
THE SHOCK had simmered down. Amara stared at the man with wide eyes and Poe kept his gaze on Amara.

"Y- You knew my grandfather?" Amara asks.

Rex nods, "I knew Anakin Skywalker and I knew Padmé Amidala." He tells her, "I was more familiar with General Skywalker than Senator Amidala."

Amara shakes her head. No one is still alive from that time who fought in that war, well besides Chewie and the two droids; C-3PO and R2-D2. Amara looks from the floor then to Rex again.

"H- How are you alive?" Amara asks.

Rex shrugs his shoulders, "I honestly don't know. I am a clone after all and I am not familiar with the science that went in behind cloning me and all of my brothers."

Poe leans forward in his seat, "Brothers?" He asks, "There are more?"

Rex sighs and shakes his head, "No. They're all gone." He frowns, "I'm the last of them."

Amara frowns, "I- I'm sorry." She says.

Rex looks at her, "It's quite alright," He says, "Most of my brothers who didn't defect served the Empire until they got rid of the clones. The ones who did defect like myself, went into hiding until we made ourselves useful in the Rebellion."

Poe nods, "Alright, but what are you doing here?" He asks.

"What do you think, kid?" Rex asks, "I am here to defend Lothal. I lost a lot of good people last time when Lothal was taken over and I am not going to allow Lothal to be taken over again."

Amara looks at the man, "I understand wanting to protect those you care about," She says, "But Captain Rex-,"

Rex chuckles, "Please, just Rex. I haven't been a captain in ages, Commander Solo." He says.

Amara gives a small smile, "If we're going to be less formal, then you do not have to call me "Commander Solo". Just Amara will do." She says.

Rex nods, "Alright."

"As I was saying, Rex," Amara says, "Given the information we were told, we were only informed that the First Order was having some sort of activity in Lothal. We weren't notified that they are in fact here in Capital City."

Rex frowns, "You weren't told?"

Poe shakes his head, "No."

Rex sighs, "Torrin is a good kid," He says and ran a hand over his face, "He's really trying to prove a lot here. I can only assume he thought if he explained the situation the Resistance wouldn't want to help."

Amara frowns, "Given the news of what happened to the Resistance on Crait," She looks down, "Torrin's reason is valid."

Rex looks at her, "So it's true." He says, "The Resistance number is fleeting."

Amara nods.

Poe nods as well, "The Battle of Crait," He made his hands into fists, "It took a lot out of us."

Rex nods understanding. If anyone in the tent could understand the two Resistance officers it's Rex. Rex has seen war first hand. He has fought along side brothers and lost them in the process.

"If you offer your assistants here," Rex says, "I can try and offer some for you."

Amara looks at him, "We appreciate it, Rex, but you don't have to-,"

Rex shakes his head, "General Skywalker and General Kenobi were dear friends of mine," He stands up, "You are Skywalker's legacy. I will help you as if you were my friend."


Amara was stunned to respond. Instead Poe stood up and accepted. He held his hand out to shake it and Rex accepted Poe's hand.

"You have yourself a deal," Poe says, "But is there a way we can make contact with General Organa without the First Order tapping into our communications?"

Rex nods, "Absolutely."


OUTSIDE OF the tent sat Amara. She allowed Poe to contact her mother and explain the situation, asking if she could offer a few extra men and maybe throwing Rey into a ship to Lothal. Meanwhile, Amara just sat out there lost in her thoughts.

Finn stepped over, "Everything okay?"

Amara looks up at him, "Yeah," She gave him a sad smile, "I just- I just met someone who knew my grandfather."

Finn gives her a confused look, "What?"

Finn and Rey were both told of Amara's family legacy. She had told them on the first night on the Falcon after the Battle of Crait. Amara had told them the story of Anakin Skywalker, best pilot and powerful Jedi Knight. How he fell in love despite it being forbidden in the Jedi Order, and how he married the woman. She told them how the woman, who was Padmé Amidala, got pregnant with Luke and Leia.

She told them how Anakin turned to the dark side because of the Emperor. She told them how her grandfather had to fight his master, who was like a brother to him. She told them how her grandmother passed after giving birth to Luke and Leia, and how the twins were separated after birth. After that, most of the story of the Empire and the legend that is Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia were well known.

