
FEELING PAIN was beginning to become familiar to Amara. Her family shattering. Her father's death. Her brother's betrayal. Her torture. Her boyfriend's injury. Amara sat on a chair in the makeshift medical tent on the remains of the base. Her eyes glued to Poe. He was still unconscious, but from what she was told the medical droid had stopped any life threatening concerns from the blast. For now he was resting.

Amara clenched her hands into fists. She felt ashamed.

She wanted to just get rid of her brother, not just for killing their father but for knowing about her vision. He has the information and if he was able to find this planet and this man before the Resistance, well who knows what could happen. She was too caught up in her own selfish ideas that she risked more than she should've. She risked the team who came to save her. She risked Poe's life. It made Amara sick thinking about that.

Amara's eyes dart from Poe to the outside of the tent. Outside she heard the voices of Leia. Her mother was explaining to Rex how they can't retake the city for them, not at all of their current situation. The Resistance's numbers were fleeting and after the attack by the First Order so was the people on the base. Leia was offering to any if they wanted to join the Resistance. It was a gesture and she had hoped to gain some allies.

Amara's eyes move to her hands and squeezed tighter. She felt her nails digging into the palm of her hands. She closed her eyes and listened as Leia's voice began to drift away, she was walking away from the tent. Amara opened her eyes and glance to the entrance of the tent, no one was standing out there. Amara glanced at Poe briefly, before she got up and left the tent.


THEY NOTICED Amara left the medical tent as soon as she had left. Leia leaned against the command table and frowns. Her hands resting on the table.

Rey looks at Leia, "She isn't too far off," Rey spoke, "I can go get her."

Leia shakes her head, "Knowing Amara, she's sitting alone to be lost in her thoughts. She'll come back when she's ready."

Rey nods.

"Kes is still with Poe?" Leia asks glancing at Rey.

Rey nods, "Yes, ma'am." She tells Leia, "Finn has headed over to check on him too."

Leia nods.

Rey steps next to Leia and looks at the older woman.

"Are we going to be leaving Lothal?" Rey asks.

Leia nods, "As much as I hate leaving these people defenseless," She sighs, "We don't have the resources to help them the way we'd want to."

Rey nods silently.

"Not only that but the First Order knows we're here. They are aware of how little our numbers are since Crait." Leia says, "It would be wise to take our people and head to a new planet."

"To Ajan Kloss?" Rey asks.

Leia nods, "The sooner the better."


THE WIND blew in Amara's hair. She always found comfort in that. Her knees up against her chest, despite some discomfort from the pain of her injuries. She looked forward at the city. She felt a sting of pain, causing her to wince and lower her legs from her chest. The young woman just criss-crosses her legs and frowns.

"We should've just left." Amara says, "Rey would've found a way out. How could she not?"


Amara frowns deeper and shakes her head.

"She is a natural with the Force," Amara crosses her arms on her chest, "She's amazing and all I do is make a mess."

"No you don't." A faint voice says.

Amara turns her head.

Behind her was a blue ghostly image of a male figure. Amara began to stand and looked at this figure in utter confusion.

"Who are you?" Amara asks, "What are you?"

The image of the figure became clear. Standing in front of Amara was none other than the Force ghost of Anakin Skywalker. He appeared young, younger than how Leia knew of him but not much older than Amara. Amara recognized him from old relics and texts that had survived from the Clone Wars. Amara's eyes widen and took a step back.

"You do not make a mess, Amara." The voice of Anakin Skywalker says, "You're learning in a world where there isn't a Jedi Order."

Amara watched the Force ghost walk over and in front of her. Amara looks at him just in awe. Complete shock was apparent on her face.

A smirk appeared on Anakin's face, "You remain me a little of myself at your age. A lot less reckless and cocky, but you have a strong commitment to your family, the Resistance, your friends, and the man you love."

Amara watched Anakin's gaze move onward. She moved her body to stare in the direction he was. Staring at the city.

Anakin grimace, "I've made a lot of mistakes, Amara. Mistakes that has followed my legacy. Mistakes that followed my children and their children." He frowns.

Amara nods, "I know," She says softly.

Anakin glanced at her briefly, "You hold a powerful legacy inside of you as does your brother, but measuring your lack of training against your brother will only harm you in future battles."

Amara kept her gaze on Anakin.

"You can hold your own without thinking about it. Even without proper training that Ben Solo received." Anakin says.

Amara frowns, "Do you think he can still be saved?" She asks looking away.

Anakin glanced at her, "If Luke saw something worth saving in me," He says, "I'd like to think there is hope for my grandson."

Amara looks up at Anakin, "Even after all he has done?"

Anakin gives a small smirk, "Yes," He says, "If there was light inside of me, there has to be light inside your brother."

Amara frowns.

Anakin kept his gaze on her, "There is more bothering you? Is it about the X-Wing pilot? Because he'll be fine." He says, "Or is it that vision?"

Amara looks forward at the city.

"The vision," She says softly, "Do you know who it is and where it is?"

