《I am all yours ( completed )UNEDITED》part-20


its been two days after arjun and priya met ... but arjun called priya to know about her health condition ... priya recovered from the trauma ... police found dhruv but dhruv managed to get out with his fathers help and promised he won't do those things again ...

today is Priyas inauguration ceremony as the C.E.O ... arjun has recently become C.E.O and now its Priyas turn to get the things into her hand ... she promised herself that she will put all efforts to develop this company ....

its morning 7 ... priya wokeup and went down to check the arrangements ... she went to her grandpa and took his blessings .... '' priya beta ... get ready soon we have to reach office by 9 '' her father said ...

'' ok dad .. where is mom '' she asked ..'' she is in kitchen beta ... '' her dad said and left to receive a important call ...she went to kitchen to see her mom cooking halwa.. what a sweet aura ... ''hmm mama .. this smells so good '' priya said leaning on her moms shoulder ...

'' this sweet is for my sweet daughter '' her mom said adding ingredients .. '' thank u maa '' she said and pecked her cheeks ...'' now go get ready ... we all are ready '' her mom said ...'' mama what should I wear .. I mean I should wear formals or traditional '' priya asked her mom..

'' Priya as it is a very important day for you .. you wear a saree .. because you will wear formals after this daily '' Priyas mom said ... '' ok mom '' priya said ... '' ohh I forgot I bought a saree for you its in my room ... on bed go take it and wear ... if you need any help call me ''her mom said ..

'' no need aunty ... savi on duty '' savi said coming from behind ...'' hmm you woke up sleepy head ... come lets go and get dressed'' priya said ...'' savi .. I bought a saree for you also ..its red colour go and wear it priya will give you '' Priyas mom said ...they nodded and went upstairs ...

'' priya what happened ... come soon '' savi was yelling from outside ... while priya was dressing in her closet ..'' coming savi ... wait a min '' priya said and adjusted her saree for the 100th time ..she came outside ...

'' wowwww who is this beautiful lady ... where is priya '' savi said .. yes she is looking very beautiful in her green saree with sleeveless blouse .. which were not too revealing ..''stop teasing savi .. I know this saree is too revealing '' Priya said ...

'' stop your nonsense priya .. its so good on you ... if anyone sees you like this I bet they will fall down on floor '' savi said genuinely ... savi also thought how arjun will react if he sees priya in this attire .. she was very excited ...

'' priya and savi did you get ready '' Priyas mom yelled from downstairs ..''yes mom we are coming '' priya said and they went downstairs ...

'' ohh my god .. priya you are looking very beautiful '' Priyas mom exclaimed ...'' thanks mom '' she said and hugged her ..'' my daughter is grown up '' her father came and hugged her ..''priya you look like your grand mother .. she would be very happy if she sees you like this .. but she is not there '' her grand pa said ...


'' its ok handsome .. think I am grand mother for sometime ...'' priya said and every body laughed ... they finished their breakfast and priya ate the sweet prepared by her mother ..they left office not before going to temple and praying god ...

'' priya this office is so huge '' savi exclaimed seeing the buildings infront of her ..'' come savi follow me '' priya dragged her inside ... every one welcomed priya sharma with lots of respect ..priya felt a new kind of responsibility ... she wished every one with a smile .. she went inside her cabin ..

it was a modern cabin which was reconstructed for priya ... she felt vey happy seeing that ..'' dad thank you so much .. this is so beautiful'' priya said hugging her dad .. her dad placed a kiss on her forehead ...'' its nothing priya .. u deserve it beta '' he said ..

'' ohh I forgot to tell you the C.E.O s of different companies will come to congratulate you .. I know every one likes my daughter ..'' he said ..

'' I will make you proud dad '' priya said breaking the hug ..

'' ok sit in your chair and take your time we will go out '' her dad said and every one left .. she explored the cabin and sat on the chair ..she was very happy ..

suddenly she heard a knock ... '' come in '' she said sweetly ...manvi entered the room with a flower bouquet ...'' congrats miss priya sharma '' she kept the flowers on the table and gave a smirk ..'' thank you manvi '' priya said formally ...

priya thought that this may be the right time to ask manvi about the marriage .. '' manvi do you love arjun '' priya asked ...manvi got suspicious ..'' I do .. who in the world don't love their fiancé'' manvi said winking her eye ...priya rolled her eyes ..'' I mean do you even know what he feels for you '' priya asked ...

'' hmm I don't care what he feels .. if I lay my eyes on something that should be mine and will be mine '' manvi proudly said .. priya chuckled seeing manvis foolish behaviour ... '' what is making you laugh priya '' manvi said loudly ..'' I am seeing a real fool for the first time manvi '' priya said with a smile ..

manvi widened her eyes and about to speak .. knock knock ... '' come in '' priya said .. there enters mr and mrs mehetha with a smirk on their faces ..'' have a seat '' priya said ..they congratulated her ...'' did your father take a right decision in choosing the C.E.O '' mr mehetha mocked at priya ...

'' I guess so mr mehetha '' priya said ...'' how can a girl handle the total business .. girl should marry and take the responsibilities of house .. just as our manvi .. she had made a perfect choice'' mrs mehetha said proudly ..

priya chuckled ...'' I think you don't belong to this generation .. here every girl has right to do any sort of job she want .. and if you are finished you may leave '' priya said coldly ...

