
crashed against the top of the Death Star remains where Rey and Kylo Ren were fighting each other. They were swinging their blades, hitting them against each other with each thrust. However, despite the fact that both Kylo Ren and Rey were fighting at the top of the Death Star, they did not know that Finn and Jannah had made it to the remains. Rey and Kylo Ren would spin their blades before clashing them against each other, Rey taking a few steps back and Kylo Ren taking steps forward.

Finn and Jannah had managed, somehow managed to get to the top. Finn runs on the top of the Death Star towards the battle, while Jannah stayed a little behind.

"Rey-!" Finn screams.

Rey and Kylo Ren were brawling, but when Rey heard her name being called by her friend, she knew what she needed to do. She slashed at Kylo Ren, knocking the blade downward, but still in his hands, so Rey can turn around and extend her hand out.

"No-!" Rey shouts.

She Force shoves Finn back toward the direction of Jannah, who comes running over to aid him. He groans as his back hit the top of the Death Star roughly. Jannah ran over and knelt down next to him.

Meanwhile, the two Force users kept slashing their blades against the other blade. Harder and harder. As their blades were clashed against each other, Rey began to push against it, but then looked up behind Kylo. Kylo Ren turns his gaze to behind him. A large wave was coming their way. Rey shoves him back by pushing her blade against his. Then she turned and ran towards a gap in the top of where they were fighting. When she ran toward the edge, Rey jumped into the air and landed on the other side. Kylo Ren took sprinted over and jumped in the air.

As Finn lifts himself up with Jannah's help, he sees the red lightsaber going over through the waves.

When Rey landed, however, Kylo Ren landed in front of her. Kylo Ren quickly turned to face her. He pointed his saber at her, which she swung her saber at his. They continued slashing their sabers against each other across the surface they stood on with the chaotic water splashing hard against their surface.

Although, Finn got up and tried to go after them, but is stopped by Jannah.

"No, no. We can't go after them." Jannah tells Finn.

"I can't leave her!" Finn screams.

Jannah held onto Finn, "We can't!"

Finn looks distraught, "Rey-!" He screams.


on the top of the hill. She sees it. She sees the red and blue faintly from the top of the hill. She managed to have convinced Poe to go back, she claimed she needed a moment before returning to work on the Falcon.

She senses it. She senses it from Rey.


Amara shakes her head.

"No, no, no." Amara says.

She isn't too sure what she is even sensing from Kylo, if she can even sense him. She holds her arms tight across her chest, as she squeezes tightly with her left hand, she winces. Nearly forgetting the injury from Pasaana.

She closed her eyes and then shakes her head.


She quickly opened her eyes. She turned around, no one was there on the hill with her. No one. But that didn't change the fact she knew that voice.

"Mother," Amara said in a whisper.

"It's going to be okay, now."

Amara's eyebrows furrow as she shakes her head. Tears beginning to slide down her face. A sob escapes her mouth.


"Please be the brave girl I know you are,"

Amara collapses onto the ground.

"Mom," Amara says, "Don- Don't do this."

She can't see her mother but she can only picture the smile on her face. The smile Leia would always give her daughter, soft and comforting.

"This is the only way to save your brother."

Amara shakes her head. Tears sliding down her face. Amara grabbed a hold of the grass, gripping it tightly, nearly rooting them out.

"No, no, no. Please don't do it, mom." Amara says, "I can't do this without you."

"My dear, daughter. You'll never really loose me."

Amara then felt the presence vanish. Not gone from the galaxy, but done with her. Amara's eyes drift over to the scene she can barely see before her. The red and blue lights clashing against each other. Amara knew what was coming next. She knew what would happen if her mother does what she plans to do next.

She was about to just scream but then heard the chirping of BB-8, Amara glanced over at the small orange and white droid. The droid gives her chirps of confusion, asking if she's okay. Amara just shakes her head and then throws herself in BB-8 to hug the droid as she cries.


got more and more intense. The red and blue sabers clashing hard and hard against each other. Rey managed to get Kylo Ren's saber in the surface they stepped on, only leading the man to drag the saber closer and closer to get trying to get her to loose her footing. Kylo Ren and Rey kept hitting harder and harder, but Kylo had more strength. His strikes knock Rey on the ground, hitting her knees onto the surface.

