
of silence. Leia had ordered Poe and Finn to take Amara someplace quieter. And with less people around. Rose stayed with though. They're a family after all. Amara sat inside Leia's office with her friends. She sat at her mother's desk. Her hands in her hair. She was still grappling with this new information.

She had seen Exegol. She knows that now. She had heard his voice. This voice lingers in her nightmares and now are haunting her every thought. She sensed the concern from Poe, Finn and Rose. Neither the three of them could understand this. They weren't Force sensitive. They didn't have visions. This wasn't their burden.

Then Amara blinked at a sudden feeling.

"Amara," Poe spoke bringing her out of her thoughts, "You- You okay?"

Rose then adds, "Need us to get Leia?"

Amara turns to her friends. She studies their faces. And a sense of it being a bad habit read them. They were being truly concerned. But when she looked at Finn, she got some sort of realization that she almost stood up and announced it, but it wasn't her place.

Instead Amara just shook her head.

"My mom- Leia doesn't need to come." Amara says, "I- I need a minute."

Poe just nods.

He watches as Amara lowers her head back into her hands. There was nothing he could do about this. Any of this. He felt so useless. He was just a pilot. A good pilot, but he was only that. There wasn't more he could offer. He couldn't offer her the comfort Leia could or Rey with their connection to the Force.

Rose clears her throat, "I'll get you some water." Rose says.

Amara only nods.

Finn glanced from Poe to Rose, "I'll come with you."

The two look at each other, sensing the couple needed time together. Poe felt his pal put his hand on his shoulder before parting with Rose. Poe waited a few moments before Rose and Finn left and walked over to Amara. He touched her arms as he knelt down on the ground.

"Amara," Poe says, "Talk to me."

Amara lifts her head up and sighs, "How could I have been so blind?" She says, "I- I was contacted by the Emperor a year ago. If- If I had been better then I could've- we could've been on top of this."

Poe brushes her hair behind her ear, "Amara, you couldn't have known that." He says, "This isn't your fault."

Amara frowns, "How can it not?" She asks, "This war? This entire galaxtic battle? Skywalker. Palpatine. Jedi. Sith. This has been in my bloodline since the days of the Clone Wars."

Poe frowns.

"I- I am- trapped in a cycle of some destiny." She says.

Poe looks at her, "And what is it?"

Amara kept her gaze on him, "A Skywalker serves Palpatine and then a Skywalker stops him." She says, "Ben sold his soul to the darkness and I haven't-."

Poe exhales, "We will face off against Palpatine. You will not go alone." He says, "First off we don't even know how to find Exegol."

"I've seen it," Amara says, "Maybe- Maybe I- I can sense it?"

Poe held onto her hands, "You're reaching, Amara."

Amara sighs and looks at the ground, "I guess." She says.

Entering in Leia's quarters was Torrin. The two have grown in the year they've been in the Resistance. Torrin has become a pilot and Janan has become a solider.


"Commander Dameron and Commander Solo," Torrin says and salutes, "I apologize for interrupting."

Poe stands up, "Not at all, Private Kallus. What is it?"

"Leia wishes to see you in the command center." Torrin says.

Poe nods, "Very well, thank you."

Torrin nods and then takes his leave.

Poe turns to Amara and a small grin appeared on Poe's face. A genuine grin that has been missing from the pilot's face in a year.

"He has seriously come around since the last time I saw him," Poe says.

Amara stands up, "Him and Janan both. Torrin has really proven to be quite a good pilot for the Resistance while you've been with the Falcon."

"Are you saying he's a better pilot than me?" Poe asks.

Amara held a grin, "Not better, just younger."

Poe made a face, "Oh I see how it is."

Amara interrupts his possible rant to then kiss him on the lips. Both realizing that they hadn't kiss when he arrived on Ajan Kloss. The last time they had kiss was the night before the mission, because Poe didn't want to wake Amara that morning.

She pulls back, "Don't get jealous. My eyes are only on one pilot." She says.


been taken to Rey's tent after Amara's realization. Part of Leia wanted to be with her daughter, but Rey had asked to speak with her after Poe and Finn took her off to somewhere quieter. Leia suggested her office.

Rey speaks up, "I think I know how to get us to Exegol." She says.