'' I don't want to exaggerate miss sharma .. lets come to the point .. you should not be visible near the surroundings of my son in law .. '' mr mehetha said .. '' and priya why are you roaming around with a engaged man .. didnt your parents taught you that... ohh sorry you were an orphan right '' mrs sharma ended her husbands words ...


manvi laughed ... priya was loosing her cool '' mr mehetha please leave I don't want to talk about this ..'' priya said fisting her hands ..'' ohh I know dear truths are bitter ... I know every thing about gold diggers like you '' mrs mehetha said ..'' mrs mehetha mind your words '' priya said ...

'' how can you make arjun fall for you when he is already engaged my daughter .. you are such a low minded girl'' mr mehetha said .. '' stop it mr and mrs mehetha ... I respect you mr and mrs mehetha because you are elder than me ... don't even dare to point fingure on my character ..now leave my cabin before I speak something that I will regret later '' priya said sounding stronger but in layers of her heart she could feel the words said by them ...

three of them left the cabin ... a tear escaped from Priyas eye ..

those words are echoing in her brain ...

''am I doing wrong by developing feelings for arjun .. developing feelings for an engaged guy is this what I learnt from childhood ... I should also think about manvi .. her life is bounding with arjun .. how can I spoil her fairy tale .. '' priya thought ...

she shakes her head in regret and went outside to see her father talking to some men .. '' ohh priya I was coming to call you .. you only came ok meet them '' Priyas father introduced some business men to priya .. she talked to them formally and sounded as a dignified women ..

after the clients left .. priya was exploring the office and observing the people ..jai and Sneha came inside the office .. priya smiled seeing them .. they congratulated her .. and also informed her that they are getting married in 1 month ..

'' the office is very beautiful priya '' jai said looking around the office .. '' jai and Sneha come to my personal office ..'' priya said .. they went to Priyas cabin .. '' wow priya your office is so clean'' Sneha said .. '' thank you Sneha '' priya said ..'' that arjun won't keep his office neat .. it will be so messy '' jai said ...

'' pardon me '' a voice came .. every one looked at that direction .. '' ohh here comes the C.E.O of knanna groups '' jai said rolling his eyes ..'' and you dont need to complain about my messy office jai '' arjun said raising an eyebrow .. '' come on guys don't fight '' Sneha said ...

arjun shifted his gaze to priya who was watching him nervously .. Arjuns heart skipped a beat seeing priya in saree for first time .. her white skin was perfectly visible .. her curves are perfect and that lips .. he tried to control himself from unlocking the beast ..

yes arjun was controlling his desire and his bad side for priya .. he was acting so kindly to make her realise his love .. arjun and priya are having a silent eye contact .. but arjun noticed some pain in her eyes .. priya broke the eye contact by turning her gaze towards jai and Sneha ...

'' congrats priya '' Arjun said to which she nodded .. arjun found something was bothering her .. he wanted to talk to her about that ..'' priya are you okay '' Sneha asked ..'' ya ya I am perfect '' priya said and smiled .. '' priya uncle is calling you '' arjun said ..'' ohh I dint heard .. I will go '' priya said and went out to meet her dad ..

suddenly she was grabbed by arjun .. he took her to an empty conference room .. '' hey what are you doing '' priya shouted ...he pushed her towards wall and kept his hands both sides ..'' are you mad what are you doing arjun '' priya said ..'' did you remember priya that day in college same scene '' arjun said to which priya got anger ...

'' so do you want to recreate it '' priya said irritating .. arjun felt her irritation '' are you okay priya you look so irritated .. angry '' arjun said looking Ito her eyes ..'' is this the way to ask a person '' priya said removing Arjuns hands ..but failed as he again pushed her into his embrace ..

'' I like teasing you priya '' arjun said and laughed ..but sensing the situation '' now tell me did anyone told anything to you '' arjun said ..'' please let me go '' priya said ...'' answer my question dammit '' arjun shouted ...'' listen to me I am not a gold digger or a low minded girl leave me '' priya said making arjun eyes go wide .,,

'' for gods sake priya why are you talking that words '' arjun said looking into her moist eyes which are now filled with tears ...'' that's what people think if I am with you '' priya said looking into his black orbs ...'' don't dare say that '' arjun said controlling his anger ,,,

''I repeat again that's what people think about me if I am with you '' priya said ..''who told you those things '' arjun said .. priya saw Arjuns nerve which is visible in his neck .. '' no one said I am thinking like that '' Priya said avoiding the eyecontact ..

'' ohh so mr and mrs mehetha said right '' arjun said which made Priyas eyes go wide ..'' no.. no'' priya stammered .. '' got it '' arjun said and left priya in room and went outside ...


'' i know you always dreamt of Arjuns and Priyas marriage from their childhood but I ignored it .. again I realised that you make best choices ever .. as I can see Arjuns care and concern towards our priya .. he is best for priya '' an old man said to a portrait of his dead wife ..

'' before I come to you I will complete this task Sandhya .. I will make sure arjun get marry to priya before I die '' that old man said ..

'' and its not to far .. its very near .. '' the old man said ..

'' now let me make my first move '' he said ...

now its a questioning round ... we have got all the characters here ask them any questions they will surely reply u ..

1. Arjun Khanna

2. priya Sharma

3. manvi mehetha

4. savi

5 . Arjuns mom

6. Priyas grandpa ..

I really wanted to ask arjun one question .. why is he so bipolar I mean he acts nicely once and he forces her once .. is he physyco.. I am sorry but really I feel bad about priya bearing Arjuns two sides ... what do you guys think ...

❤️2497 words ...[ my hand awcch']

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