《I am all yours ( completed )UNEDITED》Part -18


'' Arjun lets go home '' I said ... I really want to forget everything but I cannot ... he touched me inappropriately ...dhruv you are over ... once come and show me your self I am gonna kick your ass .... he took advantage of the workshop ...

'' hmm come lets go '' Arjun said looking into his phone ... he took the car keys and went outside .. the farm house was very beautiful and modern ..its greenery is indescribably magnificent ... I like spending time in such places .. I went outside and saw Arjun talking to some one ....

his gaze turned on me and stoped the conversation and told that man to go ... he told me to get into the car ... I went and sat in the passenger seat beside arjun... '' arjun who is that man '' I asked ... '' he is a police officer ..I filed a complaint on dhruv '' he said ...

'' did you find that bastard ''I asked clenching my jaw ...'' no he went abroad I guess '' he said continuously looking on phone ... '' if I find him I will kick him ....punch him and kill him '' I said ..''cool down priya ... police are enough for him '' he said ...

'' shall we go ... stop looking at that phone ... what are you looking '' I asked and snatched the phone from his hands ... he widened his eyes and tried to catch the phone ...'' priya give it back '' he said ...'' nah '' I said and held his hands and saw the screen ...

there are a couple designs for wedding cards ...'' who is getting married arjun'' I asked ...he remained silent ... ohh shit arjun is getting married to manvi ... ohh shit ... '' now give it back '' he said and took the phone from my hands ...

suddenly I felt sad that arjun is getting married ... '' dad is insisting me to choose a design for invitations so I was checking them out '' he said which made me feel depressed ...and disappointed ....

'' ohhh ok.. please drop me in my home ... and thank you for handling my issue '' I said ...'' why are you talking weirdly '' he said raising one eyebrow ...'' nothing I am just feeling hungry '' I lied ....'' ok then lets go to restaurant and have something '' he said ...

'' no no I want to go home '' I said ... I have to avoid him .. he is attracting me ... but he is already engaged ... priya you should not do this ... stay away from him ... you are just friends ... nothing can happen now ...

'' hey please I want to eat ice cream lets eat '' he said and I kept quiet as I too wanted icecream ...he drove to ice cream shop and told me to stay in the car ... he said we will eat in the car ...


I saw him going into the shop ... I was seeing the road ...suddenly a message came to arjun .. my hand couldn't stop .. I know its bad to stalk into others phone ... nothing happens he is your best friend you can check it ....

I opened the message ....

he did not save her number .... but there are hundreds of messages from her ... arjun didn't even reply for one ... strange ... but he accepted the engagement ... may be he is busy so he didn't reply ... I saw arjun coming towards car ... I quickly kept his phone on his seat ....

'' here you go .. your chocolate ice cream '' he said giving me a box with a signature smile ... anyone would get flattered seeing that smile .. unknowingly me to...he sat on the driver seat and started eating ... I too started ...

'' arjun when is your wedding '' I asked in a serious tone ... he clenched his fists and looked at me with anger ..'' don't you have a better topic to speak '' he said devilishly ....'' I mmeaann aarrjjuunn are you.... happy... with ... this...marriage '' I said stammering ... god I don't know why I will stammer when talking to him ...

'' don't you know the answer '' he said ... he looked at me with unknown emotions ...'' umm I feel like you are happy with it '' I said ... '' ohh so you think I am happy with this marriage ... huh .. for gods sake priya '' he said and kept his hands on his head ...

I felt happy somewhere in my heart ... '' so you don't like manvi '' I said mockingly ...he turned his head to me and nodded no ... I laughed ... '' why the hell are you laughing '' he said angrily ..I continued to laugh ... '' fuck priya ... tell me the reason '' ...

I stopped breathing ..'' haha arjun ...'' I again laughed ... he seemed so angry .. he caught my wrist and pulled me towards him ... I stopped laughing .. his intense gaze is on me .. I gulped and said '' leave '' ... '' why are you laughing when I am serious '' he said with angry tone ...

to cool the environment '' so Arjun Khanna don't like marrying manvi ... so priya being Arjuns friend can't let arjun marry someone he doesn't like ... so she decided to help arjun in spoiling this marriage '' I said ...his eyes softened and smile formed on his face ..he left my wrist .

