《I am all yours ( completed )UNEDITED》part-17


Priya is so stubborn to listen .... I know about Dhruv from his childhood he always laid bad eyes on women ... he also used women for his happiness ... but everyone said that he changed that I won't believe ... I don't know how priya met Dhruv but I should make priya stay away from Dhruv .....

after our heated argument ... I left the room and came out to leave .. I saw Priyas driver waiting outside ..'' didn't priya come '' I asked him .... '' no sir she came but she received a call and went inside again '' he said ...'' you go I will drop her '' I said him ... he nodded to that and left ....

I went to my P.A and asked him '' are some programmes still not finished yet '' ... he replied ''no sir everything is completed and most of them left '' he said ... '' ok I will meet you tomorrow you go now '' I told him ...

where is this stubborn lady ... I called her but its switched off ... I developed some kind of negative thoughts ... I asked the receptionist about priya ... she said that she went towards room 101 ... I immediately went towards that room ...

I cannot hear anything ... I know they are sound proof ... should I open it or not ... I heard some voices ... I did not wait a second I asked the management to bring the duplicate keys and opened to see the worst sight in my life ....

Dhruv is slapping priya and was forcing her ... I didn't wait a second to slap him ... I punched him on his jaw .. he fell on the floor and winced in pain ... I was about to go to him and beat him to hell .. I heard priya whispering my name ... I went to her and created a safe feeling around her ..

'' help me Arjun '' she said again making my heart beat grow fast in her helplessness ...'' I am here priya ... don't worry baby .. I got you '' I said and lifted her in bridal style and took her out of the room and placed her on the couch outside the room ....

she fell unconscious .. the hotel management already called doctor ... I went inside the room to beat that bastard to hell but I did not find him ... shit ....I called police to investigate about him .. ''Arjun sir doctor is calling you '' one of the worker said .. I nodded and went out of the room ...


I can see priya gaining her conscious back ... she was getting fear as everyone was around her and was looking at her with pity eyes ... '' how's she doctor '' I asked doctor ..'' she is fine mr Khanna just she had a something like panic attack '' ... on noticing my voice priya started crying .

'' shit priya why are you crying '' I went to her and hugged her ... I thought that she is uncomfortable here so I took her out holding her arms ... she is not at all protesting to what I am doing ... she is not even shedding a single tear .. she is not talking anymore ...

I took her out and opened the car door to her ... she silently sat in the car .. I started driving the car ... she was just seeing her lap and thinking something ... '' priya talk something '' I said focusing on the road ...

'' priya for gods sake talk something '' now I am getting angry why isn't she responding ... my gaze is on the road ... '' priya talk some....'' I was about to say but stopped after hearing some sniffing sounds ... I looked at her .. she was crying .. tears are flowing through her eyes and fallen on her hands which she placed on her lap ....

'' priya .. I knew about what you faced today .. I told you to stay away from that asshole why didn't you listen to me ... you always take me wrong when I tell something ... if I don't come what would have happened '' I said .. unknowingly tears filled my eyes ...

she was sobbing and tears were not stopping from her eyes ... '' priya this is all my fault I shouldn't have trusted that Dhruv '' I said and she turned to me with red eyes and red cheeks our to crying ... she is so fragile ..she is very delicate ..

'' priya do you want to talk to savi '' I asked ... '' nnooo'' she said weakly which is killing me ..''do you want to go home '' I asked ..'' nooo'' she said again ...

'' shall we go to my home '' I asked ...'' no no no .. please take me somewhere I want to be alone please ... I don't want to talk with anyone Arjun please take me where no one is there '' she said sobbing....


'' don't cry priya I can't see you like this please '' I said seeing her vulnerability... I want to tell her how much I love her .. I want her to trust me ... but not now I will first make her comfortable with me ....

I drove to my farm house which is in the city outskirts ... I informed Priyas parents that she is with me and the workshop is not over and I will drop her home again ... '' priya get down '' I told her ...she was still crying ...I got up from my car and opened her door and lifted her in bridal style... I thought she would scream and protest but she snuggled more closer to me and encircled her arms around me ....

I took her inside and placed her on the bed gently ... I placed bedsheet on her and kept my hands on her forehead... she is burning with fever ... ''ohh god priya you are burning ... I will bring some tablets for you ..'' I was about to go ... she caught my wrist ..'' please don't leave me Arjun '' she whispered in sleep ...

'' I will not leave you baby ... I am always there with you '' I said and sat beside her for sometime after she slept ... I removed her grip of my hands and went to bring some medicines ... I woke her up and made her take medicines and told her to take rest ... she slept on my lap and I sat on the bed leaning on the headboard ...

I promise you priya I will never ever let any monster touch you or harm you ... I will be always there for you ... I just wanted you to realise that you can trust me ....

I caressed her hair and made her feel good in my embrace ... I unknowingly fell into sleep ...

I woke up from the sleep after that tragic incident happened in my life ... first I lost my parents and faced may problems ... second I don't know what I feel for Arjun but rejecting him is making me regret every second now ... and now one more ... can't my life get enough problems ...

I remembered that Arjun brought me somewhere safe so that I can feel comfortable ... I felt a hand on my head ... I slowly removed it and kept it on his lap and saw him sleeping on the headboard of bed ....

I should have listened to him and should have gone with him .... but I trusted Dhruv so much ...sorry he made me trust him ... I am very sorry Arjun ... because of me you are getting the pain ..I got up from the bed and went near the balcony ... I saw Arjun waking up ...

'' priya did you wakeup are you ok '' he asked me ....I nodded .. when ever I hear his voice I feel vulnerable and burst out ... guess what his voice made me weak and my eyes started getting tears out again ...

he got up from the bed and walked towards me quickly ... I hugged him immediately I want to pour my pain in his arms ...

... his body stiffened .. he was shocked but he hugged me back ... I always wanted this warmth ...'' it was all my fault Arjun I must have heard you '' I said sobbing ... my tears and making his shirt wet ... '' sorry Arjun I didn't trust you '' I sobbed ...

'' and thank you for saving me .. if you would not reach by time what would have happened to me '' I said .. '' shhhh priya don't cry darling nothing will happen to you as long as I am with you '' he said making me feel safe ....

'' Arjun promise me you will always protect me '' I said breaking the hug ..he cupped my cheeks and looked into my eyes with pure love and care...

. '' I promise you I will protect my beautiful priya from the monster sand every problems '' he said making me chuckle ... he wiped away my tears ...'' ohh shit Arjun I spoiled your shirt '' I said .. he smiled and said '' its ok my sweetheart '' I smiled at him ...

'' Arjun did you tell to anyone '' I asked ..'' no I didnot tell about this to anyone .. I informed the hotel staff not to make any issue '' he said ... god he solves every problem of mine ...

-------------------------------------the end ---------------------------------------------

hey guys I hope you liked the chapter please vote and comment please ....

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see you soon with another interesting chapter ......until then stay home stay safe

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