
HER EYES opened late in the evening. Amara turned her head on the hospital bed and found Leia sitting in the chair next to her. Leia was awake and looking at her with a sad smile on her face.

"Just like you father," Leia says, "A bit for the dramatic."

Amara's eyebrows furrow and looked at her mother confused. She didn't remember how she ended up in the medical tent, she just remembered the Falcon. Her eyes widen. Her vision.

"You scared me, Amara." Leia says, "You scared a lot of people."

Amara frowns, "I'm sorry." She says.

Leia reached over and held onto her daughter's hand. She rubbed her thumb against Amara's hand. Amara's gaze moved from her mother to her hand that her mother held.

"How long was I out?" Amara asks.

Leia sighs, "Two days."

Amara's eyes snap back to her mom, "Two days?" Amara asks.

Leia nods.

Amara turns her head away. She looked straight upward at the tent ceiling and frowned. She couldn't believe the amount of stress her being unconscious must've put the others under, mostly her mother.

"Amara," Leia says.

Amara glanced back at her mom. She gave her mom her complete attention.

"What to tell me what happened?" Leia asks.

Amara sighs and frowns, "Give me a second" She asks, "It's still a little hazy."

Leia nods, "Okay," She says.

Amara nods.

"You had visitors." Leia says, "Both Finn and Rey stayed as long as they could before they were removed from medical to get proper rest."

Amara couldn't help but smile at that.

"Rose stopped by briefly." Leia says, "And Chewie sat with me the longest before I dismissed him."

Amara closed her eyes and could picture that. Her mom telling the Wookiee to leave and get some rest. She knows how Chewie is becoming very protective of her as of late, probably because it's something Han would've wanted.

Amara opened her eyes, "I think- I think I figured out why I repressed my knowledge of being Force sensitive."

Leia looks at her daughter, "Do you now?" She asks.

Amara forces herself to sit up in the bed. She moved her legs over, now hanging off the side of the bed. Her eyes focusing on her mom.

"Care to explain?" Leia asks, "Or is that still hazy?"

Amara shakes her head, "This isn't hazy." She says.

Leia nods, "Okay," Leia tells her daughter, "Take your time."

Amara looked away from her mom. She didn't want to look at her mom when she talked about this, because she didn't know how Leia was going to react to it.

"It all started with that vision at the tree that I told you about," Amara says.

Leia nods.

Amara sighs, "I was getting frustrated with mediation and considered giving it up. Giving up trying to figure it out and maybe even give up on Force training." She ran her hands over her face, "I was just so annoyed and I felt like I was going no where."

Leia had a small smirk on her face, "Impatient," She says, "Just like your father."

Amara lifts her hands from her face and looked at her mom. Leia's smile was not one of sadness but instead contained warmth when speaking about her late husband.

Amara swallowed back some nerves, "Anyways, I talked to Finn on the Falcon about giving it up. He convinced me to give it some more time." She says, "And I decided on that."


Leia had a small smile on her face. It contained pride, pride for her daughter not giving up on something that is apart of her.

"We worked on the Falcon and then I offered to get everyone a drink," Amara says, "So I headed to the lounge and then-,"

The words just stopped on her lips. Amara's face looks concerned and it only leads Leia to feel concern for her daughter. Leia got up from the chair next to the bed and sat on the bed next to her daughter. Leia placed a hand on her daughter's knee.

"I sensed it first. Dark and cold." Amara says shaking her head, "No one was in the Falcon besides us. And- And the presence wasn't Kylo Ren. So I thought it might've been like the situation on D'Qar with- with Poe."

Leia watched as her daughter looked at her frantically. The pure worry of the possibility of something bad happening to Poe.

"But it wasn't, was it?" Leia asks her, "Poe has radioed in every check in time."

Amara exhaled a breathe of relief, "It wasn't him, but hearing he's- he's okay, it makes me feel better." She says.

Leia watched as Amara reached for the ring around her neck. Amara held onto it and closed her eyes for a brief moment. Leia lightly smiled at that, knowing her daughter had a spot in her heart for Poe was sweet, but they still had to speak about this.

"So what happened on the Falcon?" Leia asks her daughter.

