
THE NEW base was surrounded by a jungle. Not much different than Yavin 4, but not exactly the same as D'Qar. Ajan Kloss has become a new home for the Resistance. And just in the month and a half the Resistance has made Ajan Kloss their base planet, a lot of improvement as been made. More recruits coming onto the base to be trained in either piloting, which they were in desperate need for or in the medical field. They've managed some mechanics as well as former New Republic Navy members, like Poe.

Despite the booming of help coming their way through the recruits and even new supplies, it meant time apart from Amara and Poe. Poe had been a leader over a numerous amounts of missions. He would leave the planet with Finn and Chewie on the Falcon, and maybe be back for a few days before departing again. Amara has been taking her Jedi training seriously, which had been mostly mediating. Leia had been helping her with mind tricks and different fighting styles that Luke had taught her, but other than that Amara had spent most of her time in the jungle alone. Sort of like Rey, but Rey's training has been more hands on than just mediation.

Amara hadn't told anyone about the Force ghost of her grandfather, she felt it was no one's business really. She had taken the words Anakin had left her with, mediating and remaining focus. Also being patient. She wasn't patient, she was her father's daughter.

As Amara returned back from her intense mediation in the jungle, she is greeted by Rose.

"You've been gone longer than usual," Rose grins, "I was about to ask the General to send a search party."

Amara couldn't help but smile, "Sorry about that, I got too caught up." She says.

Rose shakes her head, "No it's okay." Rose informs, "I was told when I see you next to tell you that the General is looking for you."

Amara nods, "Alright and where can I find her?"

Rose grins.

Amara had a point on asking. Just like herself, Leia seemed to be everywhere and hard to find these days. Leia was either speaking with officials, giving missions, training Rey, training Amara, and so on.

"Her quarters," Rose says.

Amara nods.

Rose and Amara part ways, Rose heading to hand off a datapad to Jess and Amara heading to the cave.

Amara headed inside the cave that was use for multiple needs. The natural limestone cave close to the hangar for the starfighter landing zone was used as a hangar for the Tantive IV, and the command center for the Resistance. Due to the base still in it's early stages, despite being on the planet for a month and a half, the Tantive IV was also used as a generator, barracks, and a meeting spot. This was ordered out by Leia.

Amara passed Rey's spot. Rey had maintained a small part of the cave where she studied Jedi texts that she had stolen from the island Luke had isolated himself on. Rey had even repaired the lightsaber, with Amara watching, and studied the Kyber crystal.

The command center was on the left side of the cave, the Tantive IV in the middle, and Rey's Jedi section was on the far right side. Amara knew that where she was going was a small room in the cave set up which served as Leia's bedroom. Now mostly everyone who wasn't on duty slept on the Tantive IV, Amara included, but sometimes Leia would be working late and so a small room was built for the stubborn woman who refused to rest if needed.


Amara reached the small quarters built for Leia. She knocked on the door. Waited a moment and then out came Leia.

"Amara," Leia looked rested, "You're done mediating?"

Amara nods, "Yes, mom." She says, "I think I am really feeling a connection to the Force better than I ever did before."

Leia smiles as she steps out of the quarters. She shuts the door behind her.

"I'm glad to hear," Leia says and gestures for her daughter to follow her, "I don't know if I ever told you but Ajan Kloss is where I trained in the ways of the Force when I was a little younger than older than you."

Amara looks at her mom, "Really?" She asks.

Leia nods, "Yes. My brother trained me through the teaching he had learned from Master Kenobi and Master Yoda." She says and then the smile fades, "I didn't finish my training though."

Amara looks at her mom seriously, "Why is that?"

Leia and Amara stopped walking. Leia reached out and cupped her daughter's face with a small smile on her face.

"Another time, dear." Leia says.

Amara nods.

There are still some things that Amara doesn't know about her mother. Sometimes when she hears things about her mother's or even her father's past, it shocks the young Solo.

"Now, there is something important I want to tell you." Leia says beginning to move again.

Amara follows her mother, "What is it?"