Rey sits down on a bed inside the tent Rey had dragged Leia into. Leia remain standing, but was looking down at the younger woman.

"Tell me." Leia says.

"Luke searched for it, for a long time. He nearly found it!" Rey exclaimed.

Rey rose to her feet as she flip through pages of the old Jedi text that she had taken from the island she first began her Jedi training.

"There are cyphers here that I cannot read, but in order to get there, you need one of these." Rey holds the image to Leia.

Leia stares at the image. A Sith wayfinder.

"A Sith wayfinder," Rey says, "To stop what we both know is coming. I need to finish what Luke started. Find Exegol. Find the Emperor."

"Rey," Leia says.

Rey looks at Leia, "I have to do what must be done."

With that said, Rey exited the tent.

Leia sighs and put a hand over her face. The girl was determined. That was for damn sure. Leia stepped out of the tent and noticed Torrin.

"Private Kallus," Leia spoke, "Tell Commander Dameron and Commander Solo I wish to speak with them in the command center."

Torrin nods, "Yes ma'am." He salutes and runs off.


command center, the three stood. Leia had kicked out everyone minus them and C-3PO. Poe stood near the general whereas Amara was sitting.

"She's going to find Exegol herself?" Amara asks.

Leia nods, "She believes she needs to finish what Luke started."

Poe's eyes drift to Amara.

Amara felt his eyes on her.

"She can't do it alone." Poe says.

Leia nods, "I agree." She says, "And I was thinking you, Amara, Finn, and Chewie go with her. Hell take 3PO with you."

C-3PO seemed stunned, "Er- what?"

Amara rose to her feet, "You sure you want me on the front lines?"


Leia looks at her daughter, "Honestly, no. But what I sense from you, Amara, you've grown stronger than I could've offered you."

Amara looks down a bit ashamed.

Leia stepped over and cupped her daughter's face. In doing so, Amara looked up at her mother. Amara sees a smile on Leia's face. A proud smile.

"You spoke to him," Leia smiles, "I'm glad he was able to train you in ways I could not."

Amara seemed a bit stunned. Her eyes drifted to Poe and then to her mom. She opened her mouth and shut it a few times, but no words came out.

"You didn't have to keep it from me, dear. I- I knew for a long time. You have nothing to be ashamed of." Leia says, "Luke was trained by my father's old master even passed the land of the living."

C-3PO spoke up, "My am I hearing properly, did Miss Amara speak to Master Ani?"

Poe glanced at 3PO, "Master Ani?"

Amara kept her eyes on her mother but answered, "An old nickname of my grandfather, Poe."

Poe glanced to Amara and just nodded.

Leia kissed the top of Amara's head, "I sense you'll be fine on this journey. I believe in you, Amara. I always have. I need you to believe in yourself."

Amara nods.

Leia hugs her daughter tight. It felt warm and comforting, but at the same time something felt weird about this hug to Amara. Something about it she couldn't put her finger on.

Amara pulls back and says, "You'll be waiting for me when I return?"

Leia cups her daughter's cheek, "Darling, I'll always be here."

Amara says nothing but held onto her mother's hands.

"I promise," Leia says.

The two rested their foreheads on each other. This was their silent way of saying goodbye. They pulled back and Amara nods to Leia.

"Come on 3PO," Amara says, "Let's find Finn and Chewie to fill them in."

C-3PO seemed against it, "I do not think I'd be needed on this mission, ma'am."

Leia turns to the droid, "You're going, 3PO."

"Yes, General," 3PO says.

Amara gestures to the droid to follow her, which he does. Poe watches Amara and 3PO leave the command center. He lingered a little behind.

"Poe," Leia says, "You look after her."

Poe shrugs as he looks back at his general, "Amara can handle herself." He says.

Leia nods, "I know that but please tell me you will look out for her."

Poe looks at his general more intensely than before. It was something in the tone of her voice and her eyes that made Poe know she knew her daughter is capable of being able to handle herself. It's the mother in her wanting to know she'll be looked after her.

Poe nods and steps over, "I will, Leia."

Leia nods.

The commander steps over to his general. Leia placed her hand to cup his face and Poe allowed it. Leia has been the motherly figure he was missing since he was a child.

"Promise me one more thing, Commander Dameron." Leia says.

