
DAWN CAME without warning. And Amara was nearly exhausted. Her morning was spent in meetings for the first part of her day, having breakfast with Connix and Rose, and then sneaking off to go "mediate" for a few hours. Leia okayed it. So she didn't feel nearly as guilty as heading out, but she was told to take a comm with her.

Amara reached the top of her perch. She loved the view. She loved the serenity the view made her feel. Amara didn't decide to go into a mediation, instead she walked to the edge of the rock formation and sat down. She had her feet hanging off the edge and stared at the view. The wind blew through her hair and she smiles.

"Not even trying to mediate, I see." Spoke the voice of Anakin.

Amara turns, "Gonna blame it on my Solo genes?" She asks with a smirk.

Anakin gives a humorous grin, "Maybe."

Amara turns her back to her grandfather's Force ghost and takes in everything. He moved over to stand next to her. Anakin looks down at Amara, she seems to be in a cheery mood.

"So, why are you in such a good mood?" Anakin asks.

Amara glanced up at him, "Wow way to make it seem like all I am is a downer." She says.

Anakin lightly chuckles, "Well you aren't nearly this cheerful looking." He says.

Amara glanced back at the view, "Poe should be back today." She says with a smile, "I haven't seen him in so long and I- I miss him a lot."

Anakin gives a small smile.

"Mom is wanting to give him, Finn, and Chewie time to recover from their missions. They've been gone so long." Amara says.

"It will be nice for you to have someone else to talk to than me," Anakin says and glanced back at her, "So will that mean you won't be coming here for training while he's back?"

Amara lifts her gaze to him, "No- Uh, yes? Uh- um, I don't know." She says.

Anakin kept his gaze on her, "Which is it, Amara?" He asks.

Amara scoots back and then stands up. She turns her back to the Force ghost and walks to the center of the rock formation. She ran a hand through her hair before turning back to Anakin.

"I don't know, really. No one knows this is where I come for mediation and only Poe knows that I've been contacting you." Amara kept her hand in her hair, "I know the Force can be a sensitive subject for him after what happened to him- but I can't not be training."

"You can train with the girl from Jakku," Anakin says, "Rey."

Amara glanced at him, "I mean- yeah."

Amara looked up at the sky above her.

Rey and Amara do train, but after they spend time training together they go their own ways. And they usually train in sparring. Rey runs through the jungle and Amara comes here.

"You two can help each other," Anakin says, "Help shine lights on weakness and help guide for improvement."

Amara glanced at him, "Is this the sort of lessons you'd give as a Jedi Master?"

Anakin sighs, "We were at war," He says, "Things were different."

Amara shrugs, "Not too different, gramps. I'm in the middle of a galactic war, myself." She gives a big smile.

Anakin steps over to her, "This is a do as I say, not as I do." He says.


Amara grumbles a little as Anakin walks pass her. She mutters something under her breathe. Anakin glanced at her, she had her back to him. A small smile appeared on his face.

"Now, ignite your saber." Anakin says, "Time for training."

Amara reaches for her saber attached to her belt. She grabs the handle with her right hand and then ignites it. The green blade glowing.

"Yes, Master Skywalker." Amara says.

Anakin groans, "How many times do I have to say, stop calling me that?" He asks.

Amara grins, "I don't know, I think it's funny to see you irritated."

Anakin groans, "Force, this must be what Obi-Wan had to deal with during my training." Anakin did a facepalm.


THE FALCON lands earlier than expected, like way earlier than expected. When Poe, Finn, and Chewie get out of the Falcon, they're greeted by Connix and Leia.

"Welcome back," Leia says.

Poe comes walking over, "General-,"

He was about to continue when Leia held her hand up to stop the commander. Poe flashed a look of confusion at his general.

"Debriefing can wait," Leia says, "Why don't you three get a shower, eat, rest, something to relax."

"But General, this information-," Poe goes on taking a step forward.

"It can wait a few hours," Leia tells her best pilot, "Besides, I'm certain someone would be very excited to see you."

Poe blinked and then realized, Amara wasn't here. At least wasn't here greeting him. He would've assumed she would've heard the transmission of him coming to the base.

"Where is she?" Poe asks.

