
SPARKS OF green and red colliding against each other as Amara and Kylo Ren faced off against each other. Both of them pushing hard in their hold, trying to get the other to fall back by their own force in their power behind their blade.

Kylo Ren grits his teeth, "I will admit," He spoke and looks at her, "You have gotten stronger since we last spoke."

Amara eyes went from staring to his blade to him. She sees something in his eyes, almost distracting her. Was it pride? She wasn't sure.

Just as she was sort of distracted, Kylo Ren pushed at her with his blade. Amara lost her footing and fell on the ground, the lightsaber being knocked from her hand. Amara looked up and then rolled on her side to avoid his blade, before reaching for her saber. As Amara's hand reach out to the saber, she heard the buzzing of Kylo Ren's saber by her face. Amara turns to see the red glow by her chin.

"You may have gotten stronger, but I am far beyond your league." Kylo Ren gives a smirk on his face as he delivered that to her.

The two look at each other. Amara felt something familiar with his stare, she sensed what he was trying to do. Amara pulled out her blaster and fired at him, which he dodge. Amara grabbed the saber and she hit her now ignited blade against his blade.

Amara rose to her feet, "Don't you try it," Amara holsters her blaster, "You will not enter my head again."

Kylo Ren tilts his head as he stares at her, "You've seen something." He tells her.

Kylo Ren watched her reaction. Amara didn't allow her expression to falter, but it didn't mean he couldn't sense what she was trying to ignore.

"You've seen what I've been searching for." Kylo Ren says.

Amara shakes her head, "I have no idea what you're talking about, Ben." She says.

Kylo Ren points his blade at her, "You will tell me what you saw. Even if I have to torture you to do so," His eyes narrow, "I will."

Kylo Ren went in to strike again. Amara felt his blade hit her blade. She was backing up as he was moving forward and forward. Amara was on the defense as Kylo Ren aggressively kept striking at her. Kylo Ren lunges his blade against her blade. The sparks of red and green were lighting up the destruction of the base. Troopers still laying on the ground work and Amara knew Poe, Finn, and Chewie were laying down their defense against the First Order. There were small explosions now, the troopers were playing dirty. Amara's eyes glance over at the destruction and then back to her brother. She grit her teeth and pushed forward.

"You cannot win," Kylo Ren says, "You are not trained. Skywalker didn't want to train you. He didn't want to even be around you."

Amara glares up at her brother.

"I sense it," Kylo Ren then laughs, "Leia would rather train Rey than you. She is fearful you'd follow my path. She is taking her time so you don't get corrupted."

Amara yells at him. Amara forcefully shoves Kylo Ren back. He rolled back and the saber turns off as it lands next to him. He looks up at her, a grin escaped his lips.

"Such rage," He grins, "We truly are siblings."

Amara realized what he had said and took a step back. The words of the man returned to her. The path of rage can lead to was terrifying to Amara. Kylo Ren noticed this and began to rise. He grabbed the handle of his saber and rose to his feet to look at his sister.


"You hesitate," Kylo Ren says, "That'll be your downfall."

Amara tighten her hold on her saber as it is being held in her right hand, before she charges forward its in both hands.

Across from that scene, Poe and Finn were ducking behind the crate they had been in laying out blasts to the troopers that seem to keep on coming. Finn ducks back down after firing at a few and glanced over at Poe. Poe grit his teeth, he was growing impatient. It had been a few minutes or so since he since out that message, and he was really hoping help would be coming.

"Poe-!" Finn yells.

Poe snapped out of his thoughts and looked at his friend.

"They'll come," He assures them, "They will."

Poe nods.

But deep down, the pilot can only think about Crait and how no one came to their need and this might be a similar situation. Poe rises and fires at a few troopers with Finn, and causally, Poe's eyes drift to Amara. She seems to be handling herself well against Kylo Ren, but Poe knew she wasn't trained in the Force. He had leverage over her.

Rex fires at a few troopers and turns to Poe and Finn.

"Boys!" Rex yells, "Try this!"

Poe and Finn turn and see Rex toss some grenades at them. The two caught them and then turned to each other, giving each other a small grin. Finn tossed one before the two of them ducked behind the crate. A few moments then an explosion. Poe and Finn had covered themselves during the explosion, Poe peaked up to see a lot of damage had taken place.

