
read of Naboo in the texts she studied as a child. Her mother never spoke much about it besides how it was the birth of Amara's grandmother. The trip to Naboo was quite a long one, Poe and Rey had piloted their cruiser as Finn and Amara just sat by. Finn was ordered by Rey to practice mediating on the trip to Naboo, whereas Amara was just laying in her quarters waiting for arrival.


She always knew she had family there, but never had reached out in the past. Neither had her mother. Amara wasn't sure what to expect from meeting the senator. If it'll be friendly or not.

Amara sighs and sits up in the cot in her quarters. Her eyes drift to the clothes hanging on the hanger by the door. It was nicer clothes. She as well as the others were told to dress well, and not like you've been living on a jungle planet for over a year.

Amara stands up and looks at the dress. She was to wear a red dress. The dress was a long gown, with sleeves resting at her elbows. The dress had no patterns not design besides the plain red silk material.

"Amara," A voice came through her comm.

"Yeah, Poe?" Amara asks.

"We've reached Naboo," Poe says through the comms, "Might want to get dressed."

Amara sighs, "Yeah, yeah."

Amara got up and touched the silk red dress and then toward the cot she had been laying on, resting on the cot was her lightsaber.


out of her quarters and found R2-D2. The women walked over to the droid and knelt down in front of him.

"R2," Amara says holding her saber, "I want you to hold onto this for me. I can't go into the palace holding my saber in the open and I know I can trust you not to break it."

R2 beeps at her, agreeing.

"Oh wow, Amara." It was Finn.

Amara turned around and saw Finn.

Finn was dressed in a nice white dress shirt, a nicely steamed black jacket, black pants, and black boots.

"You clean up nicely," Amara grins.

"Me? I look under dressed compared to you," He says.

Amara did look a bit over dressed. She had wore the nice formal dress, but her hair was not down just usual or in a ponytail braid. Instead her hair was in two side buns in honor of her mother. Amara managed to put on light makeup, mostly to cover the small bruising from Exegol.

"I have to make a good impression," Amara says.

"Don't we all," Poe says.

Stepping over was Poe and Rey.

Rey was wearing the tradition Jedi ropes, but didn't wear a cloak with it. Rey had her saber on her belt, out in the open. Rey's hair was in her signature three buns. Poe was wearing a nice white shirt, a black leather vest, black pants, and black boots. His hair even seemed to be combed back to look a little more tamed than usual.

Poe steps over and gives Amara a smile.

"You look beautiful," He says.

Amara grins, "I look ridiculous." She says.

Poe shakes his head, "Nonsense." He says, "You look incredible. Breathtaking."

Amara looks into his eyes and smiles.

Rey steps next to them, "You gonna give her compliments all day or are we going to get off the ship?" She asks.

Poe nods, "Right- uh yeah. Let's go." He says.

Poe reached for Amara's hand and walked toward the ramp.


The ramp was opened. The light from the outside was seeping into the ship. Amara looked below and then to Poe, who still held her hand.

He glanced at her, "I'm right here," He says.

Amara nods.

They step out, first was Poe and Amara accompanied by R2-D2 and lastly was Finn and Rey right behind them. They were greeted to quite a welcome party. What appeared to be the senator. Senator Ara Naberrie. Next to her were guards to the senator and some of her advisors.

"Welcome to Naboo," Ara addresses Poe, "General Dameron."

Poe nods, "Thank you, Senator Naberrie."

Ara smiles and her eyes meet Amara's briefly, before turning to Finn. She gives the other general a formal greeting with a smile on her face.

"And Jedi Master Rey," Ara says and her gaze meets Amara, "I do not know what to call you, honestly? Do I call you Commander Solo? Jedi Master Amara? Or maybe just Amara?"

Amara sensed the eyes of her friends on her.

"It doesn't matter, Senator Naberrie." Amara says, "Fill free to just call me Amara."

Ara nods.

Ara gestures to a gentlemen, who looked remarkably like Ara and sharing some features as Amara.

"This is my advisor and my brother, Dorian Naberrie." Ara says.

Dorian gives a smile, "Welcome to Naboo," He bows to the generals, "We are so excited to have you here."

