
walking on the flat sand. The entire walk over C-3PO was complaining about how the ship was not going to fly or how they should regroup back on the Falcon with BB-8.

"I am serious," 3PO voiced, "There is no possible way to get that old relic in the air."

Amara glanced at 3PO.

"We should return to the Falcon," 3PO says.

Chewie growled at the droid.

"We can't do that," Poe says, "We gotta keep moving."

Amara kept her eyes on her grandfather's droid, "And besides, BB-8 is taking good care of the ship."

They were walking through the intense heat of the sun. The sand looked to be going on for miles and miles. Amara sensed something. Her head turned quickly, her eyes widen and felt as if the air was sucked out of her.

Rey seemed to sense it too.

Rey's eyes went from the direction to Amara.

"Amara," Rey says.

Finn looks at Rey and then to Amara, "Rey? Amara? Wh- What is it?"

Poe stopped walking, he had been leading the group while walking through the dunes of Pasaana. He moved over towards Amara. Subconsciously, he placed his hands on her face, checking for something. His faces cupped her face.

"Amara?" Poe asks, "You okay?"

Amara blinks and looks at Poe.

Amara nods her head.

Despite her nodding, her expression did not allow Poe to relax from his worry or his concern. Amara lifted her hand and placed it on top of his that was still cupping her face.

"I'm fine," She assures him.

Rey and Amara then made eye contact. Both girls nodding at each other, it was as if they didn't need to speak, they knew what was here and what needed to be done. Rey turns towards Finn. He is handed her staff that usually hangs off her back, Finn looks at the staff and then to his dear friend.

"Re- Rey?" Finn asks, "What is going on?"

Rey looks at Finn, "I'll be right behind you." She handed him her satchel.

Finn gives her a puzzled look.

Rey's gaze moved over to Amara. The two girls kept their intense look on each other, only nodding before Rey then sprinted down the hill.

Finn held his hand out and called for her, "Wait-! Rey!"

Amara glanced to Finn, "She's a big girl, Finn. She can take care of herself." She says, "Now, we need to get to that ship."

Amara points to the top of the hill. Remembering the mission, the boys seemingly nodded along. Chewie had grabbed the golden droid, and 3PO called out, and the Wookiee began to climb up the hill. While Finn and Poe were moving up much faster than Chewie.

Poe was on a flat surface after rock climbing up and knelt down to Amara. He offered her his hand.

"Amara," Poe says, "Give me your hand."

Amara looks at Poe.

Then her head turns to the direction where Rey ran off to. She sensed more.

"Amara," Poe says.

Poe watched as Amara reached for the lightsaber on her belt.

"Don't you even think about it?" Poe asks.

Amara looks at him, "I'm not a pilot or a mechanic." She says, "Like you said, Rey and I are probably the best fighters in the Resistance."

Poe grimaced when his words were thrown in his face like this.

Amara gives him a smile, "I'll be safe, flyboy. Don't worry." She says.


Poe shakes his head, "Amara, I-."

Amara kept the smile on her face, "I know."

She turns and then heads down the hill.

Poe shakes his head and then felt a hand on his shoulder. He turns to see Finn's hand.

"Force users, huh?" Poe tries to make a light joke.

Finn awkwardly chuckles, "Y- Yeah."


them stood in the middle of the sand. Rey stared them down. These six individuals decked with black and wore black helmets covering this faces. Covering any way of proving these individuals could be human.

The Knights of Ren.

Rey sensed Amara.

Amara had halted next to her, panting a little after sprinting down to her. Amara and Rey glanced at each other.

"Thought you were going to follow the boys?" Rey asks.

Amara shakes her head, "Nah, I can't leave you behind."

Rey only nods.

Amara turns to look at the Knights of Ren. If they were here, it only meant Kylo Ren was not too far off. Both Amara and Rey reached towards their belts, where their sabers rested. Although, one of the Knights of Ren extended his hand forward. That is when Rey's and Amara's saber was pulled into his hand.

"Um that is new," Amara says.

Amara lowers her hands, near her blaster holster. Rey lifts her hand up and three large rocks were being lifted into the air.

"Perhaps we can negotiate?" Rey asks.

The six of them activate their weapons as an attempt to intimidate the two female Force users in front of them.

"Surrender or expect to be terminated." One says.

Rey glanced from Amara to the Knights of Ren, "We'll take our chance."

Amara quickly pulled her blaster out and as the knights charged forward, Amara fired first. She had hit one of the Knights of Ren in the chest. Rey threw the rocks towards the Knights of Ren, the shake from the rocks falling onto the ground caused the one who held their sabers to lose grip of them. He let go of them and they flew in the air, that was until both Force users called their sabers back.

As one of the knights came towards Amara armed with a war club, Amara ignited her green saber and slashed it in half. The knight looked at the now destroyed weapon and then the girl. He punched her in the stomach, which she didn't noticed. She collapsed onto the ground and rolled in the sand.

She lifts her head to see Rey fighting off against two of the knights while they had taken down three already, one from Amara's blaster and two from being smashed by the rocks. Rey spun her blue saber and slashed at the war club, it did not slice into halves like the one Amara fought against. No it blocked the blow. Rey turned to the other one coming near her, she used her other hand to Force shove that one back.

Amara stood up and saw her saber was in the sand. Amara called it back to her with the Force, as the knight came closer to her, she quickly ignited it. As the knight came closer to her, she had slashed off the arm and the head of the knight. She watched as the body collapsed onto the ground, she looked at it and then to Rey. The two Rey had been fighting were also down.

Rey and Amara both turned off their sabers and then moved closer to each other.


"He's here," Rey says.

Amara nods.

