《I am all yours ( completed )UNEDITED》part-12


I went to switch on the lights ..... suddenly I was pulled by Arjun and I hit his hard chest .... he was on by back I could not see him .... I can feel his hot breath on my neck which brought me shivers ..... '' Arjun leave me '' I said in a low voice ...

'' shhh'' he said again .... he caught my wrist with one hand and with other he closed my mouth ... '' priya '' I heard savi voice ... ohh shit if she see Arjun and me together in this time ... ohh shit that's the reason he told me to keep quiet ...

I fastly gestured him to go hide in the bathroom he quickly ran inside the bathroom ... I opened the door to see savi ... '' hey sorry to disturb you but I need one thing '' she said awkwardly ..''tell me '' I said ...

'' hey my periods started can you give me sanitary pads '' she said ... I went inside bathroom and gave her ... she thanked me and left ....he came out of the bathroom and sighed in relief ... I told him to go out ... he went to his bedroom ...

I woke up with the sunrays entering into my room .... I quickly grabbed my mobile to check the time its 10 am ... shit I woke up at 10 ...I realised today is Sunday and sighed in relief ... I went to my bathroom and did my morning chores ....

I went downstairs to see uncle and aunty and Arjun sitting on the couch looking tensed .... I called savi to come down but she said she want to sleep for some time ...I went to aunty and sat beside her ,'' good morning darling come I will serve you the break fast '' she said ..

I can feel tension in her voice ... '' what happened aunty why you all are so tensed '' I asked them ..uncle gave me the newspaper to read ... I was shocked seeing the headlines

ohh whats this who is Madhav sharma ..... ''. uncle who is Madhav sharma '' I asked him ... he told me everything that Madhav is my cousin and he is getting the total property of Sharma's ... I was dumb stuck ....

'' Arjun lets go '' I told closing my eyes ... '' what priya are you alright '' he asked ...I opened my eyes and anger occupied my face ... '' lets go to my house '' I said ... '' ok come '' he said .. me uncle and aunty with Arjun drove to my house ...


tears instantly came out seeing my house .... I entered the house sorry mansion which is bigger than Arjuns ... I saw Madhav sitting on couch and smirking at a Oldman ... ohhh my grand pa ...my grand pa took some documents from his lawyer and was about to sign ...

'' stop '' I shouted making everyone glare at me ... '' now who the hell are you '' Madhav said ... ''guards send her out '' raj uncle [ my fathers brother ] told ... '' stop raj sharma its enough and now its time to introduce you the real heir of this family '' Arjun said .. he held my hands ...

'' what are you talking '' Lia aunt said ..... '' priya sharma is here '' he shouted .. everyones faces became pale .... I saw my grandfather crying .. before I could go to him a women hugged me ....she was sobbing badly ... I don't know why I started crying ...

glared at Arjun with confusion ... '' your mother '' he replied happily .... I hugged her tightly ... very tightly .... I didn't leave her ... and someone hugged both of us I am sure its papa ... I felt my world completed now ... '' mama '' I said sobbing ...

'' priyaa'' she said and hugged me more tightly ....'' mama I am back I will never leave you again'' I said crying happily ...I broke the hug and wiped her tears ... suddenly weight on me decreased as papa broke the hug ...

I wiped her tears and hugged her again .... '' priya don't you want to come to papa '' he said crying ...I went to him and hugged tightly ... '' papa I missed you so much why did you leave me '' I said crying ...... he broke the hug and wiped my tears ...

'' you are alive '' raj uncle shouted ... I shifted my gaze to him confidently ... he is the one who tried to kill me .. '' I shouldn't have took you to orphanage .. I should have killed you '' Lia aunt said ...

'' what are you saying why didn't you kill her '' raj uncle slapped Lia aunt ... '' ohh stop the hell .. you oldie sign the papers '' Madhav shouted at my grand pa ...my grandpa glared at him with anger and teared the papers ....

my mother came to me with happy tears and kissed me on my forehead ... she encircled her arms around me and said '' I will never leave you priya ..'' .. '' now get out of the mansion or I will call the police '' Arjun said ... they packed their bags and went out ...


'' how did you find her '' my father asked Arjun ... he told the whole story to my parents ... I was still in my mother and fathers arms ... they are not leaving me .. that's what I wished for ....dad thanked uncle and aunty for taking care of me ....

'' priya I am a bad father ... I deserve punishment ... '' my dad fell down on his legs and started crying ... I sat to his height and hugged him '' no papa its not your fault please don't cry '' I said sobbing ...

'' priya beta ''I heard a cold voice ... I turned to see grand pa .... I ran to him and hugged him tightly ... we talked so much .. my mom was still feeling sorry for me ... I assured my parents that I will never leave them ....

'' we will leave veda '' Anita aunty said ....'' no no Anita have lunch and go '' mom said ... '' come lets prepare lunch '' mom said and left to kitchen with Anita aunty ....

dad and I talked so many things .... I told him where I lived ... who took care about me ... all my life story ... he is very proud that I worked very hard .... I can sense guilty feeling in dad ... ohh shit I forgot about savi ....

I called her .... '' savi I am very sorry I have to come here ''I apologised her ... '' its ok dear once turn back '' she said ... I turned back to see her .....she hugged me ....'' stupid '' I said ....

'' how did you come here '' I asked her .... '' Arjun brought me here '' she said ... ohh shit I totally forgot about Arjun .. I have to thank him ... he doesn't deserve one thanks ... first I have to find him ...

'' savi where is Arjun '' I asked her ... '' he parked his car but did not come inside I guess he is in garden '' she said ... I quickly made my way towards garden ....

he is talking with someone on phone ... he is looking so handsome .. his back faced me .. i don't know what got into me I hugged him tightly from behind ... suddenly his body stiffened .... he dropped his phone from his hands ...

'' may I know the reason why this lady is hugging me '' he said ... I chuckled ..'' thank you Arjun '' I said ... '' ohh so miss priya sharma is very happy '' he said ... '' hmm '' I said ....

'' this is all because you Arjun if you haven't come to my life I would never find my family and my home '' I said almost crying .... '' thank you so much Arjun '' I said again ... tears started coming from my eyes ...

he turned back and hugged me ... '' don't cry priya '' he said and wiped my tears .....

'' Arjun lets have lunch come '' I broke the hug and pulled him inside the house ...

we all arrived at the dining table .... I kissed my grandpa on forehead and sat beside him ... I can see all my Favourite dishes cooked ...'' mama I like all of them how you know '' I asked ...'' savi told me beta '' she told ...

my mom told she will feed me so I agreed ...we completed the lunch and sat in the living room ...

''dev you all should come to Arjuns engagement tomorrow '' dharma uncle said ... I was shocked ... I glared at Arjun ... he was shocked aswell ... '' we will come dharma ... congrats boy you have grown up so big '' dad said and patted his back ...

Arjun gave a sad smile ... '' ok we will leave now '' Anita aunty said ... '' bye priya take care please visit us often '' she said to me .. I nodded ... Arjun glared at me with tears in his eyes ... I wanted to talk to him but not now ... I will call him ..

'' bye Arjun '' I said .. he nodded and they left ...


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