《Gift Of The Sea//Ivar The Boneless Fanfic》Chapter Four


Nerida's eyes shot open as she heard the scuffling, the fire burning down to embers making shadows dance all around her. Even in the darkness she saw him crawling towards her bed, a small smile on her face as she lifted her large fur pelt and waited for Ivar to crawl into bed with her. This had been the standard for them for almost two months, and Nerida welcomed him into her bed each night.

"I was getting worried." She whispered as Ivar wrapped his arm over her waist and pulled her to him, her body relaxing under his touch. They never kissed, nor had sex, but each moment she shared with him they grew closer, so close in fact she feared she would never be able to leave Kattegat. She had taken to the small trader's city rather well, including working as a blacksmith when the old one passed in his sleep. Each day she would secretly train Ivar, making sure no one got wind of their escapades in the woods.

Every night she would speak with Bjorn about his plan to travel the Mediterranean, knowing that by the next summer, Floki would have the new boats built. Those moments passed through her memory like fleeting stars shooting across the sky. The memories that were cherished, were the stolen memories with Ivar, the moments that kept her warmest in the bitter cold.

"Sleep now, my Nerida." Ivar whispered as she felt his body start to sink into the straw bed. Nerida had allowed herself to feel for Ivar, to care for him, something she knew was only going to hurt them both in the end.


"I do not understand why I must stay." Ivar protested as he followed Bjorn and Nerida towards the horses. Bjorn was finally taking Nerida to meet his mother Lagertha in Hedeby, a full day's ride away.

"Because I say so, we must ride fast, and I will not carry you." Bjorn said as Nerida nodded her head and agreement, knowing full well that Ivar was annoyed with the decision.

"I am going to make you legs one day Ivar—you will see." She said in her tongue, Ivar fully understanding her as he scoffed at the idea. "Do not doubt what I can do, Ivar. "She whispered as she looked passed him and to his mother, Aslaug.

"Come home to me, Nerida." Ivar replied as she knelt in front of him. She removed an old necklace from her neck, a small green gem (she had found on her first raid) wrapped in pure gold and slipped it over his neck.

"I will come back for this." She smirked, Ivar smiling big at her as they ignored everyone's whispers and stares. Nerida looked up as Queen Aslaug came to her son's side, a smile on her face that Nerida could see right through. She knew the queen detested how Ivar felt about her and she knew how underhanded the Queen was.

"Safe travels." Aslaug said as she pulled Nerida close to her chest. "I warned you to stay away from Ivar." She whispered into her ear, Nerida pulling back from the hug as she nodded at the Queen, her eyes showing no fear.


Ivar watched as Bjorn and Nerida rode off down the road, a churning in his stomach as anger filled his heart. He did not trust his brother Bjorn, for Ivar had seen just how Bjorn looked at his Nerida.

"She will have sex with Bjorn tonight." Aslaug said as Ivar jerked his head around in shock, his eyes connected with his mothers as he felt his heart sink into his stomach.

"No—she is mine, and she would never do that." Ivar protested as he turned and crawled angrily away from his mother. Hot tears stung his eyes as he hurried through the cold snow towards the house of the Seer.

"I have seen it Ivar, she will have sex with Bjorn tonight." Aslaug lied, a pain ripping into her heart as she saw the hurt and pain in her precious sons' eyes. The moment that Nerida washed up in Kattegat, Aslaug had wanted her dead. Ivar deserved better than a filthy pirate, and if she couldn't keep Ivar from Nerida, she was going to make him loath her.


"My son!" Lagertha smiled as she hugged Bjorn, Nerida's eyes taking in every sight of the Great Hall of Hedeby. She stood tall as the beautiful regal Earl stepped over to her, Nerida feeling honored to be in the presence of the great Shieldmaiden.

"You must be Nerida, I have heard much about you. I am happy you have finally come to Hedeby." Lagertha smiled warmly as she hugged Nerida, a small smile forming on her face as she stepped back from the hug.

"I have heard much about you. My father told me stories of the great Shieldmaiden Lagertha." Nerida smiled as a cup of ale was given to her, Bjorn toasting to their meeting and future alliance. To travel to the Mediterranean, Bjorn needed warriors, something his mother had plenty of.

"How long has it been since you sailed to this great sea?" Lagertha asked as they sat at a large table, Nerida knowing that Lagertha was trying to get a feel for her, a smirk growing on Nerida's face as she took a sip of Ale.

"Not since my fourteenth summer, but in those two years, I sailed other places." Nerida explained, hoping that her words put to rest Lagertha's fears. Nerida was not a mother, but she had cared for those younger than her at one time and could understand the fear that Lagertha had for her son's safety.

"You are so young to have traveled so far—how did you come to be a pirate?" Lagertha asked, Nerida's heart clinching as she knew now, she had to fully explain who her father was. She looked down at the table, everyone's eyes on her as she knew that she could no longer escape her father's fame.

"My father was Wrynn—the cruel."

"Wrynn? The pirate who wiped out an entire cohort of Vikings? father?" Lagertha asked as she looked worriedly at Bjorn, his gaze darkening as he looked at her.

