
together as they left the moving transport. They ran through the village and Poe led them to a skiff speedster.

Finn looks at Poe.

Poe was hot-wiring the speedster. Something that seemed to be something Poe knew, he didn't even bat an eye.

"How do you know how to do this?" Finn asks.

The question goes unanswered.

Amara glanced at her boyfriend and then behind them. Slowly lingering behind was 3PO. He had his arms waving in the air saying some things, but in the distance, Amara could see danger.

"Poe," Amara turns to him, "You might wanna hurry it up."

Poe didn't look at her, "Can only work so fast, princess." He says.

Amara groans.

She turns over and watched the First Order getting closer. Amara's hand slowly moved to her saber. She kept her gaze over. Poe finished the first one and moved to the second one with such speed, he knew what he was doing with this one. He finished that one and at that moment 3PO was next to them.

"Come on," Poe says looking up.

Poe, Finn, 3PO, and Amara got on one and the other one had Chewie and Rey. As quickly as they all got into their speedsters, they quickly took off into the desert.

Poe was taking the helm, he was piloting the speedster into the desert. He and Rey piloted their individual speedster, Poe following Rey.

Amara looks at her boyfriend, "Do you know where we're going?"

Poe grins, "Hopefully."

Finn glanced from his friends and then turned behind them after hearing the sounds of shots. Amara ducked down as did Poe and Finn.

"We got company." Finn says.

Speedsters behind them with troopers on it. However, the back part of the speedster moved up sending the rider on the back into the air. That trooper activated a jet-pack and was flying in the air. They were firing from the sides and now above.

Amara looks at Finn, "They can fly now?"

Finn glanced at Amara with shock written on his face, "They fly now!?"

Poe shrugs as he pilots, "They fly now!" He shouts.

Amara went to reach for her blaster but remembered, she didn't have it. She left her blaster on the Falcon, she only has her saber. Poe turns the wheel. Everyone on the speedster braced themselves. They got into the valley, seemingly loosing their enemies as well as Rey and Chewie.

"Looks like we lost them!" Amara yells looking back.

"Excellent job, sir!" 3PO shouts.

The sound of an engine revving in the back causes them to look behind them. There was enemy.

"Terrible job, sir!" 3PO shouts.

Amara ducked down to avoid the blast from the trooper's blaster. Finn pulls out his blaster, firing at the troopers behind them. Amara looks at Finn. His aim is usually good, but with the shaky driving on Poe's accounts him getting a good shot was damn near impossible. Also, the troopers were gaining on them. It was a matter of time before they try to pit them.

Amara noticed rope in the speedster and then looked at the speedster following them. She grabs her hair and pulls it back out of her face. Then grabs the rope to tie around her waist, she steps over to 3PO.

"C-3PO," Amara hands the droid the rope, "Hold onto this."

Poe glanced back, "Amara-! Amara! What are you doing?"

Amara glanced at him, "Something stupid."

Then she sprinted. She sprinted off the speedster and was in the air. She was in the air for a moment. She felt herself falling down in the air. She grew worried that she was going to miss the speedster and just crazy onto the rough sand, but instead her body collided with the speedster.


"Wh- What the?" The trooper exclaims.

Amara was on the front end of the speedster. She gripped it tightly as she felt the trooper begin to zig zag to try to get her to let go. Amara pulls herself up, still struggling through the trooper moving his speedster in an attempt to get Amara to let go.

She forced herself up on the driver, they weave a little bit more, before Amara pulls out her saber. At first, the trooper grabbed her wrist and was moving her arm back.

Amara yelled.

She moved her hand forward despite the force the troopers grip had on her wrist. She moved her saber pointing at his chest and then ignited it. The green blade pierced through the troopers chest. The body fell off the speedster. Amara watched the body land on the ground and slowly become a distant memory.

She turns her attention to see they were getting near a tight narrow part of the valley. Amara piloted the First Order speedster and drove it up to the side of their speedster. Once she was side by side with them, she jumped onto their speedster.

Finn was their to catch her, he now held onto the rope. Amara heard an explosion. The speedster had hit the rocky wall.

