
meetings all morning. He and Finn were in and out of meetings, ranging from meetings with Jannah and her company trying to free the Stormtroopers from the First Order's control to New Republic senators wishing to have some time to discuss the future.

The future.

The word ranging in Poe's head since the sun had risen. He kept wondering a lot about his future. For starters, he was expected here as general with Finn, that is if Finn doesn't decide to go off with Rey and possibly Ben to try and restore the Jedi Order.

That brought a new thought to his head. What about Amara? Sure she is Ben's little sister but she was also a Jedi. She had a responsibility to the the future of the Jedi, and now it made Poe wonder if that also included him.

Poe found himself sitting in his makeshift office, still refusing to take over Leia's spot. He leaned his head back against the seat to stare at the cave ceiling. Sure, he loves Amara. He loves her with all his heart. He had never felt so happy and so connected to another person before Amara. Subconsciously, Poe reached for his mother's ring and began to palm the ring in his hand.

A knock on the wall gained it attention, Poe's little office was a tent in the cave. So the only hard surface besides his desk was the wall next to the tent.

Poe glanced over.

It was Kaydel Connix.

"Connix," Poe says.

Connix walks over and placed a datapad in his hands, "Sorry I know you wanted to be alone but Senator Ara Naberrie wishes to have a meeting with you, Amara, Finn, and Rey in the coming days."

"Senator Ara Naberrie?" Poe asks, "Why does that name sound familiar?"

Connix fidgets a little, "She is the Senator of Naboo, General." She says.

Poe looks up from the datapad, "What?" He asks.

Connix nods, "Yes." She then adds, "If you want I can always bring this to Amara, Rey, and Finn's attention."

Poe waves it off, "I'll address them later." He says, "By the way are is everything ready for tonight?"

Connix nods again, "Yes, sir."

Poe nods, "Good." He looks at her, "You're dismissed."

Connix nods and then turns to leave the tent.

Poe looks at the datapad. He thought about Senator Ara Naberrie. The name, the family name of Naberie sounded familiar. He could've sworn he knew where he had heard it turns back and lets his head rest on the back of the chair. His gaze going back to the ceiling. His mind going back to his thoughts.


and allowed Finn and Rey to use her secret spot for training, it allowed Ben to sneak away from the Falcon and sort of hide out with them and still be social. Although, Ben skipped the first day of training for Finn. Ben knew to give it space before trying to be friendly with the boys, although he did have fun teasing Poe yesterday. Instead, Ben wanted to mediate in the silence of the Falcon.

And that's what Finn was being forced to do by the girls, well actually Rey. Amara was just there for moral support and criticizing. Finn sat crossed legged in the center of the surface, eyes closed, and taking Rey's advice to try and focus. Meanwhile, the two girls sat a little away having lunch.

Finn opens one eye, "I don't think it's working."

Rey glanced over, "You need to focus." She says.


"I am focusing-!" Finn yells.

Amara shakes her head, "If you were focusing you wouldn't be talking." She calls back.

Finn pouts.

And then he attempts to go back to mediation. Amara took a bite of the weird fruit that grew on Ajan Kloss, while Rey took a sip of her water pouch.

Finn then opens his eyes, "Maybe we should try something easier." He declares.

Both girls snap their gaze over to Finn, "This is the easiest thing!" They shout.

Finn pouts again.

Finn closed his eyes and tried again.

Amara leaned back to lay on the surface and stare at the clear blue sky. She had a smile on her face as she closes her eyes and felt the wind blow against her face.

"It feels nice being up here," Amara says, "Even nicer with some company."

Rey looks around at the horizon, "I will say, it has such a nice view." She says.

Amara nods, "That it does."

The two sit in silence, enjoying the breeze and fresh air, while hearing the muttering of Finn getting frustrated with mediation. This led Rey to get up and grab her staff, she was going to hit Finn on the top of the head to get him to stop grumble and focus. Although, as Rey got up, they heard someone climbing up. All three lift their gaze to see none other than Poe arriving up.