Finn gives a smile, "We're honored to be here." He says.

Ara moves away, heading to another advisor to speak on some important matter. Ara glanced over to Dorian, the siblings looked to each other and nodded.

"Follow me," Dorian says, "I'll get you all settled in your quarters before tonight's dinner."

Amara watches as a lot of the guards and advisors escort Ara away from them, as they head towards an entrance into the palace.

"We're staying in the palace?" Rey asks.

Dorian looks at them and grins, "It was at the queen's request," He says, "You're all heroes and after all, we are family."

The last comment was directed to only Amara. Dorian and Amara looked at each other.

Now looking at them, Dorian looked to be at least ten years older than Amara and Ara seemed at least eleven maybe twelve years older than Amara.

"Sorry about Ara," Dorian apologizes, "She is- well a bit uncertain about you. No offense."

Amara kept her gaze at Dorian, "None taken."

The others kept walking up with Dorian and Amara as they entered the great palace of Naboo. Dorian still led with Amara closely behind, and Poe trying to walk next to her.

"It's just- our mother told of us of your mother. I am sorry about your loss," Dorian says, "Our mother told us stories of her. How she helped free the galaxy from the Empire. It was inspiring."

"So what makes Senator Ara uncertain of Amara?" Rey asks.

Dorian glanced back.

The gentlemen seemingly forgotten he was in the company of others. He glanced over to Amara and based off reading his expression he wasn't sure if he should continue this discussion or not.

"Please, my business is there business." Amara says, "The Resistance cares for one an other like family."

Dorian nods, "Alright uh- okay. Our mother told of Leia's father and her mother- uh our great great aunt, I think that's right. Anyways, when we asked our grandmother about her aunt-."

Amara frowns.

"Our grandmother didn't know much about her personally, but knew of her leadership during the times of the Republic and had not only served as senator but was queen." Dorian says, "Although she had fallen in love with a Jedi, a Jedi who ended up being the reason she passed away."


Amara glanced at R2.

The astromech made a beeping sound, a sound that appeared to be sadden. Amara reached out to her droid and touched the top of him.

"She isn't too friendly with me being of Skywalker blood," Amara says.

Dorian looks at Amara, "I uh-,"

Amara shakes her head, "Just say it," She says, "She wanted us here to greet the generals on their success and meet the Jedi hero Rey, but she wanted to see me to believe whatever ideal she has set on the Skywalker line."

Poe glanced from Amara to Dorian.

Finn frowns.

Rey crosses her arms on her chest.

Dorian frowns, "My sister-,"

"She's an adult. A senator." Amara says, "Her actions are her own as are mine."

Dorian nods shuffling a little as he walked, "Her concern only grew more apparent with the reveal of Kylo Ren's identity being Leia's son." He says, "After that she just- gained an assumption that the Skywalker line was filled with darkness."

"Amara is not like that," Poe says, "She is one the best fighters we have in the Resistance. She cares about everyone. Her heart is the purest thing about her."

Finn nods, "Amara is a true friend."

Rey gives a small smile, "One of the best."

Amara glanced at her friends and felt Poe slip his hand into her hand. She glanced over at him and gives him a smile.

Dorian looks at that and then nods.

"Uh- okay," He says, "Please let me get you to your quarters."


up hanging out in the girl's quarters before the dinner party. The boys had un-tucked their shirts and Finn took off his jacket. Rey was sitting on the large mattress that she and Amara were sharing, Poe and Finn sat at the sofa chairs that were in the large sleeping quarters, and Amara looked out the window.

"I dislike Senator Ara." Finn says, "How could someone blame you for things you didn't do?"

Amara rested her hand on the window, "Easily." She says and sighs, "The name of Skywalker was a mixture of a black eye or a symbol of pride."

No one said a thing.

"My uncle brought honor to the name once he and my parents helped stop the Empire. Everyone in the damn galaxy knew of Luke Skywalker, but- but when his origins and my mother's were exposed, many people feared the lineage they share with their former enemy." Amara says, "As is the same for me."

Poe frowns, "It doesn't help what your brother did."

Rey and Finn shot Poe a look.

Amara nods, "You're not wrong." She says, "What Ben and my grandfather did-."

