
mumbling. Her eyes slowly opened. She was staring at the ceiling of a starfighter ship. She didn't know the ship. This wasn't her father's ship. She heard a familiar chirping sound.

"BB," Amara turns to look at the droid.

Amara was laying in a cot in this ship. She begins to sit up and noticed she was laying in this room alone. She looks at her left hand, there were bandages wrapped around it. Likely first aid brought with them from Ajan Kloss before they embarked on this quest. She felt some stinging from it, they must've applied something from the burn from her blaster exploding in her hand.

She sat up a little and looked at her belt, her saber was still there. Good. Although, her holster for her blaster remain despite the fact she no longer has a blaster. Amara pulls the holster off with her good hand. She hears sounds of voices outside of the room, it sounds like Poe and Finn. And from what Amara heard it didn't sound pretty.

"What is it you have to tell Rey that is so important you can't tell me?" Poe asks in an attempt of whispering.

Although it was no matter, Amara could hear her boyfriend. The pilot had a hint of jealously in his voice. Amara scooted her feet off the cot and rested them on the floor. Her eyes are drawn in the direction of Poe's voice.

"This isn't the time, Poe." Finn tries to hush his friend, "If you haven't noticed we're in the middle of-,"

Amara noticed the droid had rolled off. The BB unit had left the room and chirped at the two boys, and within a few seconds she was surrounded by Poe and Finn. Poe knelt down at her bedside, while Finn stood a little at bay. Amara watched the former trooper cross his arms on his chest as he looks at her.

Amara frowns.

"You okay?" Poe asks, "Does you hand hurt?"

Amara didn't like the look Finn was giving her but instead turned to look at Poe. She nodded her head at him.

"I'm okay," She answers.

"What was that?" Finn asks, "On Pasaana?"

Amara's eyes snapped up to Finn.

Poe glanced at his friend, but didn't argue against the question. It appears that Amara was not going to have Poe be on her side and not demand answers from the recently awaken young Force user.

Amara sighs and ran her not injured hand through her hair.

"How do I even explain it?" Amara asks, "It's uh- well, I didn't lose control, or rather I guess I did?"

Amara shakes her head in frustration.

Poe moves to sit next to her in the cot. Now, now he is being the one comforting her. Amara almost didn't want him to hold her after he didn't stop Finn from interrogating her the second she woke up.

Again Amara sighed.

"That- That was the second time I did something like that." She says, "The first time being Starkiller when Kylo Ren murdered my father."

Amara shakes her head. She pitches the bridge of her nose with her right hand.

Poe began to stroke her back as a form of comfort.

"It was like a switch was flipped and- and I lost it." Amara says.

"Is that what happened down there?" Finn asks, "We lost Chewie and a switch was flipped?"

Amara lifts her head up, "Maybe," She says, "But I don't appreciate being interrogated the second I wake up, Finn."


Poe held her hand, "No one is interrogating you, Amara. We're concerned after all."

Amara only nods but says nothing.

"While you were unconscious," Poe began, "We made it to Ochi's ship. Obvious."

Amara glanced at BB-8, "Wasn't he guarding the Falcon?"

Finn frowns, "The First Order captured the Falcon."

Poe pats his droid, "He managed to escape and we found him."

Amara hears BB-8 chirp.

Amara had a small smile escape her mouth. She hated being on this mission without BB-8 and having him on the ship while they were out felt wrong, but she felt happy seeing the orange and white ball here.

"So anything else I missed?" Amara asks.

Poe rubs his arm, "Not only did we loose Chewie but the dagger," He then turns to her, "But C-3PO claims he had retained the information about the dagger. So uh- that's good."

Amara only nods.

There was a moment of silence between them.

"So, uh- where are we going?" Amara asks.

Poe sighs, "Kijimi." He says.

Amara's head snapped to Poe.

Finn didn't miss that either, he knew the second Poe mentioned the planet and how he had been their before meant there was more to the story. And with Amara looking at him the way she was, it only confirmed more to that theory to Finn.

"We're going to hack into 3PO's programming and get the information about the dagger." Finn says.

"When do we arrive?" Amara asks.

"Soon," Poe assures her, "But rest up until we get there."

Amara felt Poe kiss the top of her head.