"I am not my father—not anymore. I was only a child when he took me from my mother! I do not even know if he was my real father, but when he slaughtered my mother, I had no choice but to go with him. When he allowed someone that I love to be killed for more gold—I snuck away in the dark of night. It is how you came to find me in Kattegat, it is why I washed ashore.


"Where you there? When he slaughtered our people?" Lagertha asked as she stood, her hand gripping a small dagger as hatred shown in her eyes.

"I was a child—I knew nothing of what was happening Lagertha, and I will never forgive him for what he has done. So, if you are asking if I am like him—you are mistaken, for I am nothing like him. "Nerida said sternly as she stood, fully prepared to fight Lagertha and Bjorn if needed.

"I cannot hold anger towards you for what your father has done, but just know that if you betray my son, or me—I will slaughter you and all who knew you." Lagertha whispered as she leaned in close, Nerida weakly smiling as she nodded her head.

"And I you." Nerida whispered, watching as an impressed smile worked its way over Lagertha's face. The entire day and into the early night they talked about the future and how Bjorn would sail farther than his father Ragnar ever dreamed.

"I regret this, but I am tired. Bjorn will show you to your bed, Nerida." Lagertha said as she and a quiet yet beautiful woman named Astrid walked from the table. Nerida felt dizzy from the Ale, sleep something she had been wanting for most of the night. She missed Ivar, something that she had not been expecting, since she knew that sooner or later, she had to return to the sea.

"When I set sail, I want you there Nerida. I want you to join me." Bjorn said as he pushed back a large curtain revealing a large straw bed covered in animal pelts.

"I cannot promise I will come, Bjorn, and if I do not, I know you will find what you are looking for." She smiled as their eyes connected, her heart starting to race as she saw him slowly lean his head towards hers.

"No." She said simply as she placed her hand on his chest and pushed him back, her eyes stern as she was not going to succumb to Bjorn Ironside. She cared far too much for Ivar to have lustful sex with Bjorn. She cared too much for Torvi to allow Bjorn to use her to fulfill his lustful needs.

"You love him—don't you?"

"I do not know if I love him, but I will not betray what we have." She answered honestly as Bjorn smiled and left quickly, her heart calming as she sat on the bed and thought of Ivar. The moment she laid in the soft straw bed, the warmth of the memories of him allowed her to drift to sleep.


Nerida smiled as she saw Kattegat in sight, anxious feelings overtaking her as she kicked her horse and sped through town, not wanting to waste another moment of not seeing him. Nerida rushed into the Great Hall, a warmth filling her belly as she saw Ivar sitting at the table with his mother and brothers.

"I told you I would come back for this." She smiled as she went to hug Ivar, her eyes going wide as he shoved her arms back. She watched as he ripped the necklace from his neck and tossed it at her feet, his eyes dark as he looked at her as if she was now his mortal enemy.


"You had sex with Bjorn last night? You don't have to deny it, my mother already told me every detail." He said as he looked over at his mother, his tone cold towards her, something she hadn't felt from him.

"Your mother lies, Ivar. I did not have sex with Bjorn!" She yelled, watching as Ivar and his mother laughed, her anger slowly rising as the doors opened once more.

"Ahh yes, here he is. How was she brother?" Ivar asked as he looked up at Bjorn who stopped in his tracks at his brother's question.

"What are you talking of Ivar? Nerida and I did not have sex." He answered honestly watching as Ivar slammed his fist down on the table in anger.

"Bjorn and I did not have sex, and I can prove it." Nerida said as she grabbed one of the servants and pulled her out of sight, whispering in her ear exactly what she needed from her. After several long moments Nerida and the servant reappeared, a smug smile on Nerida's face as the servant announced that Nerida's virginity, was still unbroken.

"So, you see, Ivar—Your mother to you. I however promised never to lie, and I have not. I can see now that I am not welcome here—I am sorry, but I must leave." Nerida announced as she grabbed the necklace from the ground and rushed from the Great Hall, Ivar screaming after her as she ran towards the docks.

"Nerida! Please do not go! Please! Nerida stop!" Ivar begged as he crawled through the snow and mud towards her, watching almost helplessly as she packed a small boat with provisions for her journey.

"I am a pirate Ivar! I belong to the sea and not to you! And to think I allowed myself to love a vicious cripple!" She hissed as he crawled closer to her, his hand grabbing for her leg as she kicked his stomach. "Do not touch me! You will never touch me again!" She hissed in his face as she walked over him and into the boat, Ivar calling out for her to stop as she cut the rope connecting the boat to the dock.

With all her might Nerida rowed the boat as fast as she could, the rain still falling, the waves almost unforgiving as her arms began to burn. Kattegat became smaller and smaller, and soon was out of sight. Nerida could still hear Ivar screaming her name as the day became night.

"Aphrodite. I am calling to you goddess of love. Hear my call. Take my love away, take it away! Please take my love for Ivar away. I do not want to hurt anymore, I do not want to love him anymore. Please Aphrodite, hear my call."

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