《Out With The Old, In With The New》Chapter 27
The weather continues to get worse as Liam makes his way down south on foot. Looking back on it, it would've been a better idea to ask Jacob to give him a ride, but that would've been a little suspicious.
At this point the snow is four feet deep. Liam's running at a fast pace trying to not sink down into it, but also find the fight club that Amethyst is at. The only lead he has to go off of is the card Jacob gave him.
"Tugg's Knockout", the only place to fight down south side. Unless you're into street fights. Almost everyone down south fights in the street, but if you're like Amethyst, rigged fights aren't your thing.
While Liam's lost in thought the snow is now at 4.5 feet. He jumps on top of the access snow and keeps running around. He gets halfway to downtown south side and stops in his tracks when he sees a staircase like entrance leading down to somewhere.
Liam puts his hood up and runs down the stairs. He slips inside without being noticed and goes to the bar at the back of the room.
Bartender: What can I get you, kid?
Liam: Nothing. I'm looking for a friend.
He shows the bartender a photo of Amethyst and waits for him to give him an answer.
Bartender: Oh, Phoenix! Yeah, she was here. About...4 hours ago? She said something about fake men, not being able to count on anyone, and having only one friend. I'm guessing that's you? Or, well, WAS you.
Liam: Y-Yeah... D-Did you say 4 hours ago?
Bartender: Yeah. She beat a bunch of ass, then just left. Didn't say where she was going, when and if she'd be back, who she was going with.
Liam: Do you know what time it was when she came in?
Bartender: About...11 PM. She wasn't exactly dressed for this weather, but it wasn't this bad when she left.
Liam: What...exactly was she wearing?
Bartender: Her usual outfit. An orange flame tank top, a pair of shorts, and she had her hair dyed to look like flames b, y'know? Red at the ends and some yellow and orange mixed in with touches of red dabbed in. If you're wondering, she left about an hour ago.
Liam: The snow got this high in just 30 minutes!
Bartender: Then you'd better find her now. Who knows where she is now.
Liam: Thank you, miss!
Liam makes his way through a crowd of people and out the door faster than he came in. When he checks his phone he sees a bunch of missed calls from Amethyst. He cursed himself for silencing her calls and texts, and tries calling her back. He waits for what seems like forever, but gets no answer.
The wind gets stronger and now has Liam struggling to even get a few steps in before being pushed back again. He decides to use all his strength and keeps pushing further downtown. Liam keeps going until he reaches the outskirts of south side. He falls to his knees in the snow and takes out his phone to call Jacob, but can't make himself click the call button.
He instead gets back up in the strong wind and piling snow, and starts checking out every single nook and cranny and going over the entire town again. Liam goes over everything once more, but comes up empty handed. He's about to just give up and call Jacob when he sees an odd patch of pink in the snow.
Liam, being the weirdo that he is, decided to sniff it. Why? We will never have the answer to that. He gets a strong metallic smell from it, and starts digging up whatever's under there. As he keeps digging, the pink gets darker turning into red and the metallic smell gets stronger.
He keeps digging for what seems like forever and finally finds the source of where the pink patch came from in the first place. Three feet of snow down, thirty minutes of digging, and two hours of searching. It's 5 AM right now, but all time is going slower looking into the hole that he's dug.
Amethyst laying three feet of melted snow and a pool of her own blood. Liam quickly and gently pulls Amethyst up and wraps her in his jacket. He checks the pulse point on her neck and exclaims happily when he finds one and her eyes flutter halfway open.
Amethyst: Li...?
Liam: What are you doing out here? What happened? Who did this!?
Amethyst: The... The...
Liam: The what? The what?
Amethyst: The... The knife...
Liam feels around and finds a knife plunged deep in the left side of Amethyst's chest. He takes out his phone and speed dials 9-1-1.
Operator: 9-1-1, what's your emergency?
Liam: I have a 15 year old female. Stab wound to the chest. Possible case of hypothermia. How long have you been out here?
Amethyst: About...4 hours...
Liam: Confirmed case of hypothermia. I need a unit out here now! She's turning blue! What do I do?
Operator: Listen, do you have anything warm?
Liam: I- Yes! I-I have a few jackets.
