《I am all yours ( completed )UNEDITED》part -23


'' priya get up we have to go '' mom yelled from outside .. I checked the time its morning 6.am .. never in this past days I wokeup this early .. I slowly got up from my bed rubbing my eyes .. I went towards the bathroom to bath ...

I came outside and wore my lehenga .. .. After getting ready I wore some makeup but I am not at all interested to go to this wedding I don't know why... I went down to see my mom and Savi sitting on the couch and waiting for me ....

my dad and Grandpa already went to the venue now we have to go ..I started the car and drove to the venue the place was filled with flowers it was so elegant and beautiful everywhere..

savi is not at all talking to me she is looking so angry .. I tried to talk to her and make a conversation but she didn't give me a chance ...after sometime I will make her understand what's happening..

I went inside to see Anitha aunty she was wearing a saree she is beautiful as always.. she came to me and hugged me ...

my heart is saying something is gonna happen today... I saw Jai and Sneha they were setting all the flowers and decorations I went towards them and we talked for some time..I can hear the chants of priest . that means the wedding has started

i was going towards the stage but a small boy bumped into me ..

he fell down .. as he was having a juice in his hand that juice has fell on my lehenga .. I bent down to help that boy ..'' sorry '' he said making puppy eyes ..'' its ok kiddo but be careful next time you may get hurt .. go to your mumma '' I said setting his dress .. he went away ..


I saw my dress its totally stained .. I went towards washroom to clean my dress .. I turned the tap on I poured some water on my dress and cleaned the stain .. suddenly my phone rung .. I picked it up ..

'' hello '' ..'' yes make sure the files are arranged properly ..''

'' I will be coming tomorrow '' ..'' ok '' ...

I received a call from my PA about some business meeting ..I turned to go to the stage .. while I was going I heard savi calling me .. I turned back to see her panting ..'' what happened savi are you ok '' I asked shaking her shoulders..

'' Anitha aunty ...'' she was saying but due to lack of air while running she stopped .. '' Anitha aunty is having a chest pain and she fell down '' savi said ...'' ohh no come on lets go '' I said and went to the. guest room ..

I saw Anitha aunty laying on bed with oxygen mask ...'' aunty what happened to you '' I said and went to her and sat beside her .. '' do you know manvi eloped from the wedding '' savi said to which I widened my eyes ...

'' but how ... '' I said still not digesting whats happening here ...'' we too don't know .. she left a letter in her bedroom that she is going away with her boyfriend '' savi said ...'' but she loved arjun right '' I said ...

'' do arjun know this '' I asked savi .. '' no he doesn't know .. even the press and others also don't know that manvi is not there '' savi said ...'' then we should tell every one .. before its too late '' I Said and got up to go outside ...

I felt a hand catching my wrist .. I turned back to see Anitha aunty catching my wrist .. '' aunty what happened do you need something '' I asked ...'' '' she said ..wait what is she in senses or not ..


'' aunty I am not manvi .. I am priya '' I said .. '' I know you are priya .. marry my son now '' she said ... how rude .. '' no why will I marry arjun '' I asked .. '' priya you have to marry arjun'' my grand pa said ...

I cannot utter any word due to this shock .. '' what grandpa are u in ur senses or not '' I asked catching his hand ...'' yes priya you have to marry arjun '' my mom said keeping her hands on my shoulder .. I jerked immediately ..

'' is it any movie mom .. or any story that I should marry him now '' I asked ..'' priya get ready you are going to marry him '' my grandpa said .. I shook my head .. '' no I am not going to marry him'' I said immediately ...

suddenly Anitha aunty felt pain and doctor said she should not take any stress ... '' priya I join my hands together and plead you please marry my son '' dharma uncle said ...

'' no way how can you ask like this '' I yelled at them rudely ...'' no more discussions .. savi go and get priya ready '' my mom said .. what are they ignoring me .. '' please priya '' Anitha aunty pleaded ..

'' mam please do what she wishes otherwise she will get more complications '' doctor said .. am I any doll to blackmail me .. '' go with savi and get ready '' my dad told sternly .. I went towards him and hugged him .. '' dad why are you doing this .. you know I don't want to marry now '' I said to him ..

he removed my hands from hugging him ...'' do you trust your dad .. '' he said .. I nodded ..

'' then marry arjun '' he said .. a tear escaped from my eyes .. now my own dad is asking something to do .. before I could even talk mom and savi dragged me into the brides room and made me wore the dress ..

I don't even want to speak to them .. I looked at myself in mirror ..I dreamt of a perfect wedding but my faith seems unlucky .. they made me wear a dupatta to cover my face .. they took me to the stage and I sat beside him who is totally ignoring me now ...

do he know that I am getting married to him now .. I performed every action pandit said to do .. finally the marriage is completed .. I did not remove my dupatta in the total wedding except when he is keeping Sindhur .. but he didn't even see my face ...

after completing everything I didn't even talk with my parents and ignored them totally .. we went to the house and I was so tired .. '' priya go to Arjuns room and take rest he will come '' aunty said with full excitement ...

the one who is on a oxygen mask and critical condition was now jumping with excitement.. sometimes I was even getting doubt that this lady just acted ..

I went upstairs and sat on the bed waiting for arjun to come and explain .. but he did not come .. I waited for so much time but he did not come .. I finally went into sleep ..

suddenly I was dragged from bed and thrown on the floor .. what ... I removed my dupatta to see arjun staring at me with blood shot eyes .. now why is he angry on me ..

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