a grin, "How was the meetings?"

Poe rubs the back of his neck, "Exhausting." He says, "Honestly, I don't understand how Leia could handle the politicians."

"She just didn't give in to their demands," Spoke Lando.

Lando had stepped down the ramp with Chewie right behind him. Both Lando and Chewie had accompanied Poe on this mission, they were their to advice and console Poe about moves that may benefit the Resistance.


BB-8 chirps beeps at Finn.

Finn looks at BB-8 and then to Poe, "Wow, no screaming in the faces of senators. I'm impressed." He grins.

Poe lets out a light laugh, "Oh ha ha," He says, "You tell one senator he's stupid and then everything thinks you have a short temper."

Finn goes to open his mouth but then closes it.

The two generals walk away from the legendary ship to head to the command center, Poe needed to be filled in on missions that were going on at that moment and missions that had either been successful or not.

Poe glanced at Finn as they reached the command center, "How has the others been with Ben?" He asks.

Finn glanced at Poe, "Well no one tried to pick a fight with him today." He says, "If anything more people are slowly coming around, but you still have those who glare at him the second he is in their sight."

Poe sighs, "Maybe we should've held off on telling them about Ben."

Finn clasped a hand on Poe's shoulder, "Poe, we told them when we felt they would've been ready. In all honestly, they probably would've never been ready, but we've made the choice and we need to accept it."

Poe nods and rubs the bridge of his nose, "I know."

Finn lowers his hand from Poe's shoulder, "Not sleeping well?" He asks.

Poe nods, "I think it's the cycles on Coruscant. It's so different than here." He says and then looks up, "Alright, I think I'm ready."

When Poe and Finn entered the command center, people rose to their feet if they were sitting at their controls. Officers saluted and others just stood in respect.

D'Arcy had a grin on her face, "Welcome back, general." She says.

Poe steps over, "Thanks," He says, "How have things been while I was away?"

D'Arcy had both generals follow her to the center of the room where they had a table that pulled up holograms.

"Well for starters, we've neutralized all threat of the First Order on Lothal." D'Arcy says, "Rex sends his regards for that."

Poe nods.

D'Arcy then pulls up a map of the Outer Rim, which showed the planets in the Outer Rim. There were a total of six planets now out of the hold of the First Order fleets that remind.

"We still have a lot more work to do, but we've freed more planets. Saved more people." D'Arcy says.

Poe held a small smile, "That's great." He says, "With the support the New Republic has given us, we'll be able to have more ships and people to assist with future missions to clear out the remains of the First Order."

After that D'Arcy was handed a datapad from Connix.

"According to Jannah," Connix says, "Their mission on finding young troopers on an abandoned cruiser went well."

D'Arcy read over the report and handed it to Poe. Poe was reading over it, but looked up at Connix as she gave more details to the report.

"Apparently these kids were abducted a year ago. They think they'll be able to find their families and send them back home." Connix says.

Poe grit his teeth seeing the ages of the kids that were left to die on the cruiser alone. The youngest being ten and the oldest being sixteen. They were just scared kids.

"Jannah just wants you to call her and notify where they should take the kids until we know where they were taken from." Connix says.


Finn glanced at Poe, "They can come here."

"Finn," Poe says, "Space is tight already."

Finn gives Poe a look.

Poe sighs, "Alright, Connix call Jannah and tell her to bring them here. We will begin looking into their origin after they get medical attention, that is if they need it."

Connix nods and heads off.

Poe glanced from where Connix ran off and then to D'Arcy.

"Anything else?" Poe asks.

D'Arcy shakes her head, "We've remain in contact with Commander Pava on her mission with her squadron near Ryloth."

Poe nods.

Finn also nods, "Oh and I was told to tell you, Karé had notified us that the appointment went well and the baby is okay." He says.

Poe glanced at Finn and nodded, "Thank you."

Since the final battle on Exegol and the lost of Snap, Karé left with her in laws to live on their farm to raise her baby. Poe did not object, Karé needed to be away from the reminders of the fact her husband died in battle and wasn't coming back.

Poe nods to himself before then asking, "What's next?"


standing in the middle of the jungle, eyes closed. She took in a deep breathe before slowly exhaling it.

She turned her head, eyes still closed and then used the Force to stop the large rock coming towards her.

A smirk appeared on Amara's face.

She lowered the rock and then she heard the sound of a twig snapping, her head turned around and then heard the sound of a lightsaber igniting. Amara jumped over the rock, giving space between her and her attacker.

Amara used the Force to bring the saber into her hands and ignited the green lightsaber. She wielded a weapon, but her eyes remain closed.

