
PLANNING BEGAN as soon as everyone was inside Rex's tent. Those who were apart of the meeting were as followed; Rex, Amara, Poe, Finn, Chewie, BB-8, Torrin, Janan, and a few other older fellows in the base. Everyone else was outside getting things ready for the help the Resistance was bringing. Leia wasn't too clear on what sort of help they were going to get, but Amara was hoping that Rey was on that list of help.

Rex points on a map of the city that rested on the command table, "The First Order has taken over the city," He says, "Those who didn't surrender to the First Order were either imprisoned or worst."

Amara frowns.

Poe rubs his forehead, "Do you know how many men we're talking about?" He asks, "How many squads of troopers?"

Torrin looks at Poe, "Janan and I have done some scouting a few days ago." He points to a bar, "We were hiding out in here to get information from a reliable source. He claims that there are probably maybe thirty troopers, but that doesn't include the officers."

Amara felt some eyes on her. It was Finn and Poe. She knew the question both men were going to ask her before they even asked her.

"No, Kylo Ren is not here." Amara tell him.

Janan looks at Amara with an annoyed look, "What does all Jedi have some sort of telepathic tracker of all Jedi."

Amara lifts her gaze to Janan. Her eyes were a hard glare on the Lasat male in front of her on the other side of the table. She had crossed her arms on her chest.

Rex glanced at Janan, "You don't need to be harsh about the Jedi," He says, "You father fought along side two of them."

Janan crosses his arms on his chest, "But it's because of the Jedi we're in this situation, isn't it? I mean, the fall of the Republic was the Jedi's fault. The Empire was the Jedi's fault. The First Order is the Jedi's fault."

Torrin glanced at his friend, "Janan."

Janan glanced at Torrin, "Come on, I can't be the only one who thinks this?" He spoke, "Look at the new Supreme Leader of the First Order. A former Jedi turned to the dark side."

Amara clenched her jaw and tighten her grip on her arms that are crossed over. Poe seemed to have glanced over noticing this.

"Janan," Rex adds, "You're out of line."

Janan continues, "Am I?"

Chewie barks a loud growl in Amara's defense, however, only those on the Resistances and Rex could understand the Wookiee.

Amara kept her gaze on Janan, "It wasn't just Jedi responsible for the Empire," She spoke, "There were countless species who condoned their behavior. Captured and even killed those who spoke out against the Empire. People rebelled to take down their oppressors."

Janan looks at her.

"Which is exactly what we're doing against the First Order. No one came to our aid on Crait and we somehow made it out covered in dirt and blood of our fallen comrades." She glares at Janan, "Where were you when we were on Crait? Huh? You were here."

Torrin awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. Janan kept his gaze on her, trying not to see intimated by her. Finn glanced at Poe and Poe looked at Finn, before both men glanced at Amara. Chewie stood right behind her, ready to take down Janan given a word. BB-8 was by Poe looking at Amara.


"You sent distressed and we came out of the goodness of our heart," Amara says, "You used a familiar chain code and a familiar code name. We came and we're going to help you with your issue."

Amara then slammed her hands on the table loudly. This caused Torrin to jump a little, but Janan didn't move. Neither Amara nor Janan had blinked.

"You can talk all sorts about the Jedi and what they've done to this galaxy," She says and then shakes her head, "But what the hell have you done for the galaxy?"

She turns around and begins to walk out, Poe reached out to grab her arm. When he did so, Amara looks at him in the eyes. What he saw in her eyes was enough to know to give her some space. Poe let go of her and she walked out.

Rex sighs, "We'll- We'll take a break."

Janan scoffs, "Why because the princess can't handle the truth?"

Finn steps forward, "Do not call her that." He says, "She is a commander in the Resistance. She's a great fighter and one hell of a friend."

Janan looks at Finn.

Poe made his hands into fists, "We've been out there fighting for the injustice that the First Order is causing in the galaxy," He says, "She had a valid point, what have you done for the galaxy?"


JEDI WERE to blame for some of the issues, but Amara can't fault them all. She had heard stories of the Jedi when she was a child from her mother, sure Leia didn't know everything about the Jedi due to being born after the fall of the Republic, but the stories did give Amara some sort of understanding. They were suppose to be peacekeepers. Not soldiers. The Jedi were only meant to bring balance to the living thing and understand that balance.

