
Amara ran straight ahead as they got further and further from their ship. As they reached an opening on the ground, both siblings looked at each other before just jumping as they ran out of space to run.

The pair fell to the ground and landed hard.

Amara rolls her eyes, "I should've stayed in the X-Wing," She says

Ben shoves her arm, "Come on," He stands, "Let's go."

Amara sees Ben hold out his hand to her. Amara grabbed it and was forcefully pulled up by her brother. Ben and Amara raced toward Palpatine's throne room, as they rounded a corner Ben pulled Amara closed with one arm and extended the other to fire his blaster. Amara glanced behind and saw a Knight of Ren, dead on the ground. Amara looks at her, nearly shocked.

"I would've sensed him," Amara says.

Ben smirks, "After he blasted you,"

Amara groans, "You're annoying." She says.

They continued running further and further. As they rounded another corner, they were met with two Knights of Ren approaching them. Ben held his blaster outward pointing towards them, whereas Amara reached at her belt and ignited the green saber. The Knights of Ren weren't just coming from the front, there were some approaching from the rear.

Amara glanced at Ben, "So what's the plan, bro?" She asks.

Ben gives her a side glance, "Take them down and help Rey."

Amara shrugs, "You make it sound so easy," She grins.

The number of the Knights of Ren seemingly doubled, there were now twelve of them approaching the Solo siblings. They seem to walk in a circle around Ben and Amara, watching them, seeing who would deliver the first strike.

Amara glanced at Ben, he glanced at her briefly and nodded.

Ben extended his hand out, sending one back by the Force. Amara spun her saber as one before to blast at her with the blaster weapon that knight carried on him. She spun around, extending her left hand outward causing another one to fly back.

Ben fires his blaster, only to see one coming closer towards him, he ducks. Amara went to strike her blaster at one, but they held their hand out halting it with the Force. Amara held the saber handle tightly and then was thrown back. She rolled on the ground and her saber turned off.

Ben was being hit in the face over and over by the Knight of Ren's weapons. Then one shoves his weapon hard against Ben's stomach, causing the man to collapse to his knees. Ben looks up and sees Amara beginning to get up and used the Force to bring her saber back to her hand. As Ben watched his sister, one of the Knights of Ren slammed their weapon against Ben's face causing the man to fall onto the ground.

"Ben-!" Amara shouts.

Amara ignites the green blade and came running in. She used the Force and shoved two men back, she flips in the air and stabs one in the chest. The one she stabbed was the one who was the last to assault her brother.

At this point, despite how many blows to the head Ben has suffered, his vision was not doubled. He noticed that at least half the men were gone. Leaving six. Six he couldn't handle without a saber.

Amara held her saber out, standing behind her brother as he rose up. Ben winced as one of his hands clenched his stomach. As Amara watched the Knights of Ren prepare to fight, they lift their weapons up. Waiting for the right moment to strike the Solo siblings. Amara peaks a glance at her brother the best way she could, but then sensed something. She sensed something familiar or rather, someone.


Ben, meanwhile, knew exactly who he was sensing.


He could see her. She held her uncle's saber in her hands, ignited. She had a tear slide down her face. She knew, she knew, that he was no longer Kylo Ren. That he was in fact Ben Solo.

Amara felt Ben take a step forward and she peaked over noticing him lifting his hand up behind his hand. She wasn't thinking much of it, until she saw her brother pull a lightsaber out of thin air.

A blue saber.

The Knights of Ren knew how strong Ben is with a lightsaber, how overpowered the man is compared to them. So they took steps back with slight hesitation.

Ben looks at the Knights of Ren and does a shrug.

Then, after the humorous shrug, Ben swung the blue saber to strike down two knights. While Amara also swung her saber. The two no longer were back to back, and Ben moved forward. Ben slashed at one and then used the Force to practically throw himself forward towards one knight to stab in the stomach.

Amara sliced off the hands of a knight as he went to strike her with his weapon, she then used the Force to throw that one back, as she then spun around threw her saber forward and it went through the skull of one, before she held her hand out for the saber to come back to.

Amara looks around, she noticed her brother having the saber against his back as a knight slashed his weapon only to hit the weapon off the lightsaber. Ben exhaled before he spun to face them. Ben used the Force to throw one in a pit and stabbed another.