Leia clasped her hands behind her back and looked up at her daughter. The two of them had stepped out of the cave and were under the sun on Ajan Kloss.

"I know my time is limited. Given all the friends and family I've outlived, my time is coming." Leia says.

Amara frowns.

She had heard a similar conversation to this before in first few weeks on Ajan Kloss. Amara hadn't like hearing it then and she clearly doesn't like it now.

"Mom," Amara says.

Leia looks at her daughter, "Let's your mother finish." Leia gives her daughter a look, "As I was saying, I know it's hard to hear your mother accept that death is coming eventually, but I need to decide on a successor once I'm gone."

Amara kept her eyes on her mother.

"I was thinking between you and Poe," Leia says, "Poe has been around since nearly the beginning. He knows the people, he can be inspiring when he needs to be, and he is smart. Sometimes a bit too careless but I think- no I know he could handle this."

Amara nods agreeing.

"But you, you are my daughter and logically it would make sense for me to pass this onto you. You have learned a lot while with the Resistance." Leia says.

Amara shakes her head, "I don't think it should be me," She says, "As much as I'd accept the burden of leading the Resistance, we both know Poe was born to be a leader."

Leia smiles, "I know." She says, "I just didn't want to upset you for not picking you."

Amara smiles at her mother, "I would never be jealous of your choice, mom. Poe is everything to me and- and I know he's like a son to you." She says, "In that way, the Resistances continues to stay with family and not with a stranger."

Leia continues to smile at her daughter. The two had since stopped a few feet from the cave. Amara can see people moving around the base and even see starfighters taking off or coming back from missions.


"Thank you for understanding," Leia says.

Amara smiles at her mother, "Don't thank me," She grins as she spun to stand in front of her mom, "The Resistance couldn't be in better hands with Poe."


ON THE Tantive IV, Amara was heading to her quarters for the evening. Most crew members had to share rooms, unless you were high officers like Amara. She reached her quarters and unlocked the door, then stepped in. The quarters have been larger than her quarters on D'Qar. But it didn't feel the same as the quarters of D'Qa.

Amara walked to her bed and collapsed onto the cot. She looked at the datapads she had thrown around the quarters. She had to get those back to Connix, actually today but she forgot, so it'll have to wait until tomorrow. Amara leaned back on her bed and went to close her eyes, but when she did that she heard beeping from a holocom.

She sat up on her bed and grabbed it. Appearing blue was Poe's face. She could see the stress on his face, the exhaustion, and the stubble growing in on his face.

"Did I catch you at a bad time?" Poe asks.

Amara shakes her head smiling, "No. I was about to go to bed, but it can wait." She tells him.

Poe shakes his head, "If you're tired then-,"

"Don't you dare hang up on me," Amara says grinning, "I'm fine. I can spare a few hours of sleep if that means speaking to you."

Poe smiles at her, "Okay, fine."

"So how is the mission?" Amara asks.

The mission was following up a lead on a source who claims they have information on a First Order spy.

Amara hears Poe sighs.

"It's been fine," He says, "We took a few hits at us at the trading post."

Amara frowns, "I'm sorry. Did any of you get hurt?"

Poe shakes his head, "We're fine. They all seemed to miss." He says with a small smile, "But what's new with you and your Jedi training?"

Amara smiles softly, "I am a quick learner. Mom even thinks so. I've been spending hours a day in the jungle mediating." She says, "I feel so connected to the Force as of late and it's such an amazing feeling."

Poe gives a small smile.

"Sometimes I wish you knew what I mean by this," She says.

Poe nods silently.

"Rey is doing better too," Amara tells him, "She spends most of her days reading Jedi text and running through the jungle."

Poe kept his eyes on her, "Is she looking after my droid?" He asks.

Amara nods, "BB-8 is safe and sound, Poe." She says, "Don't worry."

Poe nods.

"How long until you come back?" Amara asks him.

Studying his features, she watches him sigh. Despite being far away and talking through a holocom, Amara can read him. He's tired. Not just physically but also mentally. The war has taken a lot from him. His mannerisms have changed. He is short with people more and more, unless their names are Finn and Amara. Leia is sometimes an expectation.