"So this is where everyone is," Poe says grinning as he pulls himself up, "I've been looking for you. Chewie told me to find out at Amara's training spot."

Finn smiles, "Are you here to watch me train?"

Poe shakes his head, "Actually no," He says, "But I will love to watch it next time. Actually I need to talk to you three."

Rey placed her staff on the surface, "About?"

Poe walks over and sat down near Amara and near where Rey stood. Finn got up and walked over to Rey, the two still standing.

"Obviously, you are all aware of the amount of meetings and messages Finn and I have been getting from the New Republic." Poe says.

Amara nods, "It was to be expected with the win at Exegol." She says.

Rey nods agreeing.

"Well, we are requested to go to Naboo." Poe says.

Finn blinks back in confusion, "Naboo?"

Poe nods, "Yes. We have a meeting with the senator in person." He says, "Senator Ara Naberrie."

Rey furrowed her brows, "Naberrie?"

Finn glanced over at her, "What?" He asks.

Poe even looks at Rey.

"That last name, I think I heard it before-." Rey says.

Amara sighs, "It's because Ara Naberrie is my second cousin." She says, "Her mother is my mother's cousin. Their mother's were sisters."

All eyes on Amara.

"Wait? Wait-?" Finn asks in confusion, "I thought Leia was from Alderaan?"

Amara shrugs, "I mean she grew up there, sure, but her biological family was not from Alderaan. She was raised by Bail Organa and his wife until the destruction of Alderaan by the Empire."

The three listened to Amara speak.

"My mother's family come from two places," Amara says, "Her father was born on Tatooine and her mother was born on Naboo."

Rey placed her hands on her hips, "And this Senator Ara asked for all of us?"

Poe nods glancing at Rey, "Yes. She demanded a meeting with the generals and the two Jedi." He answers.


Rey glanced over to Amara, "Think that this senator is aware of your biological relations then?" She asks.

Amara shrugs, "I mean probably." She answers, "Many people in the galaxy discovered that my mother wasn't biologically an Organa after the defeat of the Empire, due to the fact Luke and her were open about being siblings. Although, everyone knew of her lineage more deeply when mom was trying to run for senate."

"Wait? Not only did Leia start the Resistance but was a senator?" Finn asks.

Amara grins, "She tried, but failed. When the galaxy found out Darth Vader was her father- she just dropped out." Amara says.

Rey frowns, "She should not have done that. She wasn't her father." She says.

Poe glanced at Rey, "True, but because of that Leia would then create the Resistance." Poe says.

Amara then stands up, "So hindsight is 20/20." She says.

Poe also stands up, the four of them all standing relatively close to each other as they were talking about this.

"So when are we expected to leave?" Amara asks Poe.

"Tomorrow," Poe says.


lit in the night. People were surrounding their generals, Chewie, Rey, Amara, and their droids; BB-8, R2-D2, C-3PO, and D-O. They were having a candle vigil for all they lost. Around them were holos of the fallen warriors, pilots, friends, family, and so on. Not only holos but also love letters, jewelry, mementos, and so on.

People were already sobbing before the speech.

"I'd like to thank everyone for coming tonight," Poe starts off, "I know we spent the last two nights celebrating and it was good but- but we need to slow down and remember what we lost. I know, I know Leia might be rolling about this. She would always say to mourn the dead later, well Leia, it's later." Poe looks up at the sky.

His comment to Leia made a few people chuckle.

"We have fought tooth and nail to win this war. We lost a lot of good people in the process." Poe says, "But tonight, tonight is a night were we will remember those. So I am allowing anyone who wants to speak about someone they lost and just- just remember them."

Poe steps back and allows someone to take a space.

At first no one seemed to want to step forward, so Amara felt it within her to be the first one up. She stood in front of everyone like Poe had done. A small smile appearing on Amara's face as she stares at her family, her friends, her team.

"You know like I know that this war had put my family through hell. I lost my dad, my best friend, my uncle, and my mom." Amara says, "But- But-,"

Amara gives a sad smile as she tries to stop the tears that were threatening to come down her face.

