
in the communication room to be greeted by Rey, Finn, and Poe. She looked in the room, noting that Senator Ara and her brother were not here.

"Where is Dorian and Senator Ara?" Amara asks.

Rey looks at Amara, "She went to her quarters with the company of guards." She says.

Amara nods.

Amara walked further into the room. She stepped over to the table that previously had the hologram of the footage from the roof playing.

"So what did the sniper tell you?" Amara asks.

"Not much," Finn says, "I don't know how Rey even got anything from him."

That mere comment caused Amara to glance over at Rey, as well as Poe. Finn, seemed a bit dumbfounded on the reason.

"What we did find out is Jetu is here on Naboo," Poe says, "Likely to finish the job in case his assassin was caught."

Amara nods, "That makes sense." She ponders over it.

Poe kept his eyes on her, "Our next plan of action was trying to get Jetu to show himself." He says, "We just need to figure out how."

Amara glanced from the table to Poe, "We give him what he wants."

"What?" Finn asks.

Amara pulled up on the controls an image of Ara. Amara turns to look at the three of them, the resemblance was there.

"What if we give him Senator Ara, but instead of actually giving him Ara, we give him me?" Amara asks.

"Wha- What?" Finn asks.

Poe shakes his head, "No. No. We are not going to risk your life." He says.

Amara looks at Poe, "I do not want something to happen to anyone because of something we could've done." She says, "Besides with the right makeup and clothing, I'd look like her."

Rey kept her eyes on Amara, "And what would you do when you're captured by him?" She asks.

"Put a tracker on me." She says, "That way you can find us."

Poe crosses his arms on his chest and looks at her. He shakes his head, hating the idea. But he had stopped his pace when he felt Amara touch his arm.

"Poe," Amara says, "I am not a risk taker, but this might be the only way to insure the safety of Senator Ara."

Poe looks at her and sighs, "Finn and Rey, go to Senator Ara's chambers and tell her the plan." He says, "I will only conduct this with her support."

Amara kept her gaze on him.

Both Rey and Finn exchanged looks before parting. The couple did not move an inch until the door shut behind Rey and Finn, leaving them alone.

"R2 picked up that you weren't in the palace when you said you were out patrolling," Poe says, "Where did you run off to?"

Amara frowns, "I didn't run off,"

Poe shakes his head, "That's exactly what you did." He says, "Amara, what is going on?"

Amara looks down and then to him, "I can't-,"

Poe reached over and grabbed her hands. His eyes never left looking at her. He sees her worry, he sees her concern. Poe may not have some ability to sense things in the Force, but he can see that something is wrong with her.

"You don't need to pull away from me," Poe says.

Amara shakes her head, "I am not pulling away from you." She says.

"Amara," Poe says.

Amara looks at him, "Please, Poe, just- just. Can we not do this now?" She asks, "We have bigger issues going on."


Amara pulled out of his grasp and walked toward the door, she grabbed a hold of the handle but hesitated as she turned her head back to look at him.

Poe was looking at her.

"Being on Naboo is just weird for me," Amara says, "That's all. I really cannot explain it."

She wasn't completely lying. She was feeling off the second she set foot on the ground here in Theed. She felt off after the assassination attempt. She felt confused after her talk with Anakin.

Poe steps over, "Okay," He says, "But you can tell me these things. You don't have to take the burden yourself."

Amara's gaze lowers, "Yes I do." She then opens the door.

Poe didn't stop her. Instead the young Solo stepped out of the room and left the general in the room alone.

Poe shakes his head.


was a go. Senator Ara had approved of the plan for first thing in the morning. So with that said, everyone had gone to their quarters for rest. Everyone but Amara was asleep. Amara had stepped out on the balcony in the quarters she was sharing with Rey.

She looked forward at the city of Theed.

"Restless?" Spoke Ben.

Amara closed her eyes and she could imagine him. He was sitting on the surface where Amara would train. It was late on Ajan Kloss, the stars were out.

Amara opens her eyes, "Something like that."

"I sense something wrong," Ben says, "Has the trip to Naboo not go as planned?"

"When has anything we've done gone exactly as planned?" Amara asks.

Ben doesn't answer.