"These grenades get the job done." Poe says.

Rex chuckles, "They're from the old good days!" The clone laughs as he snipes at a few troopers.

Rex, Torrin, and Janan had tossed one grenade as well and just as Poe and Finn had a positive effect so did they. Poe leans up and fires at a few coming near them, but glancing again at Amara. She was now struggling.

"She can't handle him off much longer." Poe tells Finn.

Finn glanced up from the crate to look over. Amara blocks Kylo Ren's strikes. That's all she's doing, she's on defense against her own brother. His blade keeps striking at her and all Amara can do is block his hits. Poe points his blaster at Kylo Ren. Did he learn anything the first time he fired at the man, probably not. So Poe fires a blast at Kylo Ren, and the former Jedi extends his hand like he had done on Jakku and stopped the blast from hitting him all while trying to strike his sister.

Poe grits his teeth.

Kylo Ren then swips his hand and that motion sent the blast back in their direction. So both Poe and Finn grabbed their blasters and as many grenades as they could. They moved out of the way literally before the blast hit them, but also behind was a grenade or two, which caused a loud explosion.

For Poe and Finn, everything was ringing. Poe looks around, seeing the blasts and the bodies fall. He glanced over and watched his girlfriend face off against her brother. He sees Finn mouth something, but Poe doesn't understand. Until he looks up. Above there are X-Wings setting down attacks from the air.

Within a few moments, Poe and Finn are both met by Rey kneeling down in front of them with worry in her eyes. Poe looks confused and his eyes drift to the fight where Amara was facing Kylo Ren, but noticed the two were gone. Rey was saying something to him, but it wasn't clear. Slowly and slowly the fuzziness became clear and he could hear her voice.


"Poe," Rey says, "Poe. Amara has been taken."

And if Poe didn't looked messed up from the blast, he surely looked as if all the color from his face was just drained.


LEIA WAS not happy. She had arrived on Lothal with Kes and a few others from the Resistance to give aid, but did not expect this sort of site. So much destruction in this camp, barely any tents remain standing.

Poe was being treated by a medical droid that was brought along with. He glanced over at Finn, who was getting bandage wrapped around his arm by Rose. Poe saw his father watching him being treated a little away, his eyes kept glancing from Poe or to the direction of the shouting match Leia was giving Rex on the poor behavior of two of his men.

Poe's gaze lowers.

Torrin and Janan must be feeling like failures. The death toll on their base was nearly half and the injury list just keeps coming in. Poe lifts his head when she heard Leia get louder. Finn and Rose glanced at each other before glancing at Poe, both were worried about him. Sure he wasn't hurt badly, just banged his head and has some scratches but they were worried how he was feeling relating to Amara being captured.

Finn frowns.

After Rey told the pilot that, Poe just seemed to distant himself as he was probably blaming himself.

"Poe," Finn spoke up.

Poe looks at his friend.

"We'll get her," Finn says, "I promise."

Poe sighs.

The first rule in war that Poe had heard from his father was, you can make promises in war. Nothing good comes out of promises in war. Kes decided not to preach those words.

"She's a tough kid," Kes spoke, "I'm sure she'll be alright."

Poe's eyes move to his dad.

Poe reached for his necklace and placed the ring in the palm of his hand. Wondering so much in this small attempt of a medical tent that they manage to put together after the attack.

Leia had stepped in. Poe looks at her and stands up from the spot he had been sitting on inside the tent they were in. Finn and Rose both remain sitting, but looked at the general.

Leia looked exhausted.

"General," Poe says, "I'd like to lead the assault in recusing Amara."

Leia looks at Poe.

She didn't have to be surprised to hear that out of the flyboy's mouth. He would volunteer for practically anything, but this was a different mission.

Finn stands up, "Me too." He says, "I mean at least I want to go on the mission."

Leia looks at the former trooper. She knows. If Poe goes somewhere, Finn follows suit. They are like each other's halves in some way.

"We will begin a recuse op the second we know where they took her," Leia says and shakes her head, "We can only hope Amara is able to hold on until we arrive."