Then there was more blasts coming in their direction. More Knights of Ren coming. More Stormtroopers. More enemies.


sound of their sabers were the only thing they heard until the blasters began to fire upon them. Both Amara and Rey were using their sabers to deflect the blaster bullets being fired at them.

Rey's eyes drift. She sensed something.

"Amara," Rey says.

Amara knew what Rey was planning. Amara didn't like it but this is where they were at the moment. The boys hopefully getting the ship up and running and them in the middle of fighting for their lives.

"Go," Amara deflects a few shots, "I can handle this."

Rey glanced at her briefly, "You sure?"

Amara nods.

Rey gives her a small smile and runs off through the sand. Amara knew exactly where Rey was heading. After Kylo. Amara knew she wanted to protect Rey from her brother and the Emperor, but she was nearby in case something went wrong. The troopers began to fire at Rey as she ran off, so Amara pulled out her blaster from it's holster and began firing at them.

They stopped firing at Rey.

"That got their attention." Amara says.

Amara fired her blaster and spun to block some of the blaster bullets with her saber. She quickly dodged a few only to nearly be hit by one. She fired her blaster again, only for the blaster to be hit by a blast, destroying her blaster and Amara throwing it out of her hand quickly. She winced noticed her hand had some burns on it from the blasts. She was distracted for a moment, she almost didn't noticed the assist coming in for her.

A blast hitting the troopers.

She glanced behind her.

"Chewie!" Amara yells.

The Wookiee charged in and then a little behind her was both Finn and Poe. Amara looks at them and was confused.

"Wh- What are you doing here?" Amara asks.

"Helping you," Finn fires his blaster at the direction of troopers.

Amara glanced at Poe.

He nods at her.

Amara nods, she spun her saber and then sprinted into the fight. She jumped into the air and then slammed her saber against the sythe of the Knight of Ren. She was pushing hard against the sythe, although she couldn't give it all she had due to her new injury. The Knight shoved her back, Amara rolled on the ground. She quickly moved where she was thrown down and saw the sythe stab down at the sand. Amara lifts her gaze at the knight. She kicks him in the helmet. She kicks up to her feet and then sensed something.

"Chewie-?" Amara eyes dart around, "Where is Chewie?"

Poe and Finn, who were still firing their blasters, looked at Amara. Amara gripped her saber handle. She sensed the knight coming back toward her, she grit her teeth and then stabbed the blade through the stomach of the knight. She turned off her saber and then turned the remaining troopers. They were retreating. Her eyes scanned and noticed him.

"They have him-!" Amara screamed.

Her head turns to Poe and Finn.

"They have Chewie-!" Amara yelled.

Poe and Finn snapped into a completely different mode. Poe fired two shots at one trooper and began sprinting down towards Amara, nearly tripping in the sand in the process. Finn completely ignored the possibility of being hit and just ran over towards Amara. Amara ran in the direction of the transport they had shoved Chewie into but it was too late, it was in the air.

Amara let out a frustrated yell.

"They have Chewie!" Amara hears Finn yell.

Amara turns to where Finn was yelling towards.


Rey's eyes wandered up to the transport. The First Order transport that was abducting their friend. Rey raised her hand up toward the sky, it stopped the transport in mid-air. Amara ran towards Rey, she wasn't too far away from Amara. Amara nearly fell into the sand as she lost her footing for a second and finally reached the other Force user.

Amara lifts her hand up in the air like Rey, the two looking at each other for a moment before returning their focus on the transport. The transport which was coming back to the ground. Amara's gaze moved from the transport to the burning fighter that she hadn't even noticed before. A figure was rising from that.

Her brother.

Kylo Ren looks at them, mostly Amara who noticed was looking at him. He raised his hand up to overpower the two of them. Amara sensed anger from Rey, her eyes drifted from her brother to Rey.

"Rey," Amara whispers, "Don't let him get to you."

Amara noticed how Rey didn't even reply. Rey was too focused on Kylo Ren. Rey was far too concerned with overpowering the Supreme Ruler. The transport began to spin. Alarms going off. Amara grits her teeth, she was trying to focus on the Force to bring it back to the ground, but felt Kylo's overpower hold counter her.

"Rey," Amara says, "Stop letting him get to you."

Rey gritted down on her teeth and then letting out a scream as she twisted her wrist. When Rey did that, white lightning had strike towards the transport. Red and orange had lit up the sky as what was left of the transport landed on the sandy surface.

"Chewie-!" Rey yells.

Amara stood there.

Everything felt silent to her as she watched the debris fall to the ground. She felt her legs give out, her knees hitting the sand.

First her dad.

Then Vira.

Then Luke.

And now, now Chewie.

Amara's eyes lingered toward her brother. Kylo Ren watched the chaos and his eyes land on her. They kept their eyes on each other for a moment before Amara squeezed them shut to let out a loud scream.

"No-!" She screamed so loud.

It was pure and raw. The scream was backed up with a large amount of Force. The Force had thrown Kylo Ren on the sand, rolling in it for a moment before lifting his gaze toward his sister. He sees that even Rey was knocked down or maybe had knelt down to deal with Amara, who was now unconscious. Kylo Ren noticed the Resistance pilot and the traitor come running over towards them. The traitor helped Rey and the pilot carried his sister off.

He let them.

Kylo Ren rises and looks in their direction as they get smaller and smaller as they ran further away.

"What is his plan with you, Amara?" Kylo Ren spoke to himself.

Whatever it was, it was clearly something relating to her untapped potential. From what he saw, his sister had more strength in keeping him out. He tried to get her to loose focus but that didn't happen. She had pushed him out. Had this been because of Leia?

"Leia isn't that strong," Kylo Ren pondered to himself, "Who trained you, Amara?"

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