Finn sits on the dirt next to her, "Is the person like ancient or something?"

Amara grins sadly, "Or something," She says, "He is a clone. He was a Clone Trooper for the Jedi Order."

Finn looked at her in awe, "A trooper?"

Amara nods, "Yeah."

Finn was aware of the clones. He was aware how they were the first wave of Storm Troopers in the Empire before they were either killed off or mysteriously disappeared to make way for new troopers. Finn knew of them, he was told of them and taught how to fight like them when he was in the First Order.

"He defected, Finn." Amara says, "Just like you."

Finn looks at her. He was taken back by that comment. His gaze moves away from her and then looks up at the sky on Lothal. It was clear and it was beautiful, but not nearly as beautiful as Yavin 4. Finn glanced over at Amara. She looked upward at the sky too. He always wondered, as she is the daughter of Han Solo, why she wasn't invested in flying. He never seen her pilot a ship, let alone her own father's ship.

"Can I ask you something?" Finn asks her.

Amara glanced over with a smile, "Sure."

Finn tilts his head, "How come you don't pilot?"

Amara shrugs, "I don't know. I guess despite it being in my blood I never thought of myself as I pilot." She says and then laughs, "But then again I never considered myself one with the Force and now look at me."

Finn couldn't help but smile at that comment.

Amara looks back up at the sky, "But I do know I have a pilot's heart." She smiles, "I always find myself staring at the sky or just the starry night sky."


Finn nudges her lightly, "Then maybe you should learn to pilot an X-Wing." He says, "Poe could teach you."

Amara laughed, "No way in hell would Poe ever approve of that."

"What wouldn't I approve?" Poe asks.

Amara and Finn looked up to see Poe standing there with Rex right behind him. Amara kept her smile on her face as she stood up, Finn was also standing.

"Nothing," She says, "So did you contact my mother?"

Poe nods, "Yeah." He says, "She'll be giving us what she can."

Amara understood. They were stretching it thin as it is. There wasn't much left of the Resistance and even with the new recruits that should be coming to Yavin 4, it wasn't like they could be much of help seeing as they need training.

"Until then," Rex says, "Make yourself comfortable. We can issue up some tents for you,"

Amara shakes her head, "Nonsense." She says, "We can always stay in the Falcon."

Rex nods, "Of course."

Amara glanced besides her and noticed how Finn was looking at Rex. It was almost in awe, in amazement. Finn had always thought he was the first trooper to defect from the cause he was forced to be apart of, but apparently he wasn't.

"Um, Rex this is Finn." Amara introduced, "Finn was a former trooper in the First Order but defected."

Rex looked a bit bewildered for a moment.

Poe nods, "He saved my life." He says and clasped a hand on Finn's shoulder to stand next to him.

Amara nods, "He helped us take down Starkiller Base." She says.

Rex placed his hands on his hips, "Wow. That is- Wow." He says, "Kid, it would be an honor of mine if I could shake your hand."

Finn spoke up, "It- It would be such an honor to shake your hand, sir." He says.

"Rex," Rex says, "No formality."

Finn nods.

Then the two former troopers shook hands. It was such a wonderful moment for both men. Poe stepped back and looked at Amara, he reached his hand out and Amara accepted it. The two held hands.

Just then a thought occurred to Amara.

"Where is Chewie?" Amara asks.

They ended up walking back to the Falcon ramp where the crowd of people where there, but cheering for a different reason. Turns out Janan and Chewie were having an arm wrestling match. Torrin was behind Janan cheering him on, despite Janan yelling at Torrin to keep quite.

Amara glanced at Poe, "Well that's unexpected."


AMARA HAD found Rex alone. Everyone was at the campfire having a grand time, but Amara noticed the clone's absence so she went in search for him. She saw him by the Falcon. He was admiring the ship.

"It's my father's ships." Amara startled him out of his thoughts.

Rex glanced at her, "I heard of what happened to Han Solo," He says, "I'm sorry for your loss."

Amara gives him a small smile, "I appreciate it," She says and steps forward to look at the ship.

Rex looks at the ship and then to Amara. She looked like Leia and Han, he could tell. He has fought along side Han in the Battle of Endor, he had seen Princess Leia in passing. However, the more he looks at Amara, the more he sees Anakin Skywalker.

