
has passed. Amara awaken before sunrise as it has become her habit in the last few months. She had ran off into the jungle of Ajan Kloss armed with her saber and a comm link, in case she hears about Poe's return from his mission before making it back to base.

She ran through the jungle. Jumping into the air and flipping over a log.

Since she had spent all her time focusing on training, her abilities were something not to question. Sure, her vision of a year ago on Yavin 4 was never addressed. The man and the planet, but she had learned that somethings may not be answered. And that she'd need to move on. Amara reached her location and climbed up the rock formation. She didn't even tie a vine to her waist anymore. She was that comfortable with her ability.

Once she reached the top, she was met with the Force ghost of Anakin Skywalker.

"Here to watch the sunrise, Amara?" Anakin teases.

Amara smirks and shakes her head, "Not at all Master Skywalker," She says, "I'm ready for training."

Anakin sighs, "I've taught you everything you need to know, Amara. You don't need me anymore." He says.

Amara's eyebrows furrow, "Sure I do," She answers.

"You know how to fight properly. You know how to control your feelings and emotions through battle. You even know how to do the Jedi mind trick." Anakin lists off, "You can levitate things through the Force. Do you want me to go on?"

Amara pouts, "Come on grandpa," She teases that word in his face, "There has to be something else you haven't taught me."

Anakin hesitates for a moment. But despite his best efforts, Amara saw it. She took a step forward to the Force ghost and pointed to him.

"There is something," She says, "Come on, why are you holding out on me?"

Anakin glanced at her, "Because you aren't ready."

Amara scoffs, "First you say I don't need you anymore and now you say I'm not ready." She crosses her arms on her chest, "Which is it?"

"Both, Amara. You are ready to handle anything Kylo Ren throws at you if you come into battle with him. But you are not ready for that." Anakin says.

"Ready for what exactly?" Amara asks.

Anakin shakes his head, "No. No. We're not going to even discuss it further. Instead, since you want to train just get into position and practice fighting stances."

Amara groans.

"You came here to train, Amara. So that is what we'll do." Anakin says.

Amara groans again and then mutters to herself. She passes her grandfather's Force ghost to head to the center of the top of the rock formation. Meanwhile, Anakin watches his granddaughter ignite her green saber and get into a fighting stance.

"When did I become Obi-Wan?" Anakin says to himself.


putting Jedi text inside a bag. She was in the jungle but not too far out in the jungle. She had been mediating in the jungle during the first part of her day, then went to the training course. Where she got distracted and a tree ended up falling on little BB-8. It damaged him slightly, which Rey knew would irritate Poe. Poe tends to be very protective of the droid. Maybe more than Amara, but then again, Poe and Rey both knew Amara could handle things herself whereas BB-8 was just a small droid.

"I didn't finish the training course, got distracted." Rey says.


She stands up and turns around, standing behind her is Leia. Rey looks at her Jedi master and put the strap of her staff over her shoulders. Rey moved to walk over to Leia, her hands holding onto her staff as she approached the General of the Resistance.

"I'm just not feeling myself," Rey confesses.

Leia sends the young woman a worried look, but doesn't interrupt Rey's train of thought.

"I know it looks- looks like I'm making excuses." Rey says.

Leia shakes her head with a slight eye roll, "Don't tell me what things are, tell me what they are." She tells Rey.

Rey really appreciated Leia. She appreciated every lesson, every wise words given her way, everything. Leia has been everything Rey needed for a teacher and more. A part of Rey felt like she took too much of Leia's time away from Amara, after all, she wasn't the only Force user on Ajan Kloss.

"I think I'm just tired, that's all." Rey says.

Leia could sense something. Rey was afraid of something. Rey knew Leia knew. Leia wasn't stupid. Leia goes to open her mouth to add something to the young woman, when Lieutenant Connix comes running over to them.

"General, the Falcon still hasn't arrived. Commander is asking for some guidance." Connix says.

Leia nods at the Lieutenant, in that way Connix was dismissed.

Leia turns her attention back to Rey. Rey felt Leia's hand rest on her shoulder. Rey looked at the older woman, who was looking at her. However, Rey's eyes drift to the lightsaber attached to her belt. Her hand goes to it, unclipping it from the belt. She holds it out to Leia, offering it to her.

"I will earn your brother's saber, one day." Rey tells Leia.

Leia's eyes went to the saber. Her brother's saber. Her dear Luke. Gone but never truly gone. Her eyes drift back to Rey, before she takes the saber in both hands. BB-8 is beside Rey beeping at her. Rey glanced down at the droid briefly and gives him a smile, before turning her gaze back to Leia.

"No, you can't do it for me." Rey says to BB-8.

Leia had a smirk on her face, "Never underestimate a droid."

Rey nods, "Yes master."


through the jungle. She jumped over logs and ducked under branches. She saw the Falcon from her spot. She saw the Falcon, which meant Poe was back. She had left Anakin so quickly, but Amara was certain he didn't seem to care. After all his claim that Amara didn't need anymore guidance from him, despite claiming there was something else to learn.

