《I am all yours ( completed )UNEDITED》part -3


Her hand is bleeding very badly so I decided to take her to the hospital... I caught her wrist and taking her outside the University...

'' Hey leave me .... where are you taking me ?'' Priya is shouting. I ignored her and pushed her inside my car...

I closed the door of her's and started the car .... she is yelling in the car ... why can't she be quiet for few minutes....'

' stop!!! '' I shouted at her .... she stopped yelling at me and started crying ... God she cries a lot... I ignored her.

The hospital came, I took her inside .... Doctor bandaid her hand and I paid her bill and dragged her back to the car .... she was quiet all the time ...'' How much did you pay? Arjun '' she asked me...

''Why the hell do you want to know? '' I replied coldly...

'' Tell me, how much did you pay ...otherwise, I will leave the car '' she said ... Is she stupid?... I dragged her left hand and brought her close to me ...'' 5500'' I said ....

she struggled to get out from my grip but she can't...

I kissed her on her cheek again ... she stared at me angrily and I started the car .... she was searching for something in her wallet ... she gave me money ...

'' here you go your 5500 '' ... I am getting angry now ...'' I don't like to keep others money with me so take it'' she said me harshly.

'' I won't take them .... and listen I am not a stranger ok, I am ....''

I was talking but she interrupted me ''who are you my boy friend .. or my husband " she said .. I gave an angry look to her ...

'' I don't need the money I want something on the behalf of the money '' I said raising my eyebrows ... college arrived ... I stopped the car ...'' What you want on the behalf of money ... '' she asked confusingly....'' Come with me to coffee today '' I asked her ...


She did not utter any word after listening to me .... she was about to leave the car ... I caught her hand and dragged her closer to me ....

only a few inches gap was there between us... I moved closer to her ... She closed her eye. I hugged her

She tried to push me away but I held her more tightly ...'' Leave me, u monster '' she yelled ... ''This monster wants your answer '' I said ....

'' ok, I will come '' she said... I broke the hug ... as soon as I did that she immediately ran away from the car...

At last, she agreed ... today I will find out her real identity.... she cannot run from me today ... I am sure she is the lost Priya Sharma...my best friend ...

'' Come on Jai.. you have to do this '' Sneha said today as he opted dare ...

me Sneha and Jai are playing truth or dare .... '' ok I will do this but Arjun will select that person ''Jai stared at me ..

''umm .....OK, that white dress girl '' I pointed towards her ... she was so pretty ... I intentionally asked Jai to pick her...

Jai called her and asked her some

questions... while Sneha was introducing us to her I introduced myself to her..

.I shook her hand with mine .. oh god her hands are so soft, not less than cotton ... suddenly my gaze fell on her ring ...

That ring is the same as my ring .... she broke our handshake and left for the canteen...

I have to know from her where did she get that ring because that ring has a huge past ... that ring is the only memory of Priya Sharmaa ... is it her...

I went to her class to get more information about her ...

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