Amara glanced at him and Rex looks away.

"My apologizes," Rex says.

Amara shakes her head, "It's okay." She says giving him a smile, "It must be weird to see me. To know I am Skywalker's granddaughter."

Rex laughs, "It reminds me of how old I am." His laughter fades, "But it also reminds me of the friends I've lost."

Amara frowns, "I'm sorry."

Rex shakes his head, "It's not your fault, kid."

Amara sat down and gestured for Rex to do that same. As the older man does, they sit in silence for a while. Amara thinks to what Poe is doing, probably drinking with Finn and laughing. He tends to get too absorbed in having a good time he tends to forget about other things around him, which is why Amara had walked off when she did.

"How much do you know of Anakin Skywalker?" Rex asks.

Amara shrugs her shoulders, "I know a little from my mother," She says, "I was told a lot from C-3PO and R2-DR when I was a kid."

Rex glanced at her, "Those droids still around?"

Amara nods.

"Anakin built C-3PO." Rex says, "I remember him telling me that one night."

Amara looks at Rex, "Really? He built 3PO?" She asks.

Rex nods.

"Wow." She says.

"And R2-D2 was his droid. Every time he piloted that droid was with him." Rex says and lightly laughs, "Can't believe they're still around."

Amara looks at the stars, "Before the Jedi Order fell, was Anakin-" She looks at Rex, "Was he a good guy?"

Rex sighs and looks at the sky, "He saved my life a lot in the Clone Wars." He says, "He and General Kenobi were some of the few to not treat any of us like clones but as individuals."

Amara sort of smiles at that.

"He was a remarkable pilot," Rex went on, "A powerful Jedi. A good fighter, but was a bit reckless at time."

Amara smiles sadly, "I would've loved to have met him."

"You're a Jedi," He says, "You should be able to."

Amara glanced at him, "I- I'm not a Jedi," She says.

Rex nods, "Sorry- Sorry," He says, "I didn't mean to assume."

Amara shakes her head, "N- No- No." She ran a hand over her face, "I mean, I am a Force user, yes, but not a Jedi."

Rex glanced at her, "You probably still could." He says, "I had overheard a friend who was a Jedi say that no one is really gone. He could communicate with his master, despite his master being dead."

Amara frowns, "Really?" She spoke, "I- I never considered that."

Rex looks back up at the sky, "But you don't have to." He says.

Amara looks at the sky, "It's a thought, now."


MUCH LATER, Amara had walked through the Falcon to the sleeping quarters. She found someone still up. It was Poe. He was sitting in the lounge at the table. His head resting on his hands as his elbows were on the table. He looked tired.

Amara walked into the room, "Gonna stay up all night?" She asks.

Poe looks up, "Uh- um no."

Amara walks over to him and placed a hand on his head. Poe embraced her touch in his hair. She loved his hair, she loved those curls. Amara tilt her head as she eyes fixed on him.

"Why aren't you in bed?" She asks.

"Why aren't you?" He asks her.

Amara smiles, "Far point, but I asked first." She says.

Poe shrugs, "I- I can't seem to sleep much than a few hours before I'm waking up in cold sweat."

"Because of the Raddus?" She asks.

Poe looks at her, "Crait, the Raddus, Kylo Ren torturing me, you name it it's probably what I'm dreaming." He says, "Sometimes it's you."

Amara is now sitting next to him, her hand stroking his hair and her eyes filled with concern looked at him.

"Poe," Amara says, "Why didn't you tell me you're still suffering from nightmares?"

Poe looks at her, "I had to appear to be fine," He says, "I couldn't let you know I was also broken."

Amara frowns. She didn't like how she was just called "broken", but she let it go. She knew he was worried about her for a lot of reasons and she understood it. She had been dealing with her latest vision, but after Poe knew, she felt like she could talk to him about anything.

"Poe," She says, "If I can come to you for a shoulder to cry on or an ear to listen to my problems, the same can be said about you."

Poe kept his eyes on her.

"I am here for you, a hundred percent." She says, "Because Poe Dameron, you stupid fool, I love you."

Poe cups her face and then the two peck a kiss on the lips. Amara pulls back first and then stands up, but reaches down to grab Poe's hand.

"Wh- What?" Poe asks.