Amara pushed through the clearing and that is when she saw the Falcon landing. Partially on fire, but it landed. She saw from where she was Poe, Finn, and Chewie getting out of the Falcon, so she ran over in that direction. As she got closer, the more on fire her father's ship was.

"All of it is on fire!" Poe yells.

At that moment, Amara saw Rey coming over. She must've been told of the Falcon's arrival. Amara and Rey glanced at one an other, giving each other small smiles before moving over. Amara glanced down when she heard beeping.

BB-8 was with Rey.

BB-8 was also hurt.

Amara's eyes snapped from the droid to Rey. Oh, Poe was not going to be okay with this. Rey stepped over to Poe first. She looked from the ship to the pilot.

"Was there a spy?" Rey asks.


Poe glanced over seeing both her and Amara, "We could've really used you two on this mission." He says.

Amara frowns, "Poe,"

Poe shakes his head and ran a hand through his curly untamed hair. Rey glanced at Amara and then back to the pilot.

"How did it go?" Rey asks.

Poe looks down and then back at Rey, "Really bad, actually." He says.

Rey glanced back at the ship. Han's ship. It's condition was not looking good. Fire was getting put out, but that didn't change the fact that it looked really bad.

"What happened to Han's ship?" Rey asks.

Poe's gaze was only on Rey. He sort of furrowed his eyebrows at her, before he spoke, Poe saw his droid. BB-8 was not in perfect condition.

"What did you do to the droid?" Poe asks a little hurt.

Rey glanced down at BB-8 then to the ship, "What did you do to the Falcon?"

"The Falcon is in a lot better shape then he is," Poe's eyes only on the droid.

Rey snaps, "BB-8 isn't on fire!"

Poe's eyes look to Rey, "What's left of him isn't on fire!"

Amara watched this. Poe scoffs and Rey rolls her eyes. The two had their differences and in recent days, it was more apparent. Rey kept her gaze on the pilot.

"Tell me what happened?" Rey asks.

Poe tilts his head, "You first."

Rey gives him a small smile, "You are a very difficult man." She says.

Poe goes to point at her and say something, when Rey saw Finn. Rey moved away from the pilot to her dear friend. Meanwhile, Poe knelt down to BB-8.

Amara followed him, "He'll be okay."

Poe grumbled in response, "I know."

"So what happened to my dad's ship?" Amara asks him.

Poe muttered something.

"What was that?" Amara asks.

Rey and Finn pulled back from their embrace. Both sharing happy smiles on their faces because they were seeing each other again after such a long mission.

"You're back," Rey smiles.

Finn held a smile, "Barely."

Finn looks across to Poe. Poe and Amara both kneeling by BB-8. Finn watched as Poe ran his hand through his hair and Amara reached over to comfort him.

"So, bad mood?" Rey asks.

Finn glanced at her and raised his eyebrows, "Huh?"

Rey points to Poe, "Him?"

"Always," Finn says and grabs Rey's arm and pulls her aside, "It's recently been getting worse though. He had so much hope that you and Amara would come to our aid, you know. And I- I don't want to get in the middle of this." Finn says holding his hands up.

Rey nods as her eyes drift from Finn to Poe. Poe was shaking his head and his voice was a little muffled but sounded a bit irritated. Rey could hear Amara's voice barely, it too sounded a bit annoyed but also muffled.

"So, do we have a spy?" Rey asks turning her attention to Finn.

Finn went to open his mouth to respond, but that is when Chewie came by. He walked over and growled something. Rey's eyes widen and turned to the pilot.

"You lightspeed skipped?" Rey asks him.

Poe groans and stands up, "Yeah, well I got us back here." Poe says looking at Rey.

Rey moves over to Poe, "Poe, the compressor is down." She says.

Amara stands up now, "I just told him that, Rey." She says.

Poe glanced at the two girls, "And like I told Amara, I know that. I was actually there." He says.

Amara could read his irritation. It had been visible on his face since she heard one word out of him.

"You can't lightspeed skip." Rey says.

Poe placed his hands on his hips, "Actually, turns out you can." He says.

And then, then it got worse. Both Rey and Poe began to shout at one an other. How Rey isn't doing her fair share helping the Resistance. Rey going on about how Jedi training is important for her. Amara moves over to stand next to Finn. Her eyes drift to the man. He gives her a small smile and then turns to the two yelling at each other.

Finn, finally having enough, stepped over and tried to defused the situation. In returns, Poe just put his fingers on the bridge of his nose. He shook his head and stormed off, with BB-8 trailing behind him. Rey wasn't done, however, she marched after Poe. Which caused Amara and Finn to quickly go after them.

"What happened?" Rey asks as she follows Poe.

Poe shakes his head, "Bad news, that's what happened." Poe says.