Amara put the necklace with Shara's ring back under her shirt to be hidden and also protected. Amara refused to look at Leia now, her head was bowing slightly.

"I was thrown onto the ground hard and when I looked around I was on some unfamiliar planet." Amara says, "I had no idea where I was. It was everything I felt that day as a child, what I had sensed from the tree was from that planet."

Leia frowns.

"It was dark and cold." She says, "The surface had openings and it made it easy to fall through. Plus lightning was an issue."

Leia nods.

Leia couldn't think of a planet like that and she's traveled the galaxy for years. Perhaps it was a planet Leia never visited, but even so, it bothered Leia seeing as this planet is linked to her daughter.

"I was almost hit by lightning twice," Amara says, "On the second time I fell through an opening and landed on the ground. I remember walking down a chamber where it housed statues of people, but I don't know who they were."

Leia nods.

"I sensed something there," Amara says, "It felt like it was calling for me to continue down the path I was taking, although I felt a bad feeling and that's when I heard his voice." Amara closed her eyes.

Leia's eyebrows furrow, "Who's voice?" She asks.

Amara shakes her head, "I- I don't know, mom." She says opening her eyes, "I- I just heard his voice. He never appeared to me."

Leia held onto her daughter's hand for support. Leia could see in Amara's eyes that she was having a difficult time recounting this event.

"What did he say?" Leia asks.

Amara glanced at her mom, "He told me if he wanted me dead I'd be dead," Her eyes moved away from her mother, "And he confirmed being what called to me years ago as a child."


Leia froze.

Some dark being tried to poison her daughter at the age of six. It wouldn't have been just Ben being hauled off to the dark side, but possibly Amara too if she wasn't too scared as a child.

"The- The voice told me between Ben and I, he was more focused on my untapped ability. I could tell in his voice he was displeased when I shut him out." Amara says, "He is responsible for Ben turning to the darkness."

Leia tilt her head, "That was Snoke."

Amara glanced at her mom, "I have a bad feeling Snoke was our least concern." She says.

Amara closed her eyes remembering being on that planet, she let go of her mother's hand and pulled herself into a hug. She wanted to forget, she wanted to pretend she wasn't there.

"What else happened?" Leia asks.

Amara opens her eyes, "I blamed him for Ben and got angry. He wanted me to allow the anger to flow through me, and I told him I would never become a Sith." She says, "Though he says they always claim that."

Leia frowns, "Who claims that?"

Amara bit her lip for a moment, "My grandfather before he became Darth Vader and Ben before he became Kylo Ren." She says.

Leia frowns and pulls her daughter into a hug. She wanted to hold Amara forever. She never wanted to let go of her daughter. Amara didn't hug her mom back, but she didn't pull away from the touch.

"He asked what made me different," Amara says, "And then I was hit by lightning. And then nothing. It was black and cold, until I woke up."

Leia brushed some of Amara's hair from her face and kissed the side of her face. If Leia had reason to worry before about Amara being Force sensitive, now she had a bigger reason to be terrified. Some dark presence was after her as a child and has contacted her again.

Leia looks at Amara, "This will only remain a need to know," She says, "Top officials will use this information and look into it. Maybe we can find this mysterious man who had called out to you and maybe find this planet."

Amara nods.

Leia just held her daughter, "I'm just glad you're okay."

Amara hugs her mom back, "Me too mom."


TWO MORE days have passed. That meant Poe had been gone for four days and only three more until he returned. According to Leia, he and his crew had came into contact with a few pilots who'd be willing to come out of retirement to help the cause. These were elite pilots in the Alliance. Also, word on a new planet to base them all seemed to come faster than Poe had expected.

Ajan Kloss. Ajan Kloss is a jungle moon located in the Cademimu sector of the Outer Rim territories orbiting a gas giant, Ajara. Poe had contacted Leia about it as he notified her that they were returning and would be back in three days. Leia told the pilot she'd consider the option of Ajan Kloss when he returns.

Meanwhile, for Amara, since her visit to the medical tent she had been given light work. She was given the assignment of categorizing supplies that came in by the New Republic. She held a datapad and walked through the crates of supplies, counting them up.

