
Jedi; Rey, Ben, and Amara ran out of the throne room as debris and rumble were coming down. They reach the opening in the ceiling and noticed the platform elevator was not moving anymore. However, there was large chains.

The three looked to each other before nodding. Understanding what they needed to do. One by one, they climbed up the large chains. Rey climbed first then Amara and lastly Ben. Ben wanted to make sure the two girls were going up before him, because in his mind the girls were more important than him. The climb was a little difficult given the the debris coming down and the chain beginning to shake, but that was all over as Rey reached up first.

Once Rey got to the surface, she held her hand out for Amara to grab. Which Amara did. Rey helped pull up Amara. And in a few seconds after that, Ben came to view and both girls held a hand out for Ben to grab. Ben opted out from grabbing a hand, but pulled himself up without a problem.

They sprinted after that. A mad dash towards their X-Wings.

Rey noticed the two X-Wings.

"Wait? Only two ships?" Rey asks.

Ben nods, "I complained about the size, believe me."

Amara groans at her brother's comments, "You're really gonna start that shit again?"

They reached their respected X-Wings, but as Amara was climbing up to board her ship, she noticed her brother going to Rey's ship.

"Where are you going?" Amara asks.

"I'm going to fly with Rey," Ben says, "Don't worry, Mari, you're a descent pilot."

Amara held her hand up in a fist, wanting to hit him, but halted on not doing so. Instead, as Ben was climbing onto his uncle's old X-Wing, Rey glanced to Amara.

"If Ben is found on the base think about how the others might feel." Rey says, "He'd be safer somewhere else."

Amara glanced at her brother and her friend.

"I don't care what the others say," Amara says, "He's coming."

Ben looks at his sister, "Amara,"

Amara grabs her helmet for the X-Wing and placed it on her head, although, Amara turned to still fully face the two.

"I said I don't care." Amara says, "You're coming and that's final."

Amara climbs into her X-Wing and closes the hatch. She begins to flick some switches and the X-Wing turns on. Then it takes off.

Rey and Ben look at each other.

"I guess I'm coming to the base," Ben says.

Rey gestures for him to go in first, "I guess you are."

Ben climbs in the X-Wing and then Rey follows suit. She sits on top of Ben's lap, before she closed the hatch overhead. As Rey was closing the hatch, Ben was flicking switches and getting the ship on. Within moments after Rey had shut the hatch and was sitting on Ben's lap, the X-Wing took off out of Exegol.


out of his X-Wing. His eyes glanced around from the base, searching around at the survivors from the final battle. He walks through the crowd of people, arm in a sling. He walks pass Zorii, she had survived the attack on Kijimi and even survived the battle against the Final Order. The two look at each other, nodding before parting onward.

Poe sees Larma D'Arcy. The commander gives Poe a small smile after she had embraced her partner.

"You did it general," D'Arcy says, "Leia would be so proud."

Poe gives D'Arcy a smile.


Poe moves onward through the crowd of people. He sees Chewie and Maz hugging. He sees Lando laughing and clapping as he then is embraced by Chewie. Rose hugs Connix. Poe gives a small smile as he looks over at more pilots flying in. As he sees more and more sips coming in, his thoughts race to a few places all at once.

Firstly, Snap. Snap. His dear friend since the New Republic Navy. His dear friend, gone. Snap who asked him to be his best man at his wedding. Snap was gone. He realizes that with this he has to tell Karé. He isn't sure how he is going to tell her. Karé is going to be beside herself once she hears the news. Not to mention, they are expecting a baby. Poe ran a hand over his face as he stops walking through the crowd. He wanted to be the one to tell her, he felt it was his duty to do so.

Kaydel approaches Poe, "Congratulations, General Dameron." She smiles.

Poe gives Connix a small smile, "It was a team effort." He says and then frowns, "Can you find Karé for me? I have news that I need to tell her."

Connix seemingly knew what the news was and only nods. She mentions how she'll comm him when she finds Karé.

Poe nods.

He continues walking through the crowd and although he was sadden by the death of his friend Snap, he recalls hearing from Finn that Rey was alive. But he didn't know what that meant on Amara. Was she okay? He had no idea.

But, before Poe could think of anything more, he sees Finn in his sight. A big grin appears on his face and points at Finn. Finn has a large smile on his face as he races over to Poe. Poe and Finn run over and embrace each other tightly.