Connix grins a little, "She left a little while ago into the jungle for her mediation." She says, "General, I can try contacting her through her comm?"

Poe shakes his head, "Uh- just point me in the direction of where she mediates and I- I can find her." He says.

Leia gives him a look, "You sure?" She asks, "Even I don't know where it is."

Poe nods, "I'm sure." He turns to Finn, "I'll see you later, buddy."

Finn nods and clasped the back of Poe's shoulder, "Yeah."

Connix pointed out a path that Amara takes, she just gave him vague directions because no one really knew where she was at.

Poe heads into the jungle. He followed along the path. He looks down and noticed the ware in the ground because of how often it's traveled. He continued through the jungle. He had to duck over branches and jump over a few logs. He glanced to his right and noticed a stream, but continued through the jungle.

After what felt like ten minutes walking in the jungle he found the path stopping near a hill or mountain, but it was a rock formation. He walked over to the side and noticed vine resting at the top of the formation. He also heard a muffled voice.

Poe began to climb up the rock formation. He nearly slipped once, but somehow managed not to let out a yell. He continued climbing until he reached the top. It was there he watched Amara. Amara was swinging her saber in a way that almost looked like she was dancing. She looked gracefully but also impressive. Poe, still hanging on the edge, noticed a blue ghostly figure nearby.

Poe goes to pull himself up, but as he climbed up he made a little noise. Amara stopped what she was doing. She turned off her saber and Poe even noticed the ghostly figure vanished.


Amara gasped, "Poe-!"

At first there was confusion written all over her face. A moment past and then the confusion turned to realization.

"Poe!" Amara shouts.

Poe moved away from the edge to brace for Amara hugging him. She threw herself on him and held him tight.

"You're back-! You're back!" Amara yells, "Wait?"

She lets go of him and looks at him in confusion. She moves to her comm and picks it up, she was studying it.

"What's wrong?" Poe asks.

"Did my comm break? Why didn't they contact me?" Amara asks.

"I asked them not to," Poe says, "I wanted to surprise you."

Amara held a smile on her face, "I appreciate it." She put her saber on the hilt of her belt, "This is my secret spot so don't tell. Please."

Poe looks around, "I can see why you must like it." He grins seeing the view, "I bet the stars look incredible at nighttime."

Amara looks up at the sky, "Wouldn't know." She says.

Poe raises his eyebrows, "What do you mean?"

Amara glanced at him, "Mom doesn't like me out here alone when it's past dark. I sort of got lectured when I returned after sunset," She grins lightly, "Even Rey had been back at the base when I was still here."

Poe gives her a small smile, "So this is where you train and mediate?" He asks.

Amara nods, "I don't fully train here, but this is a spot. A special spot." She says.

Poe watches as Amara heads to the edge that he had just climbed up on, he watches her tie the vine around her waist and turn to him.

"Come on, we should be getting back." Amara says, "Plus if you just got back chances are you haven't debriefed yet."

Poe had a small grin on his face, "The General says it can wait a few hours."

Amara sat on the edge, "And by the time we get back to the base, she'll be demanding that debrief."


THE WALK back to the base was just as nice as the walk to Amara's spot. Poe looked at the sky through the trees and then glanced to Amara.

"So they don't know why you train so far away?" Poe asks.

Amara shakes her head, "I've convinced them its because I need privacy for mediation." She says, "I mean I think Rey understands but I think my mom is too smart. I think she knows I have reasons for wanting to be away from everyone."

Poe nods, "To contact the Force ghost of your grandfather?"

Amara glanced at him, "Yeah," She says.

"I- I think I saw him before," Poe says, "But when you noticed me the ghostly figure faded."

Amara gives him a small grin, "Don't take offense to that," Amara says, "He probably knew the second you arrived I'd be leaving for the day."

Poe glanced at her, "You're going back there tomorrow?" He asks.

Amara glanced at him before looking forward, "Yes- uh no. Maybe? I don't know." She says, "I want to spend as much time with you while you're here, but I can't neglect my training."

Poe rubs the back of his neck, "Well why don't I sit through your training one day?" He suggests.

Amara glanced at him fully. She looked a bit shocked. Her feet stopped moving. Poe seemed to notice that, he stopped moving and turns to fully face her.