Operator: Ok. What I want you to do is take off about three jackets. Wrap her up in the one closest to your body.
He quickly take the first few jackets off himself than replaces the jacket he put on Amethyst with a warmer one.
Liam: Ok, what now?
Operator: I want you to take the lightest jacket you have, and wrap it around her torso as tight as you can. Make sure to keep the knife in place, don't let it move, not even a little. If you have to, use another piece of clothing to tie the knife in place.
Liam rips one of his jackets and ties it to the knife and around Amethyst's neck.
Liam: What now?
Operator: The ambulance is about an hour out, so there's nothing I can do from here except tell you to keep her awake.
Liam: Ok.
He hangs up and starts texting Jacob to let him know what's going on.
Amethyst: I'm gonna die... aren't I?
Liam: What? No-
Amethyst: The knife...is in my...heart. I'm...gonna die...
Liam: No, no you're not! I-I'm sorry! You didn't do anything wrong, I just- I don't know. I guess I just thought that you didn't trust me as much as you said you did.
Amethyst: I'm...gonna be... honest here... I...trust you with...my life. I'm sorry...I didn't...tell you...sooner.
Liam: No! All I need you to do is keep your eyes open for 45 more minutes! P-Please...
Amethyst: I...don't think-
Liam: Remember what you told me? Never think about anything-
Amethyst: Just...do it and... worry about...consequences... later. I know...but-
Liam: If you keep your eyes open, I'll buy you those Soy Beans that you love.
Amethyst: That's not worth... the promise it's built off of.
Liam: I bet I can keep my eyes open longer than you!
Amethyst: That's not fair... You know...I never...back down...from bets.
Liam: What? Scared I'll beat you?
Amethyst: You're on... dumbass.
Liam: Have you ever thought about that one thing you regret not doing because you know if you don't do it, it's gonna haunt you for the rest of your life?
Amethyst: All the time, why?
Liam: Damn. You have a lot then?
Amethyst: Yup.
Liam: What's your most personal one?
Amethyst: Isn't that...kinda personal...?
Liam: Yeah.
Amethyst: My biggest...regret in...life, or...in general?
Liam: Like, right now.
Amethyst: (Not telling you I like you) Not paying attention to who was where in this area. Should've been aware. God, it hurts...
Liam: No! No, no! Don't close your eyes! You- You can't die! We still have to spar! I-I still owe you a street fair Gyro! You have to-
Amethyst weakly slaps Liam and laughs.
Amethyst: Don't spaz out, ok? Y'know, you're pretty smart...for a red head. I don't know...if I'll die tonight or not, but if...I do...I'll see you in my next life... I promise.
Amethyst closes her eyes against Liam's protests and goes limp in his arms. Her pulse is weak and her skin is dead body cold to the touch. Liam pulls her closer trying to keep her warm just as the ambulance pulls up.
Caleb and few people that he doesn't recognize. A few paramedics load Amethyst into the ambulance and Caleb puts his jacket on Liam.
Caleb: What happened?
Liam: I- She- Stabbed- Pink-
Liam keeps babbling as Caleb sits him in the back of the van. Caleb tried to calm him down, but he just goes strangely quiet and passes out after literally falling onto Caleb.
Everyone looks at Liam and Caleb confused and Caleb looks up and figures he should explain.
Caleb: He's just sleeping. He does this when things get a little...much. If any of you say anything about him, I'm beating you. We clear?
Everyone nods and goes back to minding their jobs. The ambulance pulls into the hospital and they rush Amethyst into the building on the stretcher.
Caleb carries Liam from the ambulance into the hospital and puts him in one of the chairs in the waiting room. He then calls everyone to let them know what's happening, and Katie, her sisters, and his brothers show up after about a half hour.
Katie: What- What happened!? Where-
Caleb: They won't tell me anything. They just told me to wait and see.
Katie: S-So she c-could...
Ruby: Katie...is Ame gonna die?
Katie: I-I d-don't...
Ethan: Li, what the fuck happened?
Liam: I- She- I-I don't...
Matteo: So as far as we know, she was stabbed by an unknown assailant, the doctors won't tell us squat, and someone's gonna die.
Ruby: DIE!?!?
