

Amara was laying in the grass in the backyard of her childhood home. She was staring at the clear blue sky above them. She had finished her studies and was just enjoying the fresh air.

She closed her eyes and inhaled.

"There you are," It was Ben's voice.

The fourteen year old teen opened her eyes and saw her twenty-two year old brother standing above her. He was covered in grease and his hair was a little messy.

A smile broke on Amara's face, "What happened to you?"

She sits up as her brother sat down next to them.

"I was working on my speedster," He says, "The engine went out on it."

Amara groans, "Again?" She asks, "Ben, you should just get another one."

He shrugs his shoulders, "I like my speedster. I've had it since I was your age." He says.

Ben nudges his sister with a small smile on his face. Amara looks up at him and smiled back, before she shoved him. He fell onto the grass and let out a soft laugh.

"Jeez, Mari. You didn't need to shove me that hard." He says.

Amara had a grin on her face, "You have the Force, so this makes it even." She says.

She hears Ben laugh.

Although, Amara's eyes dart to the back porch of their childhood home. Amara spots her mother, Leia. Leia was speaking with her husband and her brother.

Amara looks a bit confused.

The conversation based off their expressions alone looked concerning. Maybe very serious. But Amara wasn't sure.

"Hey, Ben." Amara say while she still stared at the direction of the adults, "Think they're talking about that group- uh the First Order?"

Ben looks over at Amara, "How do you know about them?" He asks.

Amara shrugs, "The walls are thin."

Ben narrows his eyes at her, "You eavesdrop?" He says.

Amara sheepishly grins, "Maybe."

Then Amara hears Ben sighs. Her eyes moved to her brother. She sees the frown on his face and then felt his hand pat the top of her head.

"You shouldn't worry about adult things, Mari." Ben says.

"Ben," Amara says.

Ben looks at her with a smile, "I mean it," He says, "You are my baby sister. You are so pure and innocent. I do not want anything bad to corrupt the light in you."

Amara kept her look on her brother, "Okay, I'm not a baby."

Ben lets out a small laugh, "To me, Mari, you'll always be my baby sister."

Amara blinked.

Back in the tunnels.

She frowned.

She was thinking about him again.

Amara was still in the back and Rey was in the front, leading them. The two lightsabers were the only source of light for them all as they walked down the pathways.

"I don't want to know what made these tunnels," Poe spoke aloud.

Amara watched as her boyfriend flashed his dull flashlight against the cavern wall. His eyes moves from the wall to Amara.

"Judging by the size the circumference of the tunnel walls, there-." C-3PO started.

Poe turns to look at 3PO. Poe's dull flashlight was in the golden droids face, if 3PO was a human it might be annoying but he is a droid.

"I said I don't want to know." Poe says.

Amara looks at Poe, "Poe," She says, "Calm down. 3PO is only doing what is under his protocol."

3PO throws his arms in the air as his waddles on the sandy pathway of this underground tunnels. Poe's gaze drew from 3PO to Amara.


"Miss Amara," 3PO says, "Thank you! It appears Commander Dameron is just being rude."

C-3PO moved onward, but the two stayed where they were. The group didn't move too far while Poe and Amara halted there in the tunnel.

"Poe," Amara grabbed his hand, "I know this is stressful but-."

Poe shakes his head, "I know."

He moves pass her. Amara frowns. She didn't read his mind, she couldn't do that in the Force, even with Anakin's training. Amara opposed learning such a thing. She felt her reading people through their eyes was already an invasion of privacy, and she didn't want Poe to get irritated with her for something else relating to the Force.

That being said, despite moments where he's been overly worried during this mission. He's also been very distant. Amara isn't sure why, she doesn't believe it's her doing or even he knows he's doing it. The only thing that is for certain is that something is bothering Poe, and Amara doesn't have answers to what.

She exhales and then follows after him.


around the corner to find a crashed speedster down there. The group was trying to figure out how it ended up down there in the tunnels with them.

"How did it get down here, though?" Finn asks looking around.

3PO steps next to Finn, "Perhaps if we find the driver-,"

Amara looks at the crashed speedster.


She frowns.

"To me, Mari, you'll always be my baby sister." Ben's voice echoed in her head.

"Oh my!" 3PO's loud voice brought Amara back, "It's a hex charm!"

Amara's eyes widen.

Finn moves over to the speedster, "A what?"

Amara shakes her head, "A hex charm,"

Her voice gained the attention of others.

"I- I haven't heard of that in years," She says.

Rey steps next to Amara, "You know what it is?"