Amara paused and sighed again.

The room was silent.

Amara glanced around from the window to look at her friends. They all seemed to wear concern on their faces about Amara.

"What Ben and my grandfather did will always be reminded to me for the rest of my life." Amara says, "And probably my own children would be burden by that same weight."

"It isn't fair," Finn says, "You didn't cause the suffering."

Amara gives a sad smile, "It doesn't matter to them." She says, "To them, I'm a reminder. I'm a risk."

"A risk?" Rey asks, "You are a hero, Amara, like myself, Finn, and Poe."

"I know that, Rey. I know that I am not what they think I am. They worry I'll switch and become what they fear, evil, dark, twisted. I am the daughter of Princess Leia Organa and Han Solo. My Uncle Luke helped defeat the Empire. My grandfather fought in the Clone Wars." Amara says.

R2-D2 beeps at Amara. She smiles at her droid and taps the top of R2.

"I don't need them telling me who I am. I already know." Amara says.


politicians were gathered around for this dinner party. This night of honor for the Resistance's victory against the First Order. Amara was in the corner of the room by R2-D2. She was looking around at the ball room filled with people. She sees Poe and Finn talking it up to a few senators, which seems to be going well given how the senators were laughing at Finn and Poe's stories.

Amara's eyes drift to Rey speaking to a few women in the corner, she wasn't sure what it was about but it seemed civil. However, Amara saw someone hold a drink towards her. Her eyes lift over to see Dorian standing next to her with a smile.

"Just so you know," Dorian says, "I do not think you are not worth trusting."

Amara accepts the glass, "Thank you," She says, "You don't have to stand by me. I can almost see how frustrated Senator Ara is with that."

Dorian scoffs, "Ara is always so bossy and stubborn," He says, "A trait she got from our father."

Amara couldn't help but grin at that, "I think it would be a Naberrie trait." She says, "If I am not mistaken, my grandmother was quite stubborn and bossy, but with the point of wanting to keep the peace on Naboo."

Dorian eyes her, "I guess you're right."

Amara kept the grin on her face, "I do appreciate it though," She says, "You trusting me, I guess."

Dorian takes a sip of his drink, "You've warrant no reason to be suspicious." He says.

Amara gives a small smile.

Technically they have. They had Ben Solo hiding on the Resistance base without the Resistance even knowing about it. They have been lying, telling as many people as they can that Ben Solo is dead.

"I hope I am not overstepping anything," Dorian says.

Amara raises her eyes to him as she takes a sip.

"But you and General Dameron? Are you an item?" He asks.

Amara nods, "For over a year now." She says.

"I didn't know people would have time for romance in war." Dorian says.

Amara held the glass to her lips, "You'd be surprised."

Before she was about to take another sip, she froze. Her eyes darted to the other end of the room, scanning for something. She had sensed something.

Dorian looks at her, "Amara?" He asks, "What is it?"

Rey and Finn seemed to have sensed it too.

Finn's gaze moved from the conversation with the senators towards where Amara was looking, Poe glanced at Finn a bit confused but noticed Amara's body language.

Jedi stuff.

Rey moved away from the women, excusing herself, but was looking around. Her eyes lingering on people and then towards the skylight in the center of the room. Rey's hand slowly reaching for her saber.

Amara's eyes caught it first.

A sniper.

"Everyone get down!" Amara yells.

After that, the first shot came in.

Amara grabbed a hold of Dorian and hauled him onto the ground.

Glass had shattered and people were screaming. Bodies were hitting the floor and hiding under tables.

Amara lifts her gaze to her droid, "R2!"

R2 knew exactly what she wanted and popped her saber out from the top of him. She held her hand out and used the Force to bring the saber into her hand. She rose and saw Rey, already drawn out Luke's saber. Amara ignited her green saber. The two girls used they blades to block the blasts from hitting the senators and other guests, while Poe and Finn were helping them get to safety, both holding their blasters.

Amara and Rey see the sniper and then glance at each other.

"We need to get that sniper," Amara tells Rey.

Rey nods, "I was thinking the same thing."

The two girls ran across the floor and towards the now shattered skylight, they jumped up but were able to jump higher using the Force and landed on the roof where the sniper was.

