《Gift Of The Sea//Ivar The Boneless Fanfic》Chapter Six


Ivar woke to a loud twig breaking, his eyes peering into the darkness as he saw a hooded figure walking past him. He could see from her bare feet that she was naked under her cloak, his heart beginning to race as he feared she was sneaking off to be with one of his brothers. Ivar crawled slowly around Sigurd and Ubbe, shocked when he saw Hvitserk sleeping on a pelt next to the fire.

He crawled slowly and quietly, watching as Nerida walked to the large shore by their hunting cabin, the moon shining bright as she removed her cloak to reveal her beautifully naked body. He gasped as he saw the scars, she had told him about, the deep scars laying across her back and legs. Ivar knew she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, his hands aching to caress her skin.

Ivar had never been with a woman, but he knew exactly how and where he wanted to touch Nerida, knowing exactly how he wanted to make love to her. He also knew that he needed to be with a woman who meant nothing to him, to know he could pleasure a woman.

"Ivar?" Nerida said causing him to jump from his thoughts, a red blush going over his cheek as he looked away from her. He looked up as he saw her slowly walking into the water and disappearing under the darkness. The moonlight hit her perfect as she reappeared, Ivar moving closer to the water as he made sure not to go in. Since he was a child, Ivar had been terrified of water, knowing that he could never swim.

"I saw you leave—I was worried." He admitted as he watched her slowly swim back and forth, Ivar wishing more than anything that he could join. For several long moments all Nerida did was swim as Ivar watched in contented silence, something he had not felt in so long.

"Swim with me, Ivar." She said as she started to swim to the shore, Ivar feeling his heart race in his chest as he stared at the pitch-black water. "Do not be afraid, I will hold you." She continued as she stood in the waist deep water, Ivar stealing a glance at her breasts. Ivar reluctantly agree and began removing his clothes, his entire body shaking with fear as he slowly crawled through the soft grass and sand and into the water.

Nerida grabbed his arm and pulled him deeper, turning him to his back as she held his body to hers with her arm and slowly let them float into the water. "You see Ivar, you can swim." She whispered in his ear as Ivar laughed joyfully, a smile on his face so big that Nerida could not help but smile. Nerida held him close as they floated in the water, the warmth of his skin on hers making the coolness of the water melt away.


"I will marry you one day, Nerida." Ivar said as he pushed his arm under the water and wrapped it around her body.

"When you are ready, we will Marry." She stated simply, her lips landing on his cheek as she felt his body shutter under her touch. They swam till Nerida felt her arms grow tired, her body fully relaxed as she brought Ivar ashore and walked from the water. She slipped her large cloak over her shivering body, goosebumps sprouting on her skin as she desperately wanted to get back to the warmth of the cabin.

"Do you love me?" Ivar asked as Nerida began to walk back towards the cabin. She turned and looked down at him, searching her heart for the right answer, since she herself did not fully know.

"I cannot answer that Ivar. You broke my heart and even though it has healed some, I am not healed fully. I care deeply for you, and I know that I do not want anyone else." Nerida admitted as she turned away from him and continued to walk back towards the cabin. She quickly rushed into the cabin and slipped on her tunic, her legs shivering as she climbed back into bed and waited for him.

Ivar quietly crawled into the cabin and up into the bed moments later, his arm slipping around her waist once more as if he hadn't spent the last few months pining and yearning for her. The months without her had been torture for him, and he knew that in that moment with her in his arms, he was finally at peace.


Nerida woke as she heard Ubbe's laugh, her body feeling relaxed as she carefully slipped from the bed, making sure to not disturb Ivar. She slipped on her breeches and boots, her back feeling tight as she finally emerged from the cabin. Nerida could smell the rabbit being cooked, her stomach rumbling as she hadn't eaten much in days.

"Sleep well?" Hvitserk asked with a coy smile, Nerida rolling her eyes as she was not in the mood for their teasing. They had always teased her about how she was with Ivar, none of it mattered to her, since their feelings towards her did not matter.

