
THE OPERATION has begun. Poe had Rex lead himself, Rey, Finn, and Chewie inside the city. All of them armed and ready to go. Rex halted them up against a building wall. They were in an ally. Rex held his hand out to tell them all to stop. Rex peaked over and saw two troopers. They were scouting.

Rex pulled his head back to address the group.

"Only two of them," Rex says, "What is the play, Commander Dameron?"

Poe glanced at Rex, "Do you know if these troopers just stay there in that spot scouting or move around?"

Rex kept his eyes on the commander, "They usually stay in that one spot."

Poe nods.

"Guess we're gonna have to get rid of them in order to move forward." Poe says.

Finn looks at his friend, "So what is the plan?"

Out in the open, the two troopers stood guarding. Then they heard the sound of metal hitting something. One turned to look at his partner.

"What was that?" One asks.

"Why don't you check it out," The other one suggested.

One trooper walks over in the direction of the ally. And then nothing. The partner noticed his pal was not coming back. Curious and slightly alarmed, the other trooper walked over and then was jumped by Rex. Rex had the trooper in a choke hold and held onto the neck of the trooper causing the person to pass out. Once that one was passed out, they tied them up and took their weapons as well as a key card for the prison.

Poe looks from the key card to his team, "Come on," He says, "Let's go."

The five of them continued running through the allies. They were out of the open and the First Order rarely walked down them.

Poe glances at Rey, "Rey, do you think Kylo Ren senses your presence here?"

Rey grimace, "If he didn't before," She frowns, "He definitely does now."

They sprinted down a corner in another ally, making their way closer and closer to the location of the prison.

"We better hurry." Finn says.


CUFFED AND beaten, Amara was being dragged through the corridors of the First Order prison. She grunts at the officers holding her. She kicked her feet a few times, but due to the pain from her torture, it didn't do much. A door opens and then Amara was tossed in the room. She fell onto the floor. She groans and begins to get up. She looks up to see she was in some sort of office. Amara glanced behind her and sees the troopers still with her.

"Leave us," Spoke Kylo Ren.

The two troopers shrugs and walked out, the door swooshing behind them. Amara looks from the door to her brother. He was sitting in the chair that was now facing her and he stood up.

"I figured we could talk here," He says, "A little less, stressful."

Amara glares at him.

"I'm going to ask you some questions regarding that place," He says, "And the man you spoke to and you will answer those questions for me."

Amara tilts her head, "And what are you going to do if I refuse?" She asks.

Kylo Ren stands up. He clasps his hands behind his back. He walks around the desk and in front of her. He looks at the cuffs around her wrists and then to her beaten face.

"I can only imagine what Leia is feeling from the Force every time you scream," Kylo Ren says.


Amara watched his hand lift up, her eyes on his hand as he reached over and brushed hair behind her ear.

"Do you really want to make her suffer more?" Kylo Ren asks.

Amara spits at her brother.

Kylo Ren reacts quickly. He grabs her face and lifts her a little in the air. He then threw her back. She landed on the ground and groaned from the pain. She looks up and sees him glaring at her.

"Do not try to use our mother against me," Amara spoke, "She's stronger than you are."

Kylo Ren shakes his head, "She was strong once," He spoke, "But over time age has consumed her ability. She is no match for me and neither are you."

Amara managed to get up. She winced and struggled a little, but she did it on her own. She walked over so she was face to face with her brother.

"And yet," She spoke, "It took you what? Five hours to get into my head. You, trained in the Force, was unable to get it out of the inexperience Force user. And yet, all you know is a planet that neither of us know where it is."

Kylo Ren glares at the smug smirk on his sister's face. She wasn't wrong. When he entered her head he had found her vision, but only bits, but the bits were of importance to him. He saw the planet, he heard the voice. But that being said, like Amara said neither of them knew where this planet was.

Kylo Ren narrows his eyes at her, "Well I guess I'll have to continue to probe your head until I find what I need."

Amara shakes her head, "You're not going to find what you need, Ben."

Kylo Ren extends his hand, using the Force, Amara was shoved into the wall. Her back hit hard and she winced in pain.

"Stop calling me that!" He yells at her.