Poe glanced at Leia's hand, in her left hand was Amara's newly built saber. Leia must've noticed Poe looking at it, she glanced at the pilot and nods at him.

"Rey found it," Leia says, "I didn't even know she was planning on making one."

Poe nods, "I didn't either, until today."

Leia kept her eyes on Poe.

"She had asked me for parts to help build herself one," Finn says.

Leia had a small smile, "I guess her building one was a good thing." She says, "I would've have to worry if Kylo Ren harmed anyone else."

In a few moments in came Rey. She had came in with Rex right behind her. Rey's eyes were only on Leia, although the young woman had realized everyone was looking at her.

"I sense Kylo Ren in the city," Rey tells her, "I even sense Amara."

Leia glanced at Rey, "Do you think you can figure out where?"

Rey nods, "I do."


OPENING HER eyes in a cell was not how Amara had expected her day to continue. She groans as she laid on a flat table leveled upward, facing the door. Her arms and legs were cuffed to the table. Her eyes drift down at the cuffs and then to the door. She sensed someone on the other side of the door, she narrowed her eyes.

The door swooshed opened. Kylo Ren steps into the room.

"Comfortable?" Kylo Ren asks.

Amara looks down at the cuff, "Honestly?" She looks back at him, "No, but I doubt you care."

Kylo Ren walks further into the room. The door shuts behind him. Kylo Ren looks at his sister with an intense look upon his face. Amara kept her eyes on him sternly.

"Seems your Resistance buddies have arrived just in time to save the remaining pest." Kylo Ren tilts his head, "But couldn't save you, though."

Amara says nothing but glares at her brother. Kylo Ren walks around the table she was cuffed to. He paused on her left side and looks at her.

"You must sense it," Kylo Ren says, "Leia's presence here."

Amara glanced up at him, "And you must sense Rey's presence as well." She smirks, "Must suck to know she didn't want to join you."

Amara had a smug look on her face, but that soon changed when Kylo Ren extended his hand at her face. This caused Amara's head to hit the back of the table with a thud. He was trying to enter her mind. She shakes her head and closes her eyes. She felt him try to pull away the walls she was learning to build up with Rey's guidance.

"N- N- N- No-!" Amara screamed.

When she screamed, Kylo Ren was sent back. He landed on his side and turned to look at her in amazement. His eyes widen and for a moment he lost his composure. He slowly rose and walked over to her.

"Whatever you are keeping locked up in that head of yours," Kylo Ren eyes her, "It's clearly worth keeping quiet."

Amara glares at him.

"No matter," He says to her, "I have ways of making you talk."

Amara watched him walk to the door, the door opens and in comes a interrogation droid. Amara kept her composure, she wasn't going to let her brother see her break.

"Unless you want to tell me now?" He asks, "Save you from the pain you'll endure."

"The Resistance will not be intimated by you." Amara quoted.

Kylo Ren smirks, "Oh we'll see."

Amara watches her brother leave and the interrogation droid float over to her. The door shut behind her brother and her eyes did not leave the door, even as she heard the sounds of the torture coming toward her. She wasn't going to scream. She wasn't going to scream. She wasn't.


REY JOLTED in the meeting. Her eyes darted from the command table, or better yet what was left of it, to the direction of the city.

"Rey?" Finn asks.

Everyone looked at Rey with concern. Mostly, Poe. For whatever reason he had to assume this relates to Amara. The two girls have bonded in the short amount of time together, and given that Rey is training in the ways of the Force and Amara is technically a Force user, it made sense to the pilot.

Rey glanced back at them, "I sense something wrong."

Leia frowns, "It's Amara isn't it?" She asks.

Rey sighs.

The sigh alone causes Leia's frown to deepen.

"It doesn't feel good," Rey says, "The only thing I can really get from it is pain."

Poe's eyes land on Rey. His eyes widening and the realization had hit him. He placed his hands on the table in front of him, some of it burned from the blasts from the attack.

"Poe?" Kes spoke, "You okay?"

"They're torturing her for information," Poe says without batting an eye.

Leia closed her eyes and mutters something under her breathe, it was so quick and quiet no one had heard what it was.

