
escorted to a communication room in order to plan how to find and locate Jetu before he tries to send another bounty hunter or worst after Senator Ara, Finn, and Poe. Now out of their evening elegant wear and back to their regular clothes, the four including Dorian, Senator Ara, and a few guards all were making their next plan of action.

"Jetu was raised on Naboo," Ara confesses, "His father knew the senator of Naboo before my time in office. This was when I was Queen of Naboo."

Finn glanced at Ara, "You were queen?"

Ara nods, "Yes, the people of Naboo elect a young girl into the title of queen because they believe young girls possess a pure and childlike wisdom that adults lack." She says.

Finn nods sort of understanding but not really.

"Jetu served as a senator? Was it for Naboo?" Rey asks.

Ara shakes her head.

"He wasn't popular among the people of Naboo. Not even the Gungans like him." Dorian says, "His ideals were too racial and extreme."

Amara crosses her arms on her chest, "So extreme he'd be willing to hire assassins to shut up people he oppose."

Ara nods, "He was never what a senator needed to be. He was too focused on his own goals instead the means of his people." Ara says, "When I was Queen of Naboo, he disliked the fact I did not want to be involved in the war. I decided to be a neutral ground and if the Resistance or the First Order decided to attack, they'd have hell to pay."

Amara gives a small smile.

"What a threat from a young girl," Poe says.

Ara looks at him, "It was effective, General Dameron. I didn't get any form of communication from the First Order or the Resistance." She says, "My duty as the queen was my people and my duty as their senator is the same."

Poe gives her a small smile, "I respect that."

"I knew you would," Ara says and gestures to the others, "All of you would."

Amara pulls up a holo surveillance footage of the Mandalorian on the roof. The others gather around and watch it. They watched as he communicated with someone through a holocomm, before setting up his sniper to take his first shot.

"He was contact by someone, likely Jetu." Amara says.

Poe pauses the footage, "The angle he is in," He says, "He is aimed at one of us. But which one?"

Rey looks at the footage and frowns, "Ara." She says.

All eyes shift to her.

"I mean- I believe it was Senator Ara." Rey says.

Amara and Rey exchanged glances at each other. It seems not only Poe was wondering what happened between them on the roof, Finn glanced at the girls a bit confused.

"And you're certain, Jedi Master Rey?" Ara asks.

Amara glanced at Rey to Ara, "Yes." She says, "I have this odd ability, I discovered a year ago where I can sort of just read people. I know it makes no sense but I got what I needed from him."

"He wore a helmet." Ara spoke, "Mandalorians do not take off their helmet. It is not in their nature."

Amara nods, "Right, my ability allows to see beyond the helmet." She say, "Like I said, it is just hard to explain."

Ara nods and keeps her eyes on Amara briefly, "It sounds like the Force is quite complained." She says.


Amara glanced from Rey to Ara, "It kind of is." Amara says.

After that, Amara heard Poe begin to discuss the idea of having extra guards watching Ara. While this was happening, Amara's head moves to the other side of the room. No one seemed to notice, but Amara slowly walked away from the group.

She reached the door and then halted. Her hand hovering over the door handle.

"Amara," Poe spoke.

Amara turns to him.

"Everything okay?" Poe asks with concern in his eyes.

Amara feeds him a smile, "Yeah, I just feel like someone should patrol the area, in case." She says.

Rey steps forward, "Want me to come with?" Rey asks.

Amara shakes her head, "No." She said a bit harsh, "Uh- stay with Senator Ara. She'd need you if someone were to attack."

Rey nods, but seemed a bit sadden by Amara's rashness in excluding her from this patrol. Amara seemed to notice the sadness from Rey.

Amara looks to Poe.

Poe looked a bit worried about Amara. He knew something was up, something was up since the sniper, but she hasn't discussed this with him. To be fair, they didn't have the time.

"I'll keep my comms open," Amara says, "A quick patrol around."

Amara sees Poe nods to her.

Amara doesn't wait for anyone else to say anything, before she left the room. When the door shut behind her, the others kept their gaze on the door before turning back to the footage.

