
Amara understood, apparently Poe is being a bit jealous or what not towards Finn for something he wanted Rey to know. And this was on Pasaana when they were in the sand pit. Apparently when she had gone under, Finn had shouted to Rey that there was something he wanted to tell her and during Amara spacing out due to her flashback visions, she hadn't heard Finn mention to Rey that he'll tell her when Poe wasn't around.

Based off what vibe Finn was giving off, it was personal and something he needed time to tell the young Jedi.

Amara glanced from her boyfriend pilot, he seemed to be calm and collective as they flown closer and closer to the planet of Kijimi. Amara knew little of this planet, but did know that it was a rather cold planet. But not nearly as cold as Hoth.

"Entering Kijimi's atmosphere," Poe says aloud.

Rey nods.

Rey flicks some switches for the ship as both her and Poe pilot the ship into the planet's surface. Amara caught glances by Finn, they were really just side glances. Amara was certain he wanted to talk about something with her, she got that from his eyes, but that's all she could tell from the former trooper.

"Amara," Finn says, "Why don't we get coats for everyone?"

Amara kept her gaze on Finn and nods, "Okay."

Rey and Poe have heard Finn and Amara speak and nodded briefly at the two, letting Finn and Amara know that they heard them. Finn allowed Amara to step out first, BB-8 stayed in the cockpit with this small droid called D-O and C-3PO. Finn and Amara had walked down the corridor of the ship and found what seemed to be a storage closet that had some jackets in it.

Amara pulled one out and glanced at Finn. He held two and had a frown on his face. Amara sensed something from him, she reached out to touch his shoulder, but he jumped back.

"Finn?" Amara asks, "Wh- What's wrong?"

Finn looks a little spooked at first and then sighs, "I- I have been sensing things." He says, "Emotions- uh feelings."

Finn couldn't bare to look at Amara. She wasn't sure why, though. Instead, Amara grabbed the fourth jacket and gestured Finn to the room where she had awoken from prior. She and Finn placed the jackets on the cots, and then Amara turned to face him.

"Sensing emotions," Amara says, "Like mine?"

Finn shakes his head, "No, no. More of Rey's actually," He says.

Amara nods, "For how long?" She asks, "How long has this been happening?"

Finn shrugs his shoulders and scratches the back of his neck, "Well, on Ajan Kloss, actually. I- I started to sense your feelings first. When it was discovered the Emperor was still alive, I felt the anxiety through you before I witnessed you shaking."

Amara frowns.

"I- I just assumed it was because we're friends and I am close with you," Finn says, "But on Pasaana, I sensed feelings from Rey that felt like there was no way I could just know as her friend."

Amara kept her eyes on him, "You're Force sensitive?"

Finn shrugs, "Maybe."

"And that's what you're keeping for Poe?" She asks, "Why?"

Finn shakes his head, "I know he loves you, Amara, but I know how he feels about the Force. After Kylo Ren tortured him on the Finalizer, I- I know he gets nightmares sometimes still." He says, "How he acts with Rey and your training. I- I don't think he'd take it well."


Amara placed her good hand on Finn's shoulder, "Poe, is a lot of things, but he would not shame you for this. He is having a hard time as we all are." She says, "We're in war and I know the stress of it is getting to him. Believe me, it's getting to me too."

Finn only nods.

They felt a shift in the ship and then in a few moments afterwards, Rey and Poe arrived in the room.

"We're here," Poe says.

Amara nods, "Alright," She grabs a jacket and tosses it at him, "Where should we start looking for this hacker?"


was cold on Kijimi's surface. The sky was dark, but despite that the flakes of snow were visible. Poe had leaned his head forward from the wall he was using as a way to hide himself, he sees them. Stormtroopers. The First Order had raided the city, the group had been followed.

Poe pulls back and then quickly takes off back down the street, fast but not seen, in the direction where the others were. Poe got to an alleyway where Rey, Amara, Finn, and the droids were waiting for him.

"So?" Finn asks.

"This place is crawling with First Order," Poe tells them.

Rey frowns, "So we've been followed."

Poe nods at Rey, "Looks that way."

Amara glanced at him, "So what now?"

Poe glanced at Amara before addressing all of them, "Now, we move quickly and get to the hacker."

"Or maybe we leave this planet." C-3PO whines.

BB-8 chirps at 3PO.

Amara nods, "We can't just leave, 3PO." She says, "We need the information from the dagger."

Poe gestures for them to follow him, which they did. They walked sneakingly through the less traveled roads. They crossed the street to the other side. Poe led them and the others were right behind him. As they reached the other side of the street, Poe leaned forward to peak around to see if they were in the clear. A metal barrel of a blaster touched the top of his head, well they weren't in the clear.

"Poe Dameron," A female voice spoke.

The woman holding a blaster to Poe's head was wearing golden armor and a golden helmet. Her outfit was purple. Although, she wore a helmet there was no way to visibly see her eyes or face until her visor moved.

"Zorii," Poe gives a lightly chuckle, "It's been a while."

Poe moves and lifts his hands up.