"There was an assassination attempt on Senator Ara. Her, Finn, and Poe had a target on their back by the sniper." She says, "The man who hired him is a First Order supporter. He is just not willing to accept he lost."

"So what are you going to do about it?" Ben asks.

"I am going to be a decoy," Amara says, "Be bait for Jetu to capture me, just so we can bring him in."

"You sure that is a good idea?" Ben asks.

Amara could sense the worry in his voice. The same worry that Poe had when Amara first suggested the idea.

"Of course," Amara says, "I can handle myself."

"I'm not saying you can't, Amara. I am only saying if it is a good idea in case of the idea of it being a trap." Ben spoke.

Amara held onto the railing of the balcony.

She doesn't answer him.

Instead Amara just stares down into the city, seeing the beautiful starry night lit up by the lights in the city.

"Amara," Ben says, "What Anakin says to you is true."

Amara clenched her jaw when he made that comment. Her hold on the railing tighten.

"You have to confront the fear inside yourself," Ben says.

Amara sighs, "Don't tell me something I already know." She says.

Amara closed her eyes again. She could see her brother. He had stood up from the spot he was sitting on, on her perch on Ajan Kloss. He was staring towards her, but she had her back to him.

"The longer you avoid it," Ben says.

Amara frowns, "I'll loose control? I've been there done that." She says.

Amara turned around. Her back was up against the railing now. And despite the fact they were on different planets, they could see each other as if they were having this conversation in person.


"You are stronger than me, Amara. I know that and I know you know it too." Ben says, "Before you didn't know, you were naive to your ability, but now- now something is hindering you from accepting your potential."

Amara kept the frown on her face.

"Is it because of me? Because of what I did as Kylo Ren?" Ben asks and tilts his head, "No. It isn't."

Amara shakes her head, "Don't read my head, Ben." She says, "I would've thought you'd respect that now."

Ben sighs, "I apologize for that." He says, "But Amara, what are you afraid of?"

Amara bit her lip as she turns her gaze away from him to the starry sky above. She didn't want to look at her brother.

"Mari," Ben says.

Amara glanced back at him, "I should go to bed," She says, "I have a long day ahead of me."

Amara went to walk towards the door that led back into the room that she and Rey were sharing while in the palace. As Amara reached the door, she felt something in the Force holding onto her.

She turned around to see her brother looking at her.

"Be careful, please." Ben says.

Amara saw it in his eyes. The worry and concern. He wanted to do everything in his power to protect her, but he can't from Ajan Kloss.

Amara gives a small smile, "I will." She says.


like this idea one bit. He watched from outside of Senator Ara's quarters as Ara's handmaidens helped Amara transform into Ara. The outfit of choice was a baby blue long sleeve mid-drift top, baby blue pants, and nice baby blue flats. They had curled her usually straight brown hair, and placed a golden headpiece that sort of looked like a tiara on.

Poe leaned against the door frame as he watched the handmaidens apply makeup on Amara's face.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Poe asks.

Amara could see his worried face through the mirror that was resting in front of her. She had watched her transformation from rough Jedi who fought in the Resistance to faking as a politicians.

"I'm certain, Poe." Amara says.

Amara watched through the reflection as Poe ran his hand through his hair as he pushes himself off the door frame.

"I'll be fine, Poe." Amara tries to assure him, "Honestly."

Poe frowns, "You'll be going in without weapons," He says, "I don't like it."

Amara finally was able to get up once the handmaidens finished applying the makeup. Amara rose from the chair and turned to face him. At first Poe was taken back by the sight. Sure, Poe knew how pretty Amara was but seeing her all dolled up like this shined a light on her natural beauty.

"The tiara has a tracker," Amara walks over and held onto his hand, "It's going to work out fine."

Amara tries to assure with him a small smile before leaning forward. She leaned forward to lightly kiss him on the lips. Poe kissed back. When Amara's lips parted from Poe, she could see that he wanted it to last longer. Amara reached her hand up to cup his face as she stared into his eyes.

"I will always come back to you," Amara says, "Just like we always promise each other."

Poe reached his hand up to touch her hand that is resting on his face. He closed his eyes as he inhales, before opening them up as he exhales.

