
on Kef Bir was odd for Amara. She stepped out of the Falcon as the others were working on it, the others included Jannah and her crew. Amara saw D-O and BB-8 near the crew's Orbaks.

"Excuse me," A male voice gained her attention.

Amara turns around and noticed one of Jannah's crew members outside as well, he seemed to have followed her. He looked a little older than her, but she seemed to have more experience than he does.

"Yes?" She asks.

He points to her saber on her belt, "You're really Princess Leia's daughter?" He asks.

Amara placed her hands on her hips, "You know about my mother?"

"Oh how rude," He goes, "I haven't introduced myself. My name is Jace, formally known as JC-0870."

Amara blinks back some shock, "Wait? You're former First Order?"

Jace nods, "Yeah. All of us are, including Jannah." He says, "We're from Company 77. We were ordered to fire our weapons at civilians during the Battle of Ansett Island, but instead we just dropped out weapons and defected."

Amara gives a small smile.

"Oh and to answer your question before," Jace says, "In the First Order we learned a lot about the last war. We were trained to learn from their mistakes." He frowns slightly.

"I'm sorry," She says.

He shakes his head and smiles faintly, "It's okay," He says, "I just wanted to say it's an honor to meet you, even if you're just Princess Leia's daughter."

Amara gives him a small smile. Amara's smile however, faded when she saw Poe, Finn, Jannah, and Chewie all coming out of the Falcon in a hurry.

"Excuse me," Amara says to him.

Jace nods.

Amara sprinted off after them. She had to sprint up the hill because they were already halfway up the hill by the time she started running, but she did catch up to them.

"Hey-!" Amara shouts.

They turn to her. Well, Poe and Jannah did. Chewie and Finn looked towards the ocean, Finn looking through binoculars.

"What's going on?" Amara asks as she walks next to Poe and Jannah.

Poe looks at her, "Rey is missing."

Amara looks shocked, "What?" She asks, "I- I didn't see her leave."

Chewie growls something along the line of how she slipped through their distraction to fix the Falcon.

Poe nods, "Yeah we all failed to notice."

Amara and Poe moved down the hill to stand near Finn. Finn who was still looking for Rey through the binoculars. Once Finn found her, he passed the binoculars to Poe and then moved up towards Jannah.

"She took the skimmer?" Jannah asks.

Poe looks through the binoculars. Amara looks at he craze waves of the ocean and then to her boyfriend. Poe was not happy. Poe lowers the binoculars and turns off. He begins to head back toward the direction of the Falcon, down the hill.

"Poe," Finn calls out, "Poe-!"

Amara follows Finn, Jannah, and Chewie after Poe.

"What the hell was she thinking?" Poe grits his teeth.

"Poe, we gotta go after her." Finn tries to reason with him.

Amara looks at him, "Finn."

"We'll get the Falcon fixed and get out there as soon as we can." Poe tells Finn.

Finn shakes his head, "No, we'll lose her."

Poe was growing frustrated. Amara can sense that. She had slowed down her pace, giving the boys a few feet of space.

Poe glanced back at Finn as he walked down the hill, "Look she left us, what do you want us to do? Swim?" Poe asks.


"She's not herself. You have no idea what's she's fighting." Finn asks.

Finally, finally. Poe stops and turns around to look at Finn. The older man may not have the high ground like Finn, because Poe is going down the hill first with Finn trailing behind him.

"And you do?" Poe asks.

Finn gives Poe a look, "Yeah."

At this point, Amara also stopped walking. She looks from Poe to Finn. She had both men look at her, at different moments however. First was Finn then was Poe.

"I do," Finn says, "And so does Leia."

Poe points at Finn's chest, "Well I'm not Leia."

Finn sort of shoves him back, "Well that's for damn sure,"

Amara glanced at Finn, "Finn-," She says.

Finn glanced at her briefly before turning after towards Jannah, who was still up at the top of the hill. Amara glanced at the back of Finn and then to her boyfriend. The expression on Poe's face was eating away at her heart. He looked so shattered, so upset. Poe lowered his head and slowly turned away to head down to the Falcon. Amara glanced up at Finn before he was no longer visible from the hilltop to Poe walking down the hill.

"Poe," Amara calls out.

Amara began to follow after him.

Poe does not acknowledge her.

She calls for him again, "Poe Dameron!"

