
Finn were walking toward each other in the Resistance base. Poe was walking over to Finn alone, but Finn had the company of D-O.

"I gotta talk to you," Finn starts.

"I gotta talk to you," Poe also says.

They both point at each other as they got closer, before stopping in front of each other.

"I can't do this alone," Poe says, "I need you in command with me."

Finn gives his friend a puzzled look, "What about Amara?"

Poe gives a grimace grin, "She isn't here."

Finn looks shocked, "Wh- What! Where is she?"

Poe shakes his head, "She left. She is going to go find the Emperor."

Poe neglected to even mention the fact Amara was going after her brother. And he failed to say how the Solo siblings were going to try and defeat the Emperor together.

Finn placed his hand over head, "Damn," Then he shook his head, "Oh uh thank you, I appreciate it."

"General," Poe grins.

"General," Finn says, "This droid has a ton of information about Exegol."

Poe glanced down, "Wait, you mean cone-face?"

"I am D-O," D-O says looking at Poe.

Poe looks at D-O, "Sorry, D-O."

Finn continues, "He was going to Exegol with Ochi," Finn says.

Poe looks at Finn with a confused look, "Why was Ochi going to Exegol?" He asks.

"To bring a little girl he was suppose to take from Jakku to the Emperor." Finn says.

The realization hit Poe.

"He wanted her alive," Finn says.

Poe exhales deeply.


didn't change in the time Amara was last there. She landed her X-Wing on top of the remains of the Death Star. She lifted the hatch and felt some water splash against her. She climbs out, taking off the helmet.

She sees him. He no longer wore the helmet. He no longer had the gloves. He no longer had the cloak.

He looks to her, "See, I was right about you being Force sensitive and I was also right about you piloting." He says to her.

Amara climbs down from the cockpit and stood on top of the Death Star. She stared at her brother, who was maybe a couple of feet away. They looked at each other.

"Mari," Ben says.

Amara walks forward toward her brother. She felt no need to run over or even hesitate. She reached him and looked at him fully. Really, look at him. She reached up and cupped the side of his face. She sees the scar that Rey had inflected to him a year ago during the whole Starkiller Base situation.

"Nothing I can say will express fully how sorry I am," Ben says as he grabs a hold of the hand cupping his face, "What I've done to this family, to the galaxy."

Amara nods, "You did a lot of bad things, Ben." She says, "Some things that can't be overlooked."

He nods, "And I'll stand through trial in the New Republic when this is over." He says, "Make up for all the evil I've caused with the First Order."

Amara only nods.

Ben let out a sad laugh, "You know they'd be proud of us." He says, "Our parents. Seeing us together and not trying to kill each other."

Amara let out a sob laugh, "Mom would be saying something along the lines of "It's about damn time,"." Amara says.


This caused Ben to laugh lightly at that.

Amara then reached out and hugged her brother. The first time she hugged him since he left to go train with their uncle, and that was over six years ago. Amara onto him tightly and Ben just rested his head on her shoulder.

"Palpatine has plans for you," Ben says.

Amara nods, "I know."

Ben pulls back from the hug, "How- How do you know?"

Amara gives a small smile, "I saw you two on Exegol." She says, "When he offered you his empire for you to rule, only you'd have to kill Rey in the process."

Ben looks at her shocked, "A vision?"

Amara nods, "And I know of Rey's relations to the Emperor."

Ben also looked a bit shocked.

Amara gives him a small grin, "Don't be too shocked, Ben. I am a Skywalker after all," She kept the grin on her face, "Our ability to use the Force has been proven quite strong."


Fighter lands on a familiar island to Rey. It was Ahch-To. The place she had spent training with Luke before his death. She gets out of the TIE Fighter and begins to set it aflame. She was screaming at the TIE Fighter. She was screaming because she was angry. She was screaming because she was sad. But then stopped when she looked back to the burning TIE Fighter.

She had no way of leaving the island. That was her plan. She was to stay here on Ahch-To like Luke had did. She looks from the TIE Fighter to the lightsaber in her hand. Luke's saber. The saber Luke used that had once belonged to his father. She shakes her head as she looks at the saber and then just throws it in the direction of the burning TIE Fighter. Burning it along with the debris.

But, it did not get into the flames. It was caught by a Force ghost. The hand of none other than Luke Skywalker.

Rey gasped in sheer shock alone.

The Force ghost of Luke Skywalker steps out of the flames and toward the woman he had trained.

"A Jedi's weapon deserves more respect," Luke says.

"M- Master Skywalker," Rey says in shock.

Luke gives her a look, "What are you doing?" He asks.

Rey sighs.

Luke gestures for Rey to sit and tell him everything. Rey sat down on a log and Luke stood looking at at her as she told the story. The feeling. Ochi. Pasaana. Her parents. The Emperor. Leia. And throughout the entire time Rey recapped everything to the Force ghost, he did not once interrupt her.

"I saw myself sitting on the dark throne," Rey says, "I won't let that happen. I'm never leaving this place. I'm doing what you did."

Luke looks to her, "I was wrong."

Rey looks a bit puzzled at him saying that. She looks down briefly, unable to meet his gaze.

"It was fear that kept me here," Luke says, "What are you most afraid of?"

Rey looks back up at Luke.

She looks at him but is thinking about it. All of it. She inhales and exhales, as she blinks back the tears of the fear inside.

"Myself," Rey says.

"Because you're a Palpatine," Luke says.

Rey looks at him shocked.

Rey didn't know of this news until recently, but it appeared the children of Leia knew and so did her former Jedi Master.