Finn glanced at Poe, "You mean like-?"

Poe glanced at his pal, "Yeah like on the Finalizer." He answers.

Rex crosses his arms on his chest, "Whatever you need, General Leia, you have it." He tells the woman.

Leia looks at him, "I appreciate it, Rex, but you are limited on man power and resources like we are." She says, "I cannot in good consciousness ask you and your people to risk this. Even if this is my daughter's well-being on the line."

Rex nods, "I understand that," He tells her, "But I wouldn't feel right if I didn't do anything to help you, when you all decided to come help us."

Leia nods, "Thank you, Rex." She says.

Torrin then spoke up, "Anything from us too, General Organa." He says, "Janan and I feel terrible about what happened and- and wished we could take it back."

Leia looks at the two, "We all do." Her eyes drift to Poe, "Commander Dameron."

Poe looks at his general. His posture straightens. His hands are at his side. His face is completely composed.

"I will assign you a team leader in the recuse mission of Amara," She says, "Take Finn, Rey, Chewie, and Rex with you."

Poe nods.

Janan looks at Leia, "What about us, ma'am?"

Leia glanced at the two, "You two will be helping those injured from your careless mistake." She says, "You want to pay it forward and that is what you'll be doing."

Torrin and Janan were then escorted out of the tent by Kes. Leia walks over to Poe and hands her Amara's lightsaber, she unfolds the pilot's hand and placed it on his palm. Her eyes never leaving Poe's.

"Bring her back to me," Leia says, "I don't think I can handle to loose another person I love."

Poe nods, "I will, General." He says.


SCREAMS ECHOED in the cell, even when she was done screaming. She had her head hang forward, sensing the droid hovering next to her. She tasted blood. Wincing, she lifts her head and then the door swooshes open. Entering in was no shocker, her brother.

"Impressive," Kylo Ren says, "I'd say you are the first to make it this far without saying a word, but you aren't."

Amara frowns at him. Kylo Ren steps further into the door, dismissing the droid, which left out the door before it closed behind. Kylo Ren stopped in front of his sister.

"That pilot boyfriend of yours made it this far," He grins, "Before I broke his walls in his head."

He chuckled.

Amara knew what he was doing. He was baiting her. Amara wasn't going to be stupid enough to retort at him.

Kylo Ren marched around the table like he had done before. He was examining the damage done to her. The cut on the side of her head and the blood that had slid down on the right side of her forehead to her cheek. The small cut on her left eyebrow. The burns from the shocks given to her by the droid.

"I never expected you to survive this without cracking," Kylo Ren says, "You've definitely changed since you were a child."

Amara looks at him, "Like you said before," She smirks, "I'm stronger since we last spoke."

Kylo Ren says nothing. He walks around to fully face her and the two looked at each other intensely. He crosses his arms on his chest.

"Tell me what I want to know," He says.

Amara smirks, "First off I don't know what it is you want," She says, "And secondly, the Resistance is not intimated by you."

Kylo Ren steps forward, "The man behind it all," He spoke, "I am looking for him and I can sense that you know exactly what I am talking about."

Amara kept her eyes on him, "Even if I knew what you are talking about, which I don't." She says, "What makes you think I have anything valuable to tell you?"

Kylo Ren steps forward. His face is inches from her face. The intense look on his would make Amara step back. His eyes looks as if he had nothing to loose. She looks into his eyes and did not see her brother. She saw someone completely different.

"The Force sensitive tree on Yavin 4," He spoke, "When we were children. You sensed it then, didn't you?"

Amara says nothing.

"Yes, you did." He grins for a moment, "You sensed the place. You sensed the man. You suppressed your knowledge of being Force sensitive. Why?"

Kylo Ren steps back.

"Oh that's why," He says, "Because you were afraid of that feeling. What was it, exactly?"

Amara grits her teeth, "Cold and darkness."

He nods, "That's right," He says, "That's exactly right."

Amara looks at him and watched him take another step back, but kept his back to the door. He was not looking away from her as long as she kept her eyes on him.

"So what did you two talk about this time?" He asks.

Amara shakes her head, "The Resistance will not be intimidated by you." She tells him.

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