She sensed her attacker coming close, so Amara spun the saber before the blade came in contact with the attacker's saber. The two fighters pushed hard with their might, but Amara sensed another person coming.

Amara still using the blade to block off one attacker, let go of the saber with one hand and used the Force to hold back the second attacker.

Amara still having her eyes closed, she glanced her head between the first and second attacker. They were pushing hard against her, this caused them to get closer and closer to her.

Amara grit her teeth and then used the Force to through the second attacker back, once she heard the female grunt of the second attacker, she used the Force again to shove the first attacker back. Once she heard his feet sliding on the dirt, she spun her saber and then she then made the first strike, she heard the attacker's blade block her blow.

Amara heard the sound of the second attacker getting up. Amara's head turns a little to hear the attacker better, she still held her saber with one hand but reached at her belt.

As the second attacker came to strike with their saber, Amara had ignited a second green saber to block the attack.

Amara smirks.

She shoves the two back and then turned off the sabers before jumping over one attacking, kicking them in the back and that attacker fell forward. Amara heard the sounds of an attacker moving towards her, she exhaled as she quickly dodged the attack coming from the attacker, which was from what she heard their saber.

Amara managed to do a slide kick as she dodge their attack, causing them to loose their balance and fall to the ground, rolling next to the other attacker.

Amara pulled out both sabers and ignited them pointing at them.

"Tag," Amara grins as she opens her eyes, "You're it."

Laying on the ground were Ben and Rey. Rey was sitting up slowly and Ben was just laying there for a moment before even trying to move. Amara grins as she turns off her sabers and offers a hand to either of them.

Ben looks at her, "I was going easy on you."

Amara rolls her eyes, "Uh huh. Tell that to my undefeated victory." She says.

Ben groans at his sister's gloating, "I wasn't trying to harm you through this training exercise." He says, "This was merely a test for you to not rely on your sight."

Amara knelt down to her brother, "And I did pretty good," She says and stands up, "Come on, you have to admit, I am a fast learner."

Rey sits fully on the dirt, "She's right, Ben. Amara managed to have this down a lot quicker than I did with my training with Leia."

Ben glanced at Rey, "Yeah," He says, "I just dislike my sister having an ego."

Amara gives him a look, "That's rich coming from you." She says, "Remember back when we were kids and when you gloated about beating Jaks Dali in piloting? You're ego was so huge in comparison."

Ben looks at her, "Okay, you're blowing that situation way out of proportion." Ben says.

Amara shakes her head, "Am not."

Ben stands in her face, "Are so,"

Amara crossed her arms on her chest, "Am not." She says.

Ben points at her, "Are so."

Then they paused.

They must've realized what they were doing. They were arguing in front of Rey like literal children. The two adult siblings stared at each other with a serious look before it just vanished into laughter. Ben lightly punches Amara in her shoulder, and she lightly shoves him back afterwards.

"Is this what you call training?"

The three Jedi look up to see Poe and Finn.

"Oh you missed all the fun," Amara says grinning at her brother and Rey.

Rey steps over and points to Finn, "Are you ready for your training?" She asks.

Finn nods, "Yeah," He says.

Finn walks away from Poe, heading towards the three Force users. Meanwhile, as Finn heads over to them, Ben wraps his arm over Rey and kisses her on the top of the head. Amara, however, attached her sabers to her belt and looked up to see her fiancé walking over to her.

Poe kisses Amara on her forehead.

"How was the meeting?" Amara asks.

Poe pulls back and smiles, "Exhausting but well." He says, "And your training?"

Amara glanced back at her brother and Rey, "Going perfectly." She says.

Rey looks at the engaged couple, "You two," She also points to Ben, "And you, get your stuff and head out. This is a private training."

Amara raised her arms, "Alright, alright."

Ben lightly smiles as he walks over to Rey, whispering a goodbye and love you before heading after his sister and her fiancé.

As the couple and Ben walked up a hill towards the direction of the base, Poe glanced at Amara's belt. He finally noticed the second saber.

"Wait- Wait," He says pointing to it, "Since when did you carry a second saber? I wasn't gone that long."

Amara grins, "You weren't," She says, "But after Rey created her own. Ben decided to do the same, and I felt that I could master dual wielding."

Poe nods and then glanced at Ben.

Ben nods, "She's getting better at it," He says, "Although she still favors her first saber over the other one."

Amara glanced at her brother, "I'm getting use to it, Ben." She says.

Poe glanced at the two. When he watched Ben and Amara banter, he just remembers what Leia use to tell him about her children. How close they were, and nearly a month after coming back to the light, it felt like the bond they carried may have been damaged but amendable.


to base, Poe was met with Connix handing off a datapad. Amara and Ben look at the general being told about new intel from a mission happening off planet.

