《what about angels?》11.


"Your highness." Isaac casually bowed Politely placing his hand on his chest.


"Yes , Your highness." He answered.

As I continued to stare quietly. "Young master we have to leave."

He said. "..where?" I questioned in daze. "somewhere , far far away where a friend of mine works." Isaac said.


"I'm happy here..!"I said as Isaac dragged me away.

"Young master, it isn't safe here." He said in a cold calm tone.

"I'm more safe here , I have them."I said referring to my tiger pack.

As we got further away from the base My Pair of two toned eyes started tearing up , my lips trying to hold in a pout just then a storm began to thunder. "Let Go!" I kicked my feet "I don't!...want-to..!". "Forgive me , Your highness." was the last thing I heard before everything went black 'uhh..here we go again.'

waking up in a bad mood because of what happened , I woke up at the sound of a horse's hooves , rubbing my eyes , I looked at Isaac's arms that were holding the horse's leash and wrapped around me ,

I took a closer look at the horse curiously not disturbing the silent mood. "did You have a Good dream , Your highness?" Isaac interrupted the silence.

I later took awareness of our surroundings '...?' It didn't seem like the way to the Palace, but seemed like a completely different and new environment.

'Bamboo? Just how far have we traveled?!'

shoulders Tensing up from confusion and curiosity breaking the silence that's been going for hours I asked Quietly"where are we heading to?"

"a safe Place." Isaac Repeated not giving enough details.

"what safe place?" I asked once again. "it's one of Your highness's Father's wishes." Isaac said in his usual cold deep tone.

'Dad's?' I thought to myself as we approached a tall wall with a huge gate '..Great! an other palace..' I thought to myself sarcastically.


"Young master , allow me to Put this on." Isaac said as he held out a hat with a veil attached to it.

'oh , Just like those in historic dramas.' I Quietly gave him a soft nod allowing him to put it on.

'Are we at ancient China?' I tilted my head as that thought popped in my head.

Greeted By the guards , I felt a a little nervous, tho they didn't dare to lift their heads , I have never been in presence of this many People in a long time...but I'm pretty sure it's going to be alright, isn't it?

our way was decorated with cherry blossom trees , and an ancient style for the build of the Palace.

"It's Pretty." I muttered softly.

"I'm glad it's to Your liking, Your highness." Isaac said.

'Yeah You better be.' I thought to myself.

we got off of the horse as it's taken away by the guards to its stable , being carried by Isaac into the Palace.

I looked at my surroundings only to feel more uneasy as I got greeted by more servants , holding onto Isaac tightly I rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes trying to distract myself from bad thoughts and overthinking.

Comforted by Isaac's back pats "Young master, lets get You to your room , shall we?"

i answered with a slight nod. we entered a spacious room and I silently watched as Isaac shut the door closed getting a bad feeling.

"I said I'm not wearing it!" I Told isaac as I ran away from him.

"Your highness." He chased me with his usual poker face holding a White Hanfu/kimono "I'm Sure it's going to suit You the best."

"I don't want to!" I said as I continued running away.

"Your highness , Pudding will be offered." He said causing me to freeze for a second and catching me off guard "pu-" but just enough for him to get ahold of me "uh.." as I was up in the air and within Isaac's arms.


he Left me behind the curtain of the bath area undressing me and taking the old clothes with him.

I listened as he ordered a servant for a Pair of new underwears and a tub of warm water. The maid servant left as soon as she got ordered , then a couple of maids brought the tub in before getting stopped by Isaac as they were about to approach , a few feet away from me behind the curtains "Know Your place." Isaac hissed and scolded with a stern and irritated tone.

I shivered slightly starting to feel a little cold "Isaac." I called quietly.

"Yes , Your highness." Isaac Quickly snapped back into the gentle Perfect and flawless butler mood.

The maids Quickly left after getting scolded.

Isaac held the tub Placing it behind the curtains and in front of me. 'Why is it so small? I mean it isn't compared to me , but maybe I just got used to what I got back then...' I thought as Isaac lifted me up carefully putting me down in the tub "how is the water temperature, Your highness?"

I answered with an other nod , 'it's perfect' I smiled with my eyes lightly. leaning against the bathtub as Isaac washed my hair with care. 'This scene also looks familiar..' I opened my eyes to meet with Isaac's closed ones , 'last time he was wearing a blindfold.'

After the bath was done , Isaac quickly wrapped a towel around me Preventing me from catching a cold , I waddled my way across the room towards the bed. "May luv have a nap?" I asked innocently.

definitely seeing the hearts in Isaac's golden eyes right through his Pokerface. as I hopped on the bed 'it's a win-win.' Rolling around it.

Isaac sighed "Your highness let's dry Your hair First." He said as he grabbed a towel and folded my sleepwear putting it on the bed , after drying and combing my hair , he put my sleepwear on. 'Its comfy.' I thought to myself as I looked at it.

I looked at the kneeled down Isaac spacing out in front of my legs.

"Isaac." I muttered calling his name quietly.

Not getting an answer I tapped his cheek lightly "Isaac?" I tilted my head. "Uh , Pardon me Your highness, I got lost in thoughts." Isaac finally snapped out of his thoughts.

"Is isaac tired?" I questioned.

"not at all , Your highness needn't to worry about a mere servant like I." He answered in a blank tone.

'Again with the meeeeeree servant things'

"Isaac sleep with luv." I said.

"I beg you Pardon? Your highness." He questioned.

I scooted over then patted the spot next to me "here."

"Your highness mustn't." Isaac said without hesitation.

"why?" I questioned tiling my head. "A servant like me to-" Isaac said before I cut him off saying "it's an order, You are going against my ordered again."

"Yes , Your highness, Please allow me to wash up first." Isaac said hesitantly.

I held out my father's key staring at it once again.

"Your highness that's.." Isaac interrupted. "It's father's—" I managed to say before choking on air.

'why is he half naked ! it isn't legal attacking People's hearts like this.' I thought to myself as I gasped softly for air. "Young master , are You alright? Please have some water." Isaac said as he quickly approached kneeling down and offering a cup of water. I held it taking small sips at a time. 'He almost gave me a heart attack.'

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