
Poe in the command center and decided to branch out to the celebrations that was continuing for another night. She gave a small smile when she saw what she saw. Pilots dancing around a fireplace, cadets drinking it up with their superiors, mechanics laughing and telling stories of close calls and what not.

Amara's eyes were met with Rose waving her hand to gain her attention. Rose had a big smile on her face. The smile was so contagious that Amara couldn't help but smile at the young woman. When Amara reached Rose, she was quickly handed a drink by Kaydel.

"Drink up, Commander Solo." Connix says grinning.

Amara looked at the cup in her hands and then quickly to Connix. Amara noticed the face of the lieutenant sort of pinkish, possibly have been drinking long.

"How many drinks have you had, Connix?" Amara asks.

Connix scoffs, "Who cares it's a celebration."

Rose glanced at Amara and gives a shrug a Amara. Amara couldn't help but smile, and nearly laugh when she watch Kaydel drag Rose off to dance with the others. Amara held the cup in her hands and then found herself sitting down on a crate and watched the party unfold from her spot.

"My, my," The voice of Zorii gained her attention, "You finally decided to grace us with your presence."

Amara watched as Zorii sat down next to Amara. Zorii had the visor opened so the young woman can see Zorii's eyes.

"Yeah, I guess so." Amara says smiling.

Zorii looks at the party and then says, "I heard about your mother." She says, "I'm sorry about that."

Amara frowns.

"I didn't know Leia personally, but everyone knew of Senator Organa. She was one of the best." Zorii says.

Amara looks into the cup, "Yeah, she was the best." She says.

Silence fell upon the two women.

Amara kept looking at the alcohol in her cup and was thinking about a million of things. On paper, she should be an absolute wreck. Her mother, her mother whom she was close to was gone. But, Amara was just going on like before.

Maybe because Amara felt that if she stopped and thought about it, then she'll fall apart and she knew she didn't want to do that. She knew Poe and now Finn were under a lot of stress as Generals of the Resistance, and the young woman wants to be there for them.

Zorii glanced at her, "So back on Kijimi,"

Amara lifts her gaze from her cup to Zorii. Her words brought Amara out of the dept of her thoughts.

"You seemed to be the only one of the group who knew of Poe's little secret," Zorii says, "I never expected him to spill that willingly."

Amara smiles softly, "Technically he was hammered, but if he was sober, I'd probably never know." She says.

Zorii laughs lightly, "That sounds like him. Get him liquored enough and he'll tell you anything." She says.

Amara kept the smile on her face and then glanced back at the party in front of them. She slowly looked back at the drink and then set it next to her, sitting in between her and Zorii.

"So uh- how long are you planning on hanging around here?" Amara asks glancing at Zorii.

Zorii looks at Amara, "Why? Do you want me gone?" She asks, "Afraid I might steal Poe from you?"

Amara could tell that the smuggler woman was only teasing, only trying to get a rise out of Amara. Instead, Amara gives a grin and shakes her head.


"I trust Poe," Amara says.

Zorii nods, "Yeah." She says, "He's a good guys."

Amara kept her eyes on Zorii.

"I- It sounds a little stupid honestly, sure I was pissed at him all these years for abandoning us and landing us in a such debt, but- but secretly I wanted to see him again. He and I- we were young and dumb." Zorii laughs lightly, "But he knew me, the real me."

"Zorii," Amara frowns.

Zorii moves her gaze from Amara to the party, "Do not worry. I don't have plans to try to steal him away from you. Clearly his heart is set on you and nothing I can do to change that." She says, "I accept defeat."

Amara reached out and touched the top of Zorii's hand, "This isn't the end for you, Zorii. You'll find someone." She says, "Your soulmate."

Zorii scoffs at that and stands up.

"I don't know." She says, "Doubt it, but hey, it was nice chatting with you. I gotta check on Babu and make sure he hasn't pulled apart anything of importance here on this base."

Amara nods.

Zorii begins to walk but then halts. The smuggler turns and looks at Amara, Zorii turns her body to fully face the Jedi.

"I know it's not within my rights to say this but, don't hurt him. He wears his heart on his sleeve, as you probably know." Zorii says.

Amara stands up and walks over to stand in front of the other woman.

"It probably isn't in your rights but I respect it," Amara says, "I don't ever want to cause Poe any pain, and I'll make the promise to try even harder to protect him from anything bad."