Kylo Ren took a step forward. His arm still extended, keeping the Force hold on his sister. Her body up against the wall. It was not comfortable.

Although, as Kylo Ren reached his sister. His head turns to the other side of the room. He lowers his arm and then Amara collapsed onto the ground. She winced as she struggled to stand back up.

"She's here," Kylo Ren says.

And that was all Amara needed to know. Rey was here. Which meant Poe was a hundred percent here. And based off that, Finn would also be here. This is a recuse mission, or an attempt of one.

Kylo Ren turns to his sister.

"Looks like the Resistance has come for me after all," Amara says.


THE ALARM inside the First Order prison was going off. They were being chased by troopers who were firing at them, but that also meant they were firing on the enemy. They were able to get inside unnoticed, but luck had ran out for them making their quiet way inside when they were noticed by four troopers. Chewie took them all down quickly, but not before one hit an alarm. They were running down corridor after corridor, trying to find out where Amara was. Rey lead the chase down each corridor. Sensing Amara's presence.

As they rounded a corner, Rey just halted.

"Rey?" Finn asks, "Why did you stop?"

Poe nods, "We have to keep moving." He says.

Rey glanced at them, "I need to split up from you guys." She says, "Ren is sensing me, and chances are he's going to try to lure us to where we'd believe Amara is only for it to be a trap."


Finn frowns, "But if it's a trap then you shouldn't go alone." He says.

Rey looks at her friend, "I'll be fine, Finn." She gestures to the corridor on the right side, "She's that way."

Poe kept his eyes on Rey, "You sure you don't want backup?" He ask.

Rey nods, "I'm sure." She says, "Now go, Amara needs you."

With that, they split. Rey went down the direction they had stopped at, going left, and the rest of the group went in the corridor Rey had instructed was where Amara was. As they sprinted down the halls, Rex and Finn checked a few cells along the corridor while Poe and Chewie fired their blasters at oncoming troopers.

"Anything?" Poe asks cracking his head back to look over his shoulder.

Finn shakes his head, "Not here."

Poe clenched his jaw.

He wasn't giving up. He wasn't leaving until he had Amara, he promised Leia that but he also told himself that over a hundred times. They continued down the corridor, Rex and Finn checked cells and Chewie with Poe continue to keep their blasters aimed forward in case of more oncoming troopers. They checked five cells. Now seven. Ten. They had reached the end of that corridor and there was one more cell. Poe glanced at Finn and Rex, who took turns holding their blasters with Chewie pointed at potential enemy coming their way.

Poe slid the key card and the cell door opened. Revealing Amara, beaten and cuffed. Poe's eyes widened.

"Amara-," He spoke.

Amara looked up at him, "Poe-?"

Poe ran into the room. He sort of slid in front of her on his knee, kneeling in front of her to look her over. Checking her wounds to see how badly they are.

"Y- You okay?" He asks.

Amara nods, "Just a few scratches," She assures him, "I'm fine."

Chewie growled at her and with Poe's help, the two helped her up. The Wookiee had broken the cuffs off her wrist. Amara rolled her wrist, wincing at the slight soreness from being compacted into the cuffs for as long as it was.

"Amara," Finn spoke from the doorway, "It's good to see you."

Amara smiles, "You too," Her eyes dart to Poe, "I sensed Rey. Where is she?"

"She went to handle Kylo Ren while we saved you," Poe says.

Amara's eyes widened, "She what?"

Finn nods, "She insisted."

Amara frowns, "We need to get to her and leave." She groans, "Now I don't suppose any of you guys brought an extra blaster for me?"

Poe reached from his belt and hand her the lightsaber, "I don't suppose this would be better?" He asks.

Amara looks at her saber and then to Poe, "It would."

Amara grabbed the handle of the saber. And then the three left the cell, standing out into the corridor with Rex and Finn. As the five stood out in the corridor, there were troopers coming over.

Amara grit her teeth.

She extends her hand forward, sending the troopers back through the Force. The troopers were thrown back and hit the floor hard, their blasters being separated from them.

Poe watched Amara.

She seemed a bit different in this zone. She gripped her handle of her saber tightly and then began to run down the corridor, the others quickly follow behind. It felt like backtracking for them, excluding Amara, as they ran through the corridor and then in the direction of where Rey went. They ran down the left corridor, which led to the First Order hangar inside their prison.

