
of landing on Kylo Ren's Stardestroyer, there were already blaster shots fired. Two troopers approached their ship as the ramp lowered demanding to see identifications, but were met with blast shots to the chest. The same to the others in the hangar.

Rey, Poe, Finn, and Amara all exit the ship.

"You three stay there!" Rey orders the droid.

"Happily." 3PO says.

Amara glanced to Finn, "So which way?" She asks him.

Finn glanced at her, "Uh, I have no idea," He says, "But follow me."

Finn begins to head out of the hangar with the other three following after him down a corridor. As they sprinted, Rey's right hand held onto her staff in case of a fight. Poe and Finn had their blasters out.

But, Amara didn't have her weapon out. Her blaster was destroyed on Pasaana and all she had was her saber. A weapon she was not going to just play around with.

They sprinted down passing a corner in the corridor they ran down, but stopped.

"Did you hear that?" Rey asks.

"Hear what?" Poe asks looking at her.

Amara heard it, "Footsteps."

In the distances they could hear the footsteps of Stormtroopers coming their way. The four of them moved to the other side of the room and found paneling that they could squeeze behind to avoid being spotted as the troopers came by. Once the sound of the footsteps seemed to get quieter, the four poked their heads out and began to walk down onward.

Finn ran out first, blaster drawn and ran around a corner to point down a hallway. It seemed cleared as the others followed behind him. Poe pointed his blaster forward towards the direction the troopers came from and Rey pointed behind them. Meanwhile, Amara just felt useless.

"Now I wish I had a blaster," Amara says.

Poe gives her a grin, "You could've picked up one from the troopers in the hangar."

Amara gives him a look.

Finn glanced at them, "If you two are going to bicker, now is not the time."

Finn lowers his weapon and moves down the corridor where the troopers came from. Rey, Poe, and Amara followed after him. So far the coast was clear until they heard the sounds of doors opening.

They turned around them, saw nothing.

But then two troopers appeared, armed and aimed at them.

"Drop your weapons!" One trooper shouted.

Poe and Finn quickly lower their weapons. Amara had her hands up but considered another option, but Rey beat her to it. Rey puts her blaster in it's holster and begins to move forward. Rey walks forward and waves her hand in front of them.

"It's okay that we're here," Rey says.

The two troopers lower their weapons from aiming at them.

"It's okay that you're here." One trooper says.

"It's good you're here," The other says.

"You're relieved we're here." Rey says waving her hand again.

"Thank goodness you're here," One trooper says.

"Welcome guys," The other says.

Poe and Finn, looking completely shocked and confused, watched this unfold. Poe leans a little too close to Finn, sort of distancing himself from Amara.

"You think that she does that to us?" Poe asks, "Think Amara does?"

Finn shrugs.

Amara glanced at him, "I can hear you."

Rey ignored them and stepped forward to still talk to the troopers.

"We're looking for a prisoner and his belongings." Rey says.


opens and within moments the four burst into the corridors. Rey alerts them to shoot the cameras, which is what she and Poe do. Finn and Amara move toward the door in the direction the two troopers told them where Chewie was. Finn begins to try to hot-wire the door open, got burnt, so Amara moved him out of her way. She might not be a great pilot like her dad or grandfather but had picked up on some smuggling hot-wiring from her dad.


"Boom," Amara says as the door opens, "Done."

Amara gives Finn a grin.

Amara noticed Rey had turned away from the group and walked a little away down the corridor. The boys hadn't noticed yet.

"Rey," Amara says.

Both boys had their blasters pointed down the doorway, but when Finn heard Amara say Rey's name, he turned over to her.

"Rey, come on." Finn says.

"The dagger is on this ship," Rey says, "We need it."

Poe moved from where he stood over to Rey. In the process of walking over to the young Jedi, the pilot lowers his weapon.

"Why?" Poe asks.

Finn and now Amara make their way over to Rey. Finn too had lowered his weapon. Rey turns to Amara.

Amara was sensing something from Rey's expression.

"Rey?" Amara spoke.

"The feeling," Rey says and then snapped out of what she sensed, "I'll meet you back on the hangar."

Rey then takes off.

Finn moves forward, "Rey, you can't just-."

Finn was stopped by Poe. Poe placed his hand on Finn's arm, this action stopped the younger man from going after Rey.

"Chewie," Poe says.

That was it. That was all Poe needed to say.