Amara's eyes would drift to Rey.

Rey was using her staff and practice combat with Finn. She was good and despite the fact Finn had years and years of training while under the First Order, he didn't stand a chance against Rey. Rey had knocked him down every single time.

Amara wondered if Leia told Rey and Finn of her vision, she knew Connix knew and so did D'Acy and a few other Resistances officials. Leia trusts Connix and so does Amara, so it was no surprised that Leia had asked Connix to look into trying to find the mystery man and the planet. But so far, nothing.

"A stupid dead end," Amara muttered to herself.

She had been thinking that way for days now. She hated feeling that way or even thinking that way, but it was hard to. She wasn't patient and she just wanted answers. Maybe that's why she'll never become a Jedi like Rey. Amara sighed as she finished her duty. She went to the command tent to hand off the datapad to someone in there, anyone really, but stopped in on a holocall her mom was carrying out with a certain pilot.

"Amara," Leia says and turns to her daughter.

Leia stood in the middle of the command room, alone. Poe's face was the only other thing besides her mom and Amara in the command room, hell not even 3PO or R2 were there.

"Amara," Poe's voice can be heard from the holocall.

Amara gives a small smile, "I uh- finished going through the supplies, ma'am." Amara hands the datapad to her mom, "If that's all I can-,"

Leia shakes her head, "You can have a talk with Poe," She says, "He has finished his usual check in with me, but he can spare a few moments to talk to you. Isn't that right, commander?"

Amara sees Poe's face grin and he nods in the holocall. He looks tired. He must not be getting much of any sleep while off Yavin 4 and it pains Amara to think that.

"Of course, General." Poe says.

Leia looks at him, "I'll hear from you later," She says, "Stay safe."

Poe nods, "Will do," He says.

Amara watched her mom pass her and head toward the exit of the command room, allowing the two to have some space alone to chat. Amara moved over, so that Poe could get a better look at her through his holocall.

"Hey," Amara says, "How are you, flyboy?"

Poe chuckles, "Good. Exhausted but good." He says, "What about you? Finn said you were unavailable for the past two days, I was starting to worry."

Amara frowns slightly. He didn't know. Of course he doesn't know, yet. Leia was going to inform Poe of this upon his return and there was no sense in not telling him at this exact moment.

Amara gives him a sad smile, "Sorry about that, I was in medical." She says being honest.

Poe's expression fell, "Are you okay?" He asks.

Amara nods, "Yes, Poe. I'm okay." She says, "I was uh- a little under the weather."

Poe nods to her response.

"But I am feeling better. So please don't worry about me." She tells him.

Poe looks at her through the holocall, "I'll always worry about you, Amara."

Amara gives him a sad smile, "I guess I'd be a hypocrite if I told you not to worry when all I do while you're away is worry."

Poe laughed at her comment, it caused Amara to lightly laugh at herself. At that moment, Amara pulled up a chair and sat in it.

"So how has mediation been?" Poe asks, "Have you found your answer yet?"

Amara's expression fell a little, "Uh- we can talk about that when you get back." She says, "It's not too important right now."

"If it's about you, Amara, then it's important to me." Poe says.

Amara nods, "And I appreciate it, Poe, but I feel like this should be a in person sort of thing and not via holocall." She says.

There was no verbal response from Poe. Instead he only nodded at Amara. She frowns thinking how that might come across to him. She reached for his necklace and touched the ring, she looked from it to the holocall.

"Poe, have you been keeping my crystal guarded?" Amara asks him.

Poe nods, "Of course. I wear it everywhere." He adds, "What about my mother's ring?"

"It's always with me, Poe." Amara says touching the ring with a smile.

"I'm going to have to be getting off, Amara." Poe says with a frown, "Don't want to risk First Order picking up our chatter."

Amara nods, "Of course, be- be careful." She says.

"I will," He grins, "I love you."

"Love you too," Amara replies.

And then the call ended there. Amara sat there for a moment in silence. She was collecting herself. She just wanted him back now. Poe made her feel normal and made all the noise in her life vanish, with him gone given what happened recently has made her feel like she's trapped in a very loud room and cannot escape.