"Probably leave tomorrow after we talk to this guy with the information," Poe rubs his chin, "After that it'll be a couple days trip back."

Amara nods, "Alright. I can notify my mom about this in the morning." She says.

He shakes his head, "I have to check in with her tomorrow after we meet with the person. I'll just fill her in then."

Amara nods, "Okay."

Poe looks up at her, "I miss you a lot."

Amara gives a sad smile, "I miss you so much." She says.

"I really wished you were here," Poe says, "Or that I was there with you." He went on.

Amara nods, "I know."

Poe yawns and then says, "I should try and get some sleep. Maybe I'll get more than four hours." He says grinning.

It was his attempt at humor but both him and Amara knew his sleeping was all over the place since they arrived to Ajan Kloss. Amara blamed herself from his blaster wound, but Poe assured her it was a list of demons haunting his dreams not that recuse mission.

"Okay," Amara says, "Good night and I'll hear from you tomorrow?"

Poe nods, "Of course. Good night." He tells her, "I love you,"

Amara smiles, "I love you too." She says.

And then the call ends. Amara placed the holocom on her little nightstand next to her cot, she collapsed her back on her bed and looked at the ceiling.


GETTING HIT by a stick was not what Amara had planned when it came to sparring training with Rey. Rey and Amara were using sticks to practice their fighting techniques without the risk of hitting the other person with their lightsaber.

Amara rubbed her arm and looked at Rey.

"Really?" She asks, "That was uncalled for."

Rey couldn't help but smirk, "It's not my fault you're distracted."

"Am not," Amara says.

Rey raises her eyebrows, "Oh?"

Rey moves the stick and swipes it under Amara's feet, causing her to loose balance and fall onto the ground.

Amara groans, "Okay- Okay, maybe I'm a little distracted." She says.

Rey smiles, "See doesn't it feel better to admit the truth." Rey says and knelt down next to Amara.

In the past few months, Amara and Rey had been getting closer as friends. It must be partially because Rey and her are the only active Force users on the base, sure Leia is training them but Leia had other responsibilities besides them.

Amara sits on the ground and looks at Rey, "I'm just worried."

Amara didn't need to explain why she's worried. Rey got it. Both girls are worried. About the war. About the Resistance. About the First Order. About their training. About their friends. About their loved ones. And so on.

"I get it," Rey says looking at the ground.

Amara rubbed her hand behind her back, "I had a dream about Ben last night and- and it's been all I've been thinking about."

Rey looks at her, "What kind of dream?"

"A childhood dream," Amara says, "One where I was eight and he was sixteen. It was during a time where we were left alone, both our parents were away for their work. Ben was protecting me as I was afraid of the lightning during a bad storm, and he kept telling me how he'd never leave me afraid."

Amara ran a hand over her face.

"I woke up a little after that," Amara says, "And after that all I thought about was my brother."

Rey kept her eyes on Amara, "Have you figured out your feelings about him?" She asks, "I know you've been conflicted on if he'd change or not, but have you figured it out?"

Amara shrugs, "I'm still conflicted. I've weighted the pros and cons to all of my reasoning." She says, "I know you believe he's evil and I respect it. He's done horrible things."

Rey reached out and held onto Amara's hand, "He also tortured you, Amara. He isn't a good man." She says.

Amara nods, "I know. I just- I think I need to mediated more on the issue."

Rey nods, "I get it." She stands up, "If you want to do that, I was thinking about running through the course." Rey knelt down and picked up her saber.

Amara stands up as well, "Alright." She grins, "Don't break anything out there."

Amara watches as Rey runs off in one direction. Amara stayed at her spot and then knelt down to pick her saber from the ground. Amara rose and then began to walk through the jungle. Amara had a spot. A certain spot she'd like to go and mediate. No one really knows where it is, not even her mother. And Amara seemed to enjoy that. Isolation was something Amara would find comforting sometimes.