He strikes again and she tries to keep herself up. But she is knocked down on the ground. She still swings her blade against his. Rey is now laying more or less on the surface. She lets out a sob as Kylo Ren held his saber up above about to strike. But hesitates. It wasn't because of Rey that he hesitates. He senses her, Leia. He senses his mother off world.


It was a whisper. But it gained his attention. He turned his head to where he heard her.

He felt it.

He felt his mother's body collapsing onto the bed in her quarters.

This just causes the man to let go of his saber. The now off saber falls out of his grasp and into the hands of Rey. She ignites the red blade and then plunged it into the stomach of Kylo Ren without a second thought. Rey and Kylo Ren look at each other.

And they both felt it. Leia's death. Rey's rage changed from that moment, to pure shock.

"Leia," Rey says.

Rey pulled out the saber and Kylo Ren collapsed onto the surface they were once fighting on. Rey began to feel pain, not just her own pain from feeling Leia's death but the pain of Amara from across the way. Tear slid down Rey's face. She looks to Kylo Ren, he must've not only felt Leia's death but felt his sister as well. Rey kept her eyes on the man, the man who was graveling with the loss of his mother and the possibility of death for himself.

Rey knelt down next to him. She swallowed back her sob. She slowly reached her hand up towards the wound she had inflected into him with his own lightsaber. She held her hand over his wound and focused over it. As water splashed over them, Rey focused her energy into healing him.


He feels it. He feels her energy fixing the wound she had caused him. He is breathing normal, his expression a bit shocked by this. Although, when the wound is finally healed, he looks at her. He sees her sadden expression, tears in her eyes sliding down her face. He has a sadden look with the mixture of anger. Grief.

"I did want to take your hand," Rey says in sorrow, "Ben's hand."

That realization sort of hits him.

Rey stands up, leaving him there. She runs off in the direction of his TIE Fighter. Rey climbs aboard the TIE Fighter and flicks on switches and begins to pilot the spacecraft out of Kef Bir. She knows where she needs to go now.


there on the hill top. She looked down before hearing the sound of a TIE Fighter taking off. Amara looks over to the area where her brother must likely still be, because she didn't sense him on the TIE Fighter.

"She gave her life to you," Amara spoke wondering if their connection was still there, "She believed there was still good in you."

Amara choked out a sob. She placed her hand over her mouth for a moment. She felt BB-8 nudge its body against her leg, chirping a sound to try to say that he's here for her. Amara looks back over at the top of the Death Star.

"I can't say that I believe in you, because I can't trust you. I wanted to but- but you've done so much." Amara says, "The only thing I can say now is this."

She felt her brother look at her. She felt him. He was laying his body against the surface of the Death Star, but she only could see he was laying and soaked.

"Make it right," Amara says, "Mom gave herself to try to bring you back. So make it right."

Amara rubbed her eyes and shakes her head. She hears voices coming, its Finn and Jannah coming.

"Amara," Finn says, "How- How is the Falcon coming along?"

Amara forces a smile, "Uh- I think it's doing well."

Finn noticed the tear stains on her cheek, "Wh- What's wrong?"

She shakes her head, "Nothing," She says, "Let's go."

They head down the hill, greeted firstly by Chewie. Chewie growls at Finn, asking about Rey, which left Finn to explain it to their Wookiee friend. Amara had sneaked onto the Falcon. She heard Poe exit the cockpit and head out to greet Finn. She went into the captain's quarters. She shut the door behind her. She sat on the bed and exhaled deeply.

How does she tell them, how does she break the news? Leia is dead. Her mother is gone. A realization had just hit Amara.

She covered a hand over her mouth, "I am an orphan." She says.

Amara's statement made her start to cry again. She collapsed her head into the palms of her hands. She began to sob, but stopped when she sensed someone coming over.

A knock.

"Amara," Poe says, "Finn said he saw you board, so I just assumed since I didn't see you that you'd be in here."

Amara nods and swallows, "I'm here."