Amara ran over, spinning her saber around before stabbing one of the Knights of Ren in the stomach.

Amara noticed how they're weren't anymore left.

"Come on, Ben." Amara says.

Ben looks at the dead knights and then to his sister. He nods.

The two run toward Palpatine's throne room, only to find it is in utter chaos. Rey was fighting the guards of the Emperor. She seemed to be handling herself well, although Ben extended his hand and shoved one to the ground hard.

The second that guard was down, Rey saw them.

The Solo siblings.

Standing side by side, holding lightsabers.

The sheer look on Rey's face was disbelief seeing Ben before her, it almost seemed as if she hadn't even noticed Amara at first.

"Ben," Rey says in a whisper.

Ben and Amara walk over to Rey, and that is when Rey noticed Amara with Ben. Rey glanced over at her friend, Amara. The glance was brief, because Rey looked back at Ben. Ben and Rey held their stare, before turning to the Emperor, as does Amara. The three Jedi held their sabers up, ready to fight.

"Stand together, die together." Palpatine says.

He extends his hand outward, two things happened. One was Amara was thrown back and rolled on the ground hard. Seemingly, knock her out. Her saber switched off.

Ben quickly glanced around, "Mari-!"

"Amara!" Rey shouts.

But they couldn't react quick enough, because the Emperor had his hands still extended and held the two Dyads in the Force. They ended up throwing their sabers and it left their hands, turning off and falling on the ground. Both Ben and Rey were brought forward and on their knees. As they hit on their knees, the Emperor seemed to begin to drain some of their energy from them.

He winced and pulled back. He looked at his hands. Seemingly shocked at the effect of what happened. He looked as his fingers were healing.


"The lifeforce of your bond," Palpatine says, "A Dyad in the Force. A power like life itself. Unseen for generations."

Both Rey and Ben struggled through the hold the Emperor had on them.

"And now," Palpatine says, "The power of two restores the one, true Emperor."


was being drained from their body into Palpatine. Rey let out a scream, the pain of it was torturous while Ben tried to keep it together. The Emperor seemed to be enjoying the scene. Laughing as their powers were restoring him to what he once was.

However, Amara slowly regained conscious. She lifted her head up and winced. She touched her head and saw blood on her fingers. She didn't have time to process her head injury, because she saw her brother and Rey getting their lifeforce sucked out.

Amara grabbed her saber and ran forward, without really thinking. She placed her saber back on her belt. As Amara reached the Emperor, she extended her hands forward at the Emperor. She had then thrown the Emperor himself into the throne, hitting it hard, as well as Rey and Ben collapsing onto the ground. Not moving, but still breathing.

Amara panted a little.

The Emperor laughs, "I knew there was a spark in you, Amara. A spark unlike many Jedi I've seen in the past." He pushes himself off the throne.

Amara watched Palpatine turn to face her. He looked different, better than the ghostly deadly looking creature in front of him before sucking out the lifeforce of her brother and Rey.

"Not a Dyad of the Force," Palpatine says eyeing her, "But something else. Something interesting."

Amara stared into his eyes.

"What do you see, my child? What are you getting from my eyes?" Palpatine asks.

Amara reached for her saber handle and it was held tightly in her right hand. She kept a firm stare at Palpatine.

"I am not afraid of you," Amara says, "Nor am I afraid dying."

Palpatine grins, "My, my. Have you come a long way, Amara, my dear."

Palpatine held his hand out with the Force, but Amara's reflects were just as fast. She extended her hand outward and was using the Force. Both Palpatine and Amara were trying to shove the other with the Force, but their hold were strong. Although, Palpatine's seemed stronger. Amara noticed her feet were being pushed back, she winced as she forced her foot to step forward. She gritted her teeth.

She winced a little and then looked to meet Palpatine's face. He had a grin on his face, but that didn't stop Amara. She knew one best option she had to maybe knock him down for a bit, she knew it was time to loose control.

Amara thought back to the day her father died. She thought back to how she felt when she thought Chewie died. She thought of how she wanted to react when her mother died. She thought of how she'd feel of Poe died today.