Poe pulls back, "We did it," Poe says and punches Finn's shoulder.

Finn laughs lightly, "We sure did."

Poe opens his mouth to say something but sees a familiar X-Wing lowering itself. It was Karé's X-Wing that was stolen hours prior. And then he saw another X-Wing lowering itself, this one is an older style.

"Poe?" Finn asks.

Poe just points.

Finn glanced around and sees the two X-Wings. Finn glanced back at Poe, the two have big smiles on their face before turning off in that direction. They begin to run in that direction.


Finn reached through the tree lines and found the two X-Wings. One hatch opened, revealing Amara. Amara took off the helmet, and it was then that Poe and Finn saw the injuries on her. She had a bloody wound on her forehead, some scratches on her arms and faces, as well as a bruise on the side of her jaw. But other than that, she was okay.

"Amara," Poe says.

Amara gives a small smile, "Poe," She says weakly.

Amara climbs out of the X-Wing slowly.

Poe moves over slowly to Amara, but then quickens his speed. He reaches over to her and embraces her in a tight hug. Amara held onto him tightly, kissing Poe on the side of his head. Finn slowly comes over and joins in on the hug. He held onto Amara from the back, causing Amara to be in the middle.

Then the three lift their heads up to the other X-Wing. The hatch was being lifted and revealed Rey. Rey looked a little more battered than Amara. Finn let out an exhale of relief as he pulls away from Amara and Poe. Poe and Amara looked up at Rey. She begins to climb down from the X-Wing and then the other Jedi was fully embraced by Poe, Finn, and Amara. They all held onto each other tightly as if nothing else in the world mattered.


They all pulled back.

Rey and Amara looked at each other before turning back to the boys. When the two girls looked at each other, the boys a bit confused.

"We have something that might cause some discomfort." Rey says.

Poe raised his eyebrows, "What are you talking about?"

Amara reached over and held onto Poe's hand, "Look, you two are going to get angry and we're only going to brace you for this."

"Brace us? Brace us for what?" Finn asks.

Amara and Rey both look to Luke's X-Wing and coming into view was none other than Ben Solo. When both Finn and Poe saw Ben, the two men reached for their blasters and pointed them at Ben. Quickly, Amara and Rey jumped in front of the boy's blasters.

"No-!" Rey yells.

"Stop!" Amara yells.

Poe and Finn look from Ben to the girls, not lowering their blasters, but their expressions sort of changing.

"Amara," Poe says, "Get away from that-,"

Amara shakes her head, "Kylo Ren is dead."

Finn shakes his head, "He's standing in that cockpits." Finn points out.

Rey looks firmly at Finn, "Ben Solo is standing in the cockpit," She says, "He is no longer Kylo Ren."

Poe glanced from Rey and then to Amara.

"Amara, you can't be okay with this? He killed your dad. He- He caused a lot of death, including-." Poe spoke.

Amara steps forward, "My brother is a sweet man. He was seduced by evil and darkness by Palpatine as a young man. Palpatine planted a seed of hatred in my brother, turning him to Kylo Ren. My brother is not a monster," She says, "He is not evil."

Poe looks at Amara and then to Ben.

Poe sighs, "We can't overlook what he did," He says.

"I don't expect everyone to," Ben says.

Both Finn and Poe look at him.

"As the Supreme Ruler I've done terrible things, monstrous things. I killed. I destroyed. But- But now- now that is over." Ben says.

The two men watch as Ben Solo steps out of the X-Wing and walked over to Rey and Amara. Poe and Finn glancing at each other, still holding their blasters out.

"I want to correct the wrong I've done," Ben says, "The first thing I want to do is make right by you."

Ben addressed the last comment to Finn. He reached into his pocket and pulled something out. A small flash-drive of some sorts.

"FN- uh Finn," Ben says, "This contains all the chain codes for every Stormtrooper we have recorded in the First Order."

Ben held it out, waiting for Finn to grab it. Finn looks at the drive and then to Ben. Fin slowly lowering his blaster and reached out for the flash drive.

"Wai- Wait? Why? Why are you doing this?" Finn asks lifting the blaster up again.