Katie: No! No, no! Matteo's just looking at the...morbid side! She's not gonna die!
Sapphire: But...is she gonna be ok?
Katie: I...don't know. I honestly have no idea.
Everyone sits in the waiting room waiting for the doctor while half of them is anxiously pacing around on their heels.
The doctor comes in after what seems like forever with his head hung low.
Katie: Where's Ame!? Is she ok!?
Sapphire: When can we see her!?
Dr. Jeremy: We tried everything.
Sapphire: No...
Dr. Jeremy: I'm sorry.
Katie: N-No... Not- Not her too...
Dr. Jeremy: We did everything we could-
Liam: SHUT UP!
Dr. Jeremy: But she flatlined after the procedure.
Liam: NO!
Liam pushes past all the doctors rushing to Amethyst's room and tries to go in, but they all hold him back.
Doctor 1: Kid, you can't go in!
Doctor 2: We're sorry-
Doctor 3: She's gone, kid...
Doctor 2: Kid, stop!
Liam falls to the ground in tears and starts punching the ground bruising his knuckles. Inside the room, however, Amethyst is fighting for her life. Literally. Inside her "dead" conscious, she's just walking around in the dark trying to find her way out.
Amethyst: Hello? Where am I? Is anyone here?
Amethyst continues to walk around and is suddenly blinded by a bright flash of... Orange? Normally, you'd get a bright flash of white light and you get to live your life over in the afterlife trying to figure out what you did wrong, or want to fix. At least, that's what I think happens.
But not this time. A bright flash of orange appears in front of her Amethyst, and when she opens her eyes she sees an orange figure which looks a lot like Liam standing in front of her.
Amethyst: Li? What the hell is this? How are you here? WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!?
Liam: Yo! Chill out! You're dead, goof!
Amethyst: I'm- I'm what!?
Liam: Dead! Gone! Swimming with the fish! D-E-A-D!
Amethyst: Damn... So I really...?
Liam: Kicked the bucket? Yup!
Amethyst: So...how?
Liam: How am I here? Simple! You have to overcome what you fear most!
Amethyst: I'm not afraid of you.
Liam: If you aren't then why am I here?
Amethyst: Hell if I know. I'm dead, remember?
Liam: Try and think! I wanna know why I'm- My spirit? Is here!
Amethyst: OK! DAMN!
Amethyst sits down cross legged and tries to think of every possible reason that Liam would appear in her conscious.
Amethyst: (The thing I fear the most, huh?)
Amethyst starts straining and tries to remember every single thing she did with Liam before she died. She went to a gore horror show with Liam and when the fire broke out all he could think about was weather he was ok or not. When they got to the hospital the first day they hung out and Liam stayed with her.
When Liam almost got hit by a car and Amethyst has to pull him back. It finally clicks. It's not Liam she's scared of. It's Liam she's scared for. Scared for him. Scared to LOSE him. It all makes sense. The reason Liam's spirit is there.
Amethyst: I...I have to kill you?
Liam: Ding, ding! We've got a winner!
Amethyst: But...what's gonna happen if I do?
Liam: Best case is you get out of the overpass alive and you remember me. Worst case is...you won't remember me at all after this..
Amethyst: What!? N-No...I-I can't do that!
Liam materializes a dagger and forcefully makes Amethyst hold it.
Liam: Yes, you can!
Amethyst: NO!
Liam: You have too!
Amethyst: I-I can't...
Liam: Ame, you can. Just get it over with.
Amethyst holds the dagger in front of her face and a small smile is shown while she hold it up to her neck.
Liam: Stop! You can't! If you do that I won't be able to help you! Spirits don't get physical touch here!
Amethyst: I want you to tell everyone I love them. I know I can be a bit much to handle-
Liam: SHUT UP!
Amethyst: But thank you, for putting up with it.
Amethyst: You put up with me for long enough, Li. I'll see you soon enough.
Amethyst slits her throat and expects to the afterlife in do time, but nothing happens. She opens her eyes and notices that there isn't a single scratch of cut on her. She looks at Liam and he gives her a small smile.
Liam: You passed.
Amethyst: I what?
Liam: This was a test of resilience. You passed.
Amethyst: So...I'm not gonna die?
Liam: It's not your time yet. You can go back.