The Empire was her grandfather's doing. The end of the Empire was her uncle's, mother's, and father's doing. The First Order was her brothers doing and Amara is trying her best to right those wrongs. Amara sat away from the base. She sat on the top of a hill looking down at the city from the distance. The thought of people being prisoners inside their own city was sickening.

Amara saw a small pebble, she focused her attention on the pebble. As she concentrated on the pebble, the small rock began to lift from the rock. Amara's gaze moved to in front of her, and then the pebble went flying from the ground and into the grass. Her training was slow, but she was learning. She wanted to learn more faster, because if she compared herself to her brother, they were in different leagues. He was a threat to her and she knew it.

Her training with her mother is firstly doing mediation and protecting your mind from invaders using the Force. The pebble trick was something Amara just picked up randomly before leaving Yavin 4. The wind of Lothal blew against her face. She pulled her knees to her chest and hugged them. This reminded her of times where she would sit on D'Qar and complain to Vira about something stupid. Her gaze moved to her right. No Vira. That's right. Amara huffed out a deep breathe and closed her eyes.


Amara felt a comforting hand touch her shoulder. Quickly, Amara opened her eyes and lifted her head to look behind her, no one was there.

Amara frowns.

"Great," She says, "I'm hearing voices."


She stands up and looks at the city one last time before heading back to the base. She had enough time to cool down after Janan's remarks about the Jedi and basically her family legacy. Amara turned her back on the city and walked in the direction of the base. However, behind her, a blue Force ghost appeared briefly before fading.


THE TWO boys, Poe and Finn, were waiting by the Falcon for Amara to come back. Chewie had told them he was going into the Falcon to check on things, which neither of them had a problem with. Poe sat on the open ramp with BB-8 next to him.

Finn glanced at his friend after sensing something radiating off of Poe. Sometimes Finn gets these feelings or senses things, he isn't sure what it is really. Is it just a gut feeling? Or does he seem to know the X-Wing pilot so well after only knowing him for a month, well awake for a few weeks.

"Everything okay, Poe?" Finn asks his friend.

Poe looks at him, "I'm just- I'm just a little pissed off." He shakes his head.

Finn understood.

Amara didn't deserved that. Finn knew that, he knew that if Janan had brought up the fact Finn was once a trooper, Amara would've stepped in and shut him down. Finn can a hundred percent grantee she would've blasted him with her blaster if he had said something negative about Poe.

"She bares that legacy on her shoulders," Poe says lowering his gaze, "She use to talk about it with pride, but-."

Finn nods, "Yeah." He says, "I know."

Finn, like Rey, knew as much as Amara would open up about her background. About Han and Leia, about her grandparents that she knew, and about Ben Solo. Finn knew that with Janan throwing out what he thought about the Jedi hurt her and she doesn't even consider herself to be a Jedi. Poe looks up at the base in front of him. Janan was one irritating guy to say what he said, but he doesn't represent the entire group of people wanting their help. Poe sees families here, families who are hoping the Resistance will help them.

Poe shakes his head bitterly, if only some of those people could've helped them back on Crait.

"Poe," Finn spoke, "What is it?"

Poe lifts his head. His expression must've been concerning for Finn, because his pal did look worried about the pilot.

Poe shakes his head, "It's- It's nothing."

Poe glanced down and heard BB-8 beeping. The small orange and white droid rolled away from his master, Poe's gaze moved to where BB-8 was going to. Amara had returned.

Poe stands up.

He takes a good look at her, she looked like she had calmed down since the interaction in the tent. She didn't look as at peace as she was this morning, but it can't be helped.

"Amara," Poe says, "You okay?"

Amara nods, "Yeah- um sorry for storming off." She says.

Finn took a step forward, "You don't need to apologize." He says.

Poe nods in agreement with Finn, "He's right," He tells her, "You did nothing wrong. It was Janan."

Amara sighs and steps forward, "But I should've kept my mouth shut. If we end up forming some sort of alliance with these people I want to be on good accords with them and not worry about being stabbed in the back." She says, "Besides, shouting at them doesn't make me look good."

