《I am all yours ( completed )UNEDITED》part -21


he left the room in anger ...I leaned against the wall and slide down and sat on the floor hugging my legs .. I don't want to go out and face anyone .. I am not a sensitive girl as per my knowledge but when it comes to fake allegations about character not only me every girl can get hurt ..

ohh what will he do outside .. will he make a scene or will he mess up ..I quickly got up from my position and went outside .. I searched outside for arjun but he is not there .. does something happen .. I saw jai going out ..'' jai '' I called him ..he turned back to see me panting ...

'' ohh priya are you okay .. why are you tensed '' he asked ...'' did u see arjun '' I asked ..''yaa I saw him ..infact he asked about mehethas .. he is burning in anger .. what happened '' he asked me ..

'' just tell me where he went ..'' I asked ... '' he went towards the meeting room just now '' he said .. I quickly walked towards the meeting room and saw arjun going inside ..''arjun'' I shouted ..

he turned back .. he gave me a confused look ..'' come here '' I told him .. '' what priya '' he asked controlling his anger ..''where are you going '' I asked ..

'' to mr mehetha .. I will teach him a good lesson '' he said fisting his hands ...'' no don't please they didn't tell anything .. please don't create a scene now '' I said .. he chuckled ''creating a scene .. they told you many words that you don't deserve ..and you are stopping me '' he said .

''please arjun I don't want any fight or arguments on my first day .. '' I said looking down ..''I am not gonna leave this issue ..but for now I am leaving it .. and after this I am gonna teach mehethas a good lesson '' he said ...

'' why are you saying its mehethas fault .. its fault from two sides .. its my fault too '' I said ..I don't want to say this words but I couldn't help ..'' priya what are you talking are you in senses '' he said coming closer to me ..

I showed my plam to stop ...''please Arjun leave it now '' I said and went. into the meeting room ..I saw savi talking to some business clients inside ..'' good afternoon miss sharma we have heard lot about you .. you are very beautiful '' a man in his 40's said ..


'' thank you mr Oberoi we are looking forward to work with you '' I said and gave a slight smile ..'' savi sit here and give the details to mr Oberoi '' I told her .. she nodded and checked the files and gave to clients ...

'' miss sharma now we will take a leave .. best of luck '' the clients said and left .. '' savi did mehethas go '' I asked her ..'' yup they left '' she said .. I sighed ..''priya what happened you look so pale '' she asked ..'' nothing its just tiredness of meeting hundreds of clients '' I said and we both laughed ...

'' priya lets go home '' my dad came from behind ...'' so soon dad '' I asked him ..'' yes beta you can join tomorrow onwards '' he said ..''ok dad '' I said .

while I was leaving I saw arjun drinking coffee in the cafeteria .. he is rubbing his head hard and was looking angry .. should I go to him ... this is all because of me .. I should not have entered in his life .. I should not go infront of him ..

I left the office .. I came to my house to my house .. I directly went to my room and changed into something comfortable .. I went down stairs to see Anitha aunty and dharma uncle .. I smiled at them .. they were sitting on the couch with mom dad and grandpa ..

I didn't see arjun here .. maybe he didn't come .. good for me ..I took water bottle from the kitchen and was leaving to my room ..''priya come and sit here '' my dad called me .. i turned and went to sit there ..

I saw a box ..'' mumma whats this box '' I asked my mom ..'' ohh its Arjuns wedding invitation '' she told ..'' they came here to invite us to Arjuns wedding '' my dad told .. I smiled at Anitha aunty .. but her eyes are telling something to me ...

'' we will surely come aunty '' I said looking at them .. '' priya you should attend every ceremony ok .. haldi .. Sangeeta '' dharma uncle said .. I smiled and nodded .. '' when is the wedding uncle'' I asked them ..

'' its on 27th priya '' he said ..but today is 24 th ..'' uncle is it too soon '' I asked him ..'' yes Priya its so soon I have said him before '' Anitha aunty said .. uncle glared at her and she stopped ...


'' some things must happen fast priya '' he said to me .. I smiled at him .. I felt an intense gaze on me .. savi is glaring like she would kill me anytime .. I ignored every one and went to my room .. I locked the room and laid on my bed ...

I checked my phone to see 3 missed calls from arjun .. I kept it aside and slipped into slumber ..

scene 2

I am not at all happy with my husbands actions .. why is he so greedy about the shares instead of his sons happiness .. but I am not gonna tolerate this any more .. how can I see my son suffering.. I have to take help from Priyas grand father .. may be dharma ji will listen to him ..

'' Anitha come lets go .. we have many to invite '' my husband said ... '' can I stay here for sometime .. I am feeling headache '' I said.. he looked at me for sometime ..''ok stay I too have some work in office .. I will complete them and come again '' he said and went ..

'' Anitha take some rest .. I will bring some juice for you '' veda said .. I nodded .. she went into the kitchen ..I got up and slowly went to shiv uncle room .. I saw him sitting on the couch and drinking water ...

'' uncle can I talk to you '' I asked him .. '' come Anitha tell me what u want to talk '' he said .. I sat opposite to him .. '' uncle I need your help '' I told him .. he nodded .. '' uncle arjun don't like this marriage .. he just agreed it for his dad .. I can't see him struggling '' I said ..

he nodded ..'' and his father is not at all listening .. he has his own greed .. I want my son to be happy .. please convince dharma about this .. he will listen to you '' I said ..

'' and uncle he is in love with someone '' I said .. I know he will be angry after what I say but there's no other option and its late now ..'' he is in love with priya '' I said waiting for his reaction .. he smiled at me '' I know Anitha '' he said ...

'' what .. uncle you know already that my son loves priya '' I asked him .. '' yes I know it already..'' he said ... '' then why late uncle ... lets go and convince my husband '' I said ...

'' no no Anitha its late ... we can't convince him now .. and my son and daughter in law will not agree to this because .. priya came to them after so many years ''he said .. I nodded ..''then what can we do '' I asked him ...

'' we should do something ... but let the preparetions go ahead .. we will do something on the wedding day '' he said ..'' I didn't understand uncle '' I said .. he told me a great plan so that priya will marry arjun ..

arjun suffer for only 2 days beta .. you will get your love after two days ...'' thank you uncle .. thank you so much .. I will do every thing according to your plan ..you don't worry '' I said ..he smiled at me.. I went outside the room..

'' ohh Anitha you are here .. I was searching for you .. '' veda said and gave me glass of juice .. I drank it ..'' thank you veda '' I said .. she smiled .. '' tomorrow is Sangeeth you should attend ok '' I told her .. '' I will '' she said ...

'' where is priya '' I asked her ..'' I guess she is in her room '' she told .. '' I want to see her .. I will go to her room '' I said and went to her room .. she was sleeping .. no doubt why my son choose her .. she is very beautiful .. I kissed her on her forehead .. '' you are very beautiful daughter in law '' I whispered and went out closing the door ...

later I went to some relatives and gave the invitations ...

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