He stops.

She stood above him, on higher ground, until she walked down the hill to where he stood. She reached him and placed a hand on his shoulder, she felt the tension in his muscles the second that her hand touched him.

"I never expected him to say that," Poe says softly.

"Poe," She says, "Finn is just worried about Rey. He didn't mean it."

Poe turns around to her, "Then why did he say it?" He asks.

Amara frowns, "In the heat of the moment." She says, "We all say stupid stuff in the heat of the moment."

Poe frowns.

Amara stepped next to him, "You two are best friends. Don't let this damage your friendship."

Poe shakes his head, "The friendship was tearing the second he found out I ran spice." He says frowning.

Amara grabs his chin and tilts him to meet her gaze. His eyes looked lost. Pained even. But Amara wasn't going to allow him to wallow in anymore self-loathing. Not now.

"The Poe Dameron who ran spice had also ran away from home because he and his father were not on good speaking terms. His father didn't know how to give Poe what he really needed. And that was love and compassion. Poe Dameron ran away because he wanted something, but he wasn't sure what." Amara says.

Poe listens to her.

"The Poe Dameron before me is not that kid. He is a brave and smart leader if given the chance. He's an amazing pilot and a loyal friend." Amara says, "He would rather die today to the First Order if that meant protecting all of his friends."

Poe looks down.

"The problem right now with you and Finn has nothing to do with your past," Amara says, "And if it does, explain it to him. Explain it to him like you did with me, minus the drinking of course."

Amara gives him a small smile with a minor hint of laughter. Poe shakes his head.

"I mean it, Poe. You two need to talk about things when this is over," She says, "Or so help I'll make you two."


She says and moves passed him to head to the Falcon. Poe stands there for a moment, watching his girlfriend head to the Falcon and then looked back up to the top of the hill where he no longer saw Finn, Chewie, and Jannah.


the damage, the young Jedi had to climb her way inside the remains of the Death Star. Now that part was a lot easier than sailing her way through the ocean, but she managed. She found herself in the old remains of the Death Star corridors. She saw water dripping from the ceiling to the floor. She began to walk down the hall and saw the helmets of Stormtroopers on the floor. As well as she walked further she saw the armor of the Stormtroopers.

She stopped and turned her gaze to an opening down the hallway. She glanced down it and then began to walk forward in the direction. She had an almost clear way to the main room that the hall led her to. Once she stepped out of the hall, she had to climb over debris of the Death Star to climb up onto the higher use to be windows were shattered. Debris on the floor. This room looked to be what she recalled Amara mentioning to her was the Emperor's throne room of the Death Star, but based off the damage alone it was hard to tell.

Rey moved forward and then the sound of a door hissing its way open, gained the woman's attention. She steps forward into the room, but the second she stepped into the room the door shuts behind her.

The room is dark.

But that doesn't stop Rey. She walks down this hall, this hall of what seems the walls were like mirrors. They reflected back Rey's reflection. She looked around in the area as she walked further. That is until she stopped. Something told her to stop. She moved her attention around to the room until her eyes land on it. The Sith wayfinder.

She looks at it in shock.

She walks over to it. She looks at it and then reaches her hand out to grab it. Rey grabs a hold of the wayfinder and held it in her hand. She then sensed something. She slowly turned her head around and heard the sound of blades igniting.

Behind her stood another her. This version of herself wielded two red lightsabers that were attached differently than any lightsaber she has seen. This version of Rey, this Sith Rey, was wearing a black cloak. When Rey saw this version, she jumped back and threw herself against the wall in shock. The Sith Rey moved her sabers to become in the position of double sided lightsaber. She did not move beyond that, yet. But the Sith Rey and Rey kept their eyes on each other.

"Don't be afraid of who you are," Sith Rey spoke.

And then Rey ignited the blue saber and braced herself from the red blades coming her way as the Sith Rey began to duel her. The red and blue clashing against each other. Rey seemed to be having a little issue brawling against this evil counterpart of herself, because she held the saber in one hand and the wayfinder in the other hand. The blades clashed against each other again, until the blades were near both female's face and the two were about a few inches apart.

The Sith Rey eyes the original Rey, then the Sith Rey hisses at her. When Sith Rey hisses at Rey, the alternative version of Rey now had sharp teeth. Rey stumbles back, a bit alarmed by this. When she stumbled back, she fell out of the room and fell onto the floor.