Liam grabs her hand and starts flying up where they can both see her lifeless body laying still in her hospital bed.
Liam: Great job, Ame.
Amethyst: Thanks, dude.
Everything goes black again, but...her eyes are just closed. The heart monitor starts beeping again and everyone stares think it's just a malfunction when Amethyst's eyes open and she strains to sit up in the bed.
Liam: A-Ame... You...
Amethyst: I...I was dead... I was...
Doctor 1: It's- It's amazing... She...
Doctor 3: I'll get somebody!
All the surrounding doctors start running around doing tests, asking her questions, and taking notes about what's going on. After a long and very, very exhausting three weeks in the hospital, Liam and Amethyst are finally left alone to enjoy their night together.
They're walking together in the garden when Liam stops and pulls her onto one of the benches by some flower beds.
Liam: I don't wanna stress you out or anything, but I've gotta know. What was it like to...y'know?
Amethyst: It was like the most peaceful day of my life. I was so relaxed. I was in this, like, dark void type space. I walked around for a little while then I saw...
Liam: Saw what?
Amethyst: M-Maybe some other time. I just... It's been a long few weeks, y'know?
Liam: Yeah.
Amethyst: I still can't get these doctors off my back! I don't wanna eat the hospital food, but I'm so damn hungry!
Liam: We COULD just sneak off hospital grounds and go get some decent food.
Amethyst: Can we do that!? Isn't that, like, I don't know, illegal!?
Liam: Maybe? I don't know. Hey, I just realized! You look like Rengoku from Demon Slayer.
Amethyst: The hair?
Liam: The hair.
Amethyst: That was not the intention. I just wanted something that resembled a Phoenix.
Liam: Are they you're favorite?
Amethyst: Yeah, actually. I love mythological animals. Phoenixes, Nymphs. Y'know?
Liam: I did not expect that from you.
Amethyst: I'd be offended if that wasn't understandable.
The timer on Liam's phone beeps and he lets out a long sigh.
Liam: Dammit! I thought we had more time.
Amethyst: Are you sure you can't stay?
Liam: I would, but we've missed enough school as it is. I'll stop by during lunch and come back to drop off your homework. I'll stay tomorrow, ok?
Amethyst: Yeah, ok.
Liam slowly lets Amethyst's hand slip out of his and he grabs his bookbag and walks Amethyst back to her room. He gives her a long hug, then turns to leave.
Amethyst: Thanks, Li. For... everything.
Liam: Anytime.
Liam starts walking away and Amethyst goes back to her room and flops down onto her bed. She picks up her phone and want to text Liam, but decides against it. Her phone pings and she picks it up from the side table. She opens the message from Liam while smiling.
He goes offline just as quickly as he sent the message then goes back on to delete it. Unlucky for him, Amethyst was smart and already took a screen shot.
She puts on some music and falls back onto her bed listening to random hour long playlists that she's downloaded for some reason.
Amethyst: I can't wait to go back home.
Amethyst closes her eyes awaiting the day that they let her be released from the hospital. Somewhere else though, a constant of life and death is taking place.
???: What are you gonna do now?
???: I have to go back...or a least try.
A Fractured Song
Just because you’re transported to another world, doesn’t mean you’ll escape from your pain. Abused by her parents, thirteen-year-old Frances only wants to be safe and for her life not to hurt so much. And when she and her class are transported to the magical world of Durannon to fight the monsters invading the human kingdoms and defeat the self-titled Demon King, Frances is presented with a golden opportunity. If she succeeds, Frances will have the home she never had. If she fails, Frances will be summoned back to the home she escaped. Yet, despite her newfound magic and friends, Frances finds that trauma is not so easily lost. She is dogged by her abuse and its physical and invisible scars. Not only does she have to learn magic, she has to survive the nightmares of her past, and wrestle with her feelings of doubt and self-loathing. If she can heal from her trauma, though, she might be able to defeat the Demon King and maybe, just maybe, she can find a home for herself. Beautiful Cover by Rianne Draws (https://twitter.com/RianneDraws) Full cover at: https://www.reddit.com/r/VrensLibrary/comments/iwhsar/a_fractured_song_new_cover_courtesy_of/
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