"Someone needs to talk to our prisoner." Ara says, "I suggest the generals should."

Rey glanced to Finn and Poe and then to Ara.

Finn nods, "I guess that would be wise." He says, "Keep Rey here with your guards in case of another attack."

Poe nods and then looks over to Rey, "But before we go and interrogate him, I'd like to speak with Rey one on one."

Rey glanced to Poe, "Uh-,"

Poe kept his gaze on her, "I want to know what sort of Mandalorian we're dealing with." He says.


of the palace was so surreal to Amara. She felt like she had walked these halls. Like what she was feeling was a sort of nostalgic energy, but Amara knew better. She never set foot on Naboo before.

This wasn't her. This was the Force.

She walked down the hallway, looking around and feeling things that were not her own. She turned a corner and then placed her hand on the wall to keep her balance.

"Anakin," A female voice spoke.

Amara's head snapped around. The voice was almost a whisper. A ghostly whisper from the past.

Amara inhaled deeply as the looked down the hall behind her. She was alone. But that didn't change what she was sensing. Something or someone was guiding her away from her friends. She followed the call, with utter curiosity that may follow with it. She reached a door leading out of the palace, she glanced back down the hall and then to the door handle leading to the outside of Theed.


Rey stood outside the room. He listened to her tell him what happened on the roof, how Amara covered for Rey inside. How she had invaded the sniper's head.

Poe pitched the bridge of his nose and sighed.

"Poe, I only did it because he wouldn't tell us." Rey says, "We wouldn't have known he was after you, Finn, and the senator if I hadn't-."

Poe looks at her, "Let me stop you there." He says, "I am glad that we know that information. I am glad we are all able to prepare in case of an attack made by Jetu, but I do not like the form of method you went with."


Rey frowns.

"You know very well how much I dislike that form of the Force," Poe says, "How invasive it is. How damaging it can be."

Rey kept the frown on her face, "I didn't think of that."

"I know you didn't," He sighs, "But you had good intentions."

Rey looks away, "Amara doesn't think so."

"She's pissed, but give her time to collect herself." Poe says looking down the hall.

Rey glanced over at him, "You're worried about her," She says.

"Rey," Poe says.

"I didn't invade your headspace," Rey says, "It's loud when you think of her."

Poe shrugs, "You're not the only one who thinks that," He says and then shakes his head, "When she ran off before- I just- uh something didn't feel right."

"Explain," Rey says.

"It's like when she gets some weird Force thing, she pulls away." Poe says, "I know I can't understand it like you and Finn can, but- but I don't want her thinking she needs to go off every time she gets some sort of calling in the Force."

"Tell her, Poe. I think she needs to hear it." Rey says.

The door opens and its Finn.

"Hey uh," Finn says, "You ready?"

Poe nods, "Yeah." He glances to Rey, "Keep the senator and her brother safe."

Rey nods, "I will." She says.


down a familiar path, although she had never taken these steps in the city of Theed. She looked around, the beautiful architecture that she had only seen through books and found herself standing in front of what appears to be a mausoleum. She stood in front of the entrance of it. She look behind her before turning back to the resting place of some poor unfortunate soul.

She hesitated for a moment, but felt the urge to continue into the mausoleum that seemed to have been calling to her and only her. There were some steps leading up to the entrance. She walked up step by step, until she reached the door to lead her inside the mausoleum. She pushed it opened and stepped inside. In the middle of the room was a rectangular sarcophagus. On top of the sarcophagus was decorated with the stylized emblem of Naboo. On the wall above the sarcophagus was a beautiful stain glass image of the deceased. On either sides of the stain glass was two columns that held up two vases filled with red roses.

Amara took a step back as she stared a the stain glass image.

"Padmé Amidala," She choked out.

She stared at the stain glass and then to the sarcophagus in front of her. She slowly moved herself closer to the final resting place of the late senator. She hovered her hand above the emblem.

"Why am I here?" Amara asks.