Zorii nods her head and looks at Amara, "You're alright."

Amara gives a small smile, "You're not so bad yourself."

Amara watched as Zorii walked onward through the party. Amara stood there in silence away from the fun and partying.

Amara's gaze moved from the dancing and celebrations to the starry night. Oddly enough, as much as she wanted to be with people and celebrate their victory, she also felt the need to be alone.


Amara's gaze moved to the jungle.


Poe leaving the command center. He was coming over to the party, which no one had expected.

"Poe," Finn smiles, "You decided to come."

Poe nods, "Yeah, it wouldn't look good if their general missed the second day of celebrations."

Finn had a smile on his face as he nods, "No, it wouldn't."

The two men were walking, the noise on base was so loud that they could only assume that everyone was there partying. Well almost everyone, Ben was stuck in the Falcon until they knew how the reveal the news to everyone.

"Poe," Finn says, "I- I need to tell you something."

Poe stops walking and looks at his pal.

"Yeah?" Poe asks.

Finn fumbles with his jacket zipper, "I- I have to be honest with you, I've been afraid to tell you this for a while now."

Poe frowns, "Afraid to tell me what?"

Finn sighs, "On Pasaana, the thing I wanted to tell Rey without you around-."

Poe sighs and shakes his head, "Buddy, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to." He says, "Beforehand, yeah I was pissed that you were keeping something from me, but then there I was keeping my past from you."


Finn shakes his head, "I mean yeah but- look I want to tell you."

Poe turns his gaze to look directly at Finn.

"The reason I wanted to tell Rey first was because- because I- I am Force sensitive." Finn nervously says.

Poe looks at his friend a little shocked, "Wait- what? Really?"

Finn nods.

Poe gives his friend a big hug and began laughing.

"Oh wow, that's so amazing, Finn!" Poe exclaims.

Finn, however, was less nervous and was more confused than anything. This was not the reaction he was expecting to find from Poe.

"You- You mean that?" Finn asks.

Poe pulls his friend back, "Of course." He says, "You were afraid to tell me this, why?"

"Because of Kylo Ren," Finn frowns.

Poe frowns slightly.

"And then- then Rey and Amara spending all their time here training when they could've helped us on missions. I- I was afraid you'd hate me." Finn says.

Poe shakes his head, "Buddy, I- I could never hate you. Look, am I a bit hesitate with the Force? Yes. Do I hate you, Rey, or Amara because you have this amazing connection? No." Poe says.

"But the fights with Rey?" Finn asks.

Poe grins, "We banter, Finn. I don't hate Rey." He says, "She is kinda like a little sister."

Finn nods.

Poe pulled his friend over by wrapping his arm around his shoulder and the two began to walk toward the party.

"Now that we have that settled, let's party!" Poe grins.


found Amara on the top of a rocky mountain surface. He had been told by Amara that she had spent time training there before hand, and yet despite no one finding it besides Poe, Ben found it the first time.

Ben reached the top to find his sister sitting near the edge overlooking the horizon. He walked over to his sister and looked at at her as he reached where she was sitting.

Amara didn't even look up.

"Shouldn't you be on the Falcon?" Amara asks.

Ben sits down, "Shouldn't you be celebrating with all your friends?"

Amara grins, "Well played."

Ben looks at the horizon like his sister. The starry night was such a pretty one, but no different than any starry night before.

"What are you doing out here?" Ben asks.

Amara shrugs, "I don't know, guess I needed some space."

"Mari," Ben says, "You don't have to pretend to be okay all the time. I know your dealing with grieve."

Amara slowly meets his gaze.

"We lost mom," Ben says, "And honestly, I use to think she would've out lived me."

Amara didn't make a comment to that statement.

Ben kept his gaze on his sister, "Anyways, if you don't want to cry in front of all your Resistance friends, I get that. But you can here, Mari. I won't judge." He says.

Amara looks at Ben, "She was- She was suppose to be here when I got back." She frowns with tears in her eyes, "She promised, Ben. She promised me."

Amara just collapsed into her brothers arms. She was sobbing and didn't care if she was getting Ben's shirt wet by her tears or covered in snot.

"I knew- I knew that eventually I'd have to say goodbye but- but I didn't expect it so soon." Amara sobs.

Ben rubs her back as his sister held onto him tightly to let out her grieve of the death their mother. Ben rocks back and forth as a way to sooth her.