Anakin shakes his head, "I can't help you on that, Amara. This is your quest, your journey. I can only be here to guide you. You take what you see in those visions and determine where you want to go." He says.

Amara says nothing.

Anakin grins lightly, "You're a good kid- er um young woman. Sure, you lack proper training but given more training you could be a Jedi. I know my daughter is training the young woman from Jakku, but if you ask her, I know Leia would allow you to have more advance training. At least from what she knows."

Amara looks at Anakin.

"And if all else fails," Anakin says, "Mediate. Focus. Be patient. We are never really gone, Amara, as you can see. Call out to your uncle or me, heck even to past Jedi. They'd be willing to help you learn the ways."


Amara kept her eyes on her grandfather and then turned away. When she glanced back to ask Anakin something, he was gone. The ghostly figure had vanished. Amara glanced around her, and then knew that his presence was gone. Amara had her back to the city but could faintly sense her brother. Amara didn't turn around, instead, she was walking back to the camp.

"If Anakin had good," Amara mutters to herself, "Chances are Ben might too."

The young woman felt conflicted by all of this. On one hand she was tried of believing in her brother and just wanted to get rid of him for the sake of the galaxy, but at the same time this was her brother. She loves Ben. She's at a cross-road with her feelings regarding Ben. The only solution she thinks can fix that is mediation and focusing on her training.


HIS EYES fluttered opened. His eyes only looked at the ceiling of the tent. His stomach was sore, a little stinging but there was some bacta patches on the wound. He could visibly see it as his eyes gaze from the ceiling to his shirtless top. His head slowly turns and he sees his father there.

"Dad," Poe spoke.

Kes gives his son a small smile, "Welcome back, kid." He says stroking his hand through his son's hair.

Poe's eyebrows furrow, "Wh- What happened?" He asks.

"You took a blaster blast to the stomach," Kes says, "That's what happened. Finn had to drag you onto the transport as Amara was shielding the blasts with her lightsaber."

The mere mention of Amara got Poe's attention. He lifts his head up to look in the medical tent for her. But she wasn't there.

"Where- Where is she?" Poe asks, "Is she alright?"

The look on Kes's face made Poe worry. It wasn't indicating that she was okay but it wasn't saying that she was not okay at the same time, it was just uncertain.

"Dad," Poe says.

Kes pulled the chair close to his son's bed and sat down on his. Kes sighs as he sits down and pulled his hand from his son's hair.

"Leia is assuring everyone she just went to clear her head," Kes says.

Poe nods.

Poe recalls times on D'Qar when Amara would get too stressed, she'd take long walks away from the base or even just find a perch to just overlook the base. Amara maybe social, but she also does well in isolation sometimes.

Kes firmly grasps his son's arm, "She'll be back."

After that, Kes had to get up to notify Leia of Poe's awakening. Within a few moments, Finn is at his bedside. Poe notices Rey on the other side of the room, keeping her distance. Rey must be allowing Finn to have some sort of privacy with his friend, but also checking Poe as well.

"Poe, I'm so glad you're okay." Finn says, "You had me worried."

Poe gives his friend a small smile, "Sorry about that, but thanks for saving my ass again." He says.

Finn couldn't help but laugh, "You gotta stop making that into a habit." Finn says.

Poe grins, "I'll try." He says.

Finn sits down in the chair next to Poe and it was then that Poe was filled in on some things. The Resistance was not returning to Yavin 4. All of their things had been packed up and were heading to Ajan Kloss. Finn even explained how Torrin and Janan have decided to join the Resistance, Leia sees some potential in them and with proper guidance something like this incident won't happen again.

Poe must've spaced out, because he felt Finn nudge his arm. Poe blinked at his friend and glanced at Finn.

"You okay, buddy?" Finn asks.

Poe nods, "Yeah uh- er, just a little sore is all."

Rey stiffened, "I can go get someone if you need something-," She says from the other side of the tent.

Poe shakes his head, "No need." He assures her, "It's alright."

There was a second of silence before footsteps could be heard coming toward the tent. Rey's attention turned to the entrance of the tent, seemingly knowing who it was before the boys.

Amara steps in.

Poe sees her. She has some scratches on her face and a few bacta patches on her arm and shoulder, which was visible for Poe to see. It only made him wonder if there were more on her.

"Poe-," Amara's eyes land on him.

Poe looks at her.

Rey moves to stand next to Amara, "We can- uh give you two some space." She says.

Amara looks at Rey and nods, "Um- uh sorry for walking off without saying," She says looking at Rey, "I- I know it must've caused a lot of worry and stress, but I just needed-."

Rey placed a hand on Amara's shoulder, "Leia understood." She says.

Finn then stands up from the chair. He turns to Poe, giving his arm one more squeeze before letting go of it. Finn walks away from Poe's bed and follows Rey out of the tent, leaving Amara and Poe inside alone.

"Poe," Amara says again, "In that hangar when I was fighting my brother- I- I- I got so caught up in- in a selfish idea that- that I forgot about everyone else involved."

Poe looks at her.

