《what about angels?》28


The palace's now getting ready to welcome the guests.

Luvian went to his cupboard which was filled with all white clothes that looked about the same yet it still took him forever to decide as usual.

After he finished dressing up he walked to the the dresser table and rinsed his face then looked at the mirror he pushed his platinum wavy bangs up From his face

"Your highness, I've come." Said the butler as he followed with a knock on the door.

"You may come in." Luvian gave the butler a nod

Then sat on the chair and let the butler tie his boots.

Our younger prince quietly strode out of his room and headed downstairs.

He glanced up at his frowning elder brother reassuring him with a nod.

A couple of minutes later Luvian perked up when he heard the sound of a carriage getting closer and took a small step to the front.

"Stay behind me." Arthur said then put his arms in front of Luv gently pushing him to the back.

'he's blocking my view.' I narrowed my eyes at his broad back.

The entrance was quiet and despite the lighting it had a dark vibe to it which could easily pass as a haunted house.

When the doors were suddenly opened Luv immediately averted his attention towards the door , he watched with sparkling eyes as the three guests arrived.

Liam had his puppy eyes on Luv from the moment he stepped in despite the fact that our youngest prince was sending him silent death threats with his eyes.

Arthur welcome the guest with his poker face which went surprisingly well.

Both the queen and king of venea were curious about Luvian as he introduced himself as the second prince.

Their fluffy attire caught luv's interest 'it looks soft.'


"My , it must've caught your attention pretty one , our kingdom is known for it's fur making." The queen giggled gracefully "you may touch it." She dragged an edge of coat towards Luvian.

'wooo it's softer than xi's.' He touched it shyly.

"You could touch mine t-" Liam's mouth was shut by Arthur's glare.

They then headed to the dining room and basically were given a tour by the butler.

While the queen and king of venea were talking with our crown prince , Liam walked next to Luvian.

"Your Punishment shall be granted later." Luv whispered with an innocent smile before Arthur yanked him to his side.

'Aish.' Luv muttered to himself.

"P-punishment?" His face gradually transformed into a red blob.

'wait a minute, Why'd he handle his highness so roughly?' Alaric looked at Arthur and Luv.

they arrived to the dining room and dinner was served the two families had a chat.

"It truly is a shame that the former king hasn't left a Princess after having Prince Luvian." The king of venea casually said.

"Indeed , prince Luvian's future wife surely would be lucky." The queen of venea added with a friendly manner.

'just smile and nod Luv.' Luv smiled and gave them a nod.

Liam glanced at Luvian and cleared his throat before saying "of course For me A woman or a man it— fuh-."

Our precious bean landed a kick at Liam from beneath the table.

'oh , that wasn't his leg.' He quietly continued eating his food.

Liam groaned in pain as he leaned against the table.

"Liam! where are your table manners!" The queen scolded "hold on son , are you not feeling well?"

Luv stood up "I can escort him to a guest room to rest."


"-The butler shall escort him to a guest room." Arthur gestured to him.

The two brothers had an eye contact.

"Sadly, it seems like we'd have to leave early , let's continue this at a later time." Said the king of venea.

Arthur nodded and walked the guests out.

Luv looked at Liam who offered his hand with his usual puppy eyes.

"no." He quietly refused while tilting his head.

The queen held Luvian's hands "you are welcomed to visit us anytime , it was truly a pleasure to have a chance to meet the rumored Angel of istansia."

Luv smiled and nodded whole thinking to himself 'whatdidshesayy..'

He then went back to his elder brother's side and watched as they entered their carriage before going back in.

'I was hoping to spend more time with Liam."

He hummed 'I'll go check on xi.'

Arthur stopped Luvian by hugging him from behind.

'Here we go again.' Luv thought to himself as he turned to look at his brother's face that had been frowning the whole time.

'You'll get wrinkles , stop frowning.'

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