Behind him; Finn, Amara, Rey, and the droids seemed to be a bit confused about what is going on. Amara noticed dark figures in the distance, but close enough, reaching for their weapons. So, Amara placed her right hand near her saber.

"You all have quite a bounty reward for the First Order," Zorii says, "It'll make up from the last time I saw you."

Zorii pushes the blaster barrel against his skull a bit harder, this time Poe winced and Amara stepped forward.

"You don't have to do this," Amara says.

"Oh I want to," Zorii says.

"Can we- talk about this?" Poe asks pulling himself away from her.

He pulls off his hood and kept his hands up to show no sign of reaching for his blaster. But, that didn't change the fact that Zorii still had her blaster pointed at him.

"I want to see your brains in the snow," Zorii says.

"So you're still mad, huh?" Poe asks giving a weak grin.


"We need your help," Amara says firmly.

Zara lifts her gaze from Poe to Amara.

Amara wished she could see Zorii's eyes, because she had no way of knowing what the smuggler was thinking. Instead, Zorii moved her head back to look at Poe.

"I thought you'd be smart enough not to come back here, Poe." Zorii says.

Finn looks at his friend, "What the hell did you do to her?"

Poe gives Finn a side look and then turns back to Zorii, "Please, Zorii. We've got to crack open this droid's head for information."

"I beg your pardon!" C-3PO exclaims.

"We're trying to find Babu Frik," Poe explains.

Zorii kept her attention on Poe, "Babu?" She spoke, "Babu works for the crew. That's not you anymore."

Rey tilts her head, "What crew?"

Amara glanced from Finn and Rey and then to Zorii, who had made a scoff sound.

"Oh, he never mentioned me?" Zorii asks, "I'm not surprised."

Poe looks at Zorii with a pleading look, "No, no, please."

"You're friend old job was was running spice." Zorii confesses.

Finn looks at Poe in disbelief, "You were a spice runner?"

Poe snaps his head to look at Finn, "You were a Stormtrooper?"

Rey looks at Poe, "You were a spice runner?"

Poe's eyes land on Rey, "You were a scavenger?" He asks, "I can do this all night."

"We don't have all night," Zorii says.

Zorii begins to move, away from Poe and near where Rey and Amara stood. Although, Zorii's blaster only remain pointed at Poe.

"You know I'm still digging out of the hole you put me in when you went to join the Resistance," Zorii says.

Amara watched as Zorii stopped moving, the female spice smuggler turns her helmet a little to look at Rey and Amara.

"You," Zorii says to Rey, "You're the one they're after."

And then Zorii glanced at Amara. It appears despite the fact, Amara couldn't see what Zorii was thinking she had an idea.

"And you're General Organa's brat." Zorii says, "Bounty for you two might be able to cover for us."

Zorii calls out to her people in a language, to which Poe responded in the same language. From what Amara gathered, she was calling her people to take Amara and Rey, but Poe was trying to convince them not to.

When one stepped forward, Rey smacked them in the face with her staff. That smuggler hit the ground hard. Rey slammed her staff into Zorii's stomach, before tossing the staff to Amara, who swung it at the ones behind them, knocking them also to the cold ground. Amara tossed the staff back to Rey, who swung it at one who rose to their feet. That smuggler hit the ground again. Zorii reached for her blaster and pointed it at Rey, only for both Force users to ignite their sabers and point it at her.

"We could really use your help," Rey says, "Please."

"Not that you care," Zorii says, "But I think you two are okay."

Rey gives a small smile, "I care," She says.

Amara nods too, "So do I."

And then the two pulled their sabers back and turned them off, allowing Zorii to get up without fear of being harmed by the sabers. Amara glanced behind her and noticed Finn and Poe standing close to each other, having watched the two girls kick ass.

Finn gives a small smile, "We could've done that."

Rey offers Zorii her hand and helps the woman up.

Poe nods, "Oh yeah," He says, "But we knew you two could handle it."

Amara rolls her eyes, "Oh sure."

Zorii placed her blaster in her holster and looks only to the other women, "Follow me. I can get you to Babu without being spotted."


Babu Frik's location, and the small creature began to work on the golden droid. Amara felt compelled to stay close to the golden droid, sure he can grow annoying but that was her family's droid.

Her grandfather built him. Her uncle's uncle bought him on Tatooine. Her mother had 3PO with her basically twenty-four/seven. This droid had seen her grow up. So in a way, Amara felt a bit protective of the droid.

Her eyes lingered away from 3PO when she heard some whispering. It was Rey and Finn, she noticed them on the other side of the room. Amara can't be certain what the two are speaking about, but only knows for certain it doesn't have to do with Finn's secret.

Poe and Zorii were on the other side of the room, gathering supplies and tools that Babu would need. Amara moved from 3PO, who was speaking to D-O and BB-8, over to Finn and Rey. The two noticed her walk over and met her gaze.

"You knew of his past as a spice runner?" Finn asks.

Amara sighs, "For a few years, yeah." She says.

Finn frowns, "Why didn't you say anything?"

Rey placed her hand on Finn's shoulder, "Finn,"

Amara sighs again, "I was never meant to find out, honestly. I only found out because him, myself, and Vi- Vira were really drunk and were talking about stupid mistakes in our lives."