There, they weren't surprise to see a brawl between Rey and Kylo Ren happening.

"Whoa," Finn says holding his blaster upward, "Rey is good."

Rex stood next to Finn, "It's been quite a time since I've been saber battles like this," He says.

Kylo Ren pushes her back, Rey doesn't fall, but her balance is shaken a little so she takes a few steps back. That causes a large gap between them. During this moment, Rey sees them standing at the entrance of the hangar.

Kylo Ren knew and he didn't need to turn around.

"Amara," Kylo Ren spoke.

Kylo Ren turns around. His red saber ignited and pointed downward to the ground. His eyes stared down his sister, as did she.

"Ben," Amara says.

Rey seemed to be a little taken back by that, so did everyone else. Everyone has referred to Kylo Ren as that, and Rey seems to refer to him as Ben most of the time. Rey was certain Amara had given up on her brother and yet here she was calling him by his birth name.

"You could've just escaped," He seethed at her, "But instead you put not only your life on the line but that boyfriend of yours."

Amara sees Kylo Ren's eyes dart to Poe. Poe and Kylo Ren make eye contact. A shiver was sent down Poe's spine, because there had nights where his voice causes Poe to wake up from a terrible nightmare.

Amara ignites her saber.

Kylo Ren raises his eyebrows, "Oh I see."

Rey looks over at Amara.

"That isn't the Jedi way," He grins.

Amara still says nothing. Instead, she sprinted forward.

Poe was surprised to see how fast she was, she clashed her saber against his with such force it caused Kylo Ren's feet to slide back a little. She clashed her blade again and again against the red blade in Kylo Ren's hand. She swung and he ducked. Rey stood there, completely stunned by this, with her blue saber still ignited. Amara went to strike down at Kylo Ren but he extended his hand toward her. He shoves her back through the Force. She rolls on the ground and gets back up.

Finn glances at Poe, "Should we be helping her?" He asks, "Or should we be getting out of here?"

Poe wasn't sure.

He had never seen Amara like this. So raw of emotions. She had looked so relieved when they had pulled her out of the cell, but the mere mention of Kylo Ren with Rey had sparked something in Amara.

Amara gets back up. Her eyes on Kylo Ren's and the same for him. The two held their blades in one hand and stood tall.

"What would Leia think of you if she heard what you are thinking?" Kylo Ren snickered, "What you Han think?"

Amara's eyes narrowed.

Rey glanced at her friend, "He's baiting you."

"Oh she knows," Kylo Ren says grinning lightly.

Rey glanced from Amara to Kylo Ren. Rey knew of their minds still sharing a link, but she was aware from Amara that her link with her brother were gone after Snoke died. And yet here he was getting into Amara's head.

Coming into the hangar were troopers. This caused Poe, Finn, Rex, and Chewie to take shelter behind some crate to protect themselves. Finn fires at the troopers before ducking behind the crate. This was sort of a flashback of before at the base. Seeing Amara facing off against her brother and having to deal with troopers. Poe fires at a few, but as he ducked down his eyes went to Amara. Worried she was going to get herself hurt.

"Our best course of escape is hijacking one of their transports." Rex says.

Poe glanced at him and nods, "Yeah." He says, "You and Chewie head over first. Finn and I will cover you."

Rex nods.

The clone and the Wookiee head over to the closest transport to them, while Poe and Finn were firing at the troopers coming in.

Meanwhile, Rey watches as Amara strikes at Kylo Ren again. This time their faces were close as their blades collide.

"I see why you were his first choice," Kylo Ren says to her, "Despite being inexperienced as you say, you are stronger than most."

Amara shoves him back and swings her blade at him. She had hit him, on his arm. Kylo Ren stumbled back and then looked at Amara in disbelief.

"I don't care about what he wanted from either of us," She says, "And I certainly don't care about you."

Kylo Ren grins for a second before faltering, "You plan to kill me, Amara? Family?" He spoke, "I thought you'd want to save me?"

"That ideal died when you killed our father." She says pointing her saber at him.