"But we're not here to cry and feel bad," Amara says, "Instead bring to life those we lost."

People around her stared at her all serious, some were rubbing their eyes due to crying like she was trying very hard not to do.

"We all know my mom was such a legend, so was my dad and Luke. But despite being legends, my mom would be pretty intimidating." Amara lets out a sob laugh, "This one time on D'Qar, Vira and I were sneaking off on a speedster, just racing each other late at night. And instead of sending a squad after us and writing us up, she waited at the base entrance."

Amara smiles.

"Mom had her arms crossed over her chest and was just shaking her head. She called us reckless and- and just down right stupid to go racing in the middle of the night." Amara says, "After Vira and I got scolded, my mom pulled me off to the side and hugged me. She then said if I did something like that again, she'd demote me and lock me in my quarters for the rest of the war."

People laughed at that, including Amara. Poe watched, he had a small smile on his face. Rey and Finn let out a sobbing laugh as they laughed to Amara's story.

When she was finished, she walked over to Poe, who engulfed her in a hug. As the couple hugged, Jess came forward and began to talk about a lot of the pilots who they lost who were dear friends of not only her but to Poe.

The night seemingly went on like this for what felt to be hours. Rey talked about training with Luke and Leia. Finn talked about getting lectured on what the Force really is by Han Solo. Chewie talked about how much fun he had with Han through their adventures. More and more people stepped up to talk about their loved one and just honored them by sharing their stories and memories with the Resistance.

After what felt to have been five hours, people were beginning to head in for the night. Little by little the group was getting smaller and smaller, until it was the core four.

Finn nudged Poe, "You know you never spoke up, General." He says.

Poe shrugs, "I mean everyone said practically what I would've said." He says and took a sip of his caff, "They all said anything I could say better."

Rey gives Poe a small smile, "Come on, Poe. There has to be something you'd want to share with all of us."

Poe looks to Amara.

Poe sighs, "Honestly, there is something I should be transparent with you all with." He says, "Amara knew of my history of Kijimi because of-."

Finn stops him, "She mentioned you being a bit drunk," He says, "And besides buddy, you don't- you don't have to share."

Poe looks at Finn and gives him a sad smile, "Actually I do." He says.

There was a moment of silence between them before Poe goes to speak up again.

"I was a stupid teenager when I ran away from home," Poe says, "Kes and I- We always have a rocky relationship, despite always loving each other at the end of the day. We had a heated argument and I just left Yavin 4 with the plan of never coming back."

"But you and Kes seemed to close," Finn says.

Poe gives a small smile, "My dad is a good man, no doubt about that, but he isn't my mother. I love them both, but my dad sometimes has a hard understanding of knowing what to give. He didn't understand what I was going through and didn't know what I needed at that age."

Everyone sat silently.

Although, Poe felt someone grab his hand. He looks up to see Amara, between the three with him, Poe knew that Amara would be probably the only person to understand the inner conflicts of family.

"So after I ran away I managed to find myself on Kijimi. With barely any credits and no place to stay, I found a temporary home in Zorii and the crew. They needed a pilot and I was one." Poe says, "I started off as small things before I realized the damage smuggling spice caused. I was young, I was naive."

Finn stared at Poe seriously. Beforehand, Finn looked down to Poe's spice running past. He thought it was awful that his friend would've done that. That the face of the Resistance, that the best pilot they had could ever be a spice runner in the past.

"I got a call from my dad almost a year later. I didn't know how he found me, but he mentioned something about Leia and Resistance." Poe says, "The old man was saying that he was going to leave Yavin 4 and try to lend himself for Leia, but I knew his damn knee was his own weakness."

No one said anything.

"I didn't sleep that night. Instead, I just- I just left. I bailed on Zorii and the crew and returned to Yavin 4. Instead of having my dad risk his own life, I volunteered to go to the New Republic Navy to get more training flying, possibly recruit for Leia and then join the Resistance." Poe says.

No one said a thing.