She watched as the two men walked out of the room. Amara remain seated in the cot and noticed the BB unit rolling off, and then following another small droid. A small droid she barely saw.

Amara exhaled and looked up at the ceiling of the ship.

"How can this get worst?" Amara asks.


the mouth of the ten year old Amara Solo. She was being attacked by Chewie, and by attacked she was being tickled by the furry Wookiee.

"Careful, she has a mean right hook." Han advised his pal.

Chewie growls at Han.

And after Chewie spoke to Han, the Wookiee was slugged by Amara. She stopped laughing and then quickly began to apologize. Although, the Wookiee didn't seem to be angry at her. Instead Chewie barked something at how he should teach her some of the fighting skills he knows. Which got Han's attention.

"She's ten-!" Han rose to his feet.

The three of them were in the backyard. Han was sitting on the porch, well was sitting on the porch. Amara and Chewie were laying in the grass. Amara rolls over in the grass and then saw through the glass door that led from inside to the backyard. Her mother was speaking to an eighteen year old Ben. From the expressions on both her mother and her brother, it wasn't pleasant.

"Daddy?" Amara spoke.

Han looks at her, "Yes, princess?"

Amara stood up and walked over to the porch. She stood at the bottom of the porch but pointed inside to her brother and mother.

"Is Ben in trouble?" She asks.

Han glanced over his shoulder.

Yes, his son is in trouble. He was in trouble with his instructors. Ben was caught getting in the middle of a fight and got another student badly hurt. A situation, neither parents took lightly.

Han turns back to his daughter, "He's just uh- he's learning a lesson."


Amara tilts her head, "What kind of lesson?" She asks.

Han steps over and walks down the steps. He knelt down in front of his daughter and placed a hand on top of her head. Han gives her a small smile.

"Not to do something stupid." Han says.

Amara still didn't really understand it. She glanced from her dad and then to the room where her mom and brother were in. She was about to ask something else, when Chewie grabbed her from behind and began to tickle her again. Amara began to laugh and shoved herself out of Chewie's hold.

"Oh that's it," Amara giggles, "I'm gonna knock you down fuzz ball."

Amara ran forward and Chewie allowed Amara to knock himself down onto the grass. Meanwhile, Han stands up and gives a small smile on his face watching this unfold. He was glad his long time friend decided to jump in to distract the younger Solo.

Amara blinked.

She laid in the cot, she must've dozed off after her interaction with Finn and Poe. She looks at the ceiling and frowns as memories begin to flood back to her, not just childhood memories but everything on this mission.

Amara sat up.

"Anakin-," Amara crossed her legs, "Please, be with me. I- I need guidance."

She closed her eyes and took in a deep breathe. Focusing on the Force. Focusing on Anakin. Focusing on connecting.

"Amara," It was Anakin's voice.

Amara's eyes shot open.

Amara stared at her grandfather. The Force ghost of her grandfather standing in front of her, Amara still had her legs crossed on the cot. Her eyes focusing on him.

"Anakin," Amara spoke softly, "I- I don't understand what is going on."

Anakin says nothing.

"I- I've been having visions," She frowns, "Visions of my childhood with Ben- er Kylo Ren. I- I don't know why? I don't understand."

Anakin sighs, "I don't have answers for you regarding that, Amara."

Amara frowns, "Of course you don't." She says and then stands up, "Why do I feel like you're holding out on me?"

Anakin watched his granddaughter get up from the cot. Amara crossed her arms over her chest, but winced when she hit her injured hand.

"Amara," Anakin says, "I am not an all seeing Force spirit from beyond. I do not hold the answers to the ways of the Force."

Amara frowns.

"You are powerful, yes, but sometimes visions like memories are nothing. They mean nothing." Anakin says.

Amara looks away, "Why didn't you want me to learn Force healing or whatever Rey did on Pasaana?"

Anakin sighs.

"Please don't tell me it's because you're also worried I'll turn to the dark side," Amara shakes her head in frustration, "I'm not Ben, I'm not-!"

She paused. Her next words would've been him, but she knew not to start that argument. Instead, Amara just looked away.

"Force healing is not something to be taking lightly, Amara. It's dangerous." Anakin says.