"Yes, Leia?" Poe asks.

Leia smirks, "When this is all over, ask my daughter to marry you already."

Poe couldn't help but lightly laugh which in turn made Leia lightly laugh.

"I mean it," She got a little serious, "This war can't be the only thing you are known for."

Poe nods.


all met up outside of the cave near the ships. Chewie and Finn were with Poe, Amara and C-3PO.

"You doing okay?" Finn asks, "When Rose and I went back to Leia's office, we saw you were gone. And then Chewie came saying that we have a mission."

Amara gives the man a small smile, "I'm fine, Finn."

Chewie growls.

Amara turns to Chewie, "Honestly, Chewie. I'm just- just a bit shaken." She says, "But forget about me. Like you said, we have a mission."

Finn nods awkwardly, "Yeah what is it exactly?"

Poe crosses his arms over his chest, "Rey wants to find Exegol and stop the Emperor."

Finn glanced to his friend, "What?" He asks, "Alone?"

Amara gives a sad smile, "It's Rey. She'll take the responsible as if she was destined to hold the burden." She says.

Poe couldn't help but glance at Amara. Moments ago, Amara was going on about this cycle she was stuck in due to being in the Skywalker bloodline. A little bit ironic, he thought.

Finn shakes his head, "Well she isn't going to do this alone."

Poe nods, "Exactly." He says, "Which is why we're going to go with her."

Amara glanced at Poe and nods as she turns to Finn.

Chewie growls at Amara.

His statements, or rather question, was about if her vision when she was on Exegol and speaking to the Emperor could give her any clues.

Amara gives a sad smile, "Honestly, it doesn't give much to help find the planet. We have to find a Sith wayfinder. That's the key to finding Exegol." She says.

Poe nods, "So pack up you two." He says, "We'll be leaving soon."

Finn and Chewie nod.

Poe watches Finn head to his quarters and Chewie was going to the Falcon. The Wookiee didn't have many possessions, and the stuff he had stayed on the Falcon. The Falcon was home.

Poe's eyes drift from the Wookiee to Amara. She twisted part of her hair as she stared at her late father's ship.

"You ready for this?" Poe asks as he stepped over to her, "You haven't had a mission since Lothal."

Amara gives a sad smile, "And that was a year ago."

Poe reached over and grabbed her arm for comfort. Amara's gaze turned to him now. He turns her to face him.

"Honestly, are you going to be okay?" He asks.

Amara shrugs, "Probably not." She says, "But we should stop wasting time. We need to get a move on."

Poe nods.

He kisses her on the forehead. His hands resting on her shoulders and her hands holding onto his arm. She closed her eyes briefly for the kiss on her forehead, only to open when he parted back.

"Meet you back here in a few minutes," Poe says.

Amara nods, "Yes, Commander Dameron." She says.


what was important is what Amara did. In a bag carried some fresh clothes and her weapons. Her blaster, which she rarely used but cleaned it often, and her lightsaber. Amara slugged the bag on her shoulder. She stared at her quarters one last time before going on this adventure.

She paused. She felt her attention being drawn, no pulled. A Force sensing somewhere. She knew it. She knew the place. Amara put her hands on her head.

"No," She shakes her head, "No. No."

She back up and hit her back against the wall. She dropped her bag. She slowly sank to the floor. Her hands still holding onto her head.

Suddenly, everything around Amara changed. She was no longer in her quarters. She was no longer on Ajan Kloss, but instead on another planet. She was standing, unlike how she was in her quarters. She knew this planet. She had never visited it, but had heard stories of this planet from her parents.

It was Mustafar.

Amara sees him. She sees Ben or rather Kylo Ren. She sees him striking down people. But not just any people, they were worshipers of Darth Vader. Her grandfather. She watches as her brother murders these worshipers. Causing so much destruction around her.

Amara's vision shifts. Things get hazy and then she is standing next to her brother. He is holding something triangular.

She looks at it, "The Sith wayfinder." She looks at it then to Ben.

Her eyebrows furrow.

So he found one. Great.

Then her vision shifted around her again. This time, after her vision began clear she was on the ground. On her stomach. She looks at the ground. It was familiar. The sounds of lightning. She knew this dark planet. She stood up and looked around her.