She knew her voice wasn't really convincing.

"I know Rey left and it's hard," Poe says, "We're heading back to Ajan Kloss and figure out what to do next. The General has to have some sort of plan."

Amara bit her lip.

"Amara?" Poe called out.

"Alright," Amara says.

Amara felt like a coward as she heard Poe's footsteps walk away. She laid back on the bed and curled her knees to her chest. She began to sob and sob.

For her father, the death was a shock. She had witnessed it. Thus her lost of control. For Vira, she had a feeling her friend was saying goodbye. So Amara was just broken. For Chewie, she watched the transport explode. So Amara lost control, even though the truth is he never died. But, but for her own mother, she hadn't lost control over her ability. Her mother contacting her and saying goodbye sort of braced Amara for what was coming, but that didn't change how she felt.

A hole in her heart. She felt empty. She felt lost. She pulled herself closer and closer until she was a ball on the bed. She cried and cried.

At this point, Amara felt like she didn't need to tell them about Leia. If she does, it'll only make the trip back worse. So she just decided to be a coward, keep herself locked in the quarters until they arrived to Ajan Kloss, and make someone else tell them the news.

"I'm such a damn coward," Amara choked up.


back sooner than expected. Amara had done exactly what she set out to do, until they touched the surface of the planet and Chewie hauled her out of the quarters. The ramp opened and Amara watched as Poe and Finn headed out quickly. Chewie nudged her to follow, which she did.

The sun hit her was alarming, she had nearly forgotten sun since Pasaana. BB-8, D-O, and C-3PO followed behind the Wookiee and Amara. They walk through the jungle trail and head towards the base.


Amara lifts her head and sees Larma D'Arcy.

"Something's happen," D'Arcy says.

She had managed to get the crew to stop walking, her hand touching Poe's upper arm as she stares into the eyes of the man Leia's had been grooming since he joined the Resistance.

Finn moves pass, "This can wait,"

Finn and Chewie begin to walk off. Leaving D'Arcy still standing close to Poe and Amara. D'Arcy looks to Amara, the woman sees it in Amara's eyes that the young woman knew what D'Arcy had to say.

"We gotta see the General," Poe says starting to move.

Amara shakes her head, "She's dead."

This halts them. Poe turns and looks at Amara. Poe's eyes move to D'Arcy, maybe thinking that Amara was wrong but then when he looked to Larma he saw it in her eyes. The woman nods.

"She's gone," D'Arcy says.

Finn and Chewie had stopped. Their backs were to them for a split second before turning around. Poe looks from D'Arcy and Amara to Finn. Finn looks to Chewie. In pure grief alone, Chewie begins to growl. A somber and sorrowful growl. The Wookiee stumbles back and collapses onto the ground. Finn goes to move to him to comfort him as does Poe, but the Wookiee waves his arms. Chewie did not want them. Amara moved over. Tears in her eyes yet again, but she rubbed them away as she moved over to her friends. She had time to grieve, it wasn't fair for her to fall apart again.

Amara placed a hand on D'Arcy, "Thank you." She says.

D'Arcy nods, "If you need anything-,"

Amara just nods.

Amara walks over to Poe, she looks at her boyfriend. She says nothing, but placed a hand on his shoulder. She tapped his shoulder, before glancing up at Finn briefly. The two look at each other, before Amara head to Chewie.

Chewie is crying in pain. He lost his best friend a year ago, then another friend a year ago, and now another friend. He is nearly the last left from that time.

Amara knelt down to Chewie, much to Finn and Poe's surprise, the Wookiee did not swing at her. She choked out a sob.

"Don't swing at me, okay?" She asks, "Cause you know, I have a mean right hook."

At that small mention from a memory from a life time ago, Chewie seemed to let out a sad laugh before crying again. Chewie engulfs Amara into a hug. Amara nearly fell back from the weight the Wookiee put on her from the hug, but that didn't bother her. Behind her, Poe and Finn stood. They stood watching. Poe glanced from the sight of the distraught Wookiee then to Finn. Finn looks sadden and then glanced to Poe.

Amara looks up at the sky.

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