Poe looks at Amara, "Amara?"

Amara blinked herself out of her trance. She tried to composed herself and knelt down to the charm, she had turned off her saber, causing the light in the tunnel to dim a little. She looked at it and refused to touch it, however.

"Mom- uh Leia had told me about it as a child. She told me as much as she knew with Jedi and Sith that she had learned from Luke." She says with a sad smile on her face, "A hex charm is known as the Sith Eternal crest. It's a symbol that represents the Sith assassin."

Poe looks at the speedster and then to Amara, "So Ochi obviously never left this place." He spoke.

Amara looks up at him.

She and Finn both rise up, she ignites her saber. And once again they begin to move around, walking forward.

"You're right," Amara says looking at items on the ground, "He never left."

Poe and the others moved to Amara, noticing what she had saw. Bones. Poe knelt down and looked at the skeleton body, searching it almost.

"Bone?" 3PO sees, "Oh heavens! Bones are never a good sign."

Something in the dirt glimmered and gained Rey's attention. She knelt down and saw what seems to be a dagger.

"Found something, guys." Rey says.

They all move over to Rey, who was knelt down in the sand, holding the dagger. Rey looked from the dagger to Amara. She offered Amara to look at it.

Amara accepted the dagger. There were writing on the dagger.

Rey stands up and dusts herself off, "Do you know what's written on it?" Rey asks.


Amara looks from Rey then back to the dagger. She spent years studying a variety of languages because of her mom being General Leia Organa. She knew a lot of other languages from her dad too, mostly from his days of smuggling. But this was something new.

"No idea," Amara says and turns to 3PO, "Think you can translate?"

C-3PO steps over, "I can always try, Miss Amara."

Amara held the dagger out in 3PO's view, so the droid could translate what is written on it.

"Oh! The location of the Sith wayfinder has been inscribed into the dagger. It's the clue Master Luke was looking for." 3PO says.

Poe looks at the droid, "So?"

Finn steps forward, "Where's the wayfinder?"

3PO glanced up at the group and shakes his head, "I am afraid, I cannot tell you."

Amara's furrows her eyebrows, "Excuse me, what?"

Poe shakes his head, "Six million forms of communication and you can't read that?" Poe got annoyed.

Amara glanced at Poe. His voice had risen a little. His patients were being tested as were everyone's patients.

3PO shakes his head, "Oh, I have read it, sir! I know exactly where the Sith wayfinder is." He turns to looks at everyone, "Unfortunately, it is written in the unruling language of the Sith."

Rey tilts her head, "So what?" She asks eagerly.

3PO glanced at Rey, "My programing forbids me in translating it." He says.

Poe shakes his head a little more irritated, "So you're telling us the one time we need you to talk, you can't?" He asks

"Irony, sir." 3PO addresses Poe and turns to the others, "I am mechanically incapable of speaking translations from Sith. I believe the rule was passed by the Re-."

Amara's eyes widen.

A large serpent began to rise from the group where 3PO was. Amara quickly grabbed the droid's arm and yank him back behind her. The motion was so quick but looked effortless at the same time.

"Whaa-!" 3PO yells and then noticed the serpent, "A serpent!"

Now, now is when everyone noticed the beast. Finn, Poe, and Chewie quickly grabbed their blasters and held them aimed at the beast. Rey and Amara however, just stared at the serpent.

The serpent hisses at them.

"Amara," Poe says, "Rey, step back from that thing before it hurts you two."

Amara shakes her head, "Poe," She says, "It's a living creature, who is terrified of strangers coming into it's home."

Finn glanced at Amara, "Oh, the large serpent is afraid of us."

Amara turns off her saber, "Yes, we're unknown to the serpent and we're armed." She says.

Poe watched as Amara walked over to the creature with ease. Rey was following behind, she too had turned off her saber.

Amara reached over and touched the head to the serpent, the beast did not hiss or even attempt to bite her. Instead the two looked at each other's eyes.

Amara frowns, "You're injured." She says softly, "Rey,"

Rey steps over.

The two female Force users were looking over the serpent, trying to find where the creature was injured at. Rey saw it first. Three large line gashes on the side of the serpent's body. Rey moved over to the gashes, she heard the serpent hiss. But instead of doing anything, the serpent was being soothed by Amara, who held her hand on the serpent's head gently.

The boys stood there. Poe still holding his dull light. That dull light being the only form of light in the tunnel.

