
; Chewie, Poe, Finn, and Amara approached Rey. Rey was stepping away from the Falcon. Speaking of the Falcon, the ship looked to be in better shape than Poe had left it.

Poe has a small smile on his face, "So you got her up and running?" He asks stepping behind her.

Rey glanced at him, "You were right before, Poe."

Poe furrows his eyebrows. He isn't too certain what the young Jedi was claiming he was right about. Sure, he takes pride in being right, but at the moment he isn't too sure what he was right about.

"I'm going to pick up Luke's search for Exegol and start where his trail went cold, in the forbidden desert of Pasaana." Rey tells him.

Rey had walked over to him. She face him down the entire time she spoke to him. She did that as a way to seem respectful to tell him directly.

Poe gives a small smile on his face still, "Yeah. We know, actually. We're coming with you." He tells her.

Poe walks pass her and begins to ask Chewie about the compressor, that left Rey standing in front of Finn and Amara. Rey was stunned by Poe's response.

Rey turns to Finn, "I need to do this alone." She tells him.

Part of her wanted Finn to understand. He was always on her side in these sorts of things. Whenever her Jedi training came in the way of missions, Finn defended her claiming she needed time. He was always there for her.

Finn gives a smile, "Yeah, alone with friends." Finn says.

Amara gives a small smile.

Rey shakes her head, "No. This could be dangerous." She tells them.

Amara reached out and touched Rey's shoulder. Rey's gaze turned to Amara. Rey looks at Amara, she sees Amara gives a small comforting smile.

"We go together," She says, "We're a family."

Rey opens her mouth but Amara stops her.

"Rey," She says, "Nothing you can say will change our minds. We're coming with you."

Rey just nods.

Standing a little afar from the Falcon was Leia. Both Amara and Rey turn to the older woman, both had sensed her presence.

Rey moves from Amara's grasp and walked over to the older woman. Leia held her arms out and pulled the younger woman into her embrace. Rey held onto Leia tightly. Leia was the closest thing she had to a mother.

Amara stood there watching. She watched Leia stroke Rey's hair the same way she'd do for Amara. Amara saw her mother look up at her, the two connected their gaze on each other for a moment before Leia looks away. Leia looks away to pull Rey out of the hug. Amara noticed her mother saying things to Rey, which Amara took that to gesture Finn to move toward the Falcon with her.

Give them space.

Amara walked toward the Falcon but paused once she got on the ramp. Her gaze turned to the older woman again. Leia was still speaking to Rey. Amara saw Leia look back at her. Leia gives Amara a smile and a wave directed for her. Amara returns a wave to her mother and a smile, before following Finn inside the Falcon.


, Rey and Chewie were in the pilot seats. Chewie in co-pilot and Rey pilot. Finn, Poe, and Amara took seats in the seats behind the pilots seats. They strapped on and ready to go. When they took off, they were in hyperspace for a while. Rey switches to auto-pilot and then turns to Finn, Poe, and Amara.


"You guys can get up." Rey says, "It'll be half an hour before we arrive."

Amara unbuckles herself first, afterwards was Finn and Poe. The three of them headed out of the cockpit first, then followed by Rey. Chewie barked how he'll remain in the cockpit Finn and Poe headed to the lounge, maybe to get a game in before arriving to Pasaana. Rey stood at the entrance of the cockpit and noticed Amara still in the hall. From the distance Rey heard BB-8 beeping and the sound of 3PO's voice.

Rey walked over, "So is there any specific reason you decided to come along?" She asks.

Amara looked at Rey, "I told you, Rey. We're a family. Family sticks together."

Rey nods but adds, "I know that, but weeks ago you were uncertain about returning to the battlefield. Plus the realization of your vision taking place on Exegol and with the Emperor." She says.

Amara sighs, "I know," She says, "I- I was shaken from that realization, but I'm okay. We're going to find the Sith wayfinder and stop the Final Order."

Rey gives Amara a small smile, "Well I am glad you're here with me, Amara." She says, "I don't know if I'd honestly want to do this alone."

Amara reached over and held onto Rey's hand. Rey turned to her hand being held by Amara's hand, then looked up to Amara. The young woman looks at the slightly older woman with a small smile.

"Like I said, we're family." Amara says, "We've spent a year getting close. You're like a sister, Rey. I protect family."

Rey nods, "I know."

Rey didn't need to know about her vision, is what Amara told herself. She didn't need to know what Ben was going to do.