Across the room, Rex had indicated for Rey to come over. She sprinted to the transport, she was getting it jump started or something. Chewie growled at Poe and Finn for them to come.

Poe glanced at Amara, "Amara-!" He yells standing up, "It's time to go-!"

As he was shouting, Amara glanced over in time to see Poe get shot by a trooper. He was hit in the stomach. Amara watched as Poe collapsed onto the ground and Finn dragging him toward the transport with heavy fire coming at them. Amara glanced at Kylo Ren and then ran in the direction of Poe and Finn. She Force shoved some troopers back and then was redirecting the blasts back at the troopers because of her blade. She had become a shield for Finn to help Poe get onto the transport. Amara was last to get on, she glanced at Kylo Ren one last time before the transport shut.


UNCONSCIOUS POE laid on the floor on the transport. Rey was piloting it with Chewie help. Finn and Rex were beginning to check over Poe's wound, whereas Amara pushed herself against the wall near them.

Her eyes were burning. Tears sliding down her cheeks. Amara watched as Rex began to put compression on Poe's wound, while he was ordering Finn to check if there was a first aid kit in the transport.

Everything felt sluggish and muffled for Amara.

She watched Finn get up and move to find a first aid kit. Finn almost knocked himself over trying to get up so fast. Amara's eyes didn't linger on Finn, as he went on the other side of the transport searching for something to help until they got back to the others. Rex looks from Poe to Amara. She doesn't look at him but can tell he's trying to get her attention, but it's not working. All Amara can do is stare at Poe.

She sees blood on his shirt. His face looking pale. His eyes shut. Amara wants to hold his hand but something in the back of her head tells her to keep away. Does she feel guilty for this? Maybe.

Finn returns to supplies and knelt down on the other side of Poe. Amara watches as white bandages soon being tainted with Poe's blood, turned the ugly red color the second it touched his injury. Amara hears Rey's voice, but she doesn't hear what the woman says. A few moments later, the transport must've landed because Rey and Chewie rose from the pilot seats and ran to the landing ramp. There were shouts. And moments later, in came help. In came Doctor Kalonia and a few other helping hands.

Doctor Kalonia glanced at Amara, who still haven't moved, and then noticed the main concern was Poe. She knelt down in front of Poe and looked at the injury. She mutters something to Torrin and then Torrin left, only to come back with Janan and a stretcher. Janan and Torrin helped Rex and Finn pick Poe up and place him on the stretcher. Amara watched as they took Poe out of the transport.

Amara didn't move.

A second later, maybe less. Leia stood in her sight. Leia opened her mouth and was about to say something but then closed her mouth. Leia walked over and sat next to her daughter. She pulled Amara close to her and the second Leia had began to stroke Amara's hair, she began to cry. Amara grabbed a hold of her mother and sobbed.

Leia kissed the top of her daughter's head.

Leia hears her daughter apologize over and over again. Leia isn't quite sure why Amara is apologizing to her, she had been captured and tortured. What did Amara have to apologize to Leia for? Leia felt Amara hold onto her tightly and buried her head in Leia's embrace. They stayed like that even when Amara stopped apologizing, even when she stopped crying, even when she fell asleep. Leia looks toward the ramp of the transport. Standing there was a worried Rey and Finn looking into the transport.

"Is Chewie out there?" Leia asks.

Rey nods.

"Can he come and carry her to medical?" Leia asks, "I want her looked at before we all leave."

Rey moves to find the Wookiee, whereas Finn remain where he stood. He watched the general be motherly toward her own daughter. Finn watched and wondered if this is what his own mother would've been like if he ever had the chance to be with her.

Leia glanced at Finn, "How is Poe?" She asks.

"Still unconscious," Finn says, "But Kalonia says he'll pull through."

Leia nods, "Good. I can assume Kes is with him." She says.

Finn nods.

Leia looks from the former trooper to her daughter. Despite the physical injuries she has over her face and on her arms, there are some mental ones. Leia knew whatever her daughter experienced was probably worst than any form of torture Leia had from Vader, even if he was her father, but at the time she didn't know. Amara knows Kylo Ren is her brother, and even if he's no longer the man she knew, it didn't make it easier.

Leia frowns.

"She's going to be okay," Leia assure herself.

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