Rey knelt down next to the gashes. She placed her hands above the wounds, she took a deep breathe before closing her eyes. She was focusing. Focusing on the wounds. Focusing on sending a part of her energy to the serpent. Slowly the wound began to heal. Until it appeared as if the wound was never really there. Rey pulled back when she noticed she had done that, her eyes locked onto Amara. Amara was stunned by that. The serpent looked at the two Force users before it slithered down the cavern of the tunnels.

Amara moved over to Rey, "H- How did you?"

Rey looks at Amara, "I- I transferred a little part of myself to the serpent." She is helped up by Amara, "I- I would've thought Anakin would have taught you that."

Amara frowns, "No. He didn't."

Now understanding, that was the one thing he hadn't taught her because Anakin believed she wasn't ready for that yet.

"Guys," Finn says, "The exit."

Amara and Rey turn their gaze where Finn called out. Both Poe and Chewie had begun to go out of the tunnel, 3PO and Finn stayed near the girls.

Amara looks at Rey, "Let's go find the ship."

Amara, Finn, 3PO, and Rey made it out of the tunnels. They see Poe and Chewie looking out beyond the horizon to find Ochi's ship. They were all on top of a small hill, so it made looking far easy for them.

"Guys," Rey says, "I found Ochi's ship."

There it was in black sand was a ship. It has to be Ochi's ship.


stupid. She was dressed in a gown. She looked at herself in the mirror of her childhood bedroom. Her hair was done up in such a manner, she barely recognized herself. Her hair was in braided buns on both sides of her head.

The fourteen year old just frowned in the mirror.

"You know," It was Leia's voice, "You look so much like my mother."

Behind her was her mother. Leia too was dressed in such a beautiful gown, whereas Amara's was blue Leia wore a green gown. Leia's hair was down but in a long braid.

Amara looks at her mother, "Really?"

Leia has a smile, "Really," She says, "You look like a princess."

Amara glanced back at the mirror, "I look ridiculous."

Leia steps over to her daughter. Leia placed her hands firmly but gently on Amara's shoulders and stared into the reflection of the mirror.

"I see a beautiful woman," Leia says, "A woman who will command her own future."

Amara shrugs, "If you say so, mom."

Leia kisses the top of her head, "I know so." She says.

A knock at the door gained their attention. Standing at the doorway was both Han and Ben. Both men were dressed nice. Almost like in suits but weren't exactly.

Amara couldn't help but smile, because Ben's usually untamed hair was gelled back and it looked so unlike him.

"Well look here, Ben," Han says clasping his hand on Ben's shoulder, "Don't these two look lovely?"

The twenty-two year old Ben gave his father a small glare before turning to Leia and Amara. Clearly Amara wasn't the only one hating getting all formal.

"I didn't know you could look pretty, Mari." Ben teased.

Amara grabbed her hairbrush from her vanity, "Say that again,"

Leia grabs the hairbrush out of Amara's hand and placed it on the vanity. Han leaned against the wall and gave a small chuckle as his children were bantering back and forth about their formal attire.

"At least my hair doesn't look like that," Amara says.

Ben pouts, "What's wrong with my hair?"

Amara grins, "Oh nothing." She moves pass her mother toward her father, "When do we leave?"

Han gave his daughter a smile, "As soon as Chewie finishes refueling." He glanced over to Leia, "Luke said he'd be meeting us there."

Leia nods.

Han cups his daughter's face, "You look beautiful, Amara." He says softly.

Amara shakes her head.

The third time. The third time today she had a flashback like that. A flashback that felt so vivid almost like her visions.

She frowns.

"Amara," Poe called out.

They were making their way down the hill. Poe had stopped to offer help for Amara. Amara must've seemed lost in thought for a moment, because Poe looked worried. Had he tried to call to her and she ignored him? Was he thinking she had some sort of vision? Or was he thinking that she can't handle this?

"You okay?" Poe asks.

Amara looks at him, "Uh huh."

She climbed down and felt Poe's hands around her waist as she lowers herself. He was there to make sure she didn't fall.

"You sure?" He repeats, "Amara, you can tell me anything."

Amara lets go of the hill and now stood on the flat surface that is the ground. She turns around to face him fully.

"I- I've been having visions." Amara says.

Poe looks concerned, "What?" He asks, "Is it the Emperor?"

Amara shakes her head, "No." She says reaching to cup his face, "Just- childhood memories coming back as visions."

Poe furrows his brows, "What?"

Amara shrugs her shoulders, "I don't understand it, maybe I am thinking of my family and the Force is making me witness old memories as a response of that or-."

"Or?" Poe asks.

Amara noticed Rey's stance stiffens.

"Ben is here on Pasaana." Amara says.

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