"When this is over," Poe says, "We need to talk. About what's going on with you."

Amara's smile falters for a moment before giving him a small smile once again, her gaze holding on him.

"Alright," She says, "When this is over."

Poe and Amara went to kiss one last time when they hear someone clearing their throat, they looked over to see Rey and Finn standing there.

"It's time." Finn says.

Poe sighs.

Amara kisses Poe on the cheek, "Don't take too long to find me, general." She says.

Poe nods, "And try not to get hurt."

Amara kept the smile and began to walk away. She walked over towards Finn and Rey, the two giving her smiles assuring her that they believe in her.

"Good luck," Rey says.

Amara nods, "Thank you," She glanced at Finn, "Keep him from going AWOL."

Finn glanced at Poe, "Will do." He says.

Amara glanced back at Poe one last time, before she walks forward meeting up with Senator Ara's guards. Poe, Rey, and Finn watched as Amara, pretending to be Ara, walked down the palace halls. Rey glanced from Amara to Poe, noticing he was rubbing the ring from his mother in his palm.

"Maybe after this," Rey starts off, "You should propose to her."

Poe looks at Rey, "What-?"

"I mean it, Poe." Rey says, "You should."

Poe looks from Rey then to the back of the woman he loves walk away from him. Guarded but out of his reach.

Poe looks at Finn, "Senator Ara is safe?"

Finn nods, "She and Dorian are being looked after by other guards," He says, "And to insure the decoy method, we had Ara dress as Amara to be more convincing."

Poe bit his lip, "I really hope this doesn't back fire."


in the middle of the guards through the exterior of the palace. She knew that Poe, Finn, and Rey were watching from afar. But that didn't change the anxiety sort of bubbling up in her chest.

She was taught how to walk like Ara.

Head up, back straight. As Ara told her 'walk with power'. Something Amara was not sure she was doing well, but the guards didn't seem to tell her she looked odd, maybe because they were trying to keep out for a sniper in case this turns into another assassination attempt and not a kidnapping.

As they reached near the ship hangar, there waiting for them was six men armed with blasters. Amara went to reach for her saber, but remembered she didn't have it. Instead she felt a guard pull her behind him as the firing began.

The guard pulled her around the corner and fired at the attackers. Amara stayed next to the guard, and listened to the blasts get less and less. The guard leans forward to look to see if they were all dead, but then was blasted in the head.

Amara gasped and covered her hands over her mouth.

"Senator Ara," A green Rodian says, "You're coming with us."

Amara was told by Ara that she wouldn't have been a terrified woman. She wouldn't tremble in fear, instead she'd stand her ground.

"And if I refuse?" Amara asks in a commanding voice.

A blaster if lifted from the Rodian, "I blast ya."

"You would've already killed me if that is what you were ordered to do," Amara says, "What the hell does Jetu want with me?"

The Rodian seemed impressed, "You got the Mandalorian to crack? I am genuinely impressed." He stepped closer now with the blaster on her collar bone, "I didn't say I'd kill you, I only said I'd blast you."

Amara kept a glare on her face.

She felt a man grab her arm and yank her, she was cuffed by the same man as she was being hauled toward the hangar. She turned back at the Rodian to yell at him, but then a bag was placed over her head.

Everything was dark.

She had no way of knowing where she was going.


still dark when she heard the speedster stop. A second after the speedster stopped, she felt someone grab her. This caused Amara to jolt and pull out of the grasp, only to be shoved forward. She must've walked a foot or so before she heard a door opening and then was shoved forward. She was all over the place figuring out her surrounding, before she was shoved onto the ground.

"Hey-!" A new voice shouts, "That is no way to treat a lady."

Amara did not move.

"Senator Ara," The voice sounded sinister but not threatening to Amara, "I am glad to see you decided to visit."

"Did I really have a choice?" Amara asks.

"No," He chuckles, "No you didn't."

Amara felt the bag be hauled off her face and it was there Amara got a good look at the man in front of him. He appeared to be humanoid like her. He had dark brown hair, dark eyes. He appeared to be ten maybe twenty years older than her. The man got a look at her and then turned to the men who brought her to him. He did not look pleased.

"You idiots," He claims, "This is not Ara Naberrie."