Amara screams and then a large amount of Force shoves forward, throwing Palpatine on the ground and Amara collapsing onto the ground. Amara was on her hands and knees, but looked up. She looked up to see Palpatine rising.

Amara winced a little, panting hard. Her eyes glance over to Ben and Rey.

"Sorry," Amara says.

Then Amara fell onto the ground unconscious.


over to the now unconscious Amara Solo. He looked down at her and uses the Force to move her head from rolled over away from him to facing him.

"You could've been more than this," He says, "But now you'll die. Just like your father, just like your uncle, and just like your mother."

Ben seemingly seemed to gain Palpatine's attention.

He rolls.

Ben rolls over, trying to get up.

When Palpatine's gaze moved from the youngest Solo to the oldest, his expression drops to a sudden shock that Ben was even still alive.

Ben forces himself up, trying to get on his feet.

Until Palpatine held out his hand and held Ben up in the air by the Force. Ben couldn't move again. Although, the older brother looked down to see his sister unconscious with what only could be seen as a small cut on her head.

"As once I fell," Palpatine says to Ben, "So falls the end of the Skywalker legacy."

Ben's eyes went from Palpatine and then to his sister.

He struggles.

Ben could do nothing but struggle, because Palpatine's hold on him through the Force was so strong. Then, Palpatine throws Ben back. Ben is thrown to a pit and falls, to what is seemingly his defeat. Grinning, Palpatine turns his gaze back to Amara.

"Before I end you as I did your whole family," Palpatine says as he turns to head to the throne, "I must end the pathetic Resistance."

Palpatine walked up and sat on his throne.

"Do not fear that feeble attack," Palpatine says to his supporters, "My faithful. Nothing will stop the return of the Sith!"

Palpatine grins and laughs as he watches the battle through the whole he created through the ceiling. He slowly lifts his hands up and as they rose up, lightning escaped the tips of his fingers towards the sky.


laughter first. Laughter from Palpatine. Rey rolled over and noticed the unconscious Amara that was a feet or so away from her. Rey groans and winces as she rolls from her side to lay on her back.

She looks above.

She sees the lightning coming from Palpatine hitting the fleet of the Resistances. She watches as ships were coming down, probably having their systems being messed with by the Sith's lightning.

A tear slid out of her eye.

"Be with me," Rey says, "Be with me."

She closes her eyes.

She sees stars despite her eyes being closed.

"These are you final steps, Rey." The voice of Obi-Wan Kenobi says to Rey, "Rise and take them."

"Rey," The voice of Mace Windu says.

"Rey," A female Jedi says.

"Rey," Mace Windu says again.

"Bring back the balance, Rey, as I did." Anakin Skywalker spoke to her.

"In the night, find the light, Rey." Aayla Secura says.

"You're not alone, Rey." Mace Windu says.

Rey slowly opens her eyes.

"Alone never have you been," Yoda says.

"Every Jedi who ever lived lives in you." Qui-Gon Jin says.

Rey blinks her eyes.

"The Force surrounds you, Rey." Anakin Skywalker says.

"Let it guide you," A female Jedi says.

"As it guided us," Ahsoka Tano says.

"Feel the Force through you, Rey." Mace Windu says.

Rey slowly moves her head, like she is attempting to get up.

"Let it lift you," Anakin Skywalker says.

She rolls over on her stomach. She placed her hand on the ground, readying to brace herself to force herself up.

"We stand behind you, Rey." Qui-Gon Jin says.

"Rey," Kanan Jarrus says.

"Rise in the Force," Yoda says.

Rey grunts as she is forcing herself to get up. She moves her legs despite the slight pain in it.

"In the heart of the Jedi lies her strength." Kanan Jarrus says.

She pushes herself up. On her feet, but not fully up. Her hands remain on the ground, keeping her steady.

"Rise," Anakin Skywalker says.

"Rise," Qui-Gon Jin says.

"Rey, the Force will be with you, always." Luke Skywalker says to her.

After hearing the words from her former mentor, she rose to her feet fully. She held her hand out and her saber came back to her through the Force. Once the lightsaber was in her hand, it ignited.

Rey breathes deeply as she looks at her grandfather.