She sees her brother pass her. She begins to follow after him. She noticed familiar surroundings. The statues. The Sith statues. They walked down the very hallway she had encountered the lightning from the Emperor. She wasn't ready, but she had to see this. She hears his voice before she even sees him. She hugs herself tightly, his voice made chills slide down her spine.

"At last," The voice of Palpatine spoke.

Lightning cracked again, causing Amara to jump. She ran a little forward and ended up standing next to Kylo Ren, who didn't see her.

Neither Kylo Ren or Palpatine saw her. She was invisible to them.

"Snoke trained you well." Palpatine says.

Kylo Ren grits his teeth, "I killed Snoke." He retorts with, "I'll kill you."

Amara stares at her brother. She sees his lightsaber ignited, how did she miss that before? She looks from him to what was in front of them, nothing but the exit of the hallway.

"My boy," Palpatine grins, "I made Snoke."

Amara felt her chest tightened. Amara glanced over and saw Kylo Ren. His hand clenched his saber handle tighter. Any tighter and the handle might snap into two pieces. He grits his teeth.

"I have been every voice," Palpatine says.

Amara felt a chill.

"You have ever heard." Palpatine's voice changes to Snoke.

Amara glanced at her brother. His expression was filled with anger. In some weird way, she wanted to reach out to him, but a sane part of her told her that he was a killer.

"Inside your head." The voice of Darth Vade spoke.

Amara looks around the room they had just entered. It was a lab. Some sort of tanks were stuffed around the room. Inside the tanks had human shaped figures inside. Amara saw something that made her gasp and take a step back. It was Snoke. Actually, multiple versions dumped into a tank. Snoke wasn't real, like he had told them, well actually Kylo Ren, Amara was just eavesdropping.

"The First Order was just the beginning. I will give you so much more." Palpatine says.

"You'll die first," Kylo Ren says with his newfound anger.

Amara watched her brother peer into the tanks. He pulled back and began to move further into the room. Amara followed behind.

"I have died before," Palpatine says.

Amara turned around. Lightning continued to flash and a hooded figure who was attached to a crane became visible to them.

"The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural." Palpatine says.

Amara finally sees him. The light illuminates his ghostly white face and milky eyes. He looks as if he were to be a monster in children's tales to keep them in line. Amara watched Kylo Ren's saber point at the wrinkly face of the Sith before them. Amara glanced from her brother and then to Palpatine.

"What could you give me?" Kylo Ren asks.

Amara steps forward, "Ben, no-."

She reached for him but her hand went through him. She couldn't be heard. She couldn't be seen. She was just an observer. Nothing more.

A wicked grin appeared on the Emperor's face, "Everything." He says, "To you my new apprentice."

Amara shakes her head and stepped next to her brother. Her conflict with dealing with how she feels about her brother has never really changed, but she knew that this was not going to end well for her brother.

"Ben-," Amara says, "No. Don't."

Still again, she was not heard or seen.

Noises and cracks were happening beneath their feet. Amara looked down at the ground for a moment before lifting her gaze, she sees Palpatine lean forward. He was leaning forward for Ben, no Kylo Ren.

"A new empire," Palpatine says.

Amara looks up at the ships. They stopped in midair. She looks from that to the Emperor and then to her brother.

"The might of the Final Order will soon be ready. It will be yours if you do as I ask. Kill the girl. End the Jedi and become what your grandfather could not." Palpatine says.

Kylo Ren hesitates to lower his saber, "The girl? My sister?"

Palpatine shakes his head, "I have plans for Amara Solo."

Amara's eyes drift to the Emperor.

"You will rule all the galaxy as the new emperor, but beware she is not who you think she is." Palpatine says.

It suddenly clicked for Amara. The girl. Who Palpatine wanted her brother to kill. It was so obvious now.

Kylo Ren lowers his saber, "Who is she?"

Before more could be said, Amara opened her eyes back in her quarters. She was laying on the ground. She was panting. She lifted herself up from the ground. She grabbed her bag and swallowed whatever nerves she had to pretend to seem fine as she left her quarters to find her friends to leave Ajan Kloss. Amara may be on a mission to help Rey find the Sith wayfinder and stop the Final Order, but Amara had a second mission.

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