BEING AROUND the fire with her friends made Amara feel close to something again. Rose, Finn, Rey, and Amara had finished eating their dinner, but remain there just sitting and talking. Mostly they were talking about their day.

"How many times did you get your butt kicked, Finn?" Rose asks as she looks at him.

Finn gives her a look, "I didn't get my butt kicked."

Rey smirks, "I'd disagree." She says.

Finn gestures at her, "It's because your Force sensitive," He says, "It's a disadvantage."

This caused the girls to laugh, including Amara. To be honest it had been a few days since she had fully laughed like this, which did go noticed by the others.

"It's good to see that smile again," Finn says.

Amara blushes slightly, "Sorry,"

Rey shakes her head, "It's not an issue," She says, "We were just worried about you after you collapsing in the Falcon."

Rose nods agreeing.

Amara frowns slightly, "Still, I am sorry to make you all worry." She says and glanced at Rey, "I wish all of this Force sensitivity nonsense came easy to me, but that's not the case."

Rey placed a supportive hand on her shoulder, "Don't rush yourself, Amara. Just take it one step at a time." She says.

Amara couldn't help but laugh, "You sounded just my mother right there."

Rey seemed to take it as a compliment, which is how Amara meant by the statement. Amara knew after Luke's passing, Rey needed a teacher, so that meant Leia was going to fill that void for her. She was going to give Rey the lessons she learned from Luke from her small time training in the ways of the Force.

"Speaking of the General," Rose says, "How is training, Rey?"

Rey gives a smile, "It's quite challenging. I will say Master Leia and Master Luke differ in their methods of training." She says, "I only hope I'm doing right by them."

Amara gives Rey a smile, "You are." She says, "Believe me."

Rey kept the smile on her face.

Finn then spoke out, "I heard from a little birdy that you had one on one time talking to Poe," He says with a smirk on his face.

Amara turns to him and then glanced behind her. Behind her at another campfire sat Kaydel, it seemed the young woman felt Amara's eyes on her cause she tensed up. Amara turned back to Finn, who had a big smile on his face.

"Yes, Poe and I had a talk today." Amara says, "I stepped in on the General checking in with him and she just put us on the spot to have a chat."

Rose smiles softly, "Bet it was nice to hear from him." She says.

Amara glanced at Rose, "It was." She says, "I miss him and cannot wait for him to come back."

Rey leans against Amara's shoulder, "He'll be home soon." She says, "And then you can give him his necklace back."

Amara blushed and then turned to Rey. Amara's eyes were widen and seemed a bit shocked that Rey knew the ring was under her shirt on the chain usually hanging around Poe's neck.

"How- How-?" Amara asks.

Rey gives a small smile, "We noticed it while you were unconscious." She says, "I think its sweet that he trusts you with it while he is away."

Finn looks at it, "What is it exactly?"

Amara pulls out the ring to reveal to them, "It was his mother's wedding ring." She says, "I didn't want to hold onto it because this is one of the only things left of her that he has, but he assured me it was in good hands."

Rose smiles, "It is."

Amara put the ring back under her shirt and adds, "So I decided to have him hold onto something of mine while he was away," She says, "Maybe for luck or something to just remind him of me."

Rose gives a big smile, "Ooh! What was it?"

Amara glanced at her and chuckles, "Another necklace with a crystal." She says.

Finn's eyebrows furrows, "A crystal necklace?"

"A special crystal," Amara says.

Rey glanced at Amara sensing familiarity with the way Amara said "special". It just remind her about how Amara talked about the Force sensitive tree.

"A- A Kyber crystal?" Rey asks.

Amara looks at her and nods, "Yeah."

Finn looks confused, "What's a Kyber crystal?" He asks, "And why is it like you two are always reading each other's minds?"

Rey gives a smile and looks at Amara, "That's sweet." She says, "He'll bring it back to you."

Amara nods.

Finn then stands, "Hey! Don't ignore my questions!" He exclaims.

Amara and Rey just then continued to pretend they couldn't hear Finn, despite him getting more and more annoyed. Rose meanwhile laughed as she watched this unfold.

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