Amara's eyes shift from Rey and Finn over to Poe.

"This was it for him," Amara says.

"I don't understand why he'd keep it a secret." Finn spoke.

Amara looks at him, "We all have that moment in our lives that we aren't proud of, so we don't discuss it. For Poe, running spice was that."

Rey moves her gaze to Poe, "How much did he tell you?"

"Enough," She says, "On why he did it and why he left."

"And Leia knows?" Rey asks.

Amara moves her gaze to Rey, "I don't know, but knowing my mom, she probably knew the second he joined the Resistance." She answers.

Finn glanced from Poe to Amara, "So do they have a history or something?"

Amara shrugs, "I know what he told me when he was drunk," She says, "I know of his crew and some of the missions he ran. I don't know the inner conflict that is the relationship between Poe and Zorii."

Amara glanced back at 3PO, wires were sticking into his head and the backside was open. She frowns looking at him.

"I haven't the faintest idea why I agreed to this," C-3PO says, "I must be malfunctioning,"

Rey moves over towards the golden droid and placed a hand on him before moving to Babu Frik. Amara meanwhile, moved over to 3PO and kept her hand on his shoulder.

"It'll be okay, 3PO." Amara smiles.

3PO looks at her.

"I won't let anything bad happen to you," Amara says.

3PO nods his head briefly, "Thank you, Miss Amara."

Amara hears Rey speak to Babu Frik. But when Babu responded, it was in a language she nor Rey knew. When Rey heard Babu speak, she looked at Amara. Amara shrugs her shoulders and then watched as Rey turns to Finn. Finn also shrugs his shoulders in a confused look.

"Zorii," Rey says standing up and moving away from Babu, "Is this going to work?"

Zorii spoke Babu's language and Babu responded to the woman. Zorii and Poe walked over towards them all, and now everyone was gathered around the golden droid.

"He says he found something in your droid's forbidden memory bank," Zorii says, "Words. Translated from Sith?"

"Yeah," Rey says.

Finn moves closer to Rey, "That's what we need."

Zorii turns to look at Poe, "Who are you hanging out with that speaks Sith?"

Poe glanced at her, "Can you make him-," He cuts himself off to only speak to Babu, "Babu, can you make him translate?"

Babu speaks, and again no one could understand, well besides Zorii.

"Yes, but it will cause a complete-," Zorii was cut off.

"A complete memory wipe." 3PO answers.

Amara glanced to the droid, "Wha- What? No, no." Amara shakes her head.

Poe looks at Babu, "Wait? If we make him translate, he won't remember anything?"

"Droid," Babu speaks, "The memory go blank. Blank blank."

3PO is shocked, "Oh! There must be another way!"

Finn looks at Amara, "R2? Doesn't R2 have a memory backup?" He asks.

Amara shrugs her shoulders, "I- I don't know."

C-3PO answers, "Allow me to answer, R2's storage unit are famously unreliable." He says.

Rey looks at 3PO, "You know the odds better than any of us. Do we have a choice?" Rey asks him.

C-3PO seemed taken back by the comment. He looks around and then the droid stands, still connected by wires Babu connected into his head.

"If this mission fails, it was all for nothing. What we've done, all this time." 3PO says.

Amara watches 3PO move a little further away, his back to all of them.

They all watch the droid speak.

Then C-3PO turns to look at them. He moves his head to look at each of them individually. First starting with Amara and moving along towards Finn, Rey, and lastly Poe.

"Wh- What are you doing there, 3PO?" Poe asks.

"Taking one last look, sir, at my friends." 3PO says.

Everyone kept their gaze on the droid. Even BB-8 chirped something and D-O made some sort of noise. Finn gives a sad smile, Rey frowns, Poe tries to give a smile, but Amara couldn't bare to smile at all.

"3PO," Amara says.

C-3PO steps forward, "Do not be sad, Miss Amara, this must be done for the greater good."

Amara says nothing.

But a flare of blue light peaks through the window of Babu Frik's place. This gaining the attention of both Zorii and Poe.

"Night raids are going to start soon," Zorii says.

Everyone looks at Zorii.

"I'll keep look out," Zorii says.

Poe without hesitation, "I'll come with you."

Zorii glanced at Poe and briefly to Amara before turning back to Poe. It appears in their walk from where Zorii found them to Babu's, Zorii figured out Poe's and Amara's relationship.

Poe glanced at Amara after he had said that, followed by a small chuckle by Zorii as she headed to the stairs.

"You still don't trust me," Zorii claims as she goes up the stairs.

Poe follows after her, "You've ever trusted me?"

"Nope," Zorii answers.

Zorii and Poe had walked up the stairs, leaving Rey, Finn, Amara, and the droids with Babu. Babu laughs a little before grabbing tools to begin to work.

Finn glanced from the stairs to Amara, "Do you want me to tell Poe to stop being an idiot and following that girl?"

Amara glanced at Finn and gives him a small smile, "Poe need to figure out things," She says, "Being on Kijimi must not be easy for him."

She frowns as she turns to look at 3PO being worked on.

"Being here isn't easy on any of us," She mutters softly.

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