"I let you get hurt," Amara says sobbing, "I shouldn't have made us go to the hangar. We should've just left. Rey could've handled herself with him in ways I can't."

Poe watched her hands clench into fists and were shaking. She no longer is wanting to look at him. She closes her eyes and allows the tears to slide down her cheeks.

"Amara," Poe says, "You didn't get me hurt."

Amara looks at him, "Yes I did."

Poe shakes his head and forces himself on his elbows. He winced a little and watched as Amara went to step forward, but stopped herself.

"Amara," He winced through saying, "I got hurt because we were out gunned. I don't blame you."

Amara frowns.

Poe managed to force himself to a sitting position and he could feel the sweat on his face from the strain it caused his body.

"Kylo Ren did things to you. Unthinkable things. Torture. He probably got into your head." Poe frowns, "I've been there. If I had your abilities and knew where he was after escaping, I'd probably try to go for his head."

Amara looks at him.

"You were acting in the moment," He says, "But you've had time to think about your actions."

Amara finally moved over and stood at his bedside. Poe watched her. She moved to sit on the edge of his bed and frowns.

"I wanted to kill him," Amara says in a monotone voice.

Poe looks at her a little shocked. Amara is not a person who takes joy in the war, but really who does? She doesn't like the violence. She had enjoyed her time playing in the command before being an active part of the Resistance. She was so sheltered she had come to like not seeing the ugly side.

"I wanted him dead," Amara says, "For not just killing dad, but for everything. For everything he's done or what he is about to do."

Poe kept his eyes on her.

Amara looks at Poe, "He knows about my vision. And he knows about the man- the man from the vision." She says, "He's trying to find him too."

Poe reached over and grabbed Amara's hand.

The vision being such a traumatic thing Amara had to overcome in the past weeks was something she had to relive again at the hands of her brother. No wonder she was so emotional. No wonder she was so distressed.

Amara let out a sad laugh, "But it's okay. He knows just as much as we know," She kept her gaze on him, "Basically nothing."

Poe pulled her closer to him. Her hair brushing against his bare chest. His lips kissing the top of her head. He wraps his arm around her and holds her close. Amara goes to wrap her arms around him, but hesitates seeing the bacta patch on his stomach.

"But- But like you said I had time to think about my actions and sort of find guidance in solitude." Amara says.

"What did you find?" Poe asks.

Amara shrugs her shoulders, "It sounds stupid but if Uncle Luke was able to find light in my grandfather, there might be hope in Ben but- but I don't know."

Poe sighs, "I know you want to hope he changes but-,"

Amara nods, "I know, I know. I'm just conflicted right now." She says and rubs a hand on the bridge of her nose, "Maybe I'll do some mediation later and figure things out."

Poe kisses the top of her head again, "I'm here if you need."

Amara looks up and nods, "I know."

And then the couple kiss lightly on their lips before parting. They remain in each other's grasp as they sat on the medical bed in the makeshift medical tent on Lothal.


AMARA WATCHED Poe hug his father. This is where they say goodbye. Kes was going to head back to Yavin 4. He had even offered some of those who wanted to leave Lothal to come back with him. He had a few take up the offer. Amara watched people move to ships. Gathering supplies. Pilots going into X-Wings. Commanding officers were moving with Leia. Amara watched her mother, Leia. Leia walked with Connix next to her as well as the two droids; C-3PO and R2-D2.

Amara looks at her mother briefly, before turning away.

"Good luck, kid." Spoke none other than Rex.

His voice pulled her from her thoughts. Amara snapped her head to look at Rex. She sees the sad smile on his face.

"Are you staying?" Amara asks.

Rex nods, "Lothal has become my home," He says, "I can't abandon it."

Amara nods her head understanding.

"I hope Torrin and Janan stay out of trouble." Rex says with a small grin.

Amara gives a small smile, "My mother will keep them in line," She says.

Rex nods with the grin still on his face. Amara's gaze moved to the city and her smile fades from her face. Rex's eyes trail over to the young woman and noticed the seriousness in her eyes.

"You'll be okay," He assures her.

Amara nods, "I know." She glanced at him, "I got some words of advice from the dead."

Rex gives her a puzzled look, "What?"

Amara smiles faintly and says, "It's nothing," She held out her hand to shake Rex's, "It was an honor to meet you, Captain Rex."

Rex looks at her hand and then grasped her hand with his own. The two shake hands for a moment.

"It was an honor to meet you, Commander Solo." Rex says.

Amara and Rex let go of their hands.

"Amara-!" It was Finn.

Amara turned to look back at the Falcon. There was Finn standing on the ramp, Poe was walking up to the ramp but had stopped to turn. Amara gives them a small smile before turning back to Rex.

"Stay safe, Rex." Amara says.

Rex lightly chuckles, "You too," He says.

Rex watches as the young woman turns away from him. Her back to him as she walks to the legendary ship. Amara held onto Poe's hand as the two walk up the ramp. Amara wraps an arm around Finn as the young man begins to head up the ramp.

Rex stands there and grins, "The next generation isn't looking too bad." He says.

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