"Bjorn?" Nerida said as she saw him riding up the hill, her eyes connecting with his as she saw something troubled him. She knew Bjorn would not come all the way to the cabin for a frivolous reason. "Go wake Ivar." Nerida said to Ubbe, who followed her command with no question. The boys may have teased, but she also knew that they feared her, since she was the only one who could take them all down.


She sat at the table as Ivar crawled from the cabin, his hand taking hers as he gently kissed her palm before moving closer to the fire. His eyes were stern as Bjorn slipped down from his horse, a bitter feeling in the air as Nerida knew, something was wrong.

Nerida listened as Bjorn told them about the traveler who had come to Kattegat. He told them that the farming settlement in England had been destroyed almost as soon as they left for home. Nerida scoffed at the name of King Ecbert, her foul memories of the man something she wanted to tear from her mind.

"That King can never hold his word." Nerida spoke as she took a piece of rabbit from Sigurd's plate. She watched as everyone's eyes looked at her in confusion, since she had never spoken about knowing the Great King of Kings. "He gave me this brand." Nerida said as she pulled back her tunic to reveal a small Christian cross that had been burned into her skin.

"Do you suppose our father knew about the settlement?" Hvitserk asked as Bjorn sighed and shook his head no, but Nerida knew that Bjorn was lying.

"If he knew he should have told them. People lost family, some people lost everything, they would have wanted revenge on the King." Sigurd spoke as Nerida saw Ivar's brow furrow and a small smile go over his face.

"That is why he didn't tell them." Ivar spoke with confidence, Nerida smiling as she knew that he was right.

"Ivar is right, it would have been a waste of time. Your father wanted to sail to Paris did he not? He wanted to be famous, I am sure he thought that more important." Nerida spoke, winking at Ivar as she saw a blush run over his cheek.

"Our father abandoned us. We were only children and he left us. Now only the gods know if he is still alive, but now we hear that he kept this big secret from everyone. So, our father was not truthful or honest." Hvitserk spoke, Nerida watching the anger grow in Ivar's eyes as she knew that he did not hold the same resentment towards Ragnar that his brothers did. Nerida listened as the boys all spoke about resentment towards their father, listening as they all vowed to kill him shall he ever return.

"Screw all of you. Our father never did anything wrong, and he is still our father. You all are sounding like a bunch of Christians." Ivar hissed as Nerida chuckled under her hand, since she knew he was right. She listened as they argued at one another, debating on if their father, Ragnar would ever return.

"If you ever saw your father again Nerida, what would you do?" Ubbe asked as the memories of her father came flooding back as if she had never prayed to the gods to take them from her.

"My father is not like your father. My father was a cruel and merciless man who only wanted to kill and take. As I told Bjorn, If I ever saw my father again, I would make him suffer. I would take his precious gold and melt it until it became hotter than any flame. I would then pour the gold into his mouth laughing at the torment and pain it brought him." Nerida spoke as her eyes connected with Ivar's, a smile on his face as her words had somehow excited him.

"You all forget that our father was human. People spoke as if he was a god, he was no god, he was a man. Despite all his failures, he is still the greatest man in the world to me." Bjorn said as everyone looked at him in confusion, but Ivar looked at him in anger, an anger that Nerida could not fully understand. "Nerida, you need to come back with me. I am seeing the progress on the boats that Floki is building, I need you to come and make sure they can withstand the long journey." Bjorn said as Nerida angrily tossed her cup of water to the ground, not wanting to leave the hunting cabin or Ivar's side.

"It is alright, Nerida. I will be alright." Ivar said in her tongue, Nerida smiling as she walked over and kissed his forehead, Sigurd scoffing as he turned away from them. "Travel safe." He whispered as he held Nerida's hand with his, a smile on her face as she finally stood and followed Bjorn towards his horse.

She kicked her leg over the horse and held tight to Bjorn as they rode off towards Kattegat. Nerida turned her head and raised her hand waving at Ivar as he raised his and waved back, her heart warming as she knew she could no longer deny her feelings. She was in love with Ivar the Boneless.

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