
morning, Amara woke in one of the quarters on the Falcon. She, Rey, and Ben had turned that into their sleeping quarters for the evening, whereas Finn and Poe, who were invited to stay in the Falcon, either crashed somewhere else or didn't sleep at all.

Amara knew Poe wasn't going to take it easy. She knew him, he is a stubborn flyboy who was given the title of General. He isn't going to rest up, despite just winning a war. Amara had exited her quarters and walked through the corridors of the Falcon. She heard the voice of D-O speaking as he and BB-8 were wheeling down the Falcon.

"Excuse me, excuse me." D-O says.

Amara stepped to the side allowing the two droids through. Amara watched them go off, she could've sworn they were racing.

Shaking her head, Amara continued down the corridor. She made her way to the lounge where she found Rey.

Ben wasn't with her.

"Morning," Amara announced her presence to her.

Rey looks up, "Good morning," Rey gives a small smile, "How are you?"

"Tired, sore, but okay." She gives a small smile.

Rey nods.

Amara moves over to the table where Rey was sitting at. Amara sat down at the table next to her, glancing at the woman.

"What is it?" Amara asks.

Rey frowns, "Everyone is going to hate me when they know the truth, aren't they?" She asks.

Amara looks puzzled, "What do you mean?"

"Poe, Finn, Rose, Kaydel, everyone-." Rey looks at Amara, "When they find out I am a Palpatine, they'll never look at me the same."

Amara shakes her head, "No, Rey, no. They would never hold what Palpatine was against you. You had no way of knowing," Amara reached out and touched Rey's hand, "You were a child then."

Rey sighs with a frown, "I wish Leia was here," She says, "She'd know what to say, she had been there with her father being Darth Vader."

Amara looks up at the ceiling of the Falcon, "Family isn't just blood, Rey." She says and glanced over at Rey, "I mean look at you and Finn."

"What about Finn and I?" Rey asks.

"You love him?" Amara asks.

Rey nods, "Of course. I love Finn, but not in the same way you love Poe." She says.

Amara gives a small smile, "I know that," She says, "The love you feel for Finn is like the love I feel for Ben. He's my brother and Finn is like a brother."

Rey nods.

"You don't have to claim the name Palpatine as your surname." Amara says, "You can always just stay as Rey if you want."

Rey glanced over at Amara.

Amara had rose from the seat and began to walk toward the doorway she had just came through moments ago.

"Or you can just take a surname from someone in the Resistance." Amara says, "Like Solo is available as is Organa. Hell you could always be a Skywalker."

Rey looks at Amara intensely, "Really?"

Amara nods, "Yeah." She says, "I mean I always considered you family, so I wouldn't be offended if you took one of my family names."

Rey gives Amara a bigger smile, "Thank you."

Amara smiles back at her before heading out.


slept that night. He didn't spend the night celebrating like his friends, nope instead he was working on establishing a next step forward for the galaxy. Now that the war was won, they still had work to do.


For starters, just because they won that final battle didn't mean they were done fighting. First Order officers and fleets that had survived on other parts of the Outer Rim are likely going to fall apart without proper command, but that doesn't mean they won't be an issue before they explode on themselves.

Poe was in the command center that morning. He was sipping a mug of caff and reading over the lists of known Resistance pilots who went down in the Battle of Exegol. He really had to give it to Kaydel Connix, she was able to construct this list while celebrating with Rose and the others. Poe sat down in a chair, resting his mug on a table. He rubbed his chin as he read over the names. A lot of names. A lot of letter needing to be sent to loved ones.

Poe sighs.

He was in for a long day.

"Is this where you've been all day?" Asked Finn.

Poe looks up to see his co-General entering the room. A few cadets and lieutenants in the room saluted Finn, who was still getting use to this new title.

Poe stands up, "General,"

"General," Finn says.

Poe gestures to the datapad, "I was reading over this."

Finn's eyebrows furrow, "The list? Connix gave you that hours ago and yet you didn't get any rest?" He asks.