Ben kept his expression stern, "Like I said, I did terrible things and I know that I can never make the pain I caused go away, but maybe this might answer some questions."

Poe glanced at Ben, "Why? Why should we believe you?" He asks.

Amara looks at him, "Poe,"

Ben shakes his head, "It's alright. I understand that you do not have to take my word, nor you don't have to take Amara's or Rey's word, but- but I know it is what my mother would've wanted. My atoning for the pain I've caused."

Poe lowers his blaster at the mere mention of Leia. Poe knew that Leia seemingly never fully gave up on her son. She wanted him to come to the light, someday. Finn mimics Poe and lowers his blaster.

"Everyone on base is going to have mixed reactions seeing you," Finn says to Ben.

Ben nods.

"Don't worry," Rey says, "I'm going to bring him to the Falcon. He'll stay there until we spread the news."

Poe pinches the bridge of his nose, "I have to tell friends and family how their loved ones aren't coming home. I have to tell Karé how her husband didn't make it."

Amara's face fell, "Snap- He didn't make it?"

"No, he didn't." Poe says.

Amara frowns, "I- I'm sorry."

Poe looks at Amara and knew that she meant it. But he was frustrated with her, that she and Rey brought the Supreme Ruler of the First Order here. Here to Ajan Kloss. To their base.

"Amara, Rey," Poe says, "I honestly don't think the Resistance will be too okay with the former Supreme Ruler even being here."

Before either could speak, Amara took the helm.

She points at Poe, "Former spice runner," Then she points to Finn and Rey, "Former Stormtrooper and former scavenger."

Poe frowns at that being thrown in his face.

Rey nods, "The Resistance has many people from different backgrounds,"

Finn sighs, "They're right. Zorii came to aid us and she was a smuggler. Plus Jannah and her company were former troopers like me."

Amara reached her hand out and looked at Poe, "Luke was willing to accept his father after Vader was dead at the hands of the Emperor. Anakin would've been embraced by Leia and Luke in the Alliance."

Poe looks at his girlfriend and then to Ben. He doesn't seem to be too bad, sure Poe isn't going to fully trust him, because of what Kylo Ren did to him with the Force.

Poe sighs, "Alright, alright." He says, "But it doesn't mean I trust you."

Poe points to Ben.

Ben nods, "I understand, sir."

Poe grins, "That's General Dameron to you."

Rey's eyes flickef, "General?"

Poe put his arm around Finn, "And General Finn over here."

Amara smirks and shakes her head, "Unbelievable."


had suggested, she and Ben had managed to get into the Falcon unnoticed. The first people notified of Ben's return was Lando, Chewie, and Maz. Amara and Rey felt it wouldn't be right to not tell them. Lando took the news okay, he wanted to see his godson, so Rey took him to the Falcon. Maz also wanted to see Ben, but was giving him some space. Meanwhile, Chewie, although he loved Ben like his own, was struggling to face him.

Amara looks at the Wookiee sitting on a crate on the base. She didn't blame him. Chewie watched a darker part of Ben kill Han. And Amara knew that she can't completely forgive it all, but she doesn't want to have hatred in her heart.

Amara wandered the base.

She sees celebrations beginning. People cheering and still hugging due to their victory on Exegol. She was certain she saw some pilots finding alcohol to begin to properly celebrate their win. However, Amara couldn't find Finn nor Poe.

She frowns.

She knew the reveal of Ben would be hard for both of them. Both men suffered from Kylo Ren and the First Order, but Amara wanted to have her brother again. She lost too much and she felt a little selfish but deserving of wanting her brother here.

She found herself sneaking away from the base. She was walking through the jungle of Ajan Kloss. She wasn't planning on going anywhere specific. She wasn't going to her spot she'd train with the Force ghost of Anakin, no, she was just walking with no clear path.

"What are you doing out here alone?" She knew that voice.

Amara turns around and see the Force ghost of Luke standing there.

"I was wondering if I was ever going to hear from you," Amara says, "You've been ignoring my calls."

Luke gives a small smile, "You didn't need me, kid. You got what you needed from your grandfather." He says.

Amara kept her gaze on him, "I would've appreciated your wisdom too, Uncle Luke." She says.

Luke let out a small chuckle, "I bet you would've."

Amara leaned down to sit on a log, as she was sitting down the young woman let out an exhausted sigh. Luke followed her to sit on the same log.

