《I am all yours ( completed )UNEDITED》part-16


'' Arjun what have you done to your room '' my mother said looking at my room .... every thing is broken and fell here and there .... '' mom it would be better if you leave me alone for sometime '' I said to my mom ....

'' the guests left Arjun but Priyas family is there come and have dinner with us '' she said ...'' no mom I am not hungry please leave me '' I angrily said .... she went outside wiping her tears ....

I received a call from my p.A Rahul .... '' sir we have a workshop to attend tomorrow ...please tell me if you are interested or not ..'' he said ....

now who the fuck goes there ... I should not mix my personal problems with my professional life ... so I will go ..'' ok I will but I want it to be done in our control '' I said to him and hung the call ...

I sat on my couch ... and was thinking about tomorrows workshop ... I removed the engagement ring and threw it away on my bed .... I worked enough now ... I fell asleep on couch ...

after manvis family has left ... we arranged the dining table and sat to eat dinner ... everyones present but not Arjun ... aunty said that he is sleeping so she don't want to disturb him ....

I can see Arjun is so angry so I don't want to face him .. when I was arranging everything in his engagement I saw Dhruv ... I wonder why he was here .. I went to him and asked why he was here ... he said that he is cousin of Arjun ...

we talked about tomorrows workshop ... I don't know why but I feel uncomfortable in Dhruva presence ... may be he's new so I am feeling like that ... priya stop overthinking ...

I ate my dinner ....'' priya some of your daily wears are still in your room you can take them if you want ..'' aunty said ... '' ok aunty I will take them '' ... I said and went upstairs to that room which aunty gave me to stay ...

I went and took my dresses and some accessories .... I packed them and was going down .. but something made me go towards Arjuns room ... I knocked it but no reply ... I opened the door slowly and peeped ... I saw him sleeping on couch with his laptop on his lap ....

I slowly went inside ... I saw his room totally messed up ... why did he do this ..?

is your brain dead priya ... why won't he do that .. he got engaged without his desire ... I felt pity of him ...I want to talk to him but can't face him ... because he loves me ... I went inside slowly ...I removed laptop from his lap and kept it aside ...

his hairs were messy .. he is looking damn cute and hot ... shit priya why are you talking like that ....bad girl .. I kept a pillow under his head slowly and covered him with a blanket ... I cleaned the mess he made in his room quickly ..

I finished cleaning ... now I will go down .. I felt someone is opening the door ... ohh shit ... ''priya'' savi said coming inside ... '' haa savi I came here to look for my phone '' I lied and pretended to search .. '' where is it '' I said ... she laughed at me as I was catching my phone in my hand...


shitt ... '' soo whats the matter ''she said making me put my head down ... '' nothing come lets go'' I said and dragged her down .... '' priya why are you late '' aunty said ...'' she lost her phone aunty '' savi said looking at me ...

'' ohhh ok '' ... they bid us goodbye and we reached our home ....

I went to my room and freshen up my self and collected some information for tomorrows workshop ... I saw savi coming inside my room ...'' savi do you want anything '' I asked ...''yes I want something '' she said ..

'' tell me '' I said ... '' you tell me what is going on between you and Arjun '' she asked ... '' what are you talking savi '' I asked with little anger ... '' I saw you that day priya ... Arjun proposed you .. why did you hide it from me '' she asked ...

'' savi I wanted to tell you but '' I stopped ...'' but what priya ... he loves you so much and cares for you ...you too have feelings for him .. I can see that .. then why are you hurting him '' she said..

'' savi its not like that I don't even know him completely '' I said ...'' what don't you know about him ... did you forget priya he is the one who joined you to your family ... you have to thank him '' she said ... now tears started coming from my eyes ..

am I being selfish ... but I feel good and comfortable around him ... that doesn't mean that I love him ..'' take your time priya ....arjun deserves best because he helped you a lot .. he is now engaged.. I feel like Arjun is perfect for you .. what if you loose him '' she said that and went outside ...

I laid on my bed and was unable to sleep .. I like him .. should I give him a chance ...

shit where is my mobile ...thank god its here .. I was so tensed as today is a business workshop and many billionaires will be attending it ... I had my break fast and took blessings of mom dad and grandpa .. savi didn't even talk to me ...

I went to the location which Dhruv has sent me ... it was a very big hotel .. only business meetings and all those business stuff happen here ... I went inside and saw Dhruv talking with someone ...

I waved my hands to say him hi ... he smiled at me and came towards me ... '' you look so gorgeous '' he said ...I smiled at him ... his gaze is very uncomfortable ... '' when will it start '' I asked him ..

''when the head will come the meeting will start .. yesterday they informed us that the head of this programme is changed .. I don't know who is the new one '' he said in a tired tone ...

I said ok and went inside the conference room where the workshop will be held ... I sat in my place and Dhruv sat beside me ... his legs were touching mine ... I moved a little bit to avoid that .. but he continues doing that .. why is he behaving like that

suddenly everyone got up from the place as the head of the meeting arrived .... I was shocked now ...what the ... Arjun is the head of meeting .... priya your faith is always like this ... he was wearing a very formal blazer and carried a dangerous look on his face ...