Amara walked through the thick jungle and then found a formation of rocks where she'd climb up. She tied a piece of vine, tying it around her waist in case she lost her balance she was attached to the rock formation. She climbed up, little by little. Amara needed to find her footing at first, before she got the hang of it. She climbed until she reached the top.

The top of the formation, she could look over the jungle. It was such a beautiful view.

Amara always loved the way it looked from above when the sun was rising or when it was setting, but those times were far and few anymore.

Amara found her spot. In the center of the top and sat criss-cross on the ground. Closing her eyes and breathing softly.

"Grandfather," Amara spoke, "It's me, Amara."

There was silence.

Amara felt the breeze hit her.

"Anakin?" Amara spoke, "Master Skywalker?"

There was again silence.

Amara opened one eye and peaked. She turned around her and saw the Force ghost of her grandfather.

"You really aren't patient." Anakin spoke.

Amara couldn't help but smile.

During her meditations, Amara would seek out Anakin Skywalker. It was always him and never her uncle.

"Must be a Skywalker trait," She says.

Anakin shakes his head, "No- No. I think it was from that smuggler your mother married." He says.

Amara rose to her feet and followed the Force ghost of Anakin to the edge of the top of the rock formation. They'd stand there and talk sometimes, or other times Amara would mediated or Anakin would guide her on her fighting stance with her saber. Besides that, Anakin felt no need to really insert himself into her training.

"I wanted to speak to you about Ben," Amara says.

Amara hears a sigh coming from her grandfather. Amara looks at the man. She sees a scar on his face, in a way, that scar reminds Amara of the scar Rey left on her brother's face.

"I keep telling you to talk to Luke," Anakin sounds a little annoyed, "He'd have a better answer in this than me."

Amara looks at the view, "But- But he and I never really connected well. I'd doubt Luke would come to me."

"Stop doing that, Amara. Ben had said those things regarding my son to you in order to hurt you. You and I both know that Luke loved you. He just didn't know how to handle you." Anakin says.

Amara glanced back at Anakin, "But you surely know how to voice your feelings toward me." She says and walks toward the center of the top.

Anakin turns to her, "You reminded him of his sister," He tells her, "Sometimes you remind me of both my daughter and my wife."

Amara halted in her steps and turn to face her grandfather.

"And other times you remind me of myself," Anakin says, "But you have your head screwed on right because of your mother so I don't have to worry."

Amara kept her eyes on Anakin, "Was she- she uh your wife- my grandmother, what was she like?"

Anakin smiles, "Beautiful. She was not only beautiful, but smart. She was a queen once on Naboo and even a senator, like your mother was. She was active in helping bring justice during the Clone Wars."

Amara looks at him, "She sounds amazing."

Anakin nods, "She was." He looks at her, "But this isn't about my wife or myself. This is about you and your ongoing conflict about your brother."

Amara groans, "I've been over it so many times over this past month and a half. I want Ben back and I want Kylo Ren's death- but- but I don't know."

Anakin steps closer, "Contact your uncle." He says, "Luke might have better sage wisdom than me."

And with that said, Anakin's Force ghost vanished.

Amara frowns, "Always leaves in such a dramatic way." She groans rolling her eyes, "Skywalkers."


LIKE THE night before, Amara was in her quarters on her cot. She had remembered to return those datapads back to Connix. Which she got an earful from D'Acry. Amara grabbed her holocom when it started beeping and like the night before, Poe's face appeared in blue.

"Hi," Amara says.

Poe smiles at her, "Hey,"

"How did the mission go?" Amara asks.

"Well," Poe says, "We are on our way back now. We'll be giving Leia the information and likely be off planet again after a few days."

Amara frowns, "So soon?"

Poe nods.

Amara swallowed back her disappointment, "Okay, um okay." She says, "We can make this work."

"Or you can come with me," Poe offers.

Amara frowns, "Poe, we've been over this. I have training here." She says.

Poe clenched his jaw, "Yeah, you and Rey have been saying that line over and over."

Amara almost looked at him offended, "Poe, you know my training is important." She says, "I'm finally improving and doing well. It's not all acting without a thought."

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