"The Final Order is defeated. Palpatine is gone." Luke says, "You should feel happy."

Amara glanced at him, "I am. I just- What comes next?" She asks.

"Rebuilding the galaxy, that's what comes next." Luke tells her.

Amara nods as she looks away, "Was it easy?"

Luke shakes his head, "It never is, but you're a good kid. You're surrounded by bright minds. I'm sure you all will figure out the best way to repair the damages done at the hand of the First Order."

Amara nods.

"Something else is bothering you," Luke says.

"I- I wanted Ben to come back to himself and he has," Amara says with a sad smile, "He's here. He's back. But- But I worry with him here, people will be vengeful. I know the damage Kylo Ren caused to Poe's mind, he- he still gets nightmares. And all the conditioning Finn had to undergo while as a Stormtrooper-,"

"Kid," Luke says, "Like I said before, it's never easy. Any of this. I know if my sister was still alive she'd tell everyone on the Resistance that Kylo Ren is dead and Ben Solo is living, breathing."

"They might not see a difference," Amara says, "I know Poe and Finn barely acknowledged one."

Luke sighs, "It takes time. Give them some time to sort this huge news through. They'll understand, they all will." He says.


to deliver the hard news to many members he had grown to know and care for that their loved ones were not coming home. Somehow he managed to avoid confronting Karé about the news of her husband. When Poe found Karé, she was sitting with her in laws. Norra and Wedge Wexley.

Poe felt a lump in his throat as he approached the three of them. Poe watched as Norra was touching Karé's stomach to feel the baby kick, and it was then Poe could really notice how far long Karé was.

"Oh, Poe-!" It was Karé who called to him.

Poe lifted his gaze. He sees the woman he has known for a good part of his life stand up from where she was sitting. She did a little adjusting to stand, how far long she was, it was insane that she wasn't needing to lay down. However, Karé didn't show if she was showing any forms of discomfort, instead the pilot had a big smile on her face.

"I haven't seen you since you all left," Karé says, "I was wondering when you'd grace me with your presence."

Norra and Wedge looked up.

Norra gives a confused look when she saw the look on the newly acted General's face. But, Wedge, he was a military man. He found against the Empire, he knew why Poe was here.

"Why don't we all sit down." Wedge says.

Karé looks at Wedge with a confused gaze before turning to Poe. She now sees something in the distraught look of Poe's face, she knows something is wrong.

"Poe, what's wrong?" Karé asks, "Where is Snap?"

Poe lifts his gaze to Karé and shakes his head, "I- I'm so sorry, Karé, but he- he was shot down."

"Shot down?" Norra asks.

Karé seemingly seemed to disbelieve it, "Oh so uh- you sent someone to go get him, right?"

Poe shakes his head.

Karé glanced over to Wedge and Norra now. It seems as if Norra guessed the news the General was here to give them. Not good one. Wedge had a composed expression for his wife and his daughter-in-law.

"Karé, he- he died in an explosion," Poe tried to get through while tears were threatening to fall, "I- I am so sorry."

Karé looked at her dear friend in utter disbelief, before she collapsed onto her knees and began to sob. The love of her life, gone. He was taken from her. Poe watched as Norra knelt down next to the crying pregnant widow. Norra held onto Karé as she sobbed and sobbed. Poe felt a hand on his shoulder. It was Wedge.

"Thank you for telling us, General Dameron." Wedge says.

Poe nods.

"Will you allow us a moment alone?" Wedge asks.

Poe nods again, "Of course."

Poe begins to walk away, but catching a glimpse of Wedge kneeling down to hug Karé with his wife. Poe made his hands into fists and clenched his jaw as he was suppressing the tears from falling down his face.

As Poe walked further away from the family, he noticed coming out of the jungle was Amara. The two looked at each other at the exact same moment. Amara and Poe walked over to each other without saying a word, Poe knew Amara saw through his mask of emotions he was trying to shield from everyone.

As Poe reached Amara, he melted into her embrace. He held onto her tightly and lowered his head into her shoulder.

Amara felt the man cry into her shoulder. She held the back of his head with one hand the other was rubbing his back. Poe's arms were wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer to him.

"Shh," Amara whispers into his ear, "It's okay, Poe. We're okay."

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