"Mari, you know she loved you with all her heart. You were her pride and joy." Ben says, "Just because she is physically gone doesn't mean we've lost her forever."

Ben continue to rock back and forth with Amara in his arms. His words seemingly did effect her a little, causing the sobbing to slowly die down.

"It's going to be okay, Mari." Ben whispers, "I promise."


looking for Amara later that evening or maybe it was early in the morning. He found himself at the Falcon, he hadn't stepped foot on it for a few days mostly due to Ben Solo being on board. So in spite of his dislike of Ben, he walked up to find Amara.

He walked up to see the lounge empty and then decided to head for the quarters. He walked down the hall, looking to see where Amara might be. When Poe turned a corner, he found Ben closing the door to a quarters. Poe could barely see the sleeping woman he loved laying on a bed.

Ben glanced behind him to see Poe.

"She's exhausted," Ben says.

Poe nods.

Poe wasn't sure if he should even address Ben. It still felt wrong and strange to have the former Supreme Ruler just hanging out in the Falcon.

"I- uh," Poe points to behind him.

He doesn't add more and then turns away from Ben to exit the Falcon, but he doesn't get too far when he hears a voice.

"Wait- General Dameron," Ben says.

Poe halts.

Poe has to admit, he didn't expect to be called by his rank by none of than Kylo Ren- well actually Ben Solo. Poe turns around. He sees Ben standing behind him but a little apart, which is probably something Ben did because he wasn't sure if he should even stand near this man.

"Yes?" Poe asks.

Ben frowns, "I need to properly apologize for the Finalizer. For the things I've done-,"

Poe held his hand up, "Don't. You don't need to-."

Ben steps forward, "But I do!"

Poe was a little shocked by the expression on Ben's face. The guilt. The remorse. It wasn't something Poe had pictured when he would be here with the former Supreme Leader in person again.

"Okay," Poe says crossing his arms on his chest.

"The things I did to your mind," Ben says, "What I did to you was awful and it crossed a line in the Force that should never be done on a person who doesn't consent to it."

Poe looks at Ben.

"Back then I didn't care, but now- now I know in order to do what needs to be done, I need to be accountable for my actions." Ben says, "Which means apologizing and taking responsibility."

Poe seems a little shocked.

All the nights after the Finalizer only left Poe with sleepless nights. The torture Kylo- Ben had inflicted him was painful and horrendous. Poe only had good rest if Amara would sneak into his quarters to cuddle during the night.

Poe nods his head.

Ben kept his gaze at Poe.

"I- I cannot say that I forgive you," Poe felt like he had cotton mouth, "But I- I respect the fact you apologized."

Ben nods.

Poe stares at Ben seriously, "Did you apologize to Amara to the torture you put her through? Not just the actual torture but what you did to her family?" He asks.

Ben nods, "I know she accepts the apology, but I know we still have some things to fully work out as a family. I know she is relieved that I have come back to the light again." He says.

Poe doesn't add to that.

"Although, as much as I am glad to be here for her and give her what she needs as her brother," Ben says, "I am happy she has you in her life. She smiles when she talks about you. She is genuinely happy when she is with you."

Poe doesn't know what to even say.

"Poe," Ben says, "You have my blessing to marry my sister."

Poe was taken back by that.

"Wa- Wait? What?" Poe spoke, "Uh- I- I haven't even- but-?"

Ben grins, "I know you've been considering it," He says, "And before you ask no I didn't invade your mind. Your thoughts can sometimes be a little loud when he comes to my sister."

Poe was thinking over what he had just heard from the brother of his girlfriend. Poe scratched the back of his head and then looked up.

"Just so you know," Poe says, "I wasn't going to ask for your blessing. Leia already gave me hers before."

Ben nods, "I know, but seeing as I am the last Solo man living, I'd want you to know that I trust you with my sister. Your intentions are clear and they are true to the heart."

Poe just nods.

Awkwardly, Poe just nods more and walks backwards a little. He bumps his back into a wall and then turns around.

"Um- uh okay, well just tell Amara I'll see her in the morning." Poe says and heads out.

Stepping out from the cockpit which was near where the conversation happened was Rey. She glanced from Ben and then to see Poe head out of the Falcon.

"What was that about?" Rey asks.

Ben looks at Rey with a smile, "Oh, I gave Poe permission to marry my sister." He says.

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