Palpatine sees his granddaughter has risen, armed and everything. He stops his attack through his Force lightning. He lowers his hands and then slowly stands up.

"Let you death be the final word," Palpatine says, "In the story of rebellion."

He extends his hands out causing Force lightning to strike at her, but Rey held up her saber to block the lightning. Rey pushes forward and Emperor Palpatine pushes forward. Palpatine walks down from the throne to stand on the same ground as his granddaughter.

Palpatine pushes more lightning forward.

Rey grunts.

"You are nothing!" Palpatine yells, "A scavenger girl is no match for the power in me."

Rey struggles one handed with holding the one saber as the force of the lightning keeps pushing Rey more and more.

She grunts.

"I am all the Sith!" Palpatine yells.

Rey grunts as she pushes forward, "And I-," Rey glares.

She calls the other saber of Skywalker to her through the Force. It comes to her hand, but it stays hidden from Palpatine.

"Am all the Jedi." Rey says.

Then she ignites the second saber and held both sabers against the lightning. They were positioned in an X. She strains herself forward, moving two steps. Then she took more steps forward, it seems that Palpatine's power meant nothing to Rey. Rey seemingly focused on the lightning and seemed to redirect it to Palpatine. The lightning strikes the old Emperor in the dead and begins to destroy him.

Palpatine screams as his body seems to be melting, falling apart on itself as the lightning eats away from his skin and bones. Rey does one final shoves and that seems to end it all.

Palpatine's body gone.

And lightning seemingly erupts in the room. Destroying all the Sith. All the statues all the spirits of the Sith. Gone. And as quick as it happened, the explosive lightning vanished just as fast. Rey stood there, looking around. The lightsabers off but in her hands. She looks at Amara, the only other person there.

Rey gives a small smile, "It's over."

And then Rey's body collapsed onto the ground.

Not moving.

Not breathing.

Just dead.


grip pulls himself up. He winced as he throws his body over the edge and begins to move over. He noticed both girls unconscious.

"Mari-," Ben winces, "Rey,"

Ben moves, although, his leg is injured and moving on it hurts. So he moved as quickly as he could, stumbling a little, and even falling onto the ground. He reaches the girls, firstly his brotherly instincts told him to check on Amara first.

He remembered the head wound. Ben collapsed next to Amara. He shook her shoulders, not once but twice before Amara started to stir awake. Her eyes began to open, the first thing she saw was Ben.

"Ben?" Amara groans.

Ben nods, "Yeah," He moves some hair out of her face, "We made it, Mari."

Amara sees a smile on her brothers face. He helps her up and braced her before she lost her balance. Ben was about to bring his sister into a hug, but saw her sister looking at Rey.

"Rey?" Amara didn't look happy anymore, "Is she?"

Ben's eyes moved to her.

Amara gasped, "Is she dead?"

Ben reached over, grabbing Rey in a sort of cradle. He used one hand to hold up her head, although based off her skin tone being grayish and her eyes not blinking she appeared to be dead. That and the not breathing part. His breathing gets heavy as she stares down into the dead eyes of Rey. But Ben had an idea, he had a plan.

Ben moved his hand to her stomach.

"Ben," Amara says.

Ben looks to her, "I know what I have to do," He says, "To make it right."

Ben held his hand there and closed his eyes, beginning to focus on bringing her back but halted when he felt a warm touch on top of his hand. He opened his eyes to see Amara's hand.

Ben looks at her.

"If we both use half," Amara says, "We could bring her back without dying."

Ben looks at her confused, "Are you even sure it'll work?"

Amara shakes her head, "I don't know."

"You could die, Amara." He says, "Don't risk this for me to live."

Amara gives a sad smile, "I can't loose anymore people, Ben." She says, "Especially, my big brother. I can't loose you again, right when I got you back."

Ben looks at her and then nods.

The two Solo siblings held their hand on Rey's stomach, focusing on bringing her back. Slowly, but surely, the color begins to come back to Rey.

Then a hand touches Amara's.

Amara opened her eyes and is met with Rey. A look of confusion on the young woman's face who was just brought back from death.

Both Ben and Amara pull their hands back.

"Wha-?" Rey asks.

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