《I am all yours ( completed )UNEDITED》part 1


Priya's p.o.v

'' Happy birthday Priya !!'' savi shouted in my ear as I came out of my room.. today is my 22nd birthday .. and Savi is my roommate !!

'' savi!!! , is it necessary to shout in my ear'' I yelled at her ... she ignored it ..

'' come on eat this breakfast '' she said and gave me a plate full of pancakes...I was shocked As Savi is so lazy to do all these...

'' When did you do all this Savi, if you called me I would have helped you ''i said ..she rolled her eyes and went into the kitchen..

''It 's your birthday Priya why are you eating it slowly we have to go to the orphanage also '' she yelled from the kitchen. I realized it's late and ate my breakfast quickly ...

I and savi went to a nearby sweet shop on her Scooty and bought some sweets and candies for children .. we reached the orphanage ...

" happy birthday Priya didi( sister) " children surprised me .. they bought a small cake and made me cut it. I distributed sweets to children...

It's been 4 years since I left the orphanage and stayed independent ...

After that, we reached our flat...it was a really good day ... as i was about to open the door .. I saw an envelope at the door .. I quickly grabbed it and looked at savi ..

One was for me and one was for savi ..

'' miss Priya ... thank you for applying to all Indian institutions of business and management [AIIBM] '' I glared at savi with a shocked face ..

''read Priya '' she said me to continue ...'' it's our pleasure to join you in our college .. the college will be starting this weekend so please give your presence ''

I was shocked India's richest and the popular university sent me an application...

I cannot utter a word...

I hugged Savi ... we both were very happy ...


We quickly went inside our flat and opened the box in which we saved money for years...we knew that this day would definitely come...

We both giggled .. we have to go to Bangalore now...


Days passed we reached Bangalore and today is our first day of college... I wore a white dress and jeans down and I put my hair into a ponytail .... ohh ...

we got a room near to college .. the owner is very kind and reduced the rent for us ...

''Come Priya, let's go '' Savi yelled from her room ... ''coming Savi '' I said and locked my room and we went to college .....

It was a peaceful and big building ... I was stuck and very happy seeing that ..Savi jerked me and we started moving inside ...

we got our classroom details in the mail ... we went to our classroom and sat .... the classes held very peacefully .....

I didn't make new friends .... '' hi what's your name '' a girl came to me and asked it ..

she looks really pretty ..'' umm my name is Priya and what's yours '' I asked her smiling .

'' I am Varsha .. are you that Priya who topped the college entrance by getting 100 percent '' ... I nodded

'' hey girls and boys here is the topper Priya '' Varsha shouted and called everyone. I looked at Savi .. she gave me a confusing look .. everyone came near me and shook my hand with there's .......

It's lunch break so I and Savi went to the canteen to eat lunch ... near the canteen, we saw a group of boys and girls probably 2nd year; ragging newcomers ...

'' I am scared, Priya what if they call me or you '' Savi said .... '' its ok, Savi nothing will happen you come ..'' I said dragging her to the canteen .. when we were about to enter .....

'' hey you white dress come here '' someone called. I ignored and start moving ..


''hey white dress will you come or shall I come '' they said ... '' go Priya '' Savi told me ...

I went to them and stood in front of them and bent my head down as they were staring at me strongly ..

'' So what's your name '' ...one guy asked me .. he is so tall... '' Priya '' I said ....

'' mmm nice name, Priya I am Jai ... so you are 1st year '' he asked. I nodded yes .. he came near me and placed his hands on my face and lifted it ...

'' beautiful '' he said ... I was so uncomfortable... someone removed his hands from me....I did not see him but thanked him inside ..

'' she must be hungry leave her ''someone said coldly ...'' yes Arjun is right leave her, your dare is completed ''one girl between them told to Jai.

'' don't be afraid Priya we are not a ragging gang ... we are just playing truth or dare and suddenly Jai opted dare and this is the story ... anyways I am Sneha .. this is Jai .. this is Arnav ..and '' she was about to complete but someone interrupted her.

'' Arjun '' he said and lent his hand to shake with mine .. he is very handsome ... I was looking at him without even blinking .. he cleared his throat ... I came out from my thoughts. I hesitated first but joined my hand with his.

He smiled at me and Savi dragged me into the canteen I turned my head to see him ..

he is already glaring at me with a smirk ...we had our lunch and went to our classroom ... I was shocked to see Arjun in my seat.

I went toy seat and took my bag and was about to leave ..

he caught my wrist tightly .. and dragged me to him ... '' brother what are you doing please leave her '' Savi yelled. I struggled to get out my hands from his grip but he is stronger than me.

'' if u don't want any issue to happen here sit beside me '' he said .. '' sorry I will not sit here '' I started to move but he dragged me and made me sit next to him ...

I saw Savi who is giving a sign to sit there for some time. I adjusted myself there.

Savi sat in the next row .. she was looking at me from there .. still, Arjun is holding my hands and completing his cold drink ...

'' would you like to have some '' he asked me ... I said no and was about to remove my hand from his grip...

he glared at me angrily '' why; can't you be stable for some time Priya ''he scolded...

'' what do you want from me '' I asked ... ''you '' he said then the lecturer came into the class ..

'' hey Arjun what a pleasant surprise what are you doing here '' lecturer asked him ...

'' nothing sir I want to hear a lecture on basics. I was having some trouble with my concepts '' he lied ...

''ok Arjun sit '' the lecturer said and he sat beside me ......

I was hearing class and writing notes .. Arjun was seeing me from the starting of class ...

the class Is over and I saw him sleeping holding my hand ... '' Priya lets go, he is sleeping '' Savi said. I slowly removed my hand from his hand and went outside ... ...

''it's ok, Priya these seniors will do actions like this it's common don't worry '' Savi said holding my hand. I nodded ...

we went back to our room and freshen up ..... Me and Savi ate dinner in the restaurant and went to a nearby supermarket to buy some groceries for tomorrow ...

we came back to our room and slept ... I want tomorrow to be peaceful and want to study hard and help my orphanage...

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