While Poe shook his head, she caught a glimpse of his eyes. She widened her eyes and then she needed to confirm if what she got was true. She turned to Finn. She looked into his eyes and got exactly what she needed.

Amara frowns, "No spy."

Poe lightly chuckles, "You gotta stop doing that without permission, Amara." He stops and turns to her, "That's an invasion of privacy."

They all stopped walking.

Rey looks at Poe, "You didn't answer. No spy?" She asks.

Poe sighs, "No spy."

Rey looks a little frustrated, "Did we make contact with the spy or not?" She asks.

Finn took this one, seeing as he could feel the irritation radiating off Poe's shoulders. He was exhausted and sure so was Finn, but Poe seems to be more exhausted than Finn.

"There is a mole in the First Order that sent us a message." Finn says.

Amara glanced at Finn, "That's better than nothing-,"

Then as they began to walk again, BB-8 lets out some chirps. This chirps indicate what happened to BB-8. Poe had stopped and turns to Rey.

"You dropped a tree on him!" Poe yells.

And then the fighting began yet again. Rey going on about how BB-8 is fine and how it was an accident. Poe being a mother hen over his droid. Meanwhile, both Amara and Finn stood to the side, looking at each other pretty much annoyed and done with them fighting.

"Your turn to defuse it," Finn looks at her.

Amara sighs, "Fine."

That seems to be what Finn and Amara did now. When Poe and Rey would fight, they'd draw straws and decide who would be the one to break it up.

Amara steps in between them, "Guys come on," She says, "We shouldn't be fighting each other."

Rey nods agreeing with Amara, "I agree."

Poe grits his teeth, "You know what- what you two honestly should've been there with us." Poe says, "We needed the extra hands."

Amara frowns, "Poe-,"

"You know I want to be there but-," Rey was cut off.

"Yeah but you're not! You two are just training! Training for what exactly?" Poe spoke to them, "You two are probably the best fighters we have. We need you, out there. Not here."

And with that said, Poe walked off with BB-8 trailing behind him. Probably to deliver the message to Leia.

Both Rey and Amara felt hurt by Poe's words. Differently of course. Rey had her reasons for staying on Ajan Kloss as did Amara. Neither were opened about why they wanted to stay grounded, but they both quietly respected it. Amara stayed behind because she needed to fully trust herself again. She wanted to kill Kylo Ren and she knew in doing so, she'd become the very thing she set out to kill.

She needed to figure out how to trust herself in battle again. It wasn't easy. It was a huge emotional roller coaster. Plus, on top of that, Amara was also figuring out how to cope with everything. Her father's death a year ago, Starkiller, D'Qar, the Raddus, Crait, and Lothal. Lothal was where she experienced torture by the First Order.

Finn looks at the girls, "It's true though," Finn says, "He's only acting like that because he knows you two are strong and he believes in you two."

Amara nods to herself, "Ye- Yeah."

Rey also nods.

Finn reached over and hugged the two girls at the same time. The hug was quite comforting. Finn pulls back and held a smile on his face.

Rey then frowns, "What did the message say?" She asks returning to duty.


gathered to hear the latest from the mission. To hear what the spy had given them. Anything to give them an edge over the Resistance was worth hearing. But this isn't the case.

"We've decoded the code from the First Order, and it confirms the worst." Poe says and sighs before finishing, "Somehow Palpatine returned."

There was gasps in the room. Followed by some whispering by others. Disbelief and confusion was written all over their faces.

Rey glanced to Leia.

Amara's eyes widen. Something in the pit of her stomach made her want to throw up. She felt suddenly shaky and nervous.

"Wait, do we believe this?" Rose spoke up.

"It cannot be the Emperor. He's dead," Said Admiral Ackbar's son.

"Dark science cloning," Beaumont says.

Amara looked at her hands, they were shaking. She lifted her gaze up and saw Finn looking at her with concern. It seems that he is the only one looking at her.

"He's been planning his revenge." Poe says, "His follower have been building something for years. The largest fleet the galaxy has ever known, he calls it the Final Order. In sixteen hours, an attack on all three worlds begin. The Emperor and his fleet have been hiding in the Unknown Regions, on a world called Exegol."

Amara was visibly shaking.

"Amara," Finn mutters quietly, "You're shaking."

Amara says nothing. Tears were threatening to slide down her face.

Things for Amara became hazy. Her hearing sounded muffled as she felt a powerful presence. She barely heard R2-D2. She inhaled deeply and lost her balance causing Finn to hold onto her. In a few moments, all eyes were on her. Rey, Leia, Poe, Rose, and Finn were close to her. Poe was knelt down on the ground next to her, Finn was still holding onto her, Rey and Rose knelt in front of Amara, and Leia stood in front of her.

"Amara?" Leia asks.

"I- I know now." Amara says.

"Know what?" Poe asks.

Amara's eyes were on Rey, "My vision on Yavin 4 was on Exegol. I spoke directly to the Emperor a year ago." Amara says.

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