Amara touched the emblem and then looked at the stain glass image of her grandmother. Her beauty was apparent. Amara could see so much of her mother in the stain glass image of Padmé.

"What called me here?" Amara asks.

"You were called here for a purpose," Spoke none other than Anakin, "A purpose you need to figure out."

Amara turns to the ghostly figure.

"I am tried of these games, Anakin." Amara says, "You didn't tell me everything about the final battle, about Force healing, about-."

Anakin looks at her seriously.

"I don't want half truths and I don't want vague answers." Amara says, "Why am I being called here?"

Anakin frowns, "My granddaughter," He spoke, "The times of the past is fading. Our legacy and history is becoming ones of legend. It is time for you and your friends to see past our faults and our errors."

"What do you think I am doing?" Amara asks, "I am here on Naboo to be thanked for helping stop the Final Order. I am here to save some second cousin or something because of a First Order supporter."

Anakin walked over towards Amara. She watched as he moved closer towards her, he doesn't move to stand in front of her, no. Instead Anakin stands next to her and placed his hand on top of the sarcophagus of his late wife.

"You did those things, yes. But, you waver." Anakin says.

Amara bit her lip.

"You hesitate on many things, Amara, and that is your greatest failure. You do not embrace you to your fullest potential." Anakin says.

"If I did, no one would be safe." Amara says, "My ability might even be stronger than Ben and I am certain he knows that."

"A child born from a strong blood line," Anakin says looking at the emblem, "It was to be expected. Many assumed it was Ben who would carry the power, but apparently not."

Amara looks at him.

"You need to accept the burden of it. If you don't you will live an entire life of misery for rejecting it." Anakin says.

Amara frowns, "I don't think you have the right to lecture me on that, Anakin." She says.

Anakin gives a sad grin, "Maybe not." He says, "I don't want to see you become what I became."

"I not going to become another Vader or Ren-," Amara says, "How- How many times do I have tell people that?"

Anakin sighs, "I do not mean by becoming a Sith. I mean by failing yourself and those you care about. Do you want something awful to become of Poe because of your own mistakes?"

Amara shakes her head, "Of course not-!"

"Then you need to decide for once. What do you want for yourself, Amara. No more undecided answers. No more hiding in Leia's shadow. No more comparing yourself to Ben. What the hell does Amara Solo want?" Anakin says.

Amara looks at her grandfather.

"I- I-," Amara felt her hands tremble.

"Amara, do you copy?" It was Poe's voice, "Finn and I spoke to our prisoner. We'd like to meet up and discuss our next move."

Amara only stared at her grandfather.

"Amara, do you copy?" Poe asks again.

Amara grabs her comm, "On my way." She says.

Poe seemed to sense something wrong with her in her voice. Her voice wavered and sounded terrified.

"You okay?" Poe asks.

"Yeah, just uh- thought I saw someone but it was nothing." Amara lied to him, "I'll meet you three back in the communication room. Over and out."

Amara placed her comm on her belt and goes to walk out of the mausoleum. She reached the door but paused, she glanced back at the middle of the room.

Anakin's Force ghost was still there.

"You have to make a choice, Amara." Anakin says, "Your choice."

Amara frowns, "I know."

Amara turned away and walked out.

All her life, all her life, she had been telling people she knew who she was. She is the daughter of Leia Organa and Han Solo. She is the niece of Luke Skywalker. She is the granddaughter of Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala.

But that's all she was.

Something to someone before her. Heck, she was even called Ben Solo's sister. She never had something that made her stand out, that was until her ability of the Force kicked in. And she had used her vision to save Poe Dameron from dying in the sand after escaping the Finalizer with Finn.

Amara stopped at the bottom step of the mausoleum.

Anakin was right. She needed to stop fighting her fear. She's used her untapped potential in the past, but it wasn't in her control. It is a loose canon. It comes out of pure emotional distress. Amara looks up at the mausoleum with a frown plastered on her face.

She knows now, she probably had the ability to stop her brother before Exegol. She knows now. She knows a lot of things now. Just one thing she doesn't know for certain, who was Amara Solo without the war and without her mother?

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