And then the three of them went down that corridor, the boys holding their weapon out in case of troopers and Amara behind them. They rounded a corner and found the door leading to their Wookiee friend. Finn goes to try to type in the codes, and instead Amara pulls out her saber and stabs it in the keypad causing the door to flood open.

Finn looks at her.

"What?" She asks innocently, "We're in a hurry."

Without batting another eye, the three ran into the room. And there was Chewie. The Wookiee called out to them.

Amara stopped.

She covered her hands over her mouth, trying to suppress the feeling to cry yet again. Here he was, here was Chewie. Alive and well. Finn and Poe helped Chewie by getting the cuffs off the Wookiee.

Chewie growls at them, sort of saying how he was shocked that they came back for him. It was a bit baffling to Amara that Chewie would be stunned with them coming to rescue him.

"Of course we came back for you, Chewie." Poe says to him.

Chewie turns to Finn, the Wookiee growled at Finn. Asking him about Rey.

"Yeah," Finn says, "Rey is here. She's going to get the dagger."

Once the cuffs were fully off Chewie, the Wookiee them grabbed the daughter of his best friend and hugged her tightly. Chewie growled to Amara.

Amara let out a sad sob, "I'm so glad you're okay, Chewie."

Chewie growls something at Amara. What he said made her laugh and her laugh was a sob laugh, because she was trying to manage the small amount of tears sliding down her face due to the sheer relief of Chewie being alive.

Finn and Poe move their way to the door, looking out as the two had a quick happy reunion. Poe glanced back into the cell and turns to the two.

"Come on," Poe says, "We need to get Chewie's weapons and meet up with Rey."

Amara nods, "Right."

Chewie growls.


had stepped out from a room and were moving down towards the left in another corridor. In a way, the Stardestroyer was sort of like a maze. One wrong move and Stormtroopers would find them.

"Hangar is this way," Finn leads, "Follow me."


Finn moves down the corridor when two troopers appear. They fired their blasters at them, leading Finn to fire back. His blast hit one but he turns and fires his blaster at the panel to shut the door.

"Wrong way!" Finn yells.

Poe, Amara, and Chewie move towards the right. Chewie having Amara behind him as he says, "you may be a Jedi but I'll protect you."

"There's not really a right way, now is there?" Poe asks.

Blasts fired down the exit of that corridor. Poe pulls himself back to hide behind the wall. Poe waits a second after one fires and turns around the corner and fires at one, hitting the trooper. Finn moves out and fires at the second one and hits that one. Both troopers down.

Poe grabs one of the blasters of one troopers and slid it down towards Chewie.

Chewie growls a thank you to Poe.

"Over here!" A trooper shouts in the distance, "There they are!"

Chewie and Amara began to take fire.

Chewie fires at them, only for Amara to finall have enough. She grabs her saber and then ignites it. She uses her blade to block the blasts and ushers Chewie to run down the corridor.

The two of them run after Finn and Poe.

The four of them were sprinting down the hallway taking fire. Blasts firing.

Poe and Finn leading the way while firing at the incoming troopers, as did Chewie. While Amara took the back using her blade to deflect blasts and even use the Force to send them back. They ran down some steps and jumped up some as they rounded a corner down another corridor. They ran and ran, firing and firing.

"We close?" Poe asks.

Blasts from behind.

They all turn around. Amara extends her hand out using the Force to send them back before any of them could fire their blasters at them.

"Straight ahead!" Finn yells.

Poe nods.

Poe led the group and ran down the corridor first and as he got their a trooper called out "halt" and then a blast hit him.

Poe's body hit the ground.

Amara's eyes widen.

"Poe-!" Finn yells.

Finn and Chewie were sort of still under fire, and couldn't move, but that didn't stop Amara. Amara ran down the corridor, while under minor fire, and jumped in the air behind the trooper that just shot her boyfriend.

Amara had her blade ignited and stabbed into the chest of the trooper. The trooper collapsed onto the ground. Amara quickly turned off her saber and knelt down on the ground, she heard Finn and Chewie coming over from behind.

"Poe," Amara says, "Poe? You okay?"

Poe winced as she lifts him up. There was a clear blaster hit on his right arm. Amara looks at it and then to him. Poe's eyes leave Amara's and then forward. Amara's eyes follow his gaze.

"Nope," Poe says.

And coming towards them were troopers. They were coming all around them.

"You there! Hands up!" A trooper yells.

They ran closer and closer. All of the troopers were pointing their blasters directly at them.

"Drop your weapons now!" Yelled another trooper.