"You- You mean that?" Amara asks.

Poe nods, "Yeah, I do." He says, "Look I've been doing some thinking and asking for you to stop training and go on these missions isn't far. I mean- you never had a proper teacher. You just acted on instinct and if this is helping you get better, well- I don't want to ruin it."

Amara gives him a small smile, "Thank you."

Poe gives her a smile, "But I'd love to have you back." He says.

Amara nods, "I know what you mean." She says.

She begins to walk and Poe follows along side her. Poe stuffs his hands in his pockets, he glanced over to notice Amara's right hand twisting her hair behind her ear.

"But since Lothal," Amara says, "After what happened to me there,"

There was a bit of hesitation in her voice. Poe kept his gaze on her. He didn't really push much on what happened to her on Lothal. He didn't ask about the extend of the torture done at the hands of the First Order. He was just a shoulder for her to cry on if she woke up with nightmares or just needed an ear to vent.

"I- I didn't feel like I could trust myself." Amara says, "I nearly did something that wasn't me. I wanted to murder my brother and at that moment I would've been okay with it."

Poe hears her sigh. Amara closes her eyes and then opens them. She lifts her hands up to look at them before contracting them into fists.

"I've done plenty of mediation and- and the one thing I know for a fact is I cannot kill my brother." She says, "As much as Kylo Ren has done to the galaxy, I- I just can't."

Poe pulled his hands out of his pockets. He reached over and grabbed her hand, Amara loosen her fingers and allowed Poe to hold her hand.

"Have you decided on how to handle the conflict with Kylo Ren?" Poe asks, "Do you think he can be saved or not?"

Amara looks at Poe, "Honestly?" She sighs again, "I'm still torn with it. I've done so much mediating, speaking with Rey and Leia, and even Anakin but- I am still torn."

Poe glanced at her, "Anakin? You've asked your Force ghost of a grandfather about this?" He asks.

Amara glanced away and nods, "He keeps telling me to try and communicate with Luke. But I-," Amara uses her other hand to grab a hold of her head in frustration, "I can't get through to him. I don't think he wants to talk to me."

Poe kept his gaze on her, "And what does Anakin think?"

Amara let go of her head and looks at him, "That I'm not focusing hard enough," She pouts, "And that I'm impatient."'

Poe couldn't help but laugh.

Amara looks at him, "Not funny."

Poe nods, "A little."

Amara rolls her eyes, "Fine, whatever. Laugh it up, flyboy." She says.

Poe grins, "Oh I will."

At that moment, Amara and Poe had arrived back onto base. Poe and Amara continued to hold hands as they headed up to the Resistance base. Passing some pilots, who were exciting welcoming Poe back due to not seeing him when Poe initially arrived. Amara and Poe entered the cave. Amara's eyes moved to Rey's spot, where Finn and Rey were talking. Then Amara sensed someone, her eyes drift.


"Looks like I'm right, flyboy." Amara say tapping his shoulder, "Time to debrief."

Poe gives a charming grin, "Yeah well, it's apart of the job." He shrugs and then asks, "Will you still be here when I get back?"

"On base, yes." Amara says, "At this actual location, no. So just find me on the Tantive IV, either my quarters or the mess hall."

Poe nods.

Poe walks off, letting go of Amara's hand as he approaches Leia. Amara watches as Leia gives Poe a soft smile and gestures for him to follow her.


Amara turns and sees Finn and Rey coming over. Amara gives them a smile as they approach her. Amara was quickly embraced by the ever so loving Finn.

Amara held onto her friend, "It's good to see you, Finn." She says.

Finn let's go of Amara had held a big smile, "I'm glad to see you too," He says, "I'm even more excited that General Leia is allowing us to remain here for a few weeks."

Amara held her smile, "The rest could do you three justice after all the hard work you've done." She says patting his upper arm.

Rey had a small smile, "I was telling him the same thing."

Finn glances around, "Did I just miss Poe?"

Amara nods, "He's been summoned for debriefing. I'm assuming it's just an audience with only Poe and the General."

Finn nods.

Rey turns to Amara, "You arrived here with Poe," She says, "But everyone on base said you were off mediating. So does that mean, Poe knows your spot?"