"Let's go check on the boys," Amara says.

Rey gives a small smile, "Alright."

Rey begins to walk and Amara follows behind closely. Amara glanced from Rey to what was in front of her. She was thinking. She was going to do everything in her power to protect Rey from her brother and the Emperor.


on Pasaana was similar to Jakku. Amara wouldn't have known, but heard Finn complain about it reminding him of Jakku the second they got out of the Falcon. They hike up a huge sand dune. Amara looked around in amazement. This was probably the second or third time she traveled to another planet for a mission for the Resistance.

"I hope we find what we're looking for here," Finn says, "I think I already have sand in my shoes."

Amara glanced at Finn and couldn't help but almost laugh.

"Why these are the exact coordinates Master Luke left behind." 3PO says turning his body to say to Finn.

Once they all reached the top of the large sand dune, they hear screams of celebrations and explosions. A celebration, a festival, something of that sorts was going on. Large crowds and orange powder in the air.

Poe scratches the side of his face, "What is this?"

Amara stares at the village, "Apparently a celebration of some sorts."

Poe groans, "Of course. Of all days they could've celebrated, they chose today." He sounded irritated.

"The Aki-Aki Festivals of the Ancestors!" 3PO exclaims, "This celebrations occurs once every forty-two years."

Finn frowns, "Well that's lucky," He says.

"Lucky indeed! This festival is known for its colorful kites and delectable sweets!" C-3PO exclaims gleefully.

Rey, Amara, Poe, and Finn looked at 3PO with an annoyed look on their faces. The droid seemed a bit confused. Chewie even shook his head and made a growl sound.


Rey shakes her head, "We should head to the village," She says, "Who knows how long this will take."

And then Rey began to head down first, after Rey was Finn and then Amara, and behind Amara was Poe with Chewie, and 3PO right behind Chewie. They begin down the hill and into the village filled with celebration. Thousands of Aki Aki villagers were dancing and singing throughout the village. It was filled. Crowded to the max.

Poe turns, "There are always random First Order patrols in crowds like this. Keep your head down, Chewie!" Poe yells.

Chewie gives a soft growl back to the pilot and then the Wookiee lowers himself to sort of blend into the crowd.

Amara's eyes scanned the area.

"We should probably split up," Amara says, "See what the locals know."

Rey nods agreeing to that.

And just like that, they all split up. Although, Chewie had decided to stay with Rey and 3PO followed Amara. The boys went together.

Amara walked through the village. Watching the people, the Aki Aki. They were speaking in a language she was unfamiliar with.

"3PO," Amara says.

C-3PO walks over to Amara, "Yes, Miss Amara?"

"Can you speak whatever language the Aki Aki people speak?" Amara asks.

"I speak over six million languages, Miss Amara, I-." 3PO was cut off.

"So you can understand them?" Amara asks.

C-3PO turns to the Aki Aki people and then to Amara, "Why yes, I can."

Amara nods, "Try and see if they'll talk to you. I'll keep my eyes open in case there is any First Order."

The droid nods and waddles away from her. Amara watched C-3PO walk over to two Aki Aki people. They spoke again in a language she doesn't understand.

Amara frowns.

She turns her head towards the right and her eyes narrow.

"3PO!" Amara shouts.

C-3PO turns to Amara, "Miss Amara I am in the middle of-!"

"We have to go," Amara says.

C-3PO seemed annoyed, "And why is that?"

"First Order." Amara says.

She began to move through the streets with 3PO right behind her, as she turns a corner she nearly bumps into Chewie and Rey. Rey glanced at Amara.

"You sensed him?" Rey asks.

Amara nods, "Yeah." She says, "We gotta get the boys and get out of here."

Rey nods.

The four of them moved through the village, trying their best to stay out of sight, but also were looking for their friends. As they turned a corner, they find Finn and Poe walking in their direction. They haven't noticed yet.

"Guys-!" Rey calls out, "Come on."

Poe raised his eyebrows in confusion, "What is it?"

"Hey stop right there!" It was a trooper.

The group turn and the lone trooper halts in his steps. He reaches for his blaster, but looks at them all.

"You are criminals the Supreme Leader is looking for." The trooper says.

He points the blaster at Finn first. The trooper had his finger on the trigger, Amara was reaching for her saber as was Rey. But the two knew if they ignited it there would only be more troopers coming over and they couldn't handle an army alone. But before the trooper could blast Finn, or be stopped by either of them, an arrow went straight through the troopers head and the body hit the ground hard.