She let go of her saber, which turned off, and she let go of the wayfinder. The wayfinder rolled away until someone grabbed a hold of it. Rey's gaze moved from the room to the direction of the wayfinder. Holding onto the wayfinder was Kylo Ren. Rey grabs her saber and rises. Rey and Kylo Ren look at each other, but a second after Rey ignites her blue saber.

"Look at yourself. You wanted to prove to my mother that you were a Jedi, but have proven something else." Kylo Ren says.

Rey says nothing but looks at him.

"You can't go back to her now," Kylo Ren says, "Like I can't."

"Give it to me," Rey finally speaks to him.

The two kept their stare. Not breaking eye contact one bit.

"The dark side is in our nature." Kylo Ren says, "Surrender to it."

"Give it," Rey says gritting her teeth, "To me."

Rey is looking at the wayfinder. She breathing deeply and focusing. Kylo Ren, with such a calm composure unlike Rey's, looks at the girl then to the wayfinder.

"The only way you're going to Exegol, is with me." Kylo Ren says.

And then he breaks the wayfinder in the palm of his hands. Rey screams at him and then swings her blue saber at him. She continues to swing her saber at him, which Kylo just kept dodging the swings from the blade coming his way.

He ducked down and slid on the floor, Rey turns and continues to swing her blade at him. Kylo still not wielding a saber, continues to dodge and duck the blue saber. Until he takes a few steps backwards and finally ignites his red lightsaber to clash against Rey's blue. Kylo Ren and Rey swing their blades at each other, hitting their light swords against each other harder and harder with their might.


the sides of controls in the command area of the base on Ajan Kloss. Leia looks down at her hands and then pushes herself off the controls and moves away. Rose giving the general a look. As does a few other Resistance members, including Snap. Leia begins to walk away from command. She is looking in a direction, but not really looking at something on the base.

Other members of the Resistance seemed to be a bit confused. They weren't sure what their general was doing. From a little away from the general, the small astromech chirps sounds of sorrow. Standing next to the droid was Maz.

"Leia, knows what must be done, R2." Maz says.

Maz watches as Connix helps the general towards the direction of her quarters. It appears Connix is speaking to Leia and Leia being Leia was assuring her Lieutenant that she just needed to lay down.

"To reach her son, now." Maz says, "Will take all the strength she has left."


her head up and stands up from the cockpit in the Falcon. Inside the cockpit were Poe, BB-8, D-O, and Amara. A few of Jannah's company were helping Poe with repairs.

Amara sensed something.

She dropped the tool in her hand.

"Amara," Poe looks at her.

Amara does not turn to him to know the concern in his face. It was apparent in his voice. Amara didn't go to him or respond. Instead she sprinted out of the Falcon.

"Amara-!" Poe yells.

Amara ran through her late father's ship and almost tripped the second her feet hit the grass on the ground on Ker Bif. She turned her eyes towards the hill.

"Friend, friend." D-O calls out.

Amara again ignores being called to.

BB-8 chirps at her.

"Amara," Poe steps down from the ramp, "What is it?"

Amara still ignores him and sprints up the hill, not even caring if he followed her or not. She raced upward, probably the fastest she had ran up the hill. Poe, BB-8, and D-O were right behind her. Amara stayed there. Looking at the Death Star. She took a step forward but this time when Poe called her name she stopped moving all together.

"Wait a damn moment, Solo!" Poe shouts.

Amara hitched her breathe and finally turns to him.

"What the hell is going on?" Poe asks her.

"He's here," Amara says, "And- And I don't know why but- but I'm worried."

"Worried?" Poe asks, "Yeah, I mean Kylo Ren is really strong but Rey can handle herself."

Amara shakes her head, "I'm worried about mom."

Poe gives her a confused look, "Leia? She's fine, she's on Ajan Kloss."

Amara again shakes her head in frustration. She really wished he understood the feeling she was feeling, but he was no Force user like her.,

Instead, when Poe embraced her and was saying how it was going to be okay, she just accepted it, because what else was she suppose to say? Poe didn't know the odd feeling that she felt. He didn't know how she could sense things from across the galaxy and how eerie it can feel for her. He doesn't get it. The only other people who could understand were out there.

Amara frowns, "I- I just- I just have a bad feeling." She says.

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