Poe gestures around the command room, "If you haven't noticed we have work to do."

Finn sighs, "Yeah we do, but you need to be on your A game when we rebuild together." He says as he reached over and grabbed Poe's arm, "Come on."

"Wh- Where are you taking me?" Poe asks.

"You're going to one, get that arm looked at because Amara tried to get you to medical and you refused." Finn says.

Poe sighs, "She was pretty pissed at me." He says.

Finn nods, "I think it was valid because you're acting stupid right now." He says, "And secondly, you're going to rest up. I'll handle things while you get some rest."

"Finn," Poe goes to complain.

Poe was halted by Finn stopping. Finn turns to look at Poe, seriously.

"Poe, you asked me to be General with you because you said you can't do it alone." Finn says, "You trust me, right?"

"Of course, I do." Poe says.

Finn nods, "Good, then you are listening to me. And that's a direct order." He says.

Poe grins, "I technically out rank you still," Poe says.

Finn shakes his head, "Not if you're not fit for duty." Finn says.

Poe gives Finn a look, "You wouldn't."

Finn glanced at Poe as they walked again. The look one Finn's face alone was a test to Poe, a look in the ways of saying to try him.

"Bet me," Finn says.

Poe sighs, "Fine, fine."

As Poe was being dragged to the medical tent, he looked around the base at the aftermath of the celebration party. He saw some still sleeping outside in the dirt, too exhausted and too drunk to get anywhere else. Poe and Finn pasted familiar faces as well as new faces that came because of Lando and Chewie, some saluting the two Generals and others nodding at them.

They were reaching the medical tent when Poe saw in the corner of his gaze was Amara. She was up and moving like no issue, but to be far he didn't go to the celebration, so he probably considered she didn't either.


The Jedi was speaking to Rose and Connix about something, it didn't seem to be heavy toned, so Poe didn't think Amara was telling those two about Ben being on the base. If anything, she was probably like her mom, saying to get things moving before they loose their footing and the First Order rises again.

Finn glanced at Poe and then noticed his sight was Amara. Finn then glanced at Poe again, noticing the gentlemen was holding onto his mother's wedding ring around his neck.

"So," Finn says as they were almost to the medical tent, "When are you going to propose to Amara?"

Poe looks at Finn, "Depends," He says, "And since you wanna pry into my business, what were you going to tell Rey?"

Finn glanced at Amara.

He remembered what Amara had said to him on Ochi's ship as they were about to land on Kijimi. She had assured him that Poe would not think any less of him if he knew the truth of Finn being Force sensitive.

Finn looks at Poe, "Maybe later, you know when you've had rest."

Poe groans as he was pushed into the tent.


different here in the Resistance base, sure he wasn't out and socializing with the Resistances themselves, he was stuck on the Falcon for the time being, but being here was strange.

In the last twenty-four hours he and his sister raced to Exegol, Palpatine was defeated, he and his sister brought Rey back to life, they returned to Ajan Kloss, Ben had spoken to Lando and Maz, and then ended up crashing hard in his father's old quarters. He wandered around the Falcon, he heard Rey whisper into his ear when she thought he was still sleeping telling him, she'd be back later. So Ben had some alone time.

Or so he thought.

He stepped into the lounge and found Chewie there.

"Oh, uh- hi." Ben says to Chewie.

Chewie, who was sitting at the table, looked up at him. Chewie then barked at the man to come over to sit down. Ben sat down, he sat down at the table where he had seen the Wookiee play others in a game of Dejarik and win every time.

"I'm surprised to see you so soon," Ben says to the Wookiee.

Chewie barks at the man. What Chewie barks is how he would never hate Ben but instead was having a hard time looking at him given what happened to Han.

Ben nods, "I- I know," Ben shakes his head, "I'm not proud of my actions as Kylo Ren. I know nothing I say can make you forgive me, Chewbacca. I caused the deaths of a lot of your friends."