"Also," Connix says, "A message was left by your father, Poe. I left it in your quarters so you can listen privately."

Poe nods, "Thank you." He says.

Connix smiles at him and then turns to the Solo siblings, she gives Amara a smile but the smile sort of fades with Ben. She doesn't hate him, but she isn't completely okay with him yet.

"Oh and when you have free time," Connix says after stopping herself from leaving, "Rose would like a word with you."

Poe nods, "Alright. Anything else?"

Connix shakes her head, "That is all, sir."

Poe nods, "Alright. Thank you." He says.

Connix walks off.

Amara glanced at Poe, "Aren't you mister popular." She grins.

Ben nudges his sister, "He is general after all." He says and crosses his arms on his chest.

Amara glanced at him, "No, duh." She rolls her eyes and turns to Poe, "So if you need to do more general stuff, I'll see you in the mess later for dinner?"

Poe looks at her, "I mean I could always do this stuff later,"

Amara reached out and touched his arm, "Poe, this is important stuff. I understand." She says, "Besides, I think I know the reason your dad messaged you. You haven't told him of the engagement yet."

Poe sighs, "I was going to but things piled up."

"No excuse, Dameron." She says, "You'll march into your quarters and finish whatever general business you need to do, and then call home. Talk to your dad."

Ben grins, "I'd listen to her," He says, "She is pretty bossy."

Amara mocked laugh, "Oh har har," She turns to Ben, "And where did I get it from?"

Ben kept the smile on his face, "Mom."

Poe had a small smile thinking of it. Yeah, Amara shared qualities of her parents. Some more than others, but what was for certain was the fact that Amara was a lot more like her mother than her father. Ben, Ben was a lot like Han.

Poe nods, "Alright. Fine." He says.

Amara glanced to Poe and points to the direction of his quarters, "March off, general."

Poe jokingly salutes and then turns off. He glanced back briefly to see the two siblings head off in a different direction. Poe glanced forward and shakes his head, grinning slightly.


cleaning R2-D2 while listening to C-3PO ramble on and on about something she had lost track of. She was under a large tent surrounded by mechanic parts and tools. Across from her was Ben, he was tinkering with his handle of his saber. The older man complaining that he didn't like how it felt in his grasp.

Amara, however, noticed how dirty R2 was so decided to give him a nice shine. Since the passing of Luke, R2 had become her mother's droid, but after the passing of Leia, R2 had become Amara's droid. Him and 3PO honestly.

"Mari," Ben starts talking, "I heard from Lando that Senator Ara spoke on Poe's behalf about my being here as no threat to future peace."

Amara glanced at him.

"Why would Ara do that?" Ben asks.

Amara shrugs, "Maybe because she heard the bullshit we've been saying," She says, "Or maybe she felt bad for judging me poorly when we first met."

Ben nods.

Amara lowers the towel from R2 and sighs, "Are we doing the right thing? Lying to everyone about you?" She asks.

Ben shrugs, "Maybe. Maybe not." He says.

Amara frowns and turns back to R2, "I just hate the fact that we have to lie, but also knowing that if we didn't- well maybe people would've wanted you dead."

Ben put a tool in a tool box, "Plenty of people want me dead, Mari." He says, "I can hear their ever so loud thoughts."

Amara says nothing.

Ben tilts his head, "And you do too,"

Amara lifts her head to meet his gaze, "You know damn well I do."

There was a moment of silence between the siblings, but it didn't seem to disturb the golden droid from continuing his monologue or what not.

"And heavens when we had discovered that we were not in a cave but in fact some asteroid monster," C-3PO says, "I was certain we were goners."

Amara glanced at her brother, "Any idea what he is talking about?" She grins.

Ben shakes his head, "I thought you were listening."

R2 beeps at them.

The astromech explained that 3PO was telling the tale of when their father and mother, along with 3PO and Chewie had escaped Hoth after an attack on a Rebel base back in the days of the Empire.

Amara glanced from R2 and then to Ben. The two siblings looked at each other for a moment or so, before turning back their attention to what they were doing.

And then 3PO continued the tale, going into heading to meet with Lando and how their grandfather had arrived and captured their parents. Holding them hostage before their father was taken back to Jabba.

Some of these things were stories their parents told, but some things were either left out due to memory being foggy or worry that the story might scare them as children, but now they heard it with every detail.

Amara looked at the droid, "Hey, 3PO."

C-3PO paused in his dialogue, "Yes, Miss Amara."

"Can you tell us about the Clone Wars?" Amara asks.

C-3PO looks a little stunned, "Why would you want to know about that?"

Amara shrugs, "I don't know," She grins, "Curiosity."

3PO looks at Ben, "Master Ben?"

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