The Rodian looks at her and then to his boss, "Jetu, this is Senator Ara. She was guarded like you said and was heading to go to Coruscant to meet with the senate." He claims.

Jetu shakes his head, "She may look like the senator! But this is just a decoy!" He yells at his idiot minion.

Amara glanced from Jetu to look at her surrounding. She was in a cabin, so she could assume she was far from the city. Away from the palace.

She sat in the middle of one half of the room. The cabin only had one room, the living area and the kitchen. There were some furniture in the living area, but she was sitting on the floor. Estimating help to get here roughly arriving about the same time it took Amara to get here, so if they haven't left yet they should be on their way.

She saw only three other men with the Rodian. Totally that meant five men. Amara could normally handle them, but without her saber or some sort of weapon, she wasn't sure.

Jetu gets away from the Rodian and then gets into Amara's face. He gets a good look at her, studying her, before his eyes widen and he pulls back.

"You're Amara Solo," Jetu says, "Leia's daughter. The sister of Kylo Ren."

Amara didn't feel the need to correct him. He was a die-hard First Order supporter, he and the rest of the galaxy don't know Ben is no longer evil and is no longer Kylo.

"And you fell for a decoy." Amara says, "Sloppy work, Jetu."

Amara had a smug look on her face.

Jetu glares and then slaps Amara across the face. Her head turns by the force of the slap, her eyes looking from the floor and then to Jetu.

"How did you know?" Jetu asks.

"Maybe next time you come in person and not have the risk of a prisoner leaking information." Amara says, "Rookie mistake."

"Rookie mistake," Jetu scoffs, "Rookie mistake."

Amara watches as Jetu then kick over a chair and then shove over a bookshelf. He turns from the now fallen books to the young woman.

"You think you're smart, huh?" Jetu asks.

Amara shrugs, "I'd like to think so."

Jetu shakes his head, "So smug." He says and steps over, "Your father was smug before Kylo Ren impaled him with his saber."

Amara tilts her head, "You have a crush on my brother?" She asks, "I can give you his contact information if you want to set up a date."

Jetu then slaps her across the face again.

"Do not joke about the Supreme Ruler like that!" Jetu yells, "His death should be mourned not mocked."

Amara tasted blood in her mouth. She looked from the floor to see some spots of blood up to the man who had slapped her twice now. Jetu leans closer to Amara, so he is in her face. Amara stares into his dark eyes, glaring. Jetu's expression shifts from anger.

"I will say you are feisty like Leia. It's a shame she is no longer with us." Jetu says, "I can only assume her death was quite painful for you, Amara."

Amara glared at him.

"How does it feel, Amara? Everything you loved ripped from you, ripped from you by the First Order?" Jetu begins to laugh.

Amara then slammed her head against his head hard, Jetu stumbles backwards and falls into the pile of fallen books. Amara spun as she rose to her feet, she kicks the Rodian on the ground and grabs his blaster. She fires shots at the other three men all in not lethal spots before hitting the Rodian in the knee to make sure he doesn't get up. Amara, still cuffed, turned around pointing her blaster at Jetu as he rose to his feet.

Blood was on Jetu's face, mirroring the blood on Amara's forehead.

"How does it feel, Jetu?" Amara asks, "To get knocked down by a girl?"

Jetu at first looked scared and then his expression lighten. He looked relieved, happy even. He was standing but then got on his knees and sort of bowed.

"I see it now," Jetu says.

Amara, still holding the blaster, looked at him in confusion.

"The Supreme Ruler is gone, but the darkness came to you." Jetu says.

Amara shakes her head, "You are insane. I don't have darkness inside of me."

Jetu lifts his head up, "Of course you do," He says smiling, "It is inside you, by blood."

Amara shakes her head again.

"It makes sense. There must always be Jedi and Sith," He says, "And you are to claim the Sith. Just as your brother did."

Amara clenched her jaw, "No," She says pointing the blaster at him.

Amara knew that part of what he said was true. There cannot be light without darkness, there cannot be the Jedi without the Sith. The Force must be balanced, and currently there are too many light Jedi and no dark Sith.

"Vader had darkness in his heart." Jetu says, "So did Kylo Ren."

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