Chewie barks, his barks agrees with Ben.

Ben nods silently.

Chewie barks again at the boy. This growl from the Wookiee gained his attention. Chewie had told Ben, that he has to walk with that with him forever and do right by them.

Ben nods, "I hope I can,"

Chewie barks again at Ben. He tells Ben not to hope but do, his actions will speak lighter than his promises.

Ben gives a small smile and nods, "Alright."

Chewie nods.

Ben begins to start a new game, "Wanna play?" He asks.

Chewie looks at the Dejarik board game and then to the son of his best friend. The Wookie nods and exclaims a bark as confirmation to the man.


her heading to the Falcon.


Rey turns to see Finn.

"I- I need to tell you something," Finn says.

Rey turns to fully face him, "The thing you couldn't tell me with Poe around?" She asks.

Finn nods, "Y- Yeah." He says.

Rey gestures for him to sit down on the ramp leading inside of the Falcon, which he follows her over to the ramp. At the same time the two sit down on the ramp.

"So what is it?" Rey asks looking at him.

Finn looks at her, "I- I was wanting to tell you this since before we left on this mission but- but things kept getting in the way-,"

Rey frowns, "And I was shutting myself out from you," She says.

Finn reaches out, "It's okay, Rey. I- I spoke to Amara first and- and even though I wanted you to be the first to know, having her know and understand really helped me gain the courage to tell you."

Rey gives a small smile.

"How do I even start-?" He ran a hand through his hair.

Rey reaches out and held onto his other hand, "Take your time. We aren't going anywhere." She says.

Finn looks at her and nods.

Besides Poe, Rey is one of the first real friends Finn had ever made. After Poe and Rey came Amara and Rose and then everyone in the Resistance. With Rey, like all his friends, he has different bonds with them. For him and Rey, they traveled from Jakku together on a piece of junk known as the Falcon and were thrown into this war.

"Okay," Finn says, "Okay. On Exegol, I- I felt your lifeforce fade. I felt you die on Exegol, Rey."

Rey's eyes widen a little, "What?" She asks.

Finn nods, "I- I knew you were dead and was besides myself for a variety of reasons, one not being brave enough to tell you that I'm Force sensitive."

Rey doesn't say anything.

"And- And then I felt you again. I felt life in you. You were alright." Finn felt a tear slide down his face, "I- I know I should've told you sooner."

Rey shakes her head, "No, you didn't need to tell me sooner, you told me when you were ready." She held his hand tighter, "And for on Exegol, I'm sorry you felt that."

Finn watched as Rey didn't want to go further about what happened on Exegol. She had barely talked about the battle, as did Amara and he's assuming Ben, since Finn wasn't ready to talk to him. It's like they're keeping something from them.

Finn looks at her, "You know you can tell me anything?" Finn asks.

Rey looks at him and nods, "I know," She gives a weak smile, "But right now, I'm not ready to talk about it."

Finn nods, "I understand."

Rey nods as well.

There was a moment of silence between the two as they sat there. The two still holding onto each other's hand.

"Amara and I know," Rey spoke, "What about Poe?"

Finn doesn't say anything.

Rey looks at him, "Finn, you need to tell him." She says, "He is your friend."

Finn shakes his head, "I know, I know. It's just- I know how he is with the Force. First off, he was tortured through the Force which messed him up a little. Then there is you and Amara, he loves Amara with all his heart. The poor man is so madly in love with her, he is wanting to propose but holding off for some reason-."

"Wait- Wait? Propose?" Rey asks.

Finn waves it off, "Not important at the moment," He says, "And then there is you. He and you argue all the time. It's like you two hate each other and- and I don't want him to hate me."

Rey shakes her head, "Finn, Poe would never hate you. You two are bonded, much like the way we are." She says.

Finn gives Rey a small smile.

She watched as his gaze moves up to the inside of the Falcon, probably sensing Ben inside. Rey's eyes moved from the Falcon to her friend.