Amara's eyes widen.

Standing there was a man dressed in a dark brown robe and wearing a black helmet. He turned from the now dead trooper to the Resistances.

"Follow me," He says.

His voice sounded robotic. Was he a droid? Or was it because of the helmet?

Poe steps forward, "How can we trust you?" He asks.

The man turns to Poe, "One I saved your friend," The mystery man says, "And two I am an old friend."

Amara felt the man look to her. Her head tilt. She seemed a bit confused by that statement, as did the others. They looked to the daughter of Leia.

"Okay," Amara says, "We'll follow you." She says.


on a moving transport with this stranger. All of them; Rey, Amara, Chewie, Poe, Finn, and 3PO with this mystery man who had just saved not only Finn but the others if more First Order troopers arrived.

It was a tight fit for them all.

"Leia sent me a transmission," The man spoke.

The savior walked towards the front of the transport. He slid open a small door and spoke to the driver in another language.

Amara's eyes narrow.

He mentioned Leia. He mentioned her mother. Sure, many people in the galaxy knew her mother, but only a small few called her "Leia". Most called her "princess" or "general", but never "Leia".

"How did you find us?" Finn asks.

The man reaches over and pulls off his helmet. Amara's eyes widen. She was stunned to see who was standing there, eyes of Rey and Finn lingered to Amara. Poe seemed to grin lightly knowing the man and the Wookiee growled with a gleeful growl.

It was none other than Lando Calrissian.

"Wookiee's stand out in crowds," Lando says with a grin.

Chewie embraces his old friend in a hug. Lando held onto the Wookiee and the two let out a chuckle, but in Chewie's case a growl.

Lando pulls back and looks at Amara, "Is that my goddaughter?" He asks, "My, my you've grown so much."

Amara smiles, "Uncle Lando."

Amara moves over so quickly and hugs Lando tightly. Lando almost fell back because of Amara's force. He held onto her tightly though.

He lightly chuckles, "It's good to see you too, kiddo."

Amara pulls back and smiles, "You too."

Tears were in her eyes.

C-3PO turns to Rey and Finn, "This is General Calrissian."

Finn and Rey seemed a bit shocked. They have heard the name in stories from Leia, from Poe, from Amara, and even Chewie. Lando is a war hero from the days of the Empire. He piloted the Falcon in the past. He is a legend.

"It's an honor, General Calrissian," Finn smiles.

Lando gives a smile to how starstuck Finn is with Lando.

Poe steps over, "General Calrissian," He says, "We're here looking for Exegol."

Lando's smile fades, "Of course you are."

Lando pressed a button on his watch. Once he did that, an image projected. The projection was the Sith wayfinder.

Rey looks at the hologram and then to the general, "Only two reminds," Rey says, "A Sith wayfinder. Luke had come here to find one."

Lando lets out a chuckle, "I know. I was with him."

Rey, Amara, Finn, and Poe seemed to share a shocked expression. Rey and Finn glanced at each other before turning back to the general.

"Luke and I were tailing an old Jedi hunter." He pressed his watch to reveal a person's face, "Ochi of Bestoon, he was carrying a clue that could lead to the wayfinder. We followed his ship halfway across the galaxy here. When we got to his ship, it was abandoned and no wayfinder."

Amara glanced at Lando, "Is his ship still around?"

"It's still out in the desert where he left it." Lando answers.

Rey turns to the group, "We need to get to that ship and search it." She tells them.

A roar sound in the air got their attention. A TIE Fighter. Lando looked outside the small opening and frowns.

"I've got a bad feeling about this," Lando says and turns to Rey, "Ochi's ship is out past Lurch canyon. Go!"

They all nod.

Poe glanced at Lando, "Thank you, general."

Poe heads out first with Finn behind, Chewie and 3PO followed after, and Rey glanced back before heading out. Amara lingered for a moment.

"I know you want to tell me so much, kid, but another time." Lando says.

Amara nods, "I'll see you soon." She says.

Lando nods.

And with that said, Lando watch the daughter of his best friend leave. A smile lingers on Lando. He knew of the passing of his dear old friend, Han. He knew of it for some time, the word spread through the galaxy. But he saw some of Han in Amara just as he saw Leia in her. His friend lives on not only through the Force, but through his daughter.

"Good luck, kid." Lando says to himself.

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