"Welcome back Commander Solo." Poe greets with a small smile.

Amara unties the rope from her waist, "Thank you, Commander Dameron." She returns a smile in his direction.

Amara moved over to look behind them, she doesn't see much. The smoke was clearing up from the explosion from the First Order speedster.

"3PO, I bet you wished you stayed on the Falcon with BB-8?" Amara grins.

3PO looks at her, "I rather had stayed on Ajan Kloss."

Amara had a smirk, "Of course."

The speedster drives through the sand quickly, managing to somehow find and catch up to Rey and Chewie. Poe and Rey piloted the speedsters to drive side by side.

Poe glanced at Rey, "Rey! Did you get them all?!"

Rey opens her mouth but as she was about to say something the last trooper flew in the air and fired a rocket at their speedster. The speedster he fired at was Rey's. The missile collided with the speedster, sending Rey and Chewie into the air. Amara's eyes turn to the trooper and now sees a missile coming their way.

"Oh shit," Amara says.

The missile hits their speedster and sends Poe, Finn, 3PO, and Amara in the air much like Rey and Chewie. At this point, Chewie and Rey stood up as their friends come falling in their direction. Rey and Chewie were the firsts firing at the trooper, once Finn and Poe collected themselves they began firing as well. Amara ignited her saber as was using it to deflect blasts coming from the trooper's blaster.

Just then Rey put her blaster away, she ignited her saber and then tossed it at the trooper. The blue blade hit the trooper's jet-pack, causing it to catch on fire. The trooper lost control and crashed into the sand. Rey held her hand up and called for the saber back. The saber, still ignited, returned to Rey's hands.

Poe glanced at Rey, "Be careful! It could've hit one of us!"

Rey glanced at him, "It didn't."

Amara goes to try to stop the arguing when she noticed something, she was stuck. She looked at her waist and noticed she was sinking. She noticed they all were sinking but hadn't noticed it yet.

"Guy?" Amara says.


"I know you didn't but what if-!" Poe shouts.

Rey groans, "I know what I am capable of doing, Poe!" Rey yells.

Amara grits her teeth, "Guys!" She yells.

They look at her.

Amara points downward. Its then they all noticed that they were stuck and were sinking. Finn noticed how he was sinking into the sand. He struggles a little, but it only seems to quicken the sinking.

3PO looks at them, "Oh dear-!"

"Quickly!" Rey shouts, "Grab onto something!"

Amara struggles and felt herself sink a little more. She let out a yelp and noticed Poe looking at her, Amara had a terrified look on her face.

"Poe, if this is it-." She says.

Poe shakes his head, "You don't have to say it." He says, "I love you."

Poe managed to reach his hand outward, he held onto her hand, the only one that wasn't stuck in the quicksand pit. Amara looks from his hand to him.

"I know," Amara says.

And then Amara was pulled completely under the sand. Poe lost grasp of her hand the second her head went under.

"Amara-!" Poe screams.

Finn was halfway under. He looked panicked and glanced over at Rey. Rey is looking at her dear friend with worry in her eyes.

"Finn-!" Rey yells.

Finn grunts, "Rey- Rey!" He yells, "I- I haven't had the chance to tell you that-!"

And then Finn went under.


the ground hard. She began to cough a little, she had held her breath as she went under the sandpit. She groaned and then heard the sound of a thud next to her. She grabbed her saber and ignited it for light. It was Finn.

"Finn-?" Amara spoke.

Finn looks at her, "Amara?"

He stands up and moves to her. Both of them standing, examining the other to make sure they were okay. Although, Finn was careful around her saber.

"Are you okay?" The both asked at the same time.

They gives each other a weak smile. The fact they were both worried about the other.

"I'm fine," Amara says.

"Me too," Finn says, "Where are the others?"

Amara shakes her head, "I- I don't know."

Finn and Amara begin to walk down toward the darkness of this underground place.



Amara halted.

"Poe!" Amara screams.