Poe couldn't help but smile, "You sound just like Leia."

Amara looks at him, "At ease, Commander Dameron." She says in a tone similar to her mother.

That action caused the three of them to lightly laugh and smile. The small laughter between them was cut off short by Torrin and Janan coming over. The soft giggles escaping Amara's lips turn to a frown and her eyes directly on the Lasat.

"Um-," Torrin rubs his arm, "Janan wanted to say something to you, Amara."

Amara crossed her arms on her chest.

Janan groans and says, "I'm sorry for what I said." He says and groans, "You're right. I only know my life here on Lothal. I can't possibly understand what war has really been like."

Amara nods, "And you have no problem walking into battle against the First Order along side someone in the Skywalker bloodline?"

Janan shakes his head, "No. That comment about the Jedi it was- it was stupid and offensive." He says, "Sorry."

Poe looks at Amara. Hearing her now, she sounded like a completely different person than he remembered before leaving for Jakku to find the map to Skywalker. Amara sounded like she's aged since then, but she is still twenty-one.

"I do not forgive the behavior but I accept the apology," She says.

Without adding an additional word, Amara just moves pass Janan. Both Janan and Torrin watched as Amara walked up into the Falcon.


LEIA HAD told them help would come, but it was not coming as soon as they'd hope. With sources limited, Leia had explained to Poe through their holocall that the ship arriving with help wouldn't be there until tomorrow. Which meant they'd have to hold off on any attacks until then. No retaking the city until tomorrow.

Poe didn't like that. He had a feeling Janan and Torrin as well as a few of the younger people here on the base might be a little big trigger happy. Once Poe got off the call with Leia, he glanced over to Rex who had been apart of the conversation.

"What do you think?" Poe asks Rex.

Rex looks at Poe. He seemed a bit surprised to hear the commander of the Resistance ask for his opinion, but to be honest Rex had far more experience in this sort of thing than anyone alive.

"I think we should follow your General's lead." Rex says, "Wait until tomorrow to plan a proper attack with more allies."

Poe nods, "Think your people can hold off until then?"

Rex nods, "I'm certain they will." He says.

After that, Poe had excused himself to go report this information to Finn and Amara. He hated having to wait when they could go and attack, but he had learned after Crait that they need a plan before going in guns a blazing. When Poe finds Amara and Finn, the two are outside with Chewie and BB-8. In front of Amara is pieces of parts of blasters and other weapons that have been destroyed. BB-8 was watching Amara move parts around in her small pile. Poe looks at her a bit confused.

Amara doesn't even look up, "So how is my mom?" She asks.

Finn jumps a little bit, he had been helping sorting parts for Amara and hadn't even noticed Poe. He looks up at his friend and gives Poe a big smile.

"Hey, buddy." Finn says.

Poe gives a smile, "Hey," He says, "Um- General Organa is doing well, but bad news the manpower won't be here until tomorrow. So we won't be attacking until we have enough people."

Amara nods, "Makes sense."

Finn looks at Poe, "And Rex is okay with this?"

Poe nods.

Chewie barks a growl from his spot. When he did that, Amara points at the Wookiee and nods her head, still the woman has yet to look up.

"He's gotta point," She says.

Chewie was saying about Janan and Torrin.

The four of them have only been on Lothal for a day, but despite that have noticed that Torrin and Janan are trying to prove something. They are hotheads.

Poe rubs the bridge of his nose, "Rex assures me that they won't be doing anything reckless." He says.

Amara shakes her head, "Don't count of that," She says and then tosses a piece of piping over her shoulder, "I can tell they're up to something."

Finn glanced at Amara, "From the Force?"

Amara finally looks up, "They're young and want to impress their leader," She says, "They'll only do what they think is right but it'll end up blowing up in their faces."

Poe sighs, "They might be hotheads but I don't know if they'd be that reckless." He says.

Amara frowns and then drop the blaster piece in her hands on the ground, she looks directly at Poe.

"Poe," Amara says, "Are you questioning my assessment of them?"

Poe shakes his head, "What-? No, it's just- I don't think they'd do something that would put the people on the base at risk." He says.