The sniper was none other than a Mandalorian.

"Who hired you?" Amara asks.

The Mandalorian did not respond. Instead fired his blaster at the girls, but the girls dodge the blasts. Rey ran in first, going to strike the Mandalorian in order to take him down, but he grabbed Rey's arm and twisted it behind her back before getting behind her to kick her in the back.

He was skilled.

Amara held the saber in her right hand and eyes the Mandalorian.

"Who is the target?" Amara asks.

The Mandalorian charged forward, Amara ducked and then spun around. As she spun around, her dress got caught on the sharp but shattered part of the glass skylight. Due to this, it ripped part of the dress so now it revealed her calves.

Amara looked from the dress and then to the sniper, he was already in her face. He elbowed her in the face, sending her back. Amara rolled on the roof, dropping her saber. She held her hand out to catch it before it fell off the side of the roof.

Rey had rose to her feet and then used the Force to lift the man in the air.

"I've had enough of this," Rey says, "Who hired you and why?"

The Mandalorian struggled to try and get out of the hold.

Amara got up and walked over to Rey, who still held the Mandalorian in the air. Amara glanced from sniper to Rey, and then Amara knew what Rey was planning.

"Rey, don't-," Amara says.

"He won't talk," Rey says.

Amara shakes her head, "Invading his mind isn't right." She says.

"What he did wasn't right." Rey says.

"Two wrongs don't make a right," Amara says.

As the girls bickered, the Mandalorian grabbed a flash bomb and held it up. It went off and blinded the two girls. Rey dropped the sniper, and was temporary blinded, although she had sensed him through her other senses. Once again, Rey used the Force and held the sniper up.

Amara blinking back, still trying to focus.

"Now, tell me. Who hired you? And why?" Rey asks.

Amara heard it first.

Once her sight came back, she saw the Mandalorian in the air by Rey and screaming as Rey seemingly invaded the man's mind to get information. Once she got what she needed, she dropped him on the roof.

He was unconscious.

Rey walked over and took his weapons away and tied him up.

Rey glanced over at Amara, "It was the only way."

Amara shakes her head, "No- No it wasn't."


was put in a cell and being guarded by Naboo guards. Meanwhile, the senators and the guest from the party were all brought to the throne room with Rey, Amara, Poe, and Finn to address the attack this evening.

Poe looks at Amara's now damaged dress, "Sorry about the dress."

Amara shakes her head, "Maz can find another one." She brushes him off.

Poe didn't have the Force like his friends, but he knew something was wrong with Amara. There seemed to be something going on between her and Rey, and neither were talking about it.

"We found out this Mandalorian was hired to kill three people at this dinner party." Rey says, "Senator Ara, General Poe Dameron, and General Finn."

"What-?" Finn asks.

"Who hired him?" Ara crossed her arms on her chest.

"A man called Jetu," Rey says.

"Jetu?" Dorian asks, "Jetu Mintu?"

Amara glanced at Dorian, "You know him?"

"He was a senator in the New Republic, before they held a special vote to remove him from office. He was pro-First Order, he believed in their cause." Dorian says.

Ara then says, "Jetu must've put a bounty on my head for inviting the Resistance heroes here and then putting a bounty on the generals to try and stop the Resistance like they stopped the First Order."

Poe ponders, "Why just a hit on Finn and I?" He asks, "Rey and Amara actually fought Palpatine."

"It's cause you're the faces." Amara says, "Senator Naberrie is the face of Naboo in the Senate. And you two, Poe and Finn, are the faces of the Resistance. Your deaths would cause quite a stir."

Ara glanced over at Amara, "Just because we have this sniper in custody, doesn't mean Jetu won't stop hiring assassins."

Rey looks at Ara, "We will protect you." She says.

Ara glanced at Rey and then back to Amara.

"I guess I was wrong about you," Ara says.

Amara nods, "I guess you were."

Ara and Amara stood face to face. It was sort of eerier on how they share similar features. The two didn't even blink in the moment.

"Whatever you need to find Jetu," Ara says, "Just ask, Jedi Master Amara."

Amara gives a small smile, "Please, only Amara." She says.

"Very well, Amara." Ara says.

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