'' good morning clients .. welcome to the business workshop of 2020 .. I am Arjun Khanna ..C.EO of Khanna group of companies ... I will be guiding you in this and hope every ones well prepared .. winner will be decided at the end of meeting and will be given the new project of our company .. ok lets proceed with the first client '' he said ...

every girl in the meeting is looking at him like he is a tasty hotdog ...''then why are you looking at him without even blinking your eyes '' my brain said ... '' shut up '' I said to myself ...

'' lets go with our first client Meera mittal from AK group of companies ....'' Arjuns PA said .. every one started giving their speech , opinions , what improvements must be done ....

'' now lets welcome priya sharma who is to be CEO of sharma infrastructure '' they called me ... I stood up and went to take the stage ...arjun was surprised seeing at me ... I stopped looking at him as I am getting diverted ...

'' myself priya sharma ...'' I started giving my opinions and thoughts how to improve a business and get profit ... after I completed my speech ... every one praised me and gave me an applause ...

I went back to my seat and Dhruv congratulated me ... then Dhruv turn also came .. the programme is finally finished ''

'' every one has done well in this programme ... but the most best opinions I have received is from miss priya sharma '' Arjun said ... I was very happy ...

'' so this project is going to Sharma's infra '' he said making every one look at me and the whole hall was filled with applause ... '' miss priya come and meet me in the heads room '' Arjun said and left the hall ...

I ignored Dhruv and went inside his cabin ... I knocked it twice ..'' come in '' he said ...I saw him sitting on the desk ... '' please have a seat priya ''he said not looking at me ...'' well done priya you have performed very well '' he said ...

'' thank you Arjun '' I said not looking at him ...'' so here take this file best of luck '' he said giving me a file ... '' thank you Arjun '' I said .... '' do you want to have something '' he said .. I am hell hungry right now ...'' yes please '' I said like a child ...

he ordered some pastries and coffee ... I ate them ... yummy .. I loved it ..'' thank you Arjun I loved it mmmm'' I said chewing the doughnuts ... he chuckled and got up from his chair ...he came closer to me ....I was sitting on chair and he leaned closer to me and kissed on my cheeks ..

his guts ... I pushed him away with my hands ... he took my both hands and caught them ...''Arjun why won't you understand ''I said struggling in his grip ....'' if you won't understand why will I '' he said leaning closer to my neck ...I can feel his hot breath on my neck which made my body shiver ....

'' why can't you be stable ... listen to me don't trust everybody you see ok '' he said ... what is he talking about ..'' what are you talking leave me '' I said still struggling in his grip ..'' don't trust Dhruv '' he whispered in my ear ...

why he is saying like that ..'' yes I should not trust you '' I said ..'' you have got lots of courage in you ... but be careful with Dhruv ... he had used many girls ... I hope he changed now but I can't trust him .. so come with me '' he said and loosened my hands .. I took them quickly ...

'' you are a real monster why do you care for me so much '' I said looking into his eyes with tears ..'' then why do you care for me '' he asked ...'' when did I cared for you '' I said ...'' did ghost come and cleaned my room .. did ghost come and covered me with blanket '' he said ..

'' ii...ii ...'' I stammered as I couldn't utter any word ..'' no need of your words I understood .. now come with me '' he said and held my hand ... '' I am not coming ... I will go by myself '' I said ... '' ok but message me when you reach ok '' he said with true concern ...I ignored and went out of his room ....

I called dad to send a driver ..the driver will be coming soon ...I got 2 missed calls from Dhruv ... I called back him ...

'' hey priya cam you come to room 101 ... there are some clients here .. they want to congratulate you '' he said with a weird tone ...'' but Dhruv I am going .., my driver will arrive now '' I said ...

'' Priya don't you understand please come .. they want to wish you '' he said ...'' ok I will come '' I said and made my way towards room 101 ... I opened the door .. it was pitch dark .. '' Dhruv are you there '' I got no reply ...

'' Dhruv '' I called again ... I heard a sound of locking door ... lights were on ...I saw Dhruv with a smirk on his face ... he locked the door and threw the keys somewhere ...'' Dhruv what are you doing '' I asked in fear ...

he came closer to me and held my waist tightly ...'' I missed your beauty all these days ...I want to taste your beauty '' he said in a husky tone ... '' shut up what are you talking leave me you bastard '' I said and slapped him...

'' how dare you slut ... how dare you slap me .. enough acting infront of you now ... see the real me ... the real Dhruv '' he said and was unbuttoning his shirt ... I ran to the door and tried to shout ...but he slapped me on my cheek ... I fell on the floor ...

'' bitch only once listen to me ... I will throw huge amount of money on your face '' he said and dragged me and pushed me on bed .... he removed my blazer ... I pushed him so many times ... he continuously slapped me ...'' Arjun help me '' I shouted for the last time as energy in me is decreasing ....

suddenly Dhruv fell on the floor ... I can barely see anything ... tears were flowing from my eyes ...'' help me Arjun '' I whispered and fell into the safest arms ... '' I am here priya ... I got you baby .. don't worry '' he said ... I fell into unconsciousness in the right arms ....


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