Finn and Chewie hadn't dropped their blasters yet. Instead they took this in. Amara, however had attached her saber back on her belt without any of them noticing.

"Drop them now!" Another yelled.

Finally Finn and Chewie dropped the blasters on the Stardestroyer corridor floor. Finn lifts his hands up, Chewie looked around at them, Poe laid on the ground, and Amara knelt next to him looking like she was going to check on his wound.

"Hey, fellows." Poe says grinning.

"Shut up, scum." A trooper says.

Chewie lets out a growl.

One trooper grabs Amara roughly and pulls her up.

"Hey-!" Amara yells, "I can get up!"

Chewie growls at that trooper, looking as if he was going to rip off that trooper's arms. Amara looks at Chewie and shakes her head. Finn and Poe were they hauled up as well, Poe wincing due to the wound on his arm. Once they were all up, cuffs were placed on their wrists.

They were being escorted down a corridor when Amara's head snapped back behind her.

Poe glanced at her, "Amara?"

"Rey," She mutters.

The four were hauled down a corridor by a squadron of troopers, making sure that if the Resistance tried to escape there would be more of the troopers and them.

A door opens and they were forcefully shoved forward.

"Move it!" One trooper shouts.

They were halted in front of General Armitage Hux, Allegiant General Enric Pryde, and another officer.

"Allegiant General, the scavenge is not with them." One trooper says.

The Allegiant General eyes the Resistance, each of them. Starting with their traitor, to the pilot, to the Wookiee, and then to their Supreme Ruler's sister.

"Take them away," Pryde says, "Terminate them."

He then turns away. Pryde walks away leaving Hux there with another officer.

Poe looks at Finn and then to Amara, the two were next to each other, and reached out to hold hands despite the cuffs and the troopers trying to keep them apart.


opened and the four of them were being hauled roughly into this room. To their deaths. The troopers had lined up the four of them but halted with Hux spoke out.

"If I recall, the Supreme Ruler wanted the woman alive." Hux spoke.

Amara turns her gaze from Hux to Poe. A trooper grabs Amara and pulls her away from Poe. Poe and Amara kept their gaze together and then the woman shoved off the trooper for a moment.

"Give me a damn moment!" Amara yells at them.

The three troopers behind held their blasters, lowered for a moment, and Amara wasn't sure what she was getting from General Hux. Amara turns to Poe. She moves forward and kisses him on the lips, before the fourth trooper pulls her away.

"I love you-!" Amara yells at him.

Poe glanced back at him, "I know," He says.

Amara was hauled over towards Hux. She glares at him and then once he looked at her, she got something from him.

Her expression puzzled.

Poe had turned away from Amara now. He didn't want her to see him die but it was better if he didn't have to see Amara's face before the light is drained from him. The troopers, all four of them, lift their blasters. The second it was activated, the three standing there to die straighten their postures.

"Actually, I'd like to do it myself," Hux says.

Amara watches as Hux steps forward. The fourth trooper held out his blaster for him, which the general nods at him accepting the blaster. Amara also noticed the bickering between Finn and Poe.

As Amara stared at Finn and Poe, she had missed witnessing the deaths of the four troopers at the hands of Hux. There were four blasts and none of them hit Finn, Poe, or Chewie. When the three of them realized that they were still in fact alive, they turned around to look at who saved them, thinking it might've been Amara.

Hux lowers the blaster, "I am the spy!" He declares.

"What!" Poe yells.

"You!" Finn yells.

Hux looks from the men to Amara, "We don't have much time."

"I knew it!" Poe yells.

Finn turns to Poe as did Chewie.

"No you didn't," Finn says.

Hux moves over to Amara first and removed the cuffs from her wrist. Amara watched him as his gaze was on the cuffs. Once they were off, she was rubbing her wrist. Hux moved over and got the cuffs off the others. Hux got Chewie's cuffs off first, then Poe's, and lastly Finn's.

"Come with me," Hux says.

Amara held her hand out halting the spy, "Wait," She says.

Poe glanced at Amara, "Amara, we're kind of in a hurry."

"One moment, Dameron." Amara says to Poe before snapping to Hux, "My brother, he wants me alive? But what of Rey? Does he plan to kill her?"

Hux looks at Amara, "I do not know," He says, "I only know of order that if we were to capture you, to keep you alive for him."

Amara frowns.

Finn looks at Amara, "What is it, Amara?"

Amara shakes her head, "I don't know." She says, "And I just have a bad feeling about what's next."

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