'' really will you help me '' he asked ... '' yes '' I said and squeezed his cheeks as he is looking adorably cute ... '' hmm its hurting '' he said ... I removed my hands off his cheek ... '' how are we gonna do this '' he said starting the car ... '' hmm I will think about it later '' I said and completed the last part of my ice cream ...


his ice cream was left ... I took it and started eating that ... '' hey you that's mine '' he said .. he will surely take it .. '' what is yours is mine ok ''I said as friends follow that rule .. he chuckled ..

he dropped me at my home and bid me bye .......

I went inside my home ... again I felt tensed ... what if mom and. dad will get to know about this .. they will be so sad ... even there's my mistake too .. I should not have believed that dhruv .. ''priya you came .. I was worried beta .. '' my mom said ..

'' its ok mom ... workshop was taking so much time ... you know arjun was the head '' I said ...''hmm I know .. he called papa and told that workshop will be taking time ''she said ..

I told her how I got the deal from Khanna group of companies ... she was very proud .. dad also joined in middle of conversation .. he was very happy listening that ...

'' veda I think its right time for her '' dad said to mom....what are they talking about ...'' yes I guess we should do it as possible as we can '' my mom said ...'' dad mom chill what are you talking about '' I asked them ...

'' you should take up the business responsibilities now '' a stern voice came from behind ... I turned to see my grandpa ... '' yes priya you should take the C.E.O post now '' dad said ..am I dreaming ... what the ...'' dad are you serious '' I asked ...

'' you will be a great choice '' mom said ... yayyyy I jumped in excitement....'' thank u mom and dad ... and thank you handsome '' I said to my grandpa .. they chuckled ...suddenly I remembered what happened today ... my face became pale ...

'' priya are you okay '' mom said ....I should not spoil the happy vibes now ..'' yes mom there's nothing to worry about '' I said and gave her a smile ..'' mom where is savi '' I asked ... these days she started ignoring me ...

'' she is in her room ... she was doing her assignments I guess '' she said ...'' I will talk to you all later'' I said and went to her room ....I will tell her about today ... she is my dairy ...

I went inside and saw her doing assignment ...she noticed my presence ...'' I know what happened today '' she said .. I was shocked ... '' what are you talking about '' I said ...

'' I know that you will get the deal '' she got up and jumped ... she hugged me ... my face was pale ...'' now tell me what happened '' ... '' actually .....'' I told her how dhruv took advantage of me ..how arjun handled the situation .. I cried many times in between ...

'' sooo what do you feel today '' she said with curiosity ...'' I feel like I should be more careful '' I said ...'' nah '' she said ...'' I feel like I should have trusted arjun '' I said ..'' nah '' she said ..

'' then what '' I said and rolled my eyes ...'' what do you feel for arjun ..'' she said ....I was blank ..I closed my eyes and smiled imagining his face ...'' I feel like is a good friend everyone must have '' I said ...

'' you are a big nerd more than I expected ... '' she said and sat on study table .. '' why are u saying that .. '' I said with pout ...'' you can't see caring in his eyes .. love in his eyes ... you are such a stupid .. he loves you so much '' she said ...

'' but '' I said and she cut me off ...'' what but if other girl was in your place she had already given herself to him '' she said that made me angry ... does she mean that I should fall for him ... that's my opinion on him ...

'' but savi listen '' I was again cut off by her ..'' do you know one thing priya he is the one who gave idea to make you C.E.O because he said that you are eligible for that ... he admire you a lot respect you a lot ''she said ....

I am loosing my cool now ... '' ok savi stop now '' I shouted ..... '' just stop'' I said ...she stopped speaking '' I will try savi ... I will give him chance '' I said ...

she seemed really happy .... '' ok ok '' she said ...'' now I will leave '' I said ...I left her room and went to my room .... I saw a bouquet on my bed .. I took it into my hands .. its full of red roses ...with a message ...

I smiled seeing that ... he is so cheesy ... I like when he hugs me ... I never felt that warmth before .. its a new sensation ...

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