The silence almost consumed them.

Amara looked up at the sky, "Mom didn't ask me to join."

All eyes shift to her.

"Instead, after Uncle Luke and Ben- the destruction of the temple, my dad was filled with guilt and left. My mom was so sadden by all of the men in her life leaving her and I knew I had to stay close to her, so I lived on the base as a civilian until I turned seventeen and began to properly work for the Resistance." Amara says.

Rey glanced at Amara, "What did you want to do before the Resistance?"

Amara shrugs and looks at them, "I never plan ahead. I mean I never did, before. I was always a day by day sort of person. My dad said I got it from my mom, but my mom said I got it from my dad." She shrugs again, "Who knows."


for Rey and Amara to return to the Falcon before heading to bed. When the two women returned for the vigil and their evening just talking with Finn and Poe, they found Ben in the lounge.

Rey and Amara stepped in when his gaze met theirs.

"How was the vigil?" Ben asks

Rey smiles, "Wonderful." She says, "I'm certain Leia would've loved it."

Ben scoffs, "My mother would've hated it if it was all about her." He says.

Amara gives a small smile, "She wasn't the center of attention." She says.

Ben nods.

Rey steps closer to Ben, who was sitting at the table. Since Exegol, the two were figuring their new found relationship, sure Rey and Ben have a bond but they want to take things slow.

Rey leans down, "I'm going to head to bed," She kisses the top of Ben's head, "Have to get up early."

Ben nods, "I know," He says, "You're all going to Naboo."

Amara nods, "Yeah."

Ben glanced at Rey and and then as she was lowered to him, he kisses her on the lips. He pulls back and they share a smile before Rey heads out.

"I'm sorry that you'll be stuck here in the Falcon as we-," Amara starts.

Ben shakes his head, "It'll be fine." Ben says, "I'm getting a little bored in here but- but I can wait a few more days."

Amara nods.

"Besides, Chewie and Lando said they'd be visiting me," Ben says, "Possibly Maz too."

Amara smiles softly.

Amara walked over to the table and sat down in front of Ben. The two Solo siblings sat in the silence but stared at each other.

"Senator Ara Naberrie wishes to meet me," Amara says, "I have no idea why she'd want to meet me."

"You're one of the Jedi who fought in the Battle of Exegol," Ben says, "And biologically family."

Amara shrugs, "I guess."

Ben looks at her, "Are you worried about meeting her?" He asks.

Amara again shrugs, "I don't know. Should I?"

Ben shakes his head, "No. You shouldn't." He says, "You've met senators before. How is this one different?"

Amara frowns, "Maybe because of the connection to mom," Amara sighs, "It's stupid."

Ben again shakes his head, "It's not. You're worried and also curious." He says.

Amara looks at him.

"You are worried she'll blame you for my actions as Kylo Ren. You are worried she'll hate you or even mom." Ben says, "You're curious if you look the same, maybe even sound the same."

Amara rolls her eyes, "Stop reading into what I'm thinking."

"Sorry, you're thoughts are too loud, Mari." He grins.

Amara lays her head on the table, "When Uncle Luke mentioned that rebuilding the galaxy wasn't easy for him, I didn't expect to be apart of the whole meeting senator thing."

Ben stood up and then knelt down next to his sister where she sat. She rolled her head on the table to look at him.

"It's because you're a war hero, Mari. People want to meet you, shake hands with you, hear your thrilling stories." Ben says, "Besides, you should be proud of that."

Amara lifts her head up, "You helped too,"

Ben gives a sad smile, "And for the time being it'll be as if Ben Solo died on Exegol. We cannot allow people to know I'm here, including those senators. Not now."

Amara nods, "I know, Ben. I know."

Ben nudges her, "Come on." He says, "You have an early wake up."

Amara nods.

And then the two Solo siblings headed out of the lounge and down the corridor toward their sleeping quarters. Amara went to the first door on the left and then glanced back to notice Ben going to the quarters where Rey has been sleeping in the past few days.

Amara shakes her head and then goes into her quarters.

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