"Come on," She says, "We're going to bed."

"We?" He asks.

Amara nods, "If you can't go to sleep alone, then I guess I have no choice but to let you sleep with me tonight."

Poe was a bit shocked by this. Actually, it wasn't the first time they had fallen asleep together, but this was the first time as a couple they were going to.

Amara pulls him out of the seat he had been sitting in for hours as she thought. She had dragged him for a moment, before he began to walk with her down the halls to her quarters. She was given Han's old quarters, which was fitting. Amara opens the door and the two step in. Amara shuts the door behind, a small light turns on after the door shuts. The quarters seemed a bit larger than the ones Finn and Chewie were sleeping in. Poe felt a bit bad for taking Amara's space and having a larger space while his buddy had a small spot.

Amara took off her jacket and then turns to Poe. She gestures to the bed. He does the same, jacket comes off and then so does boots. Amara was sitting on the bed as she got her boots off before she pulled over the covers. Poe sits on the bed and looks at the wall in front of him.

"I can always sleep in my-," Poe was cut off.

"No you won't," Amara says, "You'll be up all night."

Poe knew she was right, but he had said nothing.

Amara pulled him into bed, he just allowed her to do that. Once the two laid in the bed, Amara pulled the covers up. Amara curled up against him, resting her head on his chest. She could hear his heart beat and feel his chest rise and fall as he breathed. Poe wrapped right arm around her, pulling her tighter and closer to him. Poe leaned down and kissed the top of her head. Amara reached over and grabbed Poe's left hand in her right hand held it.

"Good night, Poe." Amara says.

Poe gives a small smile, "Good night Amara," Poe says and closes his eyes.


POE AWAKENS in the morning, he feels Amara's body up against his. She was sound asleep. She looks peaceful. Poe brushes some of her hair from her face and looks at her. He looks from her to the ceiling of the quarters they were in and began to think.

No nightmares last night. Guess sleeping with Amara last night really helped him out for his sleeping schedule. He actually felt refreshed unlike most nights, he wakes up feeling more tired than he did prior.

He felt Amara adjust herself in her sleep. She pulled herself closer to Poe. He couldn't help but smile at that. Her arms wrapped around him, keeping him in the bed with her. Not that he didn't mind it, but he knew she would have to wake up soon so they could plan how to handle the First Order.

However, the longer Poe stared at the young woman he is sharing a bed with, he can't help but wished this was his life. No fighting. No death. No war. Just days like this where he and Amara can just lay together and cuddle without any worry of the First Order. Poe's fingers touch his mother's wedding ring and he palmed it as he went deeper into thoughts.

He had spent years for the Resistance. He had given the Resistance everything and when the war eventually ends what will he be left with?

Amara, for starters.

Poe grimace, 'That is if we all survive the war,' Poe thought.

But if they all survived the war. What future would he have? Would he leave the Resistance and return home like he had told his father so many times prior? His fingers continue to trace the ring. Or would he finally give this ring to the woman of his dreams? Like his father had told him, one day he'd be willing to give that ring to the person he'd want to spend the rest of his life with.

Poe's eyes linger to Amara.

He had already trusted her with the ring once before. She hadn't wanted to take it at first, she didn't want to hold onto something that means so much to him. But she protected the ring and returned it to him. Before Poe could continue his deep thoughts, he heard a slight moan and he glanced down. Amara's eyes fluttered open as she stretched against him.

"Morning," Poe says grinning at her.

Amara closed her eyes but smiles at him, "Morning." She says, "Did you sleep well?"

Poe nods, "Yeah." He says, "And I can see you did."

Amara opens her eyes and kept the smile, "I like cuddling with you," She says, "You make me feel safe."

Amara held onto him and he held onto her back. They cuddled together for a moment, before a knock on the quarters door gained their attention.

"Amara-!" Finn yells, "Poe! Get up!"

Amara blushes, "Uh- um we'll be right out shortly!" She exclaims.

"Just hurry up!" Finn yells from the other side of the door.

At this point both Amara and Poe had sat up in the bed. Amara's fee hung over the side and Poe is standing up, he was going to head to his quarters to get clean clothes to change into before heading out of the Falcon.

Amara watched him to go the door.

"Poe," Amara says.

Poe halts and turns to her, "Yeah?"

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