《I am all yours ( completed )UNEDITED》part-11


( I know it's most awaited )

" sir car is ready shall we leave " my driver said .... " I will go by myself u can take a leave " I said ..

I took my keys and took blessings from mom and dad as it's my first day of being a C.E.O ....

priya and savi left to college ... I cannot understand my feelings for priya .. do I like her or love her or it's just a friendship......

I started my car and started driving .. all the way I can remember only her I think I need her company ....

I went to my office .... every one greeted me and I nodded.. I went to my cabin and started checking today's schedule ..

I Checked some files and signed the important ones ... today I have a meeting with a very important client mr ram ...

I was sitting on my chair and preparing for my meeting suddenly the door banged and manvi entered ....

" hi arjun " she said blushing looking at me .. I hate it when she blushes like that .. " what " I asked her angrily ..

" why do you always get angry when I am around you " she asked as she does all nice things ... I glared at her with anger....

" ok I will come to point I came here to take you on a date " she said ... " what no way I am not comming I have an important meeting " I said ignoring her.

" please leave now before my guards come " I said ... " ohh so you dont understand like this I know how to make you understand " she said and came near me ....

she sat on my lap and tried to kiss me on my lips but before that I pushed her hard that she fell on ground .. " guards " I called ...

they came inside " who allowed her inside I don't want anybody enter my cabin without my permission if this happens again you will loose your job " I said ....

manvi got up with an angry glare and went outside not before telling " you ur self will come to me mr Khanna " ..

" not in your dreams also " I murmured

why is this girl back of me I said her that I am not interested in her still she does the same thing again ...

" sir the clients arrived " my PA rahul said ... " cancel that fucking meeting and today's every meeting I am leaving" I said and he gulped " ok sir " ...


its evening 4 ... I was on my way to my home and I remembered priyas face which made me cool down...

I called driver " did you pick priya " I asked him .... " no sir I am waiting for her near their college " he replied...

" ok pick savi and tell priya to wait I will come to pick her " I said ... " ok sir " he said ...

i took turn and went to college ..I saw her waiting near the gate ... she saw me and glared at me with a confused look ... she is so beautiful..

she entered the car and glared at me .. " arj... " she was about to say something but I stopped her " arjun why did you asked me to stay .. this is only your question right " I said with a smirk ...

she rolled her eyes and laughed ... I instantly smiled seeing her laughing .. arjun she makes u laugh ... my inner voice said ....

" hows your day " she asked me ... " nice" I replied ... " hows yours " I asked trying to make a conversation " it's so great you know I made new friends and enjoyed so much and you know I listened to classes so well I am happy.

.... " she did not stop .. I enjoyed her company ..

" and you know I met dhruv he is such a sweet heart and helped me in studying " she said .. my fingers fisted. I glared at her angrily " what " she asked ..

" dont talk rubbish with me " I said trying to control my jealousy...what jealousy when did I get that..

" you are so rude " she said and turned her face ... " yes I am rude and will be rude do you have any problem " I almost shouted ....

she was shocked ... " I am sorry please calm down " she said ... " ohh you should be " I stated ...

she started crying ... " dont shed that fucking tears in front of me " I said as her tears will make me more angry ..

" you are the one who makes me cry and again blames me for that " she said sobbing badly ... I felt sad now ...

I stopped the car and asked her to get down for which she will refuse but this time she got down from the car ...

" come " I said placing my hands around her arms .. for that she shivered... It was almost 7 ..


I stopped near icecream shop to make her happy ... we sat together and I ordered our favourite icecream which is same ....

all the time she ignored looking at me but I glared at her ... " I like you so much " she said ... I raised my eyebrow ..." not you this icecream" she said making me disappointed...

she chuckled.. I smiled seeing her.. we went back to car .. " I am sorry " I said ... " it's ok " she said looking at me ...

we drove to mansion ... we went inside and I saw mr mehetha and mrs mehetha along with manvi .... and Pandit... " come my son in law " mr mehetha got up and made way towards me ....

I was shocked... " we are here to fix your engagement dates " mrs mehetha stated ... and I saw manvi smirking...

priya went upstairs ignoring the whole world... I sat near mom and dad .... they were a bit sad i can see but i did not agree to marry her ...

" mom what is this " I whispered to my mom ... " arjun I dont know they came to fix your engagement with manvi that didn't inform their arrival to us " she whispered....

" next week is good " Pandit said ... " so lets fix on next monday " my father stated which made me shock ...

" dad " I said .. " not a word arjun let's fix it on next monday mr mehetha " my dad said ....

they stood up and started leaving... I saw manvi comming near me and she hugged me infront of everyone ...and blushed and went out ....

I broke the glass table in front of me and went into my room.. I can hear my mom calling me from behind... I closed the door and sat on my bed ...

suddenly I felt some sensation on my foot I looked down to see blood .... it was comming from my hand ...but I will not care ....

"arjun please open the door beta " my mom was shouting ... " mom please leave me alone " I shouted .... " anita leave him alone " my dad said to my mom and they left ....

after sometime the door banged again

" leave me alone " I shouted ... " arjun " I heard priyas voice .... " arjun please open the door " priya requested me ..

I went near the door and opened it ... priya took my hand and examined my wound... she glared at me angrily with tears filled in her eyes... now I am seeing a different priya ...

" priya it's just a cut " I said .. " shut your mouth " she said angrily and took me to her room and brought a first aid kit ...

I sat on her bed ... she started cleaning my wound " is it hurting " she asked with concern... no it's not hurting but I will act now ...I went too close to her ... she has perfect lips .. I wanted to taste them .....

" ahhh " I shouted sorry acted ... " ohh sorry " she said .... she bandaged my hand and kept the kit in its places and came back .....

she left the bedroom and came with some food .... " arjun eat this " she said ... " no priya I am not hungry " I said ... " okay then i will also not eat " she said ...

" why didn't you eat " I asked ... " because how can a person eat if their best friend is sad " she said .... I smiled at her ....

" now i will feed you ok " she said . i nodded in happiness... " priya did you remember i fed u once your hand was hurt " i said ... she smiled ... that smile ...that smile of hers make me crazy ..

i took one spoon and fed her .. we both ate ... " now arjun go to your room we will talk later " she said and pushed me outside .... suddenly I remembered about a guy whom priya is praising a lot .... I will teach u a lesson priya wait ..

" priya wait " i said .. " what " she said

" priya can I sleep in your room cause I want someones company " I asked ... she widened her eyes " no way get out " she said ...

i pushed the door hardly and went inside her room and switched off the lights ... " arjun what the hell are you doing " she shouted and went to on lights ....

I caught the hands and pulled her towards me ....

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