Rey's smile turns into a grin.

"Yes he knows," Amara says, "And no he isn't telling."

Rey kept the grin, "I'll find it eventually." She teases.

Amara shakes her head at that comment.

Finn glanced at the two girls confused, "What?"

Amara lightly taps on Finn's shoulder, "Girl talk."


HAVING POE back seemed to obviously make Amara happy. She had heard from her mother, in passing after she was debriefed by Poe, that Amara seemed in a more gleeful mood. Sure, Amara was excited and really thrilled to have Poe back, but it didn't mean they were going to be together alone the entire time he's back.


Leia had given Poe, Finn, and Chewie a schedule. Poe was in charge of helping the pilots. No surprise there. Finn was sent to help with medical, by helping in any means. Chewie was going to be hanging around Rose and the other mechanic. Amara was in between the command center and her training. So even though, Poe is grounded for a week from missions, it didn't mean everything just stopped for them.

The times Amara knew she could be able to spend with Poe more was during meals and after hours. Not that she'd complain, her meals were getting a lot vocal than they were previously. For starters Rey has decided to join them for meals. Also Finn sits with them, and not to forget but Rose and Connix also sit with them during their meals. Heck even Snap, Karé, and Jess.

After having such a busy but also good day, Amara had headed to her quarters. She ran her hands through her hair as she walked to her cot. She sat down and exhaled deeply. She had an early morning rise. She had a meeting to accompany her mother with in regards to something something New Republic. She didn't hear all of it, but Connix had placed a datapad in Amara quarters covering what the meeting is about.

Amara glanced at the datapad, which was sitting on her desk.

She contemplated on getting up to read over it before calling it a night, but instead laid on her bed. She instead leans back on the cot and closed her eyes. Amara takes in a deep breathe and exhales. She didn't realize it happened until it happened, but Amara was focusing on something. Something from the Force. Something trying to tell her something.

She focused on it. Considerated on it and then boom. She shot up and opened her eyes wide.


LEIA'S QUARTERS opened for Amara. Leia could see how concerned Amara looked on her face when she had knocked on the quarters. Leia, who had just dressed for night, didn't expect to see her daughter here. Mostly due to the fact, she was the one to suggested she and the others head to bed given their full and busy day.

"Amara?" Leia spoke, "What is it?"

Amara gestures inside her quarters, "C- Can I come in?"

Leia nods.

Leia steps aside allowing Amara into her quarters. Leia watched as Amara searched around. Noting that R2 or 3PO were not present in Leia's quarters.

"Do you want to sit down?" Leia asks.

Amara snaps over to Leia, "Uh- I- I- I- Yes?"

Leia moves over to her daughter and helps her sit down. When Amara and Leia sat down on the bed that Leia rests on, Leia kept her eyes on her daughter with worry.

"Are you alright? You're scaring me. Please, Amara tell me it's not another vision?" Leia spoke.

Amara looks at her mom and shakes her head, "Not a vision but- I sensed something through the Force and- and it's shaken me."

Leia brushed Amara's hair behind her ear, "What is it, my dear?"

Amara looks at her mom intensely, "I know, mom."

At first Leia gave Amara a confused look.

"Know what?" Leia asks.

Amara narrows her eyes, "I know, mom. About Rey."

And it was then Leia got what Amara was indicating. Leia sighs and pats her daughter's arm lightly.

"Oh, that." Leia says, "I see."

Amara watched her mother stand, "You knew didn't you? Her family? Her legacy?" Amara asks.

Leia nods, "For quite sometime now, yes." She turns to Amara, "It doesn't change anything."

Amara nods, "I- I know, but I just wished you'd tell me." She says.

Leia gives her daughter a small smile, "You weren't ready to hear it. Plus, it was not for me to share." Leia says, "And it is not for you to share either. This is for Rey to figure out on her own. This is her journey."

Amara nods.

Leia steps over and sits back down next to her daughter. Leia reaches over and cups the side of Amara's face.

"And besides, that may be her bloodline but we're her family." Leia says with a smile.

Amara nods with a small smile, "Yeah, she's like a sister I never had." She says.

Leia smiles, "Alright. Time for bed."

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