"Leia knew it, too." Luke adds.

"She didn't tell me," Rey shakes her head.

Luke moves over to sit next to the young woman. Rey looks at him and blinks away the gaze. Luke sits down next to her and looks at her.

"She still trained me," Rey says, "She trained me and not her daughter."

"Because she saw your spirit. Your heart," Luke says, "And as for Amara, she needed someone else. She needed my father and you, you needed Leia."

Rey blinks back some tears.

Luke kept his gaze at her, "Rey, somethings are stronger than blood."

Rey looks directly at him.

"Confronting fear is the destiny of the Jedi," Luke says, "Your destiny. If you don't face Palpatine, it would mean the end of the Jedi. And the war would be lost."

Luke gives the young woman a smile, before he stands up from the log that they sat on. Rey watches him stand up.

"There's something my sister would want you to have," Luke says.


Luke arrived at Luke's old hut on the island. Luke pointed out a block for her to move, which she pulled out and saw something wrapped up in cloth. It was small but cylinder. Rey lands it flat on the workbench and began to untie the cloth material. She unrolled it to reveal a lightsaber. Rey reaches out and touches it. The the young woman picked it up.

"Leia's saber," Rey says in an almost whisper.

Rey traced over the saber. Looking at it in great detail, before turning to Luke for further explanation. Luke, who stood above her, looked at the saber and just remembering the moment as if it were yesterday.

"It was the last night of her training," Luke explains, "Leia told me that she sensed the death of her son at the end of her Jedi path. She surrendered her saber to me, and said that one day it would be picked up again by someone who would finish her journey."

Rey looks back at the saber now.

"A thousand of generations live in you now, but this is your fight." Luke says, "You'll take both sabers to Exegol."

Rey stands and faces Luke.

She shakes her head, "I can't get there." She says, "I don't have the wayfinder. I destroyed Ren's ship."

"You have everything you need." Luke says with a smile.

Rey nods.

Rey runs from the huts toward the beach where she had landed the TIE Fighter. It was no longer on fire, it was black and burnt. Smoke coming from it. She popped open some sort of compartment on Ren's destroyed TIE Fighter and found the wayfinder there.

She looks at it, "Two were made,"

She lifts her head up when she heard the sound of water splashing around. She moves from where she stood over to a cliff side where some of the ocean water came in through the rough island gaps. She sees bubbles and it appearing something is surfacing from below.

Then above the water's surface was Luke's old X-Wing from the time of the Rebels. The one he flew a lot back in the day. It looked to be in decent shape given the fact that it was under water for many years.

Rey looks behind her to see Luke.

Luke was the one to pull his old ship from the water and have it hover in the air. Luke notices Rey looking at him and the Force ghost gives Rey a smile. Rey returns the smile to Luke before turning back to the ship.


C-3PO staring at a wall. So the blue and white astromech rolled over and chirped at the golden droid.

C-3PO turns, "Oh hello, I am C-3PO, human cyborg relations. And you are?" C-3PO asks.

R2-D2 wheeled back and beeps at the droid.

"What?" C-3PO asks.

R2-D2 beeps a bit sad. Sadden at the fact that his long time companion doesn't seem to recall himself.

"Well, I'm certain I would remember if I had a best friend." C-3PO says.

R2-D2 beeps out more things, shaking his top.

C-3PO nearly gasped, "You want to put what in my head?" C-3PO asks, "Under no circumstances-,"

R2-D2 then basically tazed C-3PO causing the golden droid to power down. R2 attached a wire to C-3PO and pulled the droid through the base.

R2 pulled over to a spot where not a lot of people were at and then lifted C-3PO back up. R2 opened the side of C-3PO's head and inserted a chip. C-3PO's eyes were glowing normal and was online.

"Memory restoration complete." C-3PO says.

C-3PO looked around and then noticed R2-D2.

"R2, have you heard. I am going with Mistress Rey on her first mission." C-3PO says.

R2 beeps at C-3PO correcting that the mission had already happened.

"I already have?" 3PO asks.

R2 beeps again.

"Picking up a signal?" 3PO asks, "From whom?"


D-O into a computer at the command center of the base. Next to Finn was Poe, who had his arm holding onto his injured one, and Rose standing as close as possible.

"All the information you need," Finn says, "For an airstrike on Exegol."

Poe leans closer to look at it, "Yeah expect how to get there." He says, "Are you seeing these atmo readings?"

"It's a mess out there," Finn says, "Magnetic cross-fields."

Gravity wells," Rose says, "Solar winds."

"How does a fleet take off from there?" Poe asks.

"Terribly sorry," C-3PO says.

They turn around and noticed C-3PO coming over and R2-D2 wheeling next to him. Other members of the Resistance looks over at the golden droid.

"I'm afraid R2's memory bank must be crossed with his logical receptors. He says he is receiving a transmission from Master Luke." C-3PO says.

Quickly they move to find this transmission.

"Poe!" Connix calls, "Over here!"

Poe comes over to the controls with Finn and Rose right behind him. As they ran over Kaydel pointed out the signal coming from a ship with the transmission code from Luke Skywalker.

Poe leans to look at it, "That's an old craft ID. That's Luke Skywalker's Wing." Poe says and turns to the others.

"It's transmitting course marker signals," C-3PO says.

Finn realizes what this means and completely ignored the next thing out of C-3PO.

"It's Rey," Finn says.

Poe glanced to Finn, "What?"

BB-8 chirps.

Finn looks at his friend, "She's going to Exegol. She's showing us, she's showing us how to get there."

Poe looks at the signal and then to Finn, "Then we go together."

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