Amara began to walk fast down this underground tunnels and Finn was right behind her. Amara and Finn emerge in a clearing found Chewie, Poe, and Rey. Poe and Rey looked relieved when they saw Finn and Amara. Chewie growled upon seeing them.

Amara turned off her saber and quickly moved over to Poe. She grabbed a hold of Poe and hugged him tightly. Poe held his hand on the back of her head and on the lower part of her back. He kisses the top of her head. He looks over at Finn, Finn gives a small smile.

"Everyone okay?" Rey asks.

Finn nods, "Yeah," He gestures to him and Amara, "We're good."

Amara pulls back from Poe's embrace, "Wait-?" She asks, "Where s C-3PO?"

Stepping over is C-3PO.

"I am right here, Miss Amara." 3PO says.

Amara couldn't help but feel a little relief. She sometimes found the droid annoying but this droid has been in her family for years.

Amara sighs, "Oh thank god."

Poe gives Amara a look.

Amara even noticed Rey, Finn, and Chewie giving Amara a look.

"Why, Miss Amara! You were concerned for my well-being?" 3PO asks.

Amara looks at the droid and then to her friends, "I mean yeah, that and I know my mom would be pissed if I lost him."

Rey glanced at her friends, "Well we're all accounted for." She says, "We should find a way out."

Amara and Rey both reached for their sabers and ignited them. The cave was filled with a blue and green light, then a small dull light. Amara glanced over and noticed Poe holding a small flashlight. Amara met Finn's gaze. The two shared a small smile, both about to laugh. However, Poe just rolls his eyes as he decides to keep it on.

"Come on," Rey says, "Follow me."

Rey moves down the tunnels. Rey leads with Chewie, Finn, Poe, 3PO and Amara down the tunnel.



She stepped over toward her brother. He was mediating in the backyard of their childhood home. Amara watched her twenty-two year old brother was going to be leave to train with their uncle. But he had given Ben some sort of homework to practice mediating.

"Mari," Ben spoke, "You're distracting me."

The fourteen year old teen was startled by the way Ben had noticed her without opening her eyes. Amara stepped back a little.

"H- How do you do that?" Amara asks.

Ben chuckles, "It's all in the Force, Mari."

Amara puffed out her cheeks and pouts.

Ben watches his sister cross her arms on her chest and begin her usual pouting, despite the fact she isn't a child anymore.

"Are you really going to pout?" Ben asks still grinning.

Amara held the pout, "Maybe."

Ben stands up and walks over to his sister.

"Why?" He asks, "Are you jealous?"

Amara stomps her foot, "I may not use the Force but I can shoot a better shot than you."

Ben couldn't help but smile at that. Years, years they spent practicing all sorts of things. Ben learning to pilot at a young age, against Leia's approval. Amara learning to fire a blaster at a young age, despite Leia's approval.

Ben scratches the back of his neck, "Alright, Mari. You got me."

Amara looks at him, "So if anything you're jealous of me." She had a grin.

Again, Ben couldn't help but chuckle.

He placed his hand on top of her head and patted her. He looks down at her and kept the smile on his face.

"I am jealous of you alright, Mari." Ben says, "You fire a blaster way better than me. Heck, you might even be a stronger Jedi than me."

Amara couldn't help but laugh and shoves her brother forward. Ben stumbles back and gives her a look.

"Don't even joke about that," She says, "You and I both know that I am not one with the Force."

Ben kept a small smile on his face, "Don't count yourself out just yet."

Amara blinked. She was in the tunnels. She heard the buzzing of her lightsaber and saw the golden droid walking in front of her. Amara glanced behind her and saw darkness. Amara stopped walking. She stared behind her.

Why was she thinking of her brother? Why was she having a flashback of them? Why now?


Amara turns her head. It was Poe.

"What is it?" He asks and looks behind her, "Hear anything?"

Amara shakes her head, "I thought I did, but I guess I was hearing things." She lies.

Poe nods.

They the two of them moves forward down the tunnels to catch up with their team. Amara however, looked down at the ground and frowns. If she was thinking about her brother, chances are, Ben is on Pasaana.

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