The second he said "dangerous", Amara glanced back over at him. He had her attention. She was curious onto how this ability, which seemed brilliant, to be dangerous.

"It is mostly seen in the Dyad of the Force," Anakin says, "Although, I had used the ability before in the past. As potentially great this ability is, it's also taxing."

Amara kept her gaze on him, "Taxing how?" She asks.

"In healing someone with this ability, you're also transferring your own energy to the injured or even dead, but it comes at the cost of your own." Anakin says.

Amara frowns, "So- depending on how much you heal, it's how much your lose?" She asks.

Anakin nods, "Exactly."

Amara looks down, "I'm not a Dyad of the Force, am I?" She asks him.

Anakin shakes his head.

"It's Rey and Kylo Ren, isn't it?" She asks.

He nods.

Amara nods to herself.

"But you are powerful in the Force, Amara. Maybe even powerful than I was at your age." Anakin says, "I wish I could give you more answers but I-,"

A footstep gained both of their attention, Amara's eyes flicker from Anakin to the door leading into this room.

It was Poe.

Amara glanced back and noticed Anakin was gone.

"You talking to yourself?" Poe asks.

Amara shakes her head, "Just connecting with family."

Poe only nods.


down the corridor on Ochi's ship. At first it was silent between the two of them. Although, Amara would catch Poe glancing at her left hand.

"It's fine, Poe." She assures him.

"I wished we had bacta to put on it." Poe says frowning.

Amara halted, "Poe, it's fine. Honestly."

Poe stops as well.

Poe scratched the back of his neck, "I'm- I'm sorry."

Amara looks at him.

"I promised Leia that I'd look after you," Poe says and frowns, "I seem to be failing at that."

Amara watched him, "Poe, you haven't failed anything." She says, "Accidents happen."

Poe looks at her, "I know but-,"

Amara cups his face, "I'm alive and that's all that matters." She says.

Poe nods and looks away, he pulls from her reach. Amara watched as his gaze was directed at the floor of the ship.

"But- But Chewie didn't-," Poe's voice cut out.

Amara frowns, "I'm tired of being afraid," She says, "I'm gonna fight until my last breath. Just like my dad, Vira, and Chewie."

Poe lifts his gaze to her.

"We are going to find Exegol and stop the Emperor," Amara says firmly.

Poe kept his frown on his face, "How- How can you be so determine right now?" He asks.

Amara reached over and held onto his hand, "Because we are the Resistance," She says, "We're built on hope. And- And I have hope we'll win."

Poe doesn't say anything more about that. Instead he begins to walk, while still holding Amara's hand. She follows after him. They were silent for a moment again.

Amara kept her eyes on him, "So, do you think you'll run into her on Kijimi?" She asks.

Poe glanced at her, "There is a reason why I stay away from that planet." He says.

"Poe," Amara says, "You haven't told Rey or Finn about your past,"

Poe says nothing.

Amara frowns, "They have a right to know," She says.

Poe shakes his head, "It has nothing to do with the mission." He says.

Amara looks at him, "Maybe not but what happens if we run into her on Kijimi?" She asks, "Are you just going to talk your way out of it and somehow avoid telling them the truth?"

Poe frowns and says nothing.

Amara shakes her head, "Fine, whatever."

Poe watched as Amara pulled her hand out of his gasp. Poe's eyes went from her hand to him. He looks away, forward, as they walk down the corridor. They reached the cockpit, where the droids were at including Rey and Finn. Finn sat in the co-pilot seat, but rose when he saw Poe.

Rey glanced back and saw Amara, "Amara," Rey smiles, "How are you feeling?"

Amara gives a small smile, "Good." She steps away from Poe, "How long until we arrive at Kijimi?"

"Any minute now," Rey says.

Amara's eyes go to Poe, she watches as Finn and Poe move. Finn moving away from the co-pilot seat and Poe sitting down in it. The two men not speaking to each other. Amara's eyes linger on the former trooper. She sensed something from him. She didn't want to lock eye contact with Finn, in case she'd invade his privacy and find out some sort of secret, but she could sense something from Finn.

Amara glanced away and frowns.

'Is this the Force?' Amara thought.

"Alright everyone," Rey addresses everyone in the cockpit, "Strap in. We're about to get out of hyperspace."

Kijimi here they come.

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