Amara scoffs, "You barely know them."

Poe groans, "What is it with you, Amara?" He asks, "A second ago you were apologizing to us for your outburst and then accepting Janan's apology. And now you hate them?"

Amara looks at them, "Hate them? No. I am only speaking from what I see from them, you know from that freaky Force thing that I cannot control." She says and stands up, "Ugh-! Forget it. I'm not even going to bother doing this-!"

Amara kicks some of the pieces and goes back inside the Falcon. Chewie growls annoyance at Amara and heads over to clean up the pieces with BB-8 pushing a crate the pieces were in before to the Wookiee. Finn stands up and looks from where Amara stormed off to Poe. Finn placed a hand on Poe's shoulder and looked at him.

"She told me while you were meeting with Rex, she feels a lot of feelings of the Force here." He tells Poe, "I think it's getting to her. She doesn't know how to control it fully and- and sure she's getting training but she isn't sure where she should be going."

Poe frowns, "Why hasn't she told me this?"

Finn shrugs, "I've become an ear for her every now and then." He says, "Sorry buddy."

Poe shakes his head.

Poe will admit, it did sting a little hearing his girlfriend was speaking to his best friend about things that she should be telling him. But Amara and Finn are friends and friends talk to each other about things they're worried about.

"No, it's okay." Poe says, "I- I was busy."

Finn nods.

Poe gestures to the mess on the ground, "What was this all about?"

Finn glanced down, "She was going to use her Kyber crystal and make a lightsaber." He tells Poe.

Poe looks a bit shocked, "What?" He asks, "Really?"

Finn nods, "She claims that if she's wielding the saber it'll be a big distraction out there," He says, "So she can keep the attention on her while everyone can save those imprisoned."

Poe shakes his head, "I'm not allowing her to be a walking target."

Finn shrugs his shoulders with a sad smile, "I don't think she's going to give you a choice."

Poe frowns at that. He looks back at the Falcon, he was wondering what Amara could be thinking. This morning started off so well, and then things were all shaken up. He wished he could go back to cuddling in bed, considering a future with her. And then that is when it hit Poe. Amara knew his thoughts of wanting to purpose to her in the future. Poe wasn't sure if he should take this badly how she is reacting or if she's reacting this way because he hasn't talked to her about the idea.

Poe just shakes his head, "I have a bad feeling about all of this," Poe says.

Finn nods, "You and me both."


THE ATTACK happened at dust. Just like Amara had predicted, both Torrin and Janan went in like idiots to try and bring the fight to them, which was the most idiotic thing the two could do. Torrin and Janan had literally brought the First Order to the camp. Storm Troopers marching through the fields and ships landing below the campsite. Blasters were firing at the people living in the camp.

Amara marched out of the Falcon, "Those idiots." She turns to the Falcon, "Chewie-!"

Without a seconds notice, out came Chewie. He was armed with his signature cross-bow blaster. Amara pulled her blaster out of her holster and ran to find cover to begin shooting. Chewie and Amara were behind a tent, firing at Storm Troopers coming into the camp. Amara hit one and Chewie hit two. On the other side of the camp; Poe, Finn, and Rex came out of the command tent. All three of them were armed. Poe glanced down below him, BB-8 was at his feet.

"BB-8 go find Amara," Poe says, "Make sure she's okay."

BB-8 beeps at Poe and rolls off.

Once the droid was off, blasts came near them. All three of them ducked for cover and began firing their blasters at the enemy. Poe hit two and ducked behind a crate and Finn hit two as well before going behind the same crate with Poe. Rex fired and hit the shoulder of one but then aimed for the chest of the same one, knocking that one down.

Rex glanced over noticing Torrin and Janan firing on enemy.

"Torrin-!" Rex yells, "Janan! What the hell did you do?"

Torrin glanced back at Rex, "We wanted- We wanted to take back what is ours!"

Rex fires again and gestures to the chaos, "And bring it here? Where they're are women and children!" He yells.

Torrin's excited look of taking on the enemy fades as he looks in front of them. Sure, they had taken down troopers but the death toll was not just troopers. There were their own people laying face first in the dirt.

"Rex, I-." Torrin was cut off when he was hit.

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