"You really believe he's no longer evil?" Finn asks.

Rey nods, "Amara and I both know he's good now." She says.

Finn nods, "I- I don't know if I'll be completely okay with this, but- but I'll try. I guess." Finn says.

Rey gives her friend a small smile, "Take your time. Don't rush whatever feelings you still have about Kylo Ren." She says.

Finn nods.

Rey looks at Finn and sees a small smile on his face. Finn felt Rey reach out and hug the man tightly. They held onto each other, not as tight as yesterday after the battle but more for comforting.


nap and check in with the doctor, he found himself going back to work. He was scolded by the doctor, being told if he would've ignored coming to visit them another day the injury would've been inflected. It was late in the evening, most people were either still celebrating, because they can or were just having dinner.

Poe was alone in the command room.

"So this is where the Resistance's greatest pilot turn General has been?" Amara spoke.

Poe lifts his gaze from datapads to see his girlfriend come in with a trey in her hands. The trey looked hot and steamy, so clearly its freshly cooked.

"I was told by Kaydel that you probably are going to miss more of the celebration and be here all night, again." Amara says.

Poe watched as she put down the trey on the table next to where he was sitting. Poe looks at the yummy food. Poe looked to Amara and by the look she gave him, he saw Leia in her. He saw the look the late General Organa would give him when he did something stupid when he was a new recruit or when he thought that he didn't need bed rest.

So Poe took the fork and began to eat the hot meal that his girlfriend brought to him. As Poe was silently eating his meal, he watched Amara lean over and look over at the datapad. Reading the messages from the Senate. Seeing the locations of First Order cruisers in the Outer Rim, thanks to Ben of course, but the Resistance didn't know that.

"How's the arm?" Amara asks.

Poe swallowed his food, "Good." He says, "Got it looked at today."

Amara nods.

"How is the hand?" Poe asks.

Amara glanced at Poe, "Fine, I think when Ben and I brought- uh well when we were on Exegol, I think it just healed itself there." She says.

Poe gives her a confused look, "Injuries don't just heal itself." He says.

Amara shrugs her shoulders, but adds nothing to that.

Instead Poe watches as Amara reads a datapad with a message from allies on Lothal. A small smile can be found on Amara's face.

"Rex is okay," Amara says, "That's great."

Poe nods, "He was one of the first to reach out asking if we needed anything." He says, "He said he would've came sooner but with First Order soldiers still running around on Lothal-,"

Amara nods, "Yeah,"

Poe looks at her, "I expect Janan and Torrin to want to return to help their people." He says.

Amara lowers the datapad on the table, "It's only natural." She says while crossing her arms, "The war is over. We can't expect everyone to stay here and rebuild the mess that is this galaxy."

Poe took a sip of the caff that was in a mug on the trey to help wash down the meal he is eating. He lowers the mug onto the trey and looks at Amara as he continues to eat.

"I know," Poe says, "I've already told many officers if they wish to return home to their loved ones I don't expect to stay here."

"Rose and Kaydel are staying here." Amara says.

Poe nods, "I figured." He says, "A lot wish to stay here in a way to honor Leia, but I can't ask them to stay when I know they want to go home."

"Poe, if they wanted to go home, they would've left already. They are doing this not just for my mother, but because they trust your leadership." Amara says.

Poe shakes his head, "I'm not a leader,"

"Yes you are, Dameron. Get your head out of your ass and realize it." She says, "It was always going to be you. My mother had been grooming you for this since she knew she could trust you with anything. She knew- She knew at the end that she could trust you with this."

"What about you?" Poe asks looking at her, "You're her daughter. Wouldn't it make sense to leave it to you?"

"Maybe, but- but I am not the leader you are Poe." Amara says and sits in a chair in front of him, "You led an attack on Exegol. You inspired them all to follow you."

Poe shrugs.

Amara cupped his face, "Poe, I believe in you